• 締切済み



  • Ensenada
  • ベストアンサー率44% (484/1090)

WARHOL: Suis-je vraiment faire quelque chose de nouveau? BOURDON: Vous faites quelque chose de nouveau dans l'utilisation exclusive de seconde main des images. Dans la translittération annonces dans les journaux ou de magazine sur la toile, et en employant des écrans de soie de photographies, vous avez toujours utilisé des images préconçues. W: Je pensais que vous étiez sur le point de dire que j'ai été volé par quelqu'un et j'ai été sur le point de terminer l'interview. B: Bien sûr que vous avez trouvé une nouvelle utilisation pour l'image préconçue. Différents artistes pourraient utiliser les mêmes images préconçues de nombreuses façons différentes. W: Je viens de voir les choses comme utilisé et réutilisé. Elle fait appel à mon sens américain de l'épargne. B: Il ya quelques années, Meyer Schapiro a écrit que les peintures et sculptures sont la dernière main, des objets personnels dans notre culture. Tout le reste est produit en masse. Il dit que l'objet de l'art, plus que jamais, a été l'occasion de spontanéité ou de sensation intense. Il me semble que votre objectif est tout à fait opposées. Il ya très peu qui est soit personnelle ou spontanée dans votre travail, pas grand-chose en fait, qui témoigne de votre présent être à la création de vos tableaux. Vous semblez être un one-man-atelier de Rubens, en tournant sur ​​lui seul le travail d'une douzaine d'apprentis. W: Mais pourquoi devrais-je être original? Pourquoi ne puis-je pas être non originales? B: On a souvent dit au début de votre travail que vous avez été en utilisant les techniques et la vision de l'art commercial, que vous étiez un copiste d'annonces. Cela ne semble pas être le cas de vos tableaux de soupe Campbell et Coca-Cola. Vos tableaux n'ont pas dépeindre les objets eux-mêmes, mais les illustrations d'entre eux. Tu étais encore l'exercice des techniques de l'art dans votre choix de sujet, dans votre mise en page, et dans votre rendu. Cela est particulièrement vrai de votre peinture Coke grand noir, et dans votre Fox-Trot rez-peinture, à la fois d'environ six pieds de hauteur, où l'énormité n'a pas laissé assez de place pour l'image entière. Dans Coca-Cola la marque a couru sur le côté droit de la toile, et à Fox-Trot, numéro sept étapes survenu au large de la toile. Dans ces œuvres, vous preniez ce que tu voulais stylistiquement de l'art commercial, l'élaboration et en commentant sur ​​une technique et une vision qui était de seconde main pour commencer. Je crois que vous êtes un réalisme social à l'inverse, parce que vous êtes la satire les méthodes de l'art commercial ainsi que la scène américaine. W: On dirait que l'homme sur le Times qui considère mes peintures comme des commentaires sociologiques. J'ai justement que les choses ordinaires. Quand je les peins, je n'essaie pas de les faire extraordinaire. J'essaie juste de les peindre ordinaires-ordinaires. Les critiques sociologiques sont les décideurs des déchets. B: Mais pour tous vos copie, les peintures de sortir autrement que le modèle, parce que vous avez changé la forme, la taille et la couleur. W: Mais je n'ai pas essayé de changer quelque chose! Vous devez dire que mon inachevée peinture par numéro de tableaux. (La seule raison pour laquelle je n'ai pas les finir, c'est qu'ils m'ennuyait, je savais comment ils allaient sortir.) Quiconque achète entre eux peuvent remplir le reste eux-mêmes. J'ai copié les chiffres exactement. B: Vous n'avez pas voulu dire que sinon vous avez copié l'image exactement. C'est tellement identifiable comme votre travail. Les tiges de fleurs dans votre vie ont encore une grâce maladroite qui est typique de votre travail. W: Je n'ai pas changé une chose. C'est une copie exacte. B: (. Puis votre main a glissé) Il est impossible de faire une copie exacte de toute peinture, même un de vos propres. Le copiste ne peut s'empêcher de verser un nouvel élément, ou un nouvel accent, qu'il soit manuel ou psychologique. 4000文字以上、入力できないのでここまでで勘弁してください。


  • 英文の翻訳お願いします。

    先日、頼んでないブーツがアメリカよりとどきました。その事についてのメールだと思います。 大変でも翻訳おねがいします。 No.1 It came to our attention about a month ago that we shipped a pair of Redwing boots that were not supposed to go to you. Here is where they were sent: No.2 I emailed Yosinori about this on 2/25 and have not heard back from him. At that time I was not aware that they were your orders. Please let me know if you or he has those boots, if you would like to keep them we will give you a good deal on them. Or we can send you a return label to get them back. Here are the specs of the boot:

  • 長文です(翻訳お願いします)

    Hi Dear Makoto I know I can't give you the whole world, but I can promise you I will always love you if you let me. My heart will be yours, and even though I know I’ll make mistakes, I will never break your heart. I’ll be right beside you as we chase our dreams together, and you will never have to wonder if I still care. I think about you all day long. Is true that I met you not long ago but the fact is that since that time, I have grown to develop feelings for you so deeply. I have heard it said that online relationship don't last, but I disagree. I know that what we are doing may be considered wrong by some, but I also know what I feel in my heart, and I know that it's real. I know that we can't change the past and I know that we can't predict the future, but my heart does not lie. My beloved Makoto I want you to know that Tomorrow's hopes and dreams will never die as long as you believe in yourself and follow your heart. The kindnesses in your heart will guide you to accomplish many things in life and overcome all challenges and all obstacles. Never give up, always have faith in yourself, and you will gain the greatest gift of all, the gift of hope and love you rightly deserve. Whatever you may do in the future, never let anyone stand in the way of you pursuing your dreams. Know that you will always have family and friends to rely on whenever you need them. No matter what you may decide to do in life, I will be right there to help, support, and love you. I wish you only the best as you continue chasing your dreams. I feel wonderful this afternoon after reading your message and it put me in the mood for love,because of you.. Am just hoping and praying you're not gonna change you're mind till we meet to each other.Who knows you are the answer That I seek for so long and God granted all my wishes and all my dreams comes true. I will love you and respect you for the rest of my life...Even though we are far to each other, it doesn't mean we cannot build-up our new relationships. While it's good to maintain our connection between you and me and shared the important values of this relationship, so it will last forever. We have to create our own future by all means with love and respect. I will stop here for now dear and please do take care of yourself for me and have a wonderful day out there. Hug and kisses for you sweetheart, Yours, Kelvin.

  • 翻訳お願いします

    Silk-the Queen of Textiles Cotton is cool; wool is warm. They're practical. But silk? silk is soft, it is smooth, it is sophisticated- the queen of textiles. It is also possibly the most expensive material in the world, and indeed in ancient Rome it was more expensive than gold. But it is strong as well-a thread of silk is stronger than steel. I wanted to discover more about this mysterious material, so I decided to go to China. China is where the secret of silk was discovered more than 4,000 years ago, and today it is still the biggest producer of silk in the world. The first person I visited was Shen Congwen, advisor on ancient textiles to the Palace Museum in Beijing. He showed me some silk that workers found in a tomb in jianglin, in Hubei Province. It was more than 2,000 years old but still beautiful. He told me that he thinks these old silks are more beautiful than modern silks. "In ancient times, Weaving was done from the heart. In modern times, weaving is done for commerce." So, how do you make silk? The first problem is that the silkworm only eats leaves from one tree-the mulberry tree. "It is easier to prepare food for a human than a silkworm," says Toshio Ito, a japanese silkworm physiologist. silkworms only live for about 28 days, but in that time they increase in weight 10,000 times. At the end of their short lives, they spin a cocoon. In China, I watched workers collect the cocoons and kill the silkworms with steam or hot air. They then put the cocoons into hot water to make them softer. Next, they pulled the fibers from the cocoon and spun them to make silk thread. Finally, they wove the thread into cloth on machines called looms. But why is silk so expensive? Well, it takes 110 cocoons to make a mana7s tie, 630 cocoons to make a blouse and 3,000 cocoons to make a heavy silk kimono. That's a lot of mulberry leaves and many hours of hard work. But many people believe its beauty is worth it. As Kokoh Moriguchi, a textile artist told me, "A woman is more gentle when she wears a silk kimono." 翻訳お願いします

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    Basically it was the same thing all over again. In this situation it's like, I don't know what the terms of your own personal contract was, but I was unlawfully fired. We had specific rules in our contract on how it has to be done, and it wasn't followed.” On the problems in STP last year: “There were financial things we were dealing with, and I also felt on a creative level that we needed to take a break. I felt like we were playing the same set over and over and over. We were supposed to do a big big release of the box set for the 20th anniversary of Core and go on tour in the summer of 2012 and play Core in its entirety which is an idea we got from a couple other bands, namely Weezer. It was hugely successful, and for us to do that with Core, the offers we were getting were amazing, and they didn't want to do it. There was a lot of promotion that would have had to take place. So that didn't happen, so we ended up playing the greatest hits set, which was basically the same version of the set we had been playing since 2008 when we got back together.

  • 英語の翻訳お願いします。

    I will print off the photographs that you sent and send them to the Customs House. What does the receipt say that it written in Japanese related to the price paid of $70? I wanted to find out before it I mail it to the Customs House because the handbag would not be a “gift” if the receipt says that $70 was paid to you. I also wanted to be sure that the receipt does not include EBay. Many thanks for your help with translation.

  • 長文の翻訳お願いします!

    PASSENGER PIGEONというタイトルの英文なのですが英語が得意なかた翻訳お願いします! Early explorers in the United States found pigeons in unbelievably large numbers.One of the things the settlers noticed about them was that they went from one place to another at particular season.At that time passenger was used for a bird of this kind. So the early pioneers called this bird a passenger pigeon, though migratory pigeon, pigeon of passage, blue headed pigeon,and wild pigeon were also used.The story of these beautiful birds is a sad one. At one time the largest flocks were numbered in the billions.Their nesting places were sometimes several miles in breadth and forty or fiffy miles long. Some trees in these areas would have a hundred nests in them, and others were broken down entirely by the weight of the birds. Pioneers sometimes saw flocks passing overhead which they estimated to be at least a mile wide and 240 miles long. For many years after white men came, the number of these birds did not appear to diminish, but as the country became more and more populous, and as thousands of people continued to destroy the birds without regard to their survival, they began to disappear. The last one in the whole world died at the Cincinnati Zoological Park in 1914. We unconsciously refer to this remarkable bird when we use the expression Stool pigeon.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    Stone Temple Pilots’ DeLeo brothers were interviewed by Banana 101.5 and for the first time they candidly discussed their decision to fire Scott Weiland. Below are some excerpt quotes from the interview regarding Weiland: Robert: “…that kind of led us … I think you get to a point in your life where your BS meter starts running down to a certain kind of tolerance. It wasn't just a musical decision or a business decision it was a quality of life decision and that really what it's about…” Dean: “We want to be able to fulfill our commitment through the band too. Robert, Eric and I, we want to be able to come to town and give you everything we've got and it was getting to a point where we were unable to do that. Robert: “We're gonna be able to do material that we weren't able to do and I think from seeing what you saw with Scott — I think you know what I mean. We're gonna be able to perform stuff that we've been dying to perform for a long time.”

  • 翻訳をお願いします

    翻訳をお願いできますか? むずかしくてさっぱりです・・。 I think you have known him in a past life but not many details show. His Luna node conjuncts your Jupiter in the eleventh house. This suggests that he was a teacher, or possibly a priest. The leader of a group. Someone who wanted to help humanity, to make the world a better fairer more equal place. He wanted to bring change by educating or enlightening people. He wanted to harness the collective power of people in the community to do good. May have worked in social reform for several recent lives, but the fist connection was in an older life when he was a kind of Priest figure, Guru figure. You were his equal, but more behind the scenes. You both undertook a karmic task together to make the world a better place in some way. You were both too far ahead of the times, But you may both have suffered at the hands of society, who were not ready for the changes you wanted to make. The relationship was because of the karmic task, but you were also friends,, and became lovers, you spent some time apart, but took great risks to see each other, the love relationship was illicit or legal, or difficult. it became a dangerous liaison. There is a mercury ion the midpoint between this aspect and the house of death and reincarnation. It suggest that an intercepted message, letter, note, betrayed the relationship, and may have indirectly resulted in the death or imprisonment of one of you.

  • 翻訳お願いします

    Mike: Your memory isn't working. Have you forgotten when we used to hunt together in the back streets? Friend: You mean when we used to get up on the garage roof with some bricks and when the rats came out , we'd get them? Mike: Yes , we used to spend many a sporting evening that way. Friend: But you can't say something like that was hunting. Mike: Why not? And to our shame , we didn't even take them for food or their skins for clothes. We only did it to enjoy ourselves. As I remember , with your keen eye and strong arm , you were very successful. Friend: But they were only rats. And everybody knows that rats are no good. That's why when you're mad at somebody , you call him a dirty rat. You don't call him a dirty duck or a dirty bunny. Mike: True , a rat is a rodent , but so are the rabbit and many other cute little animals. So it is possible that you killed a 44th cousin of Mickey Mouse or even Bugs Bunny. Friend: Maybe so , but I'm not going to apologize for killing them , the dirty rats. Mike: How heartless! Some of them may have been loving mama rats , or caring daddy rats. Think of how many of their little ones you have made orphans and the childhood trauma they suffered. Friend: You're using the old trick of mixing apples and oranges. I'm talking about fur coats.

  • 翻訳お願いします。

    Mike: Your memory isn't working. Have you forgotten when we used to hunt together in the back streets? Friend: You mean when we used to get up on the garage roof with some bricks and when the rats came out , we'd get them? Mike: Yes , we used to spend many a sporting evening that way. Friend: But you can't say something like that was hunting. Mike: Why not? And to our shame , we didn't even take them for food or their skins for clothes. We only did it to enjoy ourselves. As I remember , with your keen eye and strong arm , you were very successful. Friend: But they were only rats. And everybody knows that rats are no good. That's why when you're mad at somebody , you call him a dirty rat. You don't call him a dirty duck or a dirty bunny. Mike: True , a rat is a rodent , but so are the rabbit and many other cute little animals. So it is possible that you killed a 44th cousin of Mickey Mouse or even Bugs Bunny. Friend: Maybe so , but I'm not going to apologize for killing them , the dirty rats. Mike: How heartless! Some of them may have been loving mama rats , or caring daddy rats. Think of how many of their little ones you have made orphans and the childhood trauma they suffered. Friend: You're using the old trick of mixing apples and oranges. I'm talking about fur coats.