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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語が得意な方はいますか?助けて下さい。。至急英訳お願いします!!)



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 これらの例は、同じ発話行為を表す方法も、文化によって異なるという事を示す例である。これらの違いは、全く無作為で予測不能のように見えるかもしれない、しかし実際はそうではない。異なる社会では、その社会の価値や態度が異なる事を反映している。次の節で述べる、日常の挨拶、はこの点をさらに例示するものだ。色んな社会ではこのような問題は、正常な挨拶の習慣として完全に受け入れられている。それは公式であり、その期待される返礼は儀式的である。  あたかも貴方の風邪の症状の詳しい描写が「ハウアーユー」の応答として予期されておらず、不適当であるように、東南アジアで(どこへいきますかと)聞く人は、貴方のこれから先の旅の日程や目的地について、微に入り細に亘る返事を期待しているわけではない。始めの問いに対しては「ファイン」で十分であるように、第2の問いにたいしても「そこまで」「ちょっと」だけで正しく、丁寧な応答なのだ。  例えば、マオリ族の道で会った時の挨拶は、複雑な過程である。基本的な儀式構造は次のような言語行為で表される。括弧の中の要素は、すべての場合に使われる訳ではない、しかし、どのように短縮されてもその他(括弧でくくられていない要素は)マオリの正式な挨拶では必ず見られる。11.2図はこの要素の順序を示している。  さらに、どのような場合にどのような要素が起こるかという規則もある。例えば、ウェロ、は動作や恐ろしい音を伴う儀式的挑戦で、言葉は無い。この儀式は、非常に位の高い、総理大臣とか総督などを歓迎する時にだけが正当の場である。 でしょうか、 How are you?「元気?」と聞かれたら、風邪を引いていても Fine「元気だよ」と答えるのが挨拶、というお話です。



あんなにも長い文章を迅速かつ的確に日本語訳にしていただきありがとうございました。 直接お会いしてお礼がしたいぐらいです。本当にありがとうございました!!!!!!


  • 英語が得意な方おられますか?日本語訳お願いします!

    英語が得意な方おられますか?至急日本語訳にして頂きたい英文があります。長文ですみません。宜しくお願いします。 In New Zealand there has been considerable discussion about whether a Maori dialect of English exists.Many people assert firmly that there is such a variety,but there is little evidence so far of linguistic features which occur only in the speech of Maori people.The alternation between [d] and [ð] at the beginning of words like the and then,which is indicated in example 7,for instance,is by no means confined to the speech of Maori people.Greeting like kia ora,and vocabulary items like tangi('funeral') ,illustrated in example 2,are used by Pakeha(New Zealanders of European origin)as well as Maori in New Zealand.However,in general,Maori people use Maori words more frequently in their speech than Pakeha people do.The word kuia in example 7 illustrates this.Kuia is a Maori word meaning 'old woman',which is widely known in New Zealand.Nevertheless,its occurrence in the child's story suggests the speaker is more likely to be Maori than Pakeha. There are also grammatical features which occur more frequently in Maori people's speech.In a study of 8-year- old children's speech,vernacular verb forms(such as walk for walked)occurred more often in the speech of the Maori children than the Pakeha.There were also some distinctive uses of verbs,such as went and,which seemed to be used as a narrative past tense marker by the Maori children,as illustrated in example 7.A comparison of the speech of a small group of New Zealand women also found that the Maori women were more likely to use vernacular past tense forms of some verbs,as illustrated in sentences (a) and (b) in example 8.Moreover,Maori women were more likely than Pakeha to use present tense forms with s as in (c) and (d),and much more likely to omit have,as in (e) and (f).

  • 【至急】英語が得意な方お願いします!

    下の英文の日本語訳と文法を出来るだけ詳しく教えて下さい。よろしくお願いします。 Science has only two ways of proceeding : it is either reductionist or structuralist. It i s reduct ionist when it is possible to find out that very complex phenomena on one level can be reduced to simpler phenomena on other levels. For instance, there is a lot in life which can be reduced to physicochemical processes, which explain a part but not all. And when we are confronted with phenomena too complex to be reduced to phenomena of a lower order, then we can only approach them by trying to understand what kind of original system they make up. This is exactly what we have been trying to do in linguistics, in anthropology, and in different fields.

  • 英語得意な方!!!

    この文章を訳してほしいです! (できれば、「ここは熟語で~、」のようなものがあったら、それも教えて欲しいです) One interesting form of insect behavior is exhibited by the social insects. Unlike the majority of insect species, they live in organized groups. They include wasps bees- and ants. Characteristically an insect society comprises a parent or parents and a large number of offspring. The society are divided into groups each having a individual members of the specialized function and often exhibiting markedly different bodily structures.

  • 英語得意な方、訳し方を教えてください。。。

    1. Another question raised in The Future of English? concerns which languages are likely to join English as languages of global importance. Such predictions, however, and the basis on which to make them, are not easily determined. という文章の全体の訳は直訳では「世界の重要な言語として英語に加わるような言語は何かという別な疑問がThe Future of Englishの中から浮かび上がった。このような予測は、しかしながら、そして彼らがつくるもの、彼らが容易にではなく決定されたものに基づいています。」というような感じなのですが、日本語の表現に違和感を感じています…。どのように直せばもっと日本語の表現としてよくなると思いますか?

  • 至急日本語訳にお願いしたいのですが・・・

    至急日本語訳お願いしたいのですが・・・長文ですみません。翻訳ツールは使わずにお願いします。 長文ですみません。よろしくお願いします。 This rather simple example illustrates the way in which information on the language use of different age groups may reveal the direction of linguistic change in a community.A great deal of linguistic variation is stable but some is an indication of linguistic change in progress.The patterns of deletion of the regular past tense affix(-ed) are stable in English-speaking communities.In Norwich,as elsewhere,the forms[in]vs[iŋ],and[h]-dropping,discussed in chapter 6,are also examples of stable variants.The patterns noted for different groups in the community have not changed over the last 50 or 60 years.The substitution of a glottal stop for [t] in certain positions,on the other hand,is increasing in Norwich.The use of [d] for the initial sound in then and than is an example of stable variation in New York.There is no evidence that the vernacular pronunciation with [d] is increasing.The challenge is to identify the clues which make it possible to predict which current variation will result in change and which won't.

  • 英訳お願いします!!

    どうしても時間がないので訳してほしいです。 お願いします! Filmmakers who adapt stories from novels are, in this way, in competition with people`s ( ). Moreover, it is a tough competition to win. If the film version attempts to stuff in every detail of a complicated literary plot, it might run the risk of being difficult to comprehend as film narrative. On the other hand, if the filmmakers choose to introduce new elements into the original narrative in order to make the film better a film, they may be accused by fan of the original as not being faithful to the novel itself. However, whichever principle is chosen, it ought to be recognized that literature and film are different forms of media. They are created differently, appealing to different senses and targeting different audiences. The problem is whether to be faithful-and how faithful-to the original. 誤字あったらすみません。 あと、( )に入る語は admiration、 faithfulness、 comprehension、 imaginations のどれかなのですが、それも教えてくださると助かります。 よろしくお願いします!

  • 英訳困っています >< 助けてくださ~い><

    The third stage is what Duvall referred to as the authority period , in which the family are bringing up pre-school children , with the oldest between two and five years old. Essentially, the parents have to train their pre-schoolers to behave in a socially acceptable way , and not like tyrannical little monsters! This, too, can be a deeply demanding phase for the parents. Things often ease up a little when the family enters the interpretive preriod , in which the oldest child is between five and 13 years old , and at school. (The reason why Duvall categorizes these stages from the age of the oldest child is mainly because this signals the need for the parents to learn new behaviours. They have already learned most of the behaviours they will need for younger children-although each child is different, of cource.) The fifth period in the family life cycle is the interdependent period, which consists of families with teenagers. At this time it becomes possible for the teenagers to take more of a share in the emotional and physical aspects of the family , and the relationship between parents and child can become a two-way, interdependent one rather than a simple, one-way , denpendent one.

  • 難しいです・・・和訳を至急お願いしますm(_ _)m!!

    難しいです・・・和訳を至急お願いしますm(_ _)m!! 翻訳サイトも使ってみたのですが、日本語として意味の通る文章に出来ず困っています! 本当にお願いします!! Enriched uranium is made into fuel in the form of rods which are placed in the core of a reactor ,where they generate heat for about seven years, becoming increasingly less efficient as a proportion of the uranium decays into other elements, many of them(such as plutonium and strontium) highly radioactive and poisonous. The spent fuel rods may be taken to a reprocessing plant where they are dissolved in a strong acid and up to 96 percent of the remaining uranium is reclaimed for further use.

  • 英訳に困っています><助けてください><

    The family life cycle Even if a theory is a little bit limited, it may still be useful . For instance , Duvall (1971)developed a model of the different stages of marriage which has been criticized in similar ways - it is culturally specific and it doesn't take account of the experiences of single parents , or of divorce , for example . But even with its shortcomings , the model can still help us to understand how a consistent long- term marriage goes through different phases ; and how there phases actually involve different behaviour on the part of the couple , and different assumptions about what they are actually doing. Duvall identified eight different stages of marriage in all . The first of these is the honeymoon period , in which the married couple are learning to live together, without children . At this time , they are getting to know each other and setting the foundations for their later life together . Statistically , a couple whose honeymoon period lasts for two years or more before children come along are much more likely to stay together in the long term than those who only have a brief interval before starting a family . This may partly be because they have the time to get to know one another as people much better . The second period in Duvall's model is the nurturing period, when the oldest child is less than two years old, and the couple are learning to cope with being new parents . It can be a stressful time for both of them, and it isn't made easier by lack of sleep, and anxiety about how the child or children are progressing . So at this time , the couple are likely to need to give one another quite a high level of both practical and emotional support; and knowing each other well can make for fewer misunderstanding and quarrels.

  • 英語に自信のある方、英訳お願い致します。

    The aim of the physician in the treatment of insanity is to bring the means at his command to bears, directly or indirectly,on the disordered nerve element.But,in striving to do this,he soon learns with how many bodily organs and fuctions he has really to do. To call mind a function of the brain may lead to much misapprehention,if it be thereby supposed that the brain is the only organ which is concerned in the function of mind.There is not an organ in the body which is not in intimate relation with the brain by means of its paths of nervous communication,which has not ,so to speak,a special correspondence with it through internuncial fibres,and which does not,therefore affect more or less plainly and specially its[its=the brain's]function as an organ of mind.It is not merely that apalpitating heart may cause anxiety and apprehension,or a disordered liver[may cause]gloomy feelings,but there are reasons to believe that each organ has its specific influence on the constitution and function of mind:an influence not yet to be set forth scientifically,because it is exerted on that unconscious mental life which is the basis of all that we consciously feel and think. Were the heart of one man to be placed in the body of another it would probably make no difference in the circulation of the blood,but it make a real difference in the temper of his mind.So close is the physiological sympathy of parts in the commonwealth of the body that it is necessary in the physiological study of mind to regard it as a function of the whole organism,as comprehending the whole bodily life.