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  • mickeyzz
  • ベストアンサー率49% (234/471)

かごに閉じ込められた、空腹のコウモリは、毒ヒキガエル(またはある種の毒カエル)の鳴き声に似通った 小説を朗読しているスピーカーと、無害の食用のカエルの種類に似た鳴き声を発信しているスピーカに比 べ、両者に対する選択を与えられれば、通常殆どが前者のスピーカを避けて、後者のスピカーの方へ飛んで 行く。 註 小さいコウモリは虫を食べますが、大きなコウモリはカエルをよく食べます。


  • どういう意味ですか?和訳お願いします。

    Predatory frog-eating bats discriminate among potential prey on the basis of their calls. Bats familiar with Bufo typhonius almost never approach a loud-speaker broadcasting the calls of a novel species from a different region, a species with a call whose energy is largely in the 2-kilohertz range, just like that of B.typhonius. The bats were more likely to approach a speaker playing the calls of two other novel species that have signals unlike that of B.typhonius.

  • 和訳お願いします‼︎

    和訳お願いします‼︎ He said that he didn't have a frog with him , but that , if Smily would be so kind as to get him one , he would be quiet willing to bet. お願いします‼︎

  • 英文の和訳をお願いしますm(__)m

    以下の5文を訳してくださいm(__)m ▼Here in this area of overlap between the playing of the child and the Playing of the other person there is a chance to introduce enrichments. ▼The teacher aims at enrichment.By contrast,the therapist is concerned specifically with the child's own growth processes,and with the removal of blocks to development that may have become evident. ▼It is psychoanalytic theory that has made for an understanding of these blocks. ▼At the same time it would be a narrow view to suppose that psychoanalysis is the only way to make therapeutic use of the child's playing. ▼It is good to remember always that playing is itself a therapy.To arrange for children to be able to play is itself a psychotherapy that has immediate and universal application,and it includes the establishment of a positive social attitude towards playing.

  • 和訳をお願いします!

    A Flying 'Chaucer' An English professor was reading 'The Canterbury Tales' to his class and noticed that a student had fallen asleep. Annoyed, he sent the book spinning through the air and bouncing off the boy's head. Startled awake, the student asked what had hit him. 'That,' said the professor, 'was a flying Chaucer.' ジョークの部分も教えて貰えると嬉しいです!

  • 和訳お願いします。

    Any number of attributes of predators have been shown to(1)increase the probability that a foraging animal will detect something edible or(2)increase the probability that a detected food item will be converted into a consumed food item. Here shall present some examples of characteristics that fall into each category, beginning with probable adaptations for prey detection.

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします。

    できるだけ、意訳はなしで訳していただけると助かります。 スペルミスには注意しましたが、何か間違い等があったらすみません。 お願いいたします。   It was an Italian naturalist called Spallanzani, in the eighteenth century, who first started to investigate the flight of bats, and by the unnecessarily cruel method of blinding several bats he found that they could still fly about unhampered, avoiding obstacles as though they were uninjured. But how they managed to do this he could not guess.  It was not until fairly recently that this problem was solved, at least partially. The discovery of radar, the sending out of sound-waves and judging the obstacle ahead by the returning echo, made some investigators wonder if this was not the system employed by bats. A series of experiments was conducted, and some fascinating things were discovered. First of all, some bats were blindfolded with tiny pieces of wax over their eyes, and as usual they had no difficulty in flying to and fro without hitting anything. Then it was found that if they were blindfolded and their ears were covered they were no longer able to avoid collisions and, in fact, did not seem at all keen on flying in the first place. If only once ear was covered they could fly with only moderate success and would frequently hit objects. This showed that bats could get information about the obstacles ahead by means of sound-waves reflected from them. Then the investigators covered the noses and mouths of their bats, but left the ears uncovered, and again the bats were unable to fly without collision. This proved that the nose, ears and mouth all played some part in the bat´s radar system. Eventually, by the use of extremely delicate instruments, the facts were discovered. As the bat flies along, it emits a continuous succession of supersonic squeaks, far too high for the human ear to pick up. They give out, in fact, about thirty squeaks a second. The echoes from these squeaks, bouncing off the obstacles ahead, return to the bat´s ears and, in some species, to the curious fleshy ridges round the creature´s nose, and the bat can thus tell what lies ahead and how far away it is. It is, in fact, in every detail the principle of radar. 以上です。

  • ざっくり和訳していただけると助かります

    I love tracking and delivery confirmation, but signing in Chicago is problematic (work) and the post here is terrible to deal with...if a signature could be avoided but still have tracking and delivery confirmation I would really appreciate that. No problem if that isn't possible, but I figure it couldn't hurt to ask.

  • 和訳おねがいします!!!

     Introducing students to the computer at an early age, creating the impression that their little exercises in programming and game playing are somehow giving them control over a powerful technology, can be a treacherous deception.

  • 和訳お願いします

    The incident might have turned out far more disastrously to us both than that 'pairfeckly safe' one of Kruesi's.I learned on the following day that the flying feathers were from two turkeys belonging to Andrus, the pattern maker,who complained that he was now going to be 'fed up' for a week or so on turkey meat. He admitted however that a track was no proper roosting place. And Insull admitted that an electric locomotive could attain a surprising speed and would no doubt compete with the steam one in the future.

  • 和訳お願いします

    Which statement would the author probably agree with? It is not fair that robots have to do difficult jobs for humans. The robot Kismet can really feel human emotions. A frog-bot can do more tasks than a sticky-bot. Robot soccer player really could exist by 2035.