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Democritus and the Enduring Idea of Atomism


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  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)






  • 次の長文の訳があっているかおしえてください。

    文は「Syrianus (Greek: Συριανdied c. 437) was a Greek Neoplatonist philosopher, and head of Plato's Academy inAthens, succeeding his teacher Plutarch of Athens in 431/432. He is important as the teacher of Proclus, and, like Plutarch and Proclus, as a commentator on Plato and Aristotle. His bestknown extant work is a commentary on the Metaphysics of Aristotle. He is said to have written also on the De Caelo and the De Interpretatione of Aristotle and on Plato's Timaeus.」という文で私の訳は 「シュリアス(ギリシャ人紀元前437年没)はギリシャ人の新プラトン主義の哲学者でアテナイのアカメディアの学頭でした。また、彼の紀元前431年から432年ごろの先生はアテナイのプルタコスでした。彼にとってプルタコスはかけがいの無い先生でした。そしてプルタコスとプロクロスの様なアリストテレスとプラトンの評論家になりました。彼の最も知られた功績はアリストテレスの形而上学の論評です。彼はアリストテレスの天界と命題論及びプラトンのティマイオスについても書いたと言われています。」 という文になりました。読んでみて変なところや直す箇所があればおしえてください。基本的にこれであってると思うのですがお願いします。

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    下記文章の和訳をお願いいたします。 大学での課題の文章です。 Plato and Aristotle’s metaphysical theories can be seen as attempting to offer a response to Parmenides’ argument that change was an illusion. Why did Parmenides think that change was an illusion? Briefly describe the metaphysical systems of Plato and Aristotle and then explain how they allow an account of change that isn’t contradictory. 特に最後の一文「explain how they allow an account of change that isn’t contradictory.」意味がうまく取れません。 宜しくお願い致します。

  • 次の哲学者の解説文の添削をお願いします。

    「He is said to have written also on the De Caelo and the De Interpretatione of Aristotle and on Plato's Timaeus」という哲学者について書かれた文なのですが、どうしても「said to have」の部分が調べても分りませんでした。私の訳は「かれの前述は天からのとアリストテレスの命題論とプラトンのテマイオスもまたもって書かれました。」どうか英語の苦手な私に教えてください。お願いします。

  • 次の英文の和訳をお願いします。

    An experimental therapy that fed children with peanut allergies small amounts of peanut flour has helped more than 80 per cent of them safely eat a handful of the previously worrisome nuts. Although experts say the results of the carefully monitored study are encouraging, they warn it isn't something that parents should try at home. Peanut allergies are on the rise globally and affect about 1 in 50 children, mostly in high-income countries. The consequences can be life-threatening -- peanuts are the most common cause of fatal food allergy reactions. There is no way to avoid a reaction other than just avoiding peanuts. Allergy shots used for environmental triggers like pollen are too risky. Doctors at Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge started by giving 99 children aged seven to 16 with severe peanut allergies a tiny 2-milligram dose of a special peanut flour mixed into their food. Slowly they increased that amount to 800 milligrams. The dose increases were given at a research facility where the children were observed for any dangerous side effects -- the most frequent were itchiness in the mouth, stomach pains or nausea. After six months of treatment, more than 80 per cent of the children can now safely eat five peanuts at a time. "This made a dramatic difference to their lives," said Dr. Andrew Clark of the University of Cambridge in Britain, who led the research. "Before the study, they could not even tolerate tiny bits of peanuts and their parents had to read food labels continuously." The intention of the treatment isn't to help kids eat large amounts of peanuts, but to prevent a life-threatening allergic reaction in case they accidentally eat trace amounts. Clark said the treatment works by retraining the patients' immune systems so they can gradually build up a tolerance to peanuts, though he guessed they might need to keep taking it for several years. He and colleagues plan to offer the treatment soon in a special peanut allergy clinic as well as beginning larger studies.

  • 次の英文の和訳をお願いします!!

    Unlike regular defibrillators, an automated external defibrillator requires minimal training to use. It automatically diagnoses the heart rhythm and determines if a shock is needed. Automatic models will administer the shock without the user's command. Semi-automatic models will tell the user that a shock is needed, but the user must tell the machine to do so, usually by pressing a button. In most circumstances, the user cannot override a "no shock" advisory by an AED. Some AEDs may be used on children - those under 55 lbs (25 kg) in weight or under age 8. If a particular model of AED is approved for pediatric use, all that is required is the use of more appropriate pads. All AEDs approved for use in the United States use an electronic voice to prompt users through each step. Because the user of an AED may be hearing impaired, many AEDs now include visual prompts as well. Most units are designed for use by non-medical operators. Their ease of use has given rise to the notion of public access defibrillation (PAD), which experts agree has the potential to be the single greatest advance in the treatment of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest since the invention of CPR. Automated external defibrillators are now easy enough to use that most states in the United States include the "good faith" use of an AED by any person under Good Samaritan laws. "Good faith" protection under a Good Samaritan law means that a volunteer responder (not acting as a part of one's occupation) cannot be held civilly liable for the harm or death of a victim by providing improper or inadequate care, given that the harm or death was not intentional and the responder was acting within the limits of their training and in good faith. In the United States, Good Samaritan laws provide some protection for the use of AEDs by trained and untrained responders. AEDs create little liability if used correctly; NREMT-B and many state Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) training and many CPR classes incorporate or offer AED education as a part of their program. In addition to Good Samaritan laws, Ontario, Canada also has the "Chase McEachern Act (Heart Defibrillator Civil Liability), 2007 (Bill 171 – Subsection N)", passed in June, 2007, which protects individuals from liability for damages that may occur from their use of an AED to save someone's life at the immediate scene of an emergency unless damages are caused by gross negligence. Automated external defibrillators are under recent scrutiny by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) which is now considering reclassifying AEDs as class III premarket approval devices. The major reason for this appears to be technical malfunctions, which likely contributed to more than 750 deaths in the 5-year period between 2004 and 2009, in most cases by component failures or design errors. During the same period, up to 70 types of AEDs have been recalled, including recalls from every AED manufacturer in the world.

  • 下記の英文について教えてください

    I am, actually. The essence of the African American experience is we’re hybrid people, because the concept of race in America is not just genetic; it’s cultural. It’s this notion of a people who look different than the mainstream, suffering discrimination and for many decades terrible oppression, but somehow being able to make out of that a music and a language and a faith and a patriotism and a belief in this project we call America that is unique. It’s this notion からの意味を教えてください。また、最後の関係代名詞の先行詞は何になりますか? オバマ元大統領のインタビューでの発言です。半分白人であるオバマ氏がアフリカ系アメリカ人と描写されることに納得はいきますか、という質問への答えです。よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文和訳

    The starting point may sound paradoxical: high prices. If 9 billion people are to be fed in 2050, countries that produce a miserable one tonne per hectare will have to produce two; the vast amount of food wasted on poor countries’ farms—a third or more of the total—must be saved; and plant breeders will have to reverse the long decline in yield growth. All these things require higher returns to farmers, which will attract higher investment. Without these, there will not just be a billion hungry people (the equivalent of India) but 2 billion extra (two Indias) in 2050. Somehow, returns to farmers must rise without inflicting untold misery on the poor. どなたかお願いしますm(__)m

  • 次の英文を訳して下さい。

    Four turbines would drive four separate propellers, with additional reversing turbines to drive the two inboard shafts only. To improve efficiency, the two inboard propellers rotated inward, while those outboard rotated outward. The outboard turbines operated at high pressure; the exhaust steam then passing to those inboard at relatively low pressure. The propellers were driven directly by the turbines, for sufficiently robust gearboxes had not yet been developed, and became available in only 1916. Instead, the turbines had to be designed to run at a much lower speed than those normally accepted as being optimum. Thus, the efficiency of the turbines installed was less at low speeds than a conventional reciprocating (piston-in-cylinder) steam engine, but significantly better when the engines were run at high speed, as was usually the case for an express liner. The ship was fitted with 23 double-ended and two single-ended boilers (which fitted the forward space where the ship narrowed), operating at a maximum 195 psi and containing 192 individual furnaces. Work to refine the hull shape was conducted in the Admiralty experimental tank at Haslar, Gosport. As a result of experiments, the beam of the ship was increased by 10 feet (3.0 m) over that initially intended to improve stability. The hull immediately in front of the rudder and the balanced rudder itself followed naval design practice to improve the vessel's turning response. The Admiralty contract required that all machinery be below the waterline, where it was considered to be better protected from gunfire, and the aft third of the ship below water was used to house the turbines, the steering motors and four 375-kilowatt (503 hp) steam driven turbo-generators. The central half contained four boiler rooms, with the remaining space at the forward end of the ship being reserved for cargo and other storage. Coal bunkers were placed along the length of the ship outboard of the boiler rooms, with a large transverse bunker immediately in front of that most forward (number 1) boiler room. Apart from convenience ready for use, the coal was considered to provide added protection for the central spaces against attack. At the very front were the chain lockers for the huge anchor chains and ballast tanks to adjust the ship's trim. The hull space was divided into twelve watertight compartments, any two of which could be flooded without risk of the ship sinking, connected by 35 hydraulically operated watertight doors. A critical flaw in the arrangement of the watertight compartments was that sliding doors to the coal bunkers needed to be open to provide a constant feed of coal whilst the ship was operating, and closing these in emergency conditions could be problematic.

  • 英文の訳

    長い英文ですが、どなたか訳してもらえないでしょうか? Many articles and books describe new methods and tools that may make your organization or project more productive and your products better and cheaper. But it is difficult to separate the claims from the reality. Many organizations perform experiments, run case studies or administer surveys to help them decide whether a method or tool is likely to make a positive difference in their particular situations. These investigations cannot be done without careful, controlled measurement and analysis. As we will see in Chapter 4, an evaluation’s success depends on good experimental design, proper identification of the factors likely to affect the outcome, and appropriate measurement of factor attributes.

  • 和訳お願いします

    You have already heard how from time to time he himself stupid each operation in the making of his lamp,and how thoroughly he worked out the process of carbonization.First he formed his filament from the raw material and then he carbonized them.Those that worked on the problem before Edison,took carbon already made from which to shape their light-giving elements.Some had their carbons made by Carre of Paris,an electric arc light carbon manufacturer;and these were in the shape of rods. Thus we see distinctive methods of operation,with Edison following a different course from all the others in procuring and making his carbon filament. When at last he had concluded his investigations into carbon-making and began to make lamps in quantities,he assigned Lawson,Van Cleve and others to the job, instructing them in all the details.From that time forth it was more of a routine process than an experimental one.Likewise the newcomers whom the new-found light and dynamo lured to Menlo Park,Clarke,Howell,Hammer,Acheson,Holzer and others,were assigned places in this new activity.And each of the so-colled 'departments'was given its own routine.