• 締切済み







本当に感謝します! 温かい言葉を励みになります。これからもよろしくお願い致します。 ありがとうございました。


  • not の位置について

    How could this not happen when it presents violent acts, often with guns and knives, as normal and common occurrences? この文について質問です。 まず、not の位置です。この位置でもOKなんでしょうか? How couldn't this happen ~ との違いは何かあるのでしょうか? 次に、when it presents violent acts の部分です。 このit は何を指しているのでしょうか?ちなみに前の文はこうです。 There is evidence that TV does in fact lead people to accept more violence in everyday life. it が指しているのはviolence なんでしょうか? またwhen it presents violent acts はどう訳せばいいでしょうか? 『暴力的な行動が現実に起こるとき』でいいでしょうか? そして最後に、often with guns and knives, の部分について質問なんですが、 この部分はコンマで区切られていますが、これは挿入でしょうか?どう訳せばいいのでしょうか? 教えてください。 お願いします。

  • 添削してください

    Do you agree that all states, even democratic ones, are ultimately based on the use or threat of violence? Why or why not? このような質問があり、 I agree. Becaue as Weber discribed, the state and violence have an intimate relationship. Violence is the foundation and features of all state, as it also includes democracy. ⇨Weberが述べるように国家と暴力は深い(intimate)関係がある。 暴力は全ての国家の基盤と特徴であり、それは民主主義も含まれているため。 と回答しようかと思うのですが、こちらの英文を添削して欲しいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 添削してください

    彼はミシガンでの農業について深く考えています。農業はミシガン州で2番目に大きい産業であり、多様性が高い。そのため、ミシガンの経済にとって農業は重要な要素となっている。彼はそこに焦点をおき、様々な問題に取り組んでいる。 He is deeply thinking about agriculture in Michigan. It is the second largest industry in Michigan and has high diversity. As a result, agriculture is important a element for economy of Michigan. (Michigan's economy) He focused on it, and dealing with the many problems of it. ・問題に取り組む、と言う述語を調べるとかなり色々な表現が出てきて、どれが適切かわからず、deal with the problem of~ (~に関する問題に取り組む)というのを使いました。 ただitが繋がるのが気になるのですが、問題ないでしょうか? その他、おかしな文章があれば添削してほしいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英作文の添削お願いします。

    テレビの功罪について70語程度の英語で書け。 The television plays a vital role in our life. First, we can get various information of the world from it. Second, we can also derive enjoyment from it. Certainly, there is the fact that the television does us harm. For example, it cause failure of eyesight. However, the harm can be diminished easily by our slight care and it is indispensable to us now. From now on, the television is going to develop and have a good effect on our life. 書いてるといつの間にか文の始まりがほとんど副詞になってしまいました...問題は無いですよね…? なるべく主旨の一貫性を狙ってみたのですがどうでしょうか?またザッと流し読みして単複・時制などにおかしなとこありましたら指摘していただけるとうれしいです。よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文を添削してください

    The antiwar movement gradually broke off. (反戦運動は次第に分裂しだした。) Some of the people who participated in the antiwar movement thought it was to protect more violently in order to complete end the war. (反戦運動に参加している人の中には戦争を完全に終らせるためにはもっと暴力的に抗議することだと考える人達がいた。) In other words, it means that violence should be competition with violence. (つまり言い換えると、暴力には暴力で対抗するべきだ、ということであった。) Strike accompanied by violence resulted in the loss of some lives. (暴力を伴うストライキは何人かの命を失う結果になった。) こちらの英文を添削して欲しいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 高校の英文の訳について

    大学入試の過去問を色々と解いているのですが、 日本語に訳をするときに、文法的に全く理解できない部分があります。 英語に対する熱意だけで頑張った下手くそな訳を訂正してもらえれば、 とっても嬉しいです。 ^^ There is evidence that TV in fact makes people accept more violence in every life. [事実、TVが人々を日常生活においてより暴力的にしているという証拠がある。] --------------------------------------------------------------- How could this not happen when it presents violent act, often with guns and knives, as normal and common occurences? [一体どうして、TVが当たり前のように銃や刃物を登場させて乱暴な 行為を見せるのに、暴力的にならないだろうか?いや、なるだろう。] --------------------------------------------------------------- However, the worst aspect of television is the way it can influence family life. [しかしながら、最も悪い面はどのように家族生活に影響し得るかです。] The TV has too often become a substitute parent,taking over most of work of introducing social and moral values to the child and developing them in him or her. [TVはとても頻繁に親の代理となり、社会的、道徳的価値観に触れさせる 役割の大半を引き受け、心の面で子供たちを発達させています。] ---------------------------------------------------------------- 最後にalike~and....という表現が同じ問題集の中に登場するのですが、 辞書で引いても意味が書いていません。死語になったのですか?

  • 和約をお願いします。

    In 1914, the Central Powers began a peripheral strategy, which had antecedents in the concept of Weltpolitik, the thinking of the German navy in the 1900s, during the Anglo-German naval antagonism and in the writings of advocates of overseas empire. The possibility of encouraging revolutionary warfare among the enslaved peoples of the British, French and Russian empires (Muslims, Irish, Jews, Poles, the peoples of the Baltic littoral, Ukrainians, Georgians and eventually the Bolsheviks). The founding of a great German empire was not contemplated but military weakness in Europe, led to an attempt to turn colonial inferiority into a strength. On 20 August 1914, Moltke wrote to the Foreign Office, demanding Islamic revolutions in Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria. The means to bring about change in the non-European world were limited, with little expertise, few men and little equipment to spare from Europe and exiguous overland routes to the outside world. Moltke expected diplomats to create anti-imperialist armies, as the Foreign Office pursued a pan-Islamic strategy, using the Ottoman Empire and its army as the means. The Ottomans entered the war to escape from European domination, rather than as a German proxy and had imperial ambitions in North Africa, Central Asia and the Near East. In October 1914, Enver devised a war plan which included a Holy War and an invasion of Egypt. On 14 November Sheikh-ul-Islam declared holy war, called on all Muslims to fight the Entente and allied powers but not Italy and excluded Muslims under the rule of Germany or Austria-Hungary. The Sheikh urged the peoples of the European colonial empires to join in, a message which reached north, east and west Africa. On 5 August, Enver established the Teskilat-i Mahsusa (Special Organisation) to conduct propaganda, subversion, terrorism and sabotage, based on the precedent of the war in Libya against the Italians.

  • 和約をお願いします!

    どなたか下記の和約をお願いします。 A remarkble feature of most viruses is the symmetrical structure of their prptein cost, built up of one or more subunits packed in a way that recalls a chemical crystal more than a from of life.Figure 2.3 illustrates two kinds of symmetry favoured by viruses.Viruses unfortunately do not lend themselves to the branched system of classification used for most animals,and are usually classified on the basis of their mncleic acid and whether or not they posses a lipid envelope outside their protein cost.This envelope is acquired by the virus from the host cell in the process of making its exit-a rpocess known as budding which enables the virus to sruvive outside the cell sufficiently long,for example,to spread elsewhere via the bloodstream. Whethaer a particular virus spreads in this way or directly from one cell to its immediate neighbour has a considerrable bearing on both the pattern of infection and the development of immunity.Thus an enveloped virus can leave its host cell without destroying it,while the non-enveloped sort will rupture the cell (`cytolysis`);the latter are known as cytopathic viruses because of their ability to damage cells and tissues,that is,cause pathology.Figure 2.4 illustrates these two means of spread.

  • 和約と添削・解説をお願いします・・・

    以下の問題を解いたけれど、ちょっと自信がないので、添削や和約、文法の解説をお願いできますか?どうかお願いします。(   )中に書いたのは、私の答えです。 1. That earthquake in Mexico happened a long time ago, didn't it ? No, it was ( (2) ) last year.  (1) as early as (2) as recently as (3) early as (4) recently as 2.I'm sorry to hear about your problem. But if you had taken my advice, you ( (4) ) in such trouble now.  (1) haven't been (2) would be (3) would have been (4) wouldn't be 3.That picture doesn't seem ugly to me; ( (3) ), I think it's rather beautiful.  (1) however (2) in opposition (3) on the contrary (4) on the other hand 4.Can you tell the difference beween rice grown in Japan and ( (3) ) ? (1) American one (2) American rice (3) one of America (4) rice of America **お願い致します!!

  • 和約をお願いします。

    The U-boat Campaign from 1914 to 1918 was the World War I naval campaign fought by German U-boats against the trade routes of the Allies. It took place largely in the seas around the British Isles and in the Mediterranean. The German Empire relied on imports for food and domestic food production (especially fertilizer) and the United Kingdom relied heavily on imports to feed its population, and both required raw materials to supply their war industry; the powers aimed, therefore, to blockade one another. The British had the Royal Navy which was superior in numbers and could operate on most of the world's oceans because of the British Empire, whereas the Imperial German Navy surface fleet was mainly restricted to the German Bight, and used commerce raiders and unrestricted submarine warfare to operate elsewhere. In the course of events, German U-boats sank almost 5,000 ships with nearly 13 million gross register ton, losing 178 boats and about 5,000 men in combat.