• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:至急訳お願いします!)



  • ベストアンサー
  • wodenkan
  • ベストアンサー率48% (96/200)

英語のレジュメですね。 (1)特筆すべき成果、受賞暦、参加した学会、資格等を書く欄 (2)紹介者の名前、勤め先、電話番号、ファックス、その他番号、メアド まぁ正直、この程度も調べられないと、この先大変だと思いますよ。 がんばってくださーい。


  • 海外サイトにて注文したいのですが・・

    海外サイトにて注文したいのですが・・ 海外サイトにて注文したいのですが、どう入力したらいいのか難しくてわかりません。 よければ教えてください。 実際の入力画面がこうなっていました↓ * Email Address:  * First Name: * Company Name: * Last Name: * Company Name: * Phone Number: * Address Line 1: * Address Line 2: * Suburb/City: * Country: * State/Province: * Zip/Postcode: わかりやすく例をつけて説明してくださると助かります。

  • この文章を翻訳していただけませんでしょうか

    こんばんは。 翻訳していただきたい文章があります。 TAXを支払わなければならないのですが、以下の文で困っています。 宜しくお願いします。 Make your check, money order or cashier's check payable to U.S. Treasury. Enter the amount on the check using all numbers ($###.##), and do not use staples or paper clips to affix your payment to your voucher or return. Include your name, address, daytime phone number, Social Security number (the SSN shown first if it's a joint return) or employer identification number, tax period and related tax form or notice number on your form of payment. Mail your payment to the address listed on the notice or instructions. Do not send cash through the mail Check the services provided at your local IRS office to see if cash payments are accepted

  • 下記の英文を日本語に訳してください。

    下記の英文を日本語に訳してください。 Hi, because of your first order, we have to make a phone call to check your order. Pls give us a phone number where we are able to contact you fast and finish your order. よろしくお願いします。

  • 海外サイトで注文したいのですが・・・

    海外サイトで注文したいのですが、注文方法が分かりませんので教えてください。 どこに何を入力したらよろいいでしょうか? SHIPPING ADDRESS First Name Last Name Address Line 1 * Address Line 2 City State / ZIP Country Required Land Line Number * Cellular Phone * = Optional Check IF this is a gift or for different billing address NOTE: If you plan to pay with a credit card, you MUST PROVIDE A VALID land line number. If you pay by other methods it is not necessary. です。 宜しくお願い致します。

  • 至急翻訳お願い出来ないでしょうか?

    はじめまして。 当方英語がかなり苦手で翻訳ソフトを利用しても文章がハチャメチャになってしまいよく意味がわかりません。 すいませんが以下の文章の翻訳をお願い出来ないでしょうか? Thanks for contacting ○○ Customer Service about listing an item on our site. I understand that you have encountered an error message and was unable to continue with the listing. We really appreciate your time and effort on consulting us on this issue. My name’s ○○ and allow me to assist you on this matter. ○○, for you to be able to successfully exhibit your items on our site. You will have to undergo additional verification as indicated by the error message. For your convenience, you can call this number: 001-○○○-○○○-○○○○ and we’re open at 5:00am - 10:00pm Pacific Time 7 days a week. If you are to be asked for a pass code, just press the pound "#" key on your phone and you'll be assisted by an account specialist and talk about your account. Please be advised that we do this for the sole purpose of protecting your account. We do apologize for the inconvenience this might have caused, but this is the standard process we have ever since. You are not singled out on this and every eBay member has at some point undergone the process. Now, I know that sometimes international phone calls can be quite expensive and because of that, we would like to recommend that you use a service called Skype. They have special rates for any country including the United States and can sometimes be as cheap as 0.10 cents per minute. Here’s their website: www.skype.com. We hope this suggestion helps you as we do not want you spending any more money than is necessary to call us about this issue. Here's how to call us through Skype: 1. Launch your Skype application on your desktop and click "Call" on the upper-menu of the program's home page. 2 .Enter the international code for the country you are calling from before you dial the number. 3. Enter the 10-digit number of the toll free number you are calling using the numeric keypad on your Skype. 4. Click the green "Call" button and your call will be sent out to the number that you entered. We do hope that you reach our phone support and get the process going. After all this you will be allowed access again to your account or as advised by our Specialist during the call. In closing I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your choosing us, as an online market place. We look forward for more years of partnership and innovative possibilities for your ○○ transactions. I hope this information was helpful, and I wish you the best of luck in all of your future ○○ activities. すいませんがどうかお助け願います。

  • 問合せ事項の英訳

    現在、海外企業取引のため、弊社の顧客DBに登録を行っております。先方に対して質問事項がありますが、それぞれの事項を英文で訳すと以下の通りになるか確認したいです。御教示頂ければ幸いです。 貴社名:Name of your company 代表社名:Name of represent or president? 担当部署:? 資本金:Amount of Capital? 年商:Annual turnover or Annual sales? 取引銀行:Main Bank? 従業員数:The number of employer? Theは必要でしたっけ? 宜しくお願い申し上げます。

  • イギリス大学院留学 証明書類原本提出について

    こんばんは。この度9月よりイギリスの大学院へ留学することになった者です。 現在conditional offerをいただいておりますが、unconditional offerをいただくためには証明書類の原本の提出が必要とあります。 成績証明書や卒業証明書は再発行がすぐに可能なので原本を送ることに抵抗はないのですが、 資格証明書(弁護士や医師、看護師免許など)など、すぐに再発行が効かないようなとても重要な書類は皆さんどのように大学院へ提出されたのでしょうか。やはり原本を提出されましたか。 ちなみに、大学院のホームページの提出書類に関するFAQに対しては次のように記載されており、 日本語、英語の原本の提出が必要かと存じますが、イギリスのRegistryは結構ミスが多く重要書類であっても紛失がよく起こると聞いています。 できればコピーを公証人に認証してもらって、photocopyを送りたいのですが…。 Do I need to send original documents? Yes. All documents must be original apart from your signed offer and bank statements. Only your signed offer and bank statements, if required, may be returned by email. I have been asked to provide evidence of qualifications, what is this? Accepted forms of evidence are; • Original final transcript of your previous study – this must confirm the date and title of your final award. • Original certificates (note: original certificates received by Registry will be kept and returned to the student at registration unless otherwise requested). I included original transcripts when submitting my application, do I need to send further evidence of my qualifications? No. If you have supplied a transcript that confirms the title and date of your final award then you will not normally be required to provide further evidence of your qualifications. Qualifications will still be listed in your offer letter as this is an indication of all your offer conditions. My certificate or transcripts are not in English, will you accept these? No. You need to arrange a translation of your documents. You must obtain this from an official translator (contact your Embassy for further details) and then submit the original translation with the original certificates. Will you accept certified copies of certificates? No.

  • 翻訳してください

    はじめまして。 以前海外のサイトからある商品を購入してから、ネットの翻訳ツールを使いながら何度かメールのやり取りをしています。何日か前に発送しましたと言うメールが来ました。その後このようなメールが来たのですが、翻訳ツールを使っても不自然な訳が出て来てイマイチ理解できません。 The package is held in the custom because of unknown phone number. May I have your contact number please? 以上です。翻訳できる方宜しくお願いします。

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします。

    高2です。英作文の添削をお願いします。 *20代で必要なことは、プライバシーを守る技術を身につけることだ。(Whatを使って) What the important in your twenties is to develop the skill of protecting your privacy. *最近携帯電話を持っている人が多くなり、若い人はほとんど持っているようだ Recently, the number of people who have a mobile phone has increased and most of young people seem to have it. *しかし、授業中に携帯電話の鳴ること以上に教師の気に障ることはない But nothing is more offended thing for teachers than ringing a mobile phone in tha class. *情報集めに自分の全てのエネルギーを費やさないで、一日の内で静かに過ごすひとときを習慣として身につけて欲しい(instead of, habitを使って) →わかりませんでした。教えて下さい。

  • 訳がわからず困っています。

    訳がわからず困っています。 よろしくお願いします。 1,Ms.Morgan,an exchange student,has been brought to Tokyo International Hospital because of severe abdominal pain.While she waits for tests to be done,Nurse Naito obtains important information. Ns.Naito:Hi,I'm Nurse Naito.I'd like to ask you some questions. What's your name? Ms.Morgan:Vicky Morgan. Ns.Naito:Where are you from? Ms.Morgan:I'm from California,in the United States. Ns.Naito:What's your address? Ms.Morgan:Well,my permanent address is 4## Third Street,Larchmont,California 97189.Here,my address is 4-##-## Minami-Ogikubo,Suginami-ku.The postal code is 1##-##52. Ns.Naito:What's your phone number? Ms.Morgan:03-3##2-4##7. Ns,Naito:Are you living alone? Ms.Morgan:No,I'm with a Japanese family,the Yamadas. Ns.Naito:What's your occupation? Ms.Morgan:I'm a student at UCLA.I'm here on a student exchange at Waseda University. 2,Nurse Wada is showing Mrs.Thompson around her room at Tokyo International Hospital. Ns.Wada:Hi,Mrs.Thompson...I'm Ms.Wada.Let me show you around the room. Mrs.Thompson:Oh,thank you. Ns.Wada:This is your bed,and this is your bedside table. The nurse call bell is here by the pillow. Mrs.Thompson:How does it work? Ns.Wada:Just push this button,and the nurse will come to see what you need. 3,Ms.Sato is interviewing Andy Jackson,an exchange student,in the Emergency Room. Ms.Sato:What's the matter? Andy:I'M in terrible pain. Ms.Sato:In my abdomen. It hurts here.Here(points to the lower right quadrant of his abdomen). Ms.Sato:What kaind of pain is it? Andy:It's really sharp,like a knife running through me. 教材の参考書の内容なのですが、解答が無く訳がわからず困っています。 よろしくお願いします。