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1808年に、我々が原子と呼ぶ物質の分割できない素材の正確な定義を、英国の科学者と学校教師(ジョン・ドルトン)は発見しました。 ドルトンの業績は、化学現代の化学時代の初めをマークしました。 参考までにどうぞ





  • 英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を助けてください

    英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えていただきたいです よろしくお願いします!! The dedication of a new labrum in the Forum Baths, dated to AD 3/4, may have been one consequence of it. The building of the Suburban Baths outside the Porta Marina may have been another. The reign of Augustus was a seminal phase in the history of Pompeii’s public landscape, but it merely marked the beginning of a development that continued under Augustus’s successors. Sometimes it is difficult to know whether buildings should be dated to the Augustan or Julio-Claudian periods. On the east side of the forum, for instance, the Building of Eumachia, whose precise function is uncertain but was certainly in some sense commercial, contained references to Augustan propaganda, including replicas of the statues of Aeneas and Romulus from the Forum Augustum in Rome, but its dedicatory inscriptions, which record that Eumachia constructed the building in her own name and that of her son, M. Numistrius Fronto, and dedicated it to Concordia Augusta and Pietas, fit a period early in the reign of Tiberius, and especially the years AD 22-24, when there was emphasis on the close relations between the emperor and his mother Livia, and concepts such as concord and filial devotion (pietas) would have been in fashion.

  • 英文についての質問です。

    Among the men of science, he was undoubtedly sufficiently disturbed by Newton's patent lack of intellectual ancestry or descendants to add a lengthy and unconvincing note that attempted to find signs of eminence in Newton's family. Most surprisingly, Galton failed to mention in the book some highly reputed English scientists, including the mathematician George Boole, the chemist John Dalton, the physicist Michael Faraday, the astronomer Edmond Halley, the naturalist John Ray, and the architect Christopher Wren. Faraday, the most celebrated scientist of the Victorian era, was a particularly revealing omission, since, as the son of a humble blacksmith, Faraday and his family could lend no weight to the book's thesis. (Genius by Andrew Robinson) 冒頭と最後の部分について質問があります。 1)Among the men of science, he was undoubtedly sufficiently disturbed by Newton's patent lack of intellectual ancestry or descendants to add a lengthy and unconvincing note that attempted to find signs of eminence in Newton's family. 科学者の中で、彼( Galton)は疑う余地なくニュートンの知的な祖先もしくは子孫のはっきりした欠乏によって、ニュートンの家族の中で著名な人の兆候を見出そうとした非常に長く、説得力のない記録を加えることを妨げられました? to add a lengthy and unconvincing noteは「非常に長く、説得力のない記録を加えることを」ですか?(非常に長く、説得力のない記録を加えることを妨げられる、というのはどういう意味なのでしょうか?) 2)Faraday, the most celebrated scientist of the Victorian era, was a particularly revealing omission, since, as the son of a humble blacksmith, Faraday and his family could lend no weight to the book's thesis. since(~ので)はsince Faraday and his family could lend no weight to the book's thesis.とつながると思うのですが、なぜ as the son of a humble blacksmithの前に置かれているのでしょうか? よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英文の和訳です。

    できるだけ、意訳を避けて訳していただけると助かります。 知らない化学物質の名前などが多く、難しく感じました。あと、人の名前もよく分かりません… スペルのチェックはしましたが、もしも間違っていましたらすみません。 お願いします。  Dr.Michael Liebowitz has found that love is not that spontaneous, mysterious feeling, but is the result of chemical reactions.  Scientists still do not know very much about the chemistry of human emotions; however, they have known for some time that specific chemicals are the cause of feelings and emotions.  Working at New York State Psychiatric Institute, Dr.Liebowitz has identified the chemical that transfers the feeling of love to the brain. This “love chemical” has the formal name phenylethylamine and is a member of the amphetamine family. Amphetamine are chemicals that cause adrenaline to be produced in the body. When your body produces adrenaline you will breathe faster and will feel your heart beat faster. Also, your face may get red and your hands may shake. In other words, you will be acting as if you are in the first stage of falling in love.  In addition, Dr. Liebowitz has found another connection between love and the “love chemical” phenylethylamine. This connection is chocolate, which contains large amounts of the chemical. When observing parents who tended to fall in and out of love rather more often than the average person, he noticed that when a romance ended, these people tended to eat chocolates. Dr. Liebowitz concluded that brokenhearted people, without actually realizing it, eat chocolates to get a similar feeling of being “in love”. So he or she eats chocolates to increase the body´s level of the love chemical. (Could it be that when we give our loved ones chocolates, we unconsciously expect to increase their levels of the “love chemical”, and consequently their feelings of love?)  It has also been found that love is based in the brain, not in the heart. Dr. J. Money, of John Hopkins University, has found that people who have had certain kinds of brain operations are incapable of experiencing romantic love, although they can experience other emotions. Dr. Money thinks that the day will come when we will be able to fully explain the chemistry of love. 以上です。

  • 和訳お願い致します

    The word beginning,' he says, as applied by Moses in the first verse of the book of Genesis, expresses an undefined period of time which was antecedent to the last great change that affected the surface of the earth, and to the creation of its present animal and vegetable inhabitants, during which period a long series of operations may have been going on; which as they are wholly unconnected with the history of the human race, are passed over in silence by the sacred historian, whose only concern was barely to state, that the matter of the universe is not eternal and self-existent, but was originally created by the power of the Almighty.' The Mosaic narrative commences with a declaration that in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.' These few first words of Genesis may be fairly appealed to by the geologist as containing a brief statement of the creation of the material elements, at a time distinctly preceding the operations of the first day; it is nowhere affirmed that God created the heaven and the earth in the first day, but in the beginning; this beginning may have been an epoch at an unmeasured distance, followed by periods of undefined duration during which all the physical operations disclosed by geology were going on.' The first verse of Genesis, therefore, seems explicitly to assert the creation of the universe; the heaven, including the sidereal systems; and the earth, especially specifying our own planet, as the subsequent scene of the operations of the six days about to be described; no information is given as to events which may have occurred upon this earth, unconnected with the history of man, between the creation of its component matter recorded in the first verse, and the era at which its history is resumed in the second verse: nor is any limit fixed to the time during which these intermediate events may have been going on: millions of millions of years may have occupied the indefinite interval, between the beginning in which God created the heaven and the earth, and the evening or commencement of the first day of the Mosaic narrative.'

  • 和訳お願いします

    Our bodies are made up of trillions of tiny cells, the building blocks of life as we know it. So the death of our cells would seem to be a harmful event. However, scientists have discovered that as many as 100,000 cells die in the human body every second as the result of a natural, carefully controlled process known as "apoptosis”. This term is taken from Greek words meaning "falling or dropping off," indicating that, just like the leaves that fall from trees every autumn, the controlled death, or suicide, of cells is an essential part of our life cycle. But how is apoptosis regulated? It has been determined that cells are prompted to undergo apoptosis in response to signals originating both outside and within the cell itself. For example, when cell becomes damaged in some way, the body sends out substances to the cell that instruct it to begin apoptosis. Alternatively, if a cell experiences certain types of stress, caused by either viruses or radiation, it may initiate changes in itself that cause it to enter the death process. However, a cell does not have to be damaged or stressed to be selectively eliminated. Extraordinary numbers of cells must die, simply to allow the human body to develop naturally. Consider the formation of your fingers.

  • 教えてください

    空所に適語を入れなさい。 1.We were surprised ( ) the news of his winning the Nobel Prize. 2.They were satisfied ( ) the photos sent from the spacecraft. 3.She was disappointed ( ) the result of her biology exam. 4.Wind power generation is well known ( ) people all over the world. 各組の英文がほぼ同じ意味を表すように、空所に適語を入れなさい。 1.a) Mr. Yamada teaches us chemistry. b) Chemistry is ( ) ( ) us by Mr. Yamada. 2.a) The scientists named the spacecraft "Hayabusa." b) The spacecraft ( ) ( ) "Hayabusa" by the scientists. 3.a) They say that the oceans around Japan are rich in marine life. b) It ( ) ( ) that the oceans around Japan are rich in marine life. 4.a) The students took care of the animals in the laboratory. b) The animals were ( ) ( ) ( ) by the students in the laboratory. 5.a) They are building the new power station now. b) The new power station is ( ) ( ) by them now.

  • 次の英文の和訳が出来ません。和訳をお願いしたいです

    分からない単語は無いですが、文構造が全然分からないです。 These wise acceptances mark the limit of compromise, which at its best should be satisfying to both parties, giving each the pleasure of believing that he has got more than he ought to have while being deprived of nothing that is justly his own.

  • 次の英文の和訳をお願いします!!

    For millennia, humans have used plants and herbs as medicines. Ginger, for example, is used to relieve nausea, vomiting and other gastrointestinal symptoms; rhubarb is good for constipation; Saint John's wort eases depression and anxiety. While cultures around the world have greatly benefited from the pharmacological ingredients in these and other herbs for treating various disorders, the Chinese have been especially successful at developing their own traditional medical practices over several thousand year. Japan adapted these practices durig the 4th or 5th century and created its own unique herbal medical diagnosis and treatment system called Kampo. Kampo is the most commonly employed form of alternative medicine in Japan. According to a recent survey, about 75% of Japanese physicians have prescribed Kampo drugs as part of their treatment. This increasing interest in Kampo comes from a simple fact: Kampo drugs have been producing promising results in patients. In Kampo treatment, physicians see a disease condition as the manifestation of "imbalances" within the body. Symptoms of various illnesses are thought to result when the body's energy, known as qi, is out of balance. Kampo physicians examine a patient's eyes, tongue, abdomen and pulse. A Kampo diagnosis takes into account different body types and the symptom patterns of each patient, so patients with the same illness are not always prescribed the same Kampo formulas. This is in contrast to Western medicine, where the same drug is used for a specific disease affecting large numbers of people. In this respect, Kampo drugs can be called trailormade drugs. Kampo drugs are carefully balanced combinations of several herbs based on formulas found in ancient Chinese literature on medicine. This makes Kampo drugs quite different from Western drugs, which usually consist of a single ingredient in standard doses, and from folk remedies, where generally only one herb is used. Combined together, the ingredients in a Kampo drug restore the balance in the affected organ or metabolic system, harmonizing the disrupted qi while counteracting any potential side effects. With these unique characteristics, Kampo can be considered a viable alternative when Western drugs do not produce the desired effect.

  • 次の英文を和訳して下さい。

    On September 24, Grand Duke Nicholas was promoted to being charge of all Russian forces in the Caucasus. In reality, he was removed from being Supreme Commander of the Russian Caucasus Army which was the highest executive position [actual conduct of the war] for the Caucasus Campaign. His replacement was General Yudenich. This front was quiet from October till the end of the year. Yudenich used this period to reorganize. Around the start of 1916, Russian forces reached a level of 200,000 men and 380 pieces of artillery. On the other side the situation was very different; the Ottoman High Command failed to make up the losses during this period. The war in Gallipoli was sucking all the resources and manpower. The IX, X and XI Corps could not be reinforced and in addition to that the 1st and 5th Expeditionary Forces were deployed to Mesopotamia. Enver Pasha, after not achieving his ambitions or recognizing the dire situation on other fronts, decided that the region was of secondary importance. As of January 1916, Ottoman forces were 126,000 men, only 50,539 being combat. There were 74,057 rifles, 77 machine guns and 180 pieces of artillery. Ottoman force in Caucasus Campaign was big on the paper, but not on the ground. The Ottomans assumed that the Russians would not bother to attack. This assumption turned out to be false.

  • 次の英文を和訳して下さい。

    Enver Pasha worried about the possible fall of Baghdad. He realized the mistake of underestimating the importance of the Mesopotamian campaign. He ordered the 35th Division and Mehmet Fazıl Pasha to return to their old location, which was Mosul. The 38th Division was reconstituted. The Sixth Army was created on 5 October 1915, and its commander was a 72-year-old German General Colmar von der Goltz. Von der Goltz was a famous military historian who had written several classic books on military operations. He had also spent many years working as a military adviser in the Ottoman Empire. However, he was in Thrace commanding the Ottoman First Army and would not reach the theater for some time. Colonel Nureddin the former commander of the Iraq Area Command was still in charge on the ground. On 22 November, Townshend and Nureddin fought a battle at Ctesiphon, a town 25 miles south of Baghdad. The conflict lasted five days. The battle was a stalemate as both the Ottomans and the British ended up retreating from the battlefield. Townshend concluded that a full scale retreat was necessary. However, Nureddin realized the British were retreating and cancelled his retreat, then followed the British. Townshend withdrew his division in good order back to Kut-al-Amara. He halted and fortified the position. Nureddin pursued with his forces. He tried to encircle the British with his XVIII Corps composed of the 45th Division, 51st Division and 2nd Tribal Cavalry Brigade. The exhausted and depleted British force was urged back to the defenses of Kut-al-Amara. The retreat finalized on 3 December. Nureddin encircled the British at Kut-al-Amara, and sent other forces down river to prevent the British from marching to the relief of the garrison.