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・私は父にそれについて言った。 I talked about it with Father. (話し合い、とか相談したのなら) I told Father about it (一方的に通告したのなら)     Father と大文字で書けば my father と同じです。 ・彼は私に"それは困る"と言った。    お父さんと話し合った内容によって、いろいろ解釈が可能です。 He said, "That won't do." He told me, "You shouldn't do it." He told me, "That won't work" He said, "I don't agree." ・私は彼が何を言いたいのか理解できなかった。  「I couldn't understand what he said.」これはお父さんの言葉がわからなかった、の意味。原文はお父さんの言葉でなく、意図が分からなかったと解釈して何を言い「たい」のか,を入れました。  I couldn't understand what he was trying to say. I couldn't understand what wanted to say. ・なぜならば、以前私は彼によって##の大学に行くように勧められたからだ。   Because earlier he said he wanted me to go to a university in # #. ・父は私に"あなたを県外の大学に行かせるためのお金はない"と言った。   Father said he did not have enough money to send me to a university outside our prefecture. これは間接話法ですが、直接話法で言えば  Father said, "I do not have enough money to send you to a university outside our prefecture." になります。 ・私は##に住んでいたので、もし私が##の大学に行くならば、それには十分な金が必要なことはわかっていた。   I used to live in # #, so I knew more money was needed to go there. でしょうか。



とても分かりやすく、丁寧に回答してくださり感謝しています。 助かりました!


  • カジュアルな英訳お願いします(その31)

    英訳宜しくお願い致します。 1つらい時はオヤジがシベリアで強制労働させらた事を思って、なにくそこのぐらいの事でと  思う。 When I'm in troble, always I think my father,he was in forced labor at Siberia in World War II. I think that I have to work this kind of situation ,even I have seriously ill. 2 嫁さんに徳島にひっこすか?って言った。  I said to my wife that Shall we move to Tokushima? 3 徳島には有名なリムズ徳島クリニックがあるから。 Because,Tokushima has famous "Lims Tokushima clinic. 4 嫁さんがリンパ浮腫で苦しんでるのをみるのは辛い。 My heart is broken, when my wife in hard troble with lymphedema. 5 癌の手術をした医者の野郎は生きてるだけでいいだろ!!ってな態度だ。   てめぇが一回癌にでもなってみろ!!  The fucking doctor operated cancer of my wife,looks like it is enough for her to live!! I pray God he has so many cancers, never dei,but always in hard troble in body and mind!! 英訳宜しくお願い致します。

  • よろしくお願いします

    My mother died 10 years ago. My father, "Lucifer," started dating "Rebecca" within a week of my mom's funeral. After two years, my father informed me that he was going to disinherit my brother and me in favor of "Rebecca" and her three spawn. I begged my father not to do this, and told him he'd never see me or my kids again if he married her and disinherited us. He said he didn't care, and went ahead. Fast-forward to the present. Rebecca has died, and Lucifer is trying to "mend fences." Meanwhile, he admitted to me that he has spent my mother's entire trust on Rebecca and her three spawn, so I am out the money I was supposed to get from my deceased mother after my father died. 1 ここでのspawnはどのような意味でしょうか? 2 entire trustのtrustはどのような意味でしょうか? 3 out the moneyはどのような意味でしょうか? 以上、よろしくお願いします

  • 今この人の親父みたいな人はいるのでしょうか

    It often amazed me, and I am still unable to understand the fact, that my Father, through his long life — or until nearly the close of it — continued to take an eager pleasure in the text of the Bible. As I think I have already said, before he reached middle life, he had committed practically the whole of it to memory, and if started anywhere, even in a Minor Prophet, he could go on without a break as long as ever he was inclined for that exercise.

  • 英語の添削をお願いいたします。

    My fatherというタイトルです My father sells car parts. He works every day.He never takes a day off. This is because he works for me. I can go to university because he works for me. Therefore,I am grateful to him. 変なところありますか?ご指摘お願いします。

  • 英訳なんですがわかりません

    うまく訳せません。わかる方いましたらお願いします ちなみにどのような感じで言っているのかも知りたいです。私との約束は少し迷惑そうな感じでしょうか?教えてください Got your message...I've been in meetings for the last few days...We are getting ready to release a CD project in the Philippines in March, and I am recording a song with Rachelle Ann Go, my producer just finished the song so now we are getting ready to record my part here in the states, then he goes to the PI in two weeks to record her part there in the Philippines. So, I have been pretty busy, but I have not forgot about your lyrics...I promise that you will have them by the end of next week, and I don't make promises that I can't keep

  • 英訳をお願いします

    私の英訳に誤りがあれば指摘してくださると助かります。 (1)我が家のトイレには小さな本棚があって、そこにはいつも、父の読みかけの本が入っていた。 The toilet in my house had a bookshelf, where there was always books which my father had been reading. (2)私は、つまらないから最後まで読むかどうかわからない、と言うこともあった。 I often said that it was boring me so I didn't know whether I read it till the last page. (3)父は私に、自分が読んで楽しかった本を教えて、楽しい気持ちを共有したかっただけなのだと思う。 I think that he only wanted to share happy feeling with me by telling me the books which he felt was interesting.

  • 英語の和訳です。お願いします!!

     I paid for my purchases and was rearranging things in my purse when the little boy came up to the cashier. The cashier rang up his purchases and then said, "Congratulations, you are my hundredth customer today, and you win a prize!"With that, she handed the little boy the Pokemon game, and he could only stare in disbelief. It was, he said, exactly what he had wanted!  The little girl and her father had been standing at the doorway during all of this, and I saw the biggest, prettiest, toothless grin on that little girl that I have ever seen in my life.    As I walked back to my car in amazement over what I had just witnessed, I heard the father ask his daughter why she had done that."Daddy, didn't Grandma and Grandpa want me to buy something that would make me happy?"He said, "Of course they did, honey."the little girl replied, "Well, I just did!"

  • on your senses

    Dear Annie: I have a problem that I have never seen in your column. My 64-year-old father-in-law sends my middle-aged husband pornographic pictures. My husband and I share the same email address, and the last picture was extremely explicit. My husband does not check his email regularly. When he does, he ignores most of his father's stuff, thank heavens. I haven't deleted these emails, but I now think my father-in-law is a total creep. Is there anything I should do? I hope he sees himself in this letter. -- Offended Wife Dear Offended: Is your husband aware that his father is sending him these photos? If not, tell him. Then ask whether he wants to receive these pictures. He may not care, or he may prefer not to confront his father. Since they're meant for him, he should have the final word, although you can encourage him to tell Dad to stop. We also recommend that you open your own email account so you are not subjected to this assault on your senses. on your sensesはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • カジュアルな英訳お願いします(その22)

    英訳宜しくお願い致します。 1 昨日の夜、娘から家内の携帯に、渡すものがあるから今から行くよとメールがあった。 Last night, my daughter sent to mail to my wife's cellular phone which told that she have a gift, so I'll go to your condo right now. 2 家内と私はなんだろうと思っていた。  My wif and I wondered what she would bring to us. 3 娘がバレンタインの手作りの小さいケーキとクッキーを私と家内と、息子に渡すようにと  わざわざ持ってきてくれた。14日はバレンタインなんだぁ・・・  She brought expressly some litlle cakes and cookies for me,my wife and my son. She said to my wife that one of these cakes and cookies give to my son. It's a Valentine's Day on 14th. (14日がバレンタインなんてすっかり忘れてた感情がうまく訳せません) 4 なにも、せっかくの休みに朝から作らなくてもいいのにと思った。  I thought that she had precious holiday,and she made cakes from morning. I thought that she didn't need make cakes and so on. (全体的にうまく訳せませんでした) 5 家内は彼のために作ったついでにわたしたちのも作ったのよと言った。  娘も「もちろん」と言った。でも嬉しかった。  My wife said to me that she made cakes and so on for her boyfriend,and incidentally made for us. My daughter said to us" Off cource!!". But I was happy. 宜しくお願いします。

  • 英訳教えてください。

    I am afraid of little children, because They always question things that we adults take for granted. A few weeks ago, Elizabeth, my friend's five-year old daughter, asked me about time. "I hear time go tick-tock on Mommy's clock'' she said in a serious voice,"but why can't I see time?'' At first I did not know how to answer this curious little girl. At her age,she still thought that everything in the world could be seen,heard,touched,tasted or smelled.Fortunately I remenbered the stories that my Mother used to tell me about Father time. This old,old man with a long white beard,I explained to Elizabeth,was so busy that he never had "time''to visit people.Elizabeth seemed satisfied with my explanation,but added with a twinkle in her eye,''Maybe one day I'll see Father Time.'' 私は小さな子供をおそれている。大人が当然と思うmのを常に質問するからである。数週間前に私の友だちの15才の娘のエリザベスは私に時間について質問した。ここまでっていってもほんの少しなのですが会話の訳が直訳になりすぎてよくわかりません。いい訳があったら教えてください。参考までにFather timeは「光陰のおきな」時を擬人化してこう呼ぶ。通例大きなかまと水差し、または砂時計を持ち、頭のはげたあごひげをはやした老人として描かれていると解説してありました。