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  • kokemushi
  • ベストアンサー率52% (115/220)

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  • 翻訳をお願いしたいです。

    翻訳をお願いしたいです。 Thus, an application cannot obtain a guarantee of performance, such as an assurance that the network will transfer information from end to end within a time bound. This makes it impossible, for example, to guarantee that a voice call placed on the Internet will sound "clean" with no dropouts, echoes, unexpected call terminations, or prolonged delays. Experience shows that the Internet does a good job at carrying date, but a poor one at carrying anything that requires an end-to-end quality of service.

  • 英文を翻訳してください(2)(ビジネス)

    英文を翻訳してください(2)(ビジネス) 引き続き、こちらも添削お願いします。 They would like to find a way that they could offer AAA a guarantee of price decreases over the next 5 years on the BBB in return for an agreement from AAA that they will buy the CCC and will not develop or use a second source during that time period. 訳を試みましたが、どこで文を切って良いか分からず断念してしまいました。 すみませんが、どなたかご教示ください。 宜しくお願い致します。

  • どなたか翻訳をお願いします。

    翻訳機で訳したのですが、単語が間違っているのかよくわからない単語が出てきます。もしわかる方がいらっしゃいましたら日本語訳をお願いします。 People sometimes want to know if they could have met this before. If they have met in the past, or in childhood, or if he associated with the family, friends or neighbourhood or is a total stranger. There is an ancient system of astrology, which I have not yet fully tested It has to do with the houses that the ruling planet of the seventh house falls in. Whether it is a cadent house, i. e. falling off the angles of the chart, or a Succeeded house, Angular house and so on. The ruling planet is Angular. This shows that you have not met before. But that you will feel an affinity with the place or land he comes from when you go there. The place will make an instant impression on you, whether wonderful or terrible, it will be an instant reaction, that leave an impression, you will feel yourself to be at the centre of everything that is happening there. The place will make you more aware of yourself. People will seem to notice you. And it will be easy to enter into the relationship

  • 翻訳をお願いします

    英文を日本語になおしてください! 宜しくお願いします( ;∀;) His Neptune falls in your fourth house. This means that if the relationship were to continue or resume, it would mean a move of home for you. This would strike a deep inner chord. It will feel like you are moving a long way from anything familiar. But perhaps to a lovely area, a wealthy splendid area that has seen better days and has traces of glamour, and rural things, attractive buildings. Flowers fields, parks and horses. At first a tall apartment. That may be beside a river or stream and subject to fog and mists, or occasional flooding. Also close to a place of higher education. And a church or temple. In this place you will develop a love of outdoor life. In new place it will be difficult to find your sense of direction, and you may get lost. An uneasy move, that will feel like an uprooting. You may in some ways not take readily to this change of abode, it will be more daunting than you expect it to be. Yet in others it will be like an escape, like getting free of something., some old burden or restriction. Your chart shows mainly the psychological side of the move. You will feel idealistic and future orientate, prepare to leave the past behind, so will he. You will both feel that your life will improve by moving to such a place. This sign can bring skin troubles, rashes, or exema in the new home if you move there. A tendency to be increasingly careless and expensive in dress. It can give a chest infections or lung disease, or weakness due to poisoning and allergies and a mystical religious mind, that looks at life too hopefully and religiously. Yet, a philosophical visionary mind, inwardly the mystic. Under this transit you will also travel a lot together, and be happy. You'll develop a calm, reflective proud nature, slightly more outgoing and fond of good things.

  • 翻訳教えて下さい。

    Working with the suicidal patient, as much as any other clinical experience, can help the beginning therapist gradually replace a grandiose professional ego-ideal with one that is more realistic. How exactly does this transformation take place? The beginning psychotherapist undertakes the treatment of the suicidal patient with the optimistic belief that a combination of caring, encouragement, hopefulness, good intentions, empathy, and intuition will produce a positive outcome. A “contract for safety,” wherein the patient agrees not to act on suicidal impulses and, instead, will call the therapist or seek other help, provides additional assurance. Newly prescribed medication promises to relieve suicidal despair. Hospitalization, if required, will provide needed safety. Over time though, the suicidal patient does not improve. The despair does not abate. The hopelessness intensifies. The patient can identify no reason to live. Relentless gloom pervades the therapy. Imperceptibly but forcefully, an important realization takes hold of the therapist at a visceral as well as at a cognitive and emotional level: it is impossible for one person to keep another person alive over time. While this insight serves to moderate the pursuit of omnipotence, the realization that even clinical competence does not guarantee that one`s patient will not commit suicide is unsettling. Comforting thoughts begin to give way. Contracts for safety now feel illusory as therapists realize that patients who are in sufficient anguish to want to end their lives will not be compelled to live simply because they have promised (a therapist) they will not kill themselves. Therapists begin to have second thoughts about the unrealistic healing powers they previously attributed to psychotropic medication, although they do appreciate the ability of there medications to sometimes diminish unbearable anguish to the point where patients can address their conflicts and problems. They hear stories of patients who have killed themselves in a hospital. (中略) Slowly an obvious fact emerges: If suicidal patients were completely intent on dying, they would have already killed themselves. Some part of the patient wishes to live, and it is with this part that the therapist attempts to connect, no matter how suicidal the patient may be. What emerges from this connection is the therapeutic alliance, the agreement between the therapist and the healthy part of the patient about what to work on in the therapy. The beginning therapist learns that aligning with the healthy part of the patient is not to be confused with cheerleading for living. Although allied with this healthy part, the therapist maintains neutral curiosity about the parts of the patient that with to die. The therapist learns to overcome the fear that exploring the patient’s with to die puts such ideas in the patient’s mind. Feelings of omnipotence diminish. The therapist comes to see that exploring the patient’s inner world with dispassionate, nonjudgemental interest conveys several therapeutic meta-communications what you are feeling is not unspeakably bad, it is human; I’m interested in whatever you are thinking and feeling; I appreciate the distinction between self-destructive thoughts, feelings, fantasies, and action; your anguish is not as devastating to me as it is to you; my strength will be here for you to borrow if you need to; your therapy is a place where your destructive urges can be understood rather than judged; I will try not to leave you alone with your anguish. A determination to enter the patient’s inner world and stay with the associated feelings and thoughts gradually replaces the therapist’s quest to be all-knowing.

  • 英文翻訳をお願いいたします。

    Germany's defeat created the perfect opportunity for the Allied powers to resolve the Luxembourgish question once and for all. By removing Luxembourg from Germany's sphere of influence, they hoped to guarantee its continued independence, and thus preserve the peace they had won. On 19 December, at the instigation of the British and French governments, the Luxembourgish government announced its withdrawal from the Zollverein and an end to the railway concessions that Luxembourg had previously granted Germany.

  • 翻訳をお願いします

    英語に詳しい方がいらっしゃいましたら下記の翻訳をしていただければ助かります どうぞよろしくお願い致します Your A-to-z Guarantee claim for order 1234567890 was granted on January 4, 2012. In some cases, we've found that the product eventually arrives after a claim is reimbursed. If you've received this order, please let us know by replying to this e-mail and placing an 'X' in the box below. If you're unable to place an 'X' in the box below, you're welcome to reply to this message and confirm that the merchandise has been delivered. Your confirmation of receipt will provide us with authorization to withdraw the claim and recharge you for this order. * If the merchandise has not arrived, you do not need to reply to this message. [ ] I would like to withdraw my A-to-z Guarantee claim for Order 1234567890. If this A-to-z Guarantee claim has already been reimbursed to my payment method associated with this transaction, I authorize Amazon.com to recharge my original payment method.

  • 和訳お願いします!

    feminists look to an end of "sexual politics" achieved through the construction of a nonsexist society, in which people will be valued according to personal worth rather than on the basis of gender. Marxists believe that "class politics"will end with the establishment of a classless communist society. This , in turn, will eventually lead to the withering away "of the state,bringing politics in the conventional sense also to an end.

  • 翻訳のわからないところお願いします。

    Robbie and Gary had done their fair share of slagging each other off in the past. It was decided that the reunion would be for one year to begin with: that at least meant that there was an end in sight should the stresses of touring together prove too much. *Robbie (Williams) がバンド "TAKE THAT"を脱退したあとに噂された再結成の記事。 GaryはTAKE THATのメンバーです。 that at leastの後の構文がさっぱり分かりません。どれが主語で述語でしょう? よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の翻訳

    英文を和訳していただけるかた のみで お願いできますでしょうか? 多分定型文だと思われますので、 破壊的な構文はないと想像します。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 In the previous reading we looked at Venus, the planet of love, in this reading it is time to look at mars, the planet of passion. Venus and Mars always work together in a chart. Mars has an important role in the future, it determines parts of your soul mates character, his dreams of love, his passions, what fascinates him and what he hopes to find, or what he will think he has found in you. Mars is the driving force behind love, that changes it from the bonds friendship and affection to enchantment and a garden of desire. Without mars there would be love but there would be no motivation to make a future of that love. To become lovers, or to get married, no deeper desire to gain insight, to penetrate the mystery’s of each others the mind or body further.