• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:入試問題)



  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

(1)  A:Meg is leaving Japan soon. We'll miss her. B:Yeah, but she ( イ ) to come back. イ.promised ロ.said ハ.provided ニ.taught A:メグは、間もなく日本を去ります。私たちは、彼女がいなくて寂しくなるでしょう。 B:ええ、でも、彼女は戻ると約束しましたから。 (2) The doctor suggested that my father ( イ ) salty foods. イ.stop eating ロ.stops eating ハ.stopped to eat ニ.stops to eat. その医者は、父が、塩辛い食べ物を食べるのをやめるべきだと、薦めた。 (3) How I wish you ( ロ ) with me with this wonderful sight! イ.are ロ.were ハ.would be ニ.have been こんな素晴らしい景色があるので、どんなに私は、あなたが私と一緒にいればよいのにと思うことでしょう! (4) I am very pleased to accept your job ( ロ ). イ.offense ロ.offer ハ.office ニ.officer 私は、喜んであなたの仕事の申し出を受け入れます。 (5) A:"Would you like to go to the museum with me on Sunday?" B:"Sure,( ハ )?" イ.what for ロ.why to ハ.why not ニ.who with A:「日曜日に私と一緒に博物館に行きませんか?」 B:「もちろん、行かない手は無いですものね?」 (6) Bob can ( 二 ) work. イ.any more ロ.not more ハ.any longer ニ.no longer ボブはもう働くことができません。 (7) I wish I could help you. ( イ ) I don’t have the time. イ.Unfortunately ロ.Seldom ハ.Therefore ニ.Luckily あなたのお手伝いができればよいのですが。運悪く、その時間がありません。 (8) ( ロ ) the truth,I am not good at playing tennis. イ.Telling ロ.To tell ハ.To be told ニ.Being told 実を言うと、私はテニスをするのが得意ではありません。 (9) We don't like to live in a house ( ハ ) privacy is impossible. イ.who ロ.which ハ.where ニ.when プライバシーを守ることが不可能な家に、私たちは住むのはいやです。 (10) He pretended to be innocent, but it was ( 二 ) that he told a lie. イ.certainly ロ.clearly ハ.different ニ.obvious 彼は無実のふりをしたが、彼が嘘をついているのは明らかだった。 (11) If you were in my place, what ( ハ ) in this cace? イ.will you do ロ.would you have done ハ.would you do ニ.would you have been もしあなたが私の立場であれば、この場合どうしますか? (12) You must study English grammar ( 二 ) you can express yourself in English. イ.while ロ.when ハ.now that ニ.so that 自分の言いたいことを英語で表現できるように、あなたは、英文法を勉強しなければいけません。



ご丁寧に日本語訳まで付けて下さって本当にありがとうございます。 とても助かります。 さっそく勉強しようと思います。


  • 入試問題

    ネットで手に入れた入試問題を解いたのですが、答えが無くて答え合わせができません。 お時間のある方、もしさしつかえが無ければ答えを教えて下さい。 日本文の意味を表すように(   )の中の語を並べかえなさい。 (1) 彼は彼女から有り金全部を奪い取った。 He (イ.every penny ロ.robbed ハ.of ニ.had ホ.her ヘ.she). (2) 彼がその仕事を誰にやらせようと考えているのかわからない。 I don’t know (イ.has ロ.who ハ.for ニ.in ホ.he ヘ.mind) the job. (3) 私の先生は真面目な顔で冗談を言う。 My teacher (イ.a ロ.jokes ハ.look ニ.tells ホ.serious ヘ.with). (4) 驚きのあまり私は何も話せなかった。 (イ.of ロ.deprived ハ.power ニ.my ホ.me ヘ.astonishment) of speech. (5) このチャンスは、何もしないで見逃してしまうにはあまりにも惜しい。 This (イ.chance ロ.good ハ.is ニ.a ホ.to let ヘ.too) go without a try. (6) 君はそんなにテレビを見るべきでないと、僕は思う。 I (イ.should ロ.don’t ハ.TV ニ.watch ホ.you ヘ.think) so much. (7) この週末の天気について新聞にはなんと書いてありますか。 (イ.newspaper ロ.does ハ.what ニ.the ホ.say ヘ.about) this weekend’s weather? (8) お待たせして申し訳ありません。 I’m (イ.waiting ロ.you ハ.sorry ニ.kept ホ.for ヘ.having) (9) あなたは会社で誰よりも働き者です。 You (イ.else ロ.anyone ハ.than ニ.harder ホ.work ヘ.at) the company.

  • 話法の問題教えてください

    話法の問題教えてください 1書き直しの問題なのですが(   )told,sdaid以外には何がはいりますか? When he said to me what is the matter with me,I said him that I have not slept well. → When he asked me what was the matter with me, I (   ) him that I had not slept well. よろしくお願いします

  • 県立高校の入試問題の解答を教えて下さい。

    (1)We have a party tonight. Why don’t you(    )? The cherry blossoms will (    )out soon. (2)Could you(    ) after the children for me? I have to go out at 6:30. “Do you know his phone number?” “No. Please(    ) it up in the phone book.” (3)Let’s(    ) that train. Why don’t you(    ) your umbrella with you? (4)The boy was named(    ) his uncle. Accidents happened one(    ) another. (5)The two rivers(    ) into the Pacific Ocean. My father wants to (    )a supermarket in the future. (6)It was raining hard last night. Bob was(    ) enough to drive me home. What (    )of fruit do you like? (7)Don’t forget. You have to attend the meeting whether you (    )it or not. I’ve heard you met Jane’s father. What was he(    )? (8)“Would you like to play soccer with us?” “No,thanks-I’ll just(    ).” My(    ) loses two seconds a day. (9)People drive on the(    ) side of the road in the United States. He doesn’t know the difference between(    ) and wrong. (10)He(    ) home for school at seven every morning. The big trees are covered with green(    ).

  • 入試問題で対話文です

    適した文を選んで1語追加して並べ替える問題です。 Mary:Hi,Bob.What are you doing? Bob:I was just looking at a program about classical music in Osaka this season. Mary:Really?I love going to concerts. Bob:(1)____? Mary:I sure am.Could you give me some advice? Bob:I'd be glad to. Mary:I can't pay much. (2)______. Bob:Not if it's a Japanese orchestra. Mary:Does Osaka have an orchestra? Bob:Yes,the Osaka Symphony Orchestra is playing next weekend. Mary:Great,I'll try to go. Bob:(3)_______.But i have to work next weekend. Mary:Tht's too bad,but thanks to your advice. Bob:You're welcome.(4)_______. Mary:I sure will. A (go,I,I, you,with,could) B (too,planning,there,I'm, go) C (is,know,me,concert,the,let) D (will,concert,sometime,you,a,soon) E (classical,was,am,afre,as,as,I,in,were,that) F (tickets,was,Japan,expensive,I,in,were,that) 私の答え (1)Are you as interested in classical music as I am? (2)Tickets wee expensive I was in Japan????????? (3)I wish I could go with you. (4)Let me know when the concert is. 打ち間違いがあるかもしれませんが、 よろしくお願いします。

  • 早慶高校の入試問題解答を教えて下さい。

    (1)Soon I got the news that he had succeeded. Soon I got the news of(    )(    ). (2)I’ve got a lot of friends. I’ve got quite(    )(    ) friends. (3)Do you mind my opening the window? Do you mind(    )(    )(    ) window? (4)If you take this medicine,you will feel better. This medicine will (    )(    )feel better. (5)That is all I must say. I have (    )more to say. (6)I saw Stephen. He winked at Amy in front of the door. I(     ) Stephen(     ) at Amy in front of the door. (7)I don’t agree with what you planned. I’m(     )(     ) plan. (8)John said,”I have an interesting DVD in my bag.” John said that (     )(     )an interesting DVD in (     )bag.” (9)Her bag was stolen in the train. She (     )her bag(     ) in the train. (10)Some were interested in the book,but others were not. (     )(     )of them were interested in the book.

  • なるべく早く解答お願いします

    なるべく早く解答お願いします 英語の長文問題の解答がなくてマル付けが出来ません 大学の過去問です 英文は画像ではります 問題は A 下線部(a)を日本語に直しなさい B 空所(1)から(4)に入る適切なものっを(イ)から(ニ)から選べ  (1): イby ロfor ハover ニto  (2):イby ロfor ハas ニin    (3):イby ロof ハover ニto  (4):イfrom ロat ハover ニto C空欄(b)に入れるのにd適切なもの (イ)where to buy (ロ)where to stay (ハ)where to eat (ニ)where to guide D 英文の説明によると(a)から(d)のひとは以下のどのaccommodationを利用するのが最適だと言えますか (イ)hotel (ロ)bed and breakfast (ハ)両方 (ニ)どちらでもない E本文の内容と一致するものを二つ選べ (イ)there iare many optios avaible for staying in britain. (ホ)when travelinh to britain suring summer, you should make your reservation in advance. 僕はこの二つににしました

  • 英文の添削をお願いします!

    1)If I (were) not ill, I (would) go fishing with my younger brother. 2)She loves him (as if) he (were) her own son. 3)If I (had known) it, I (can) have told you. 4)I (wish) you (had not) told the plan to your father. 5)You can listen to the music (as far as) you like. 6)(If) you like it (may) not, you have to decide what to do. 7)I studied hard in my high school days; (unless) I would have failed the examination. 8)No (sooner had) he gone to bed than he fell asleep. 9)I'll lend you the money (for) the condition that you return it within six months. 10)It's about time you (have seen) a Shakespearian play. ()内でおかしいところがあったら添削をお願いしたいです。 よかったら解説も加えてくださると助かります。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 困っています 彼は何を言いたいのですか

    すみません彼は何が言いたいのかわかりません。 If we where dating and I told you that I had to be drunk just to be with you....would you still want to date me? こうにきかれて、デートしていて彼が私にキスしたらもうデートしないかということをきいてるの?と聞いたら、そうじゃない、if i said i had to be drunk just to kissだというのいですが、わかりません訳を教えてください

  • 英語の問題です

    解答解説をお願いします。 1 If you want to lose weight, you should (cut down on) sweets. 2 You should not (look down on) a man because he is poor. 3 I waited for him for an hour, but he didn´t (show up). 4 The teacher (handed out) the exam papers to all the students. 5 Don´t (make fun of) your friends. アadopt イdespise ウappear エreduce オridicle カdistribute 誤りの訂正 1 The fire (department) suggests that (emergency supplies) (are) stored (in the home). 2 We (did not see) Jiro (since) his family (moved) (to) Tokyo last month. 3 I (picked up) five places in Canada (that) I (would like to) visit (this coming)       summer. 4 I am used to (drive) in Tokyo (now), but it (was hard) at (the) biginning. 1 Is (all,do,me,that,to,want,you)? 2 (in,likes,not,class,everyone,my) English. 3 It (better,left,you,been,had,if,would,have) it unsaid. 4 Little (you,I,of,dream,did,doing,) any harm. 1 A: I wonder what has become of John.   B: ()   アI guess so. イI have no idea ウI hope he will become エYes, he will become a     doctor. 2 A: I wonder if you could get me another beer.   B: ()   アNo, thank you. イSure. I´ll be glad to. ウYou don´t wonder. エYes, I should. 3 A: Would you mind if I used your phone?   B: () I´m expecting an important call.   アYes, hold the line, please. イYes, of course not. ウI´d rather you didn´t.   エNot at all. 以上です。

  • 英語の問題です。

    【B】や【C】他、分かった問題もありましたが、調べてもよく分からなかったものもありました。 文法的になぜこの答えになるのか、解説や訳などを、少しでも結構ですので、つけていただけると助かります。お願いします。 【A】 1 Susie cannot () the news because she was away from home.   アhear イbe heared ウhave heared エbe able to hear 2 The child wanted to eat the cookie though he ().   アhad told not to イhad been told not to ウhad told to エhad been told to 3 The old man () cross‐legged over there is my glandfather.   アsitting イwho seated ウseating エsat down 4 () I to tell you all the story of my life, one week would not be enough.   アAm イAre ウHave エWere 5 I know nothing about Peggy () she lives next door.   アexcepted イexcepting ウexcept for エexcept that 6 It sometimes happens that a man () we think is mad makes a great invention.   アwho イwhose ウwhom エwhat 7 Bill said that he loved her () her faults.   アall the more because イno more with all ウnone the less for エno less than 8 They elected Mr.Johnson () of the city.   アmayor イa mayor ウthe mayor エfor mayor 9 The doctor, who did not remember () her before, prevented to know her.   アmeet イmeeting ウto meet エto have met 【B】 1 空が晴れて、富士山が見えてきました。   When the sky cleared, we caught () of Mt.Fuji. 2 彼は私のことをうそつきとまで言った。   He went so () as to call me a liar. 3 彼は最近太り気味だ。   He seems to be () on a little weight lately. 4 私は時々友達と一緒にいるよりも、一人でいたいと思う時がある。   I sometimes () being alone to being with my friends. 5 帰り道に彼の家に立ち寄りましょうか。   Shall we () in at his house on our way home? 【C】 1 The ball game was (called off) because of the bad weather. 2 My father (went through) a lot of hardships in his youth. 3 She could not (put up with) the headache any longer. 4 The rumor (turned out) to be false. 5 You must stop (giving in) to the desire for chocolates. アreject イexperience ウprove エcancel オyield カendure 【D】誤りの選択問題です。 1 I (haven´t) (attended to) a funeral (for) many (years). 2 You ought (to take) an ambrella (in) case it (will rain) (later). 3 He would have (picked up her) if he (had known) she (needed) (a ride). 4 She often tells her (17-years-old) son (not to) smoke (until) he (comes of) age. 【E】 1 One (well,know,as,may,not) a thing at all as know it but imperfectly. 2 (without,that,goes,saying,it) honesty is the best policy. 3 It seems that he cannot (which,read,book,decide,to). 4 There can be (but,faults,has,man,no,some). 5 (his,advice,had,taken,he,doctor´s), he might still be alive. 【F】 1 A:Dinner is ready!   B:Yes, I´m () right away.   アleaving イgoing ウcoming エhaving 2 A:Is it okey if I borrow these books?   B:(). I´m going to use them.   アSure イI think so ウNo problem エI´m afraid not 3 A:Hello, sir. The extention number for Mr.Suzuki is 3456. (). Hold on, please.   B:Thank you, operator.   アI´ll change the line イI´ll turn you up ウI´ll put you through エI´ll pick you up 以上です。