• 締切済み



  • saregama
  • ベストアンサー率47% (555/1166)

The notification of marriage of the above-named parties was submitted with the signatures of the witnesses _________(1)_________ and _______(2)________, whereupon this office, after due examination, duly accepted the notification on _____(3)_________. (1)保証人1人目の氏名(サインや署名じゃありません。ヘボン式ローマ字で表記してください。) (2)保証人2人目の氏名 (3)婚姻届受理日 (1)(2)について、signatures of the witnesses とあるので誤解したのでしょうが、「保証人誰それの署名と共に届出された~」という文中ですから、保証人のサインを真似たりわざわざ本人に署名してもらう必要はありません。


  • 婚姻受理証明書の英文

    婚姻受理証明書の英文について教えてください。 このIssue #は何を記入すればよいのでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。 TRANSLATION OF EXTRACT: JAPANESE CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF MARRIAGE DATE OF REPORT : HUSBAND NAME : DATE OF BIRTH : PERMANENT DOMICILE (HONSEKI) : WIFE NAME : DATE OF BIRTH : PERMANENT DOMICILE (HONSEKI) : Issue # : This is to certify the foregoing report was accepted on Issue Date : Title : Name : Seal I certify that the foregoing is a correct translation. Translator's signature : Translator's Name : Date : あとTitle :は○○市○○区長でいいのでしょうか? その場合区長はどう書けばいいですか?

  • 戸籍謄本(縦書き)の翻訳の確認をお願いします。

    戸籍謄本(縦書き)の翻訳の確認をお願いします。 今、戸籍謄本(縦書き)の翻訳をしています。 この訳が妥当かどうか、そして、もし不自然なようでしたら、 どこをどのように直せばいいか教えて頂ければ幸いです。 (日時及び名前は架空のものです) 同月拾八日東京市長から送付入籍: The Notification of Marriage was sent by the mayor of Tokyo on the 18th of the said month. 平成九年九月九日国籍アメリカ合衆国スミス・トム(西暦千九百五拾年五月五日生まれ)の養子となる縁組届出(代諾者親権者母): The Notification of Adoption, in order to be adopted by Tom Smith (born on May 5, 1950) whose nationality was the United States of America, was submitted on September 9, 1999 (Legal guardian/custody is the mother.) 平成十年十月十日妻花子と協議離婚届出; The Notification of Uncontested Divorce was submitted with the wife, Hanako, on October 10, 1998. 平成拾年拾月拾日夫一郎と協議離婚届出東京市東京1丁目1番に新戸籍編成につき除籍(※田中一郎という男性と結婚していて、離婚となった妻という想定): The Notification of Uncontested Divorce was submitted with the husband, Ichiro, on October 10, 1998. The person was removed from the family register of Mr. Ichiro Tanaka in order to create a new family register at 1-1 Tokyo, Tokyo-Shi. 平成拾年拾月拾日親権者を母と定める旨父母届出(※彼らの息子二郎について書かれた文章と想定): The Notification of Custody, which gave the mother the custody of Jiro, was submitted by the father and the mother on October 10, 1998. 補足が必要でしたら後ほど加筆します。 どうぞよろしくお願い致します。

  • 翻訳してください

    Da Vinci ‘predicted world would end in 4006’ says Vatican researcher Richard Owen ("The Times," March 15, 2010) Rome, Italy - A date for your diary: Leonardo da Vinci predicted that the world would end on November 1, 4006, according to a Vatican researcher. Sabrina Sforza Galitzia said the clues were to be found in da Vinci’s Last Supper mural. The central half-moon window, or lunette, above his painting of Christ with his disciples before the Crucifixion contains a “mathematical and astrological” puzzle which she has deciphered, she said. She claimed to have worked out that da Vinci foresaw the end of the world in a “universal flood” which would begin on March 21, 4006 and end on November 1 the same year. Documents showed that he believed that this would mark “a new start for humanity”, Ms Sforza Galitzia said. “There is a da Vinci code — it is just not the one made popular by Dan Brown,” she said. Ms Sforza Galitzia, who formerly studied da Vinci manuscripts as a researcher at the University of California in Los Angeles, now works in the Vatican archives. Last year, the Vatican published her study The Last Supper of Leonardo in the Vatican, in which she examined a tapestry of the Last Supper made for King Louis XIII of France, based on da Vinci’s design for his famous mural in Milan. She said she was working on a sequel which would explain da Vinci’s hidden “code”, involving signs of the zodiac and his use of the 24 letters of the Latin alphabet to represent the 24 hours of the day. Da Vinci had seen the story of humanity as leading to “the sum of all things, the final reckoning” described in the Book of Revelations but also by ancient writers such as Plato and Aristotle, she told La Repubblica, an Italian newspaper. He had been a scientist and man of faith who had lived in “difficult times” and had hidden his messages “so as not to be attacked,” she said. The Last Supper, which measures 460cm by 880cm (15ft by 29ft), covers an entire wall at the Convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan. Da Vinci began working on it in 1495, and finished it in 1498. It was restored between 1978 and 1999 after it had badly deteriorated. In his 2003 novel The Da Vinci Code, filmed in 2006 and starring Tom Hanks as a Harvard “symbologist” called Robert Langdon, Dan Brown suggests that the figure at the right hand of Jesus in The Last Supper is not the Apostle John but Mary Magdalene, and that she was pregnant with Jesus’ child when he was crucified, and thus carried his bloodline. The novel and film were both attacked by the Church as historically inaccurate as well as blasphemous. Related Sections | Catholic | Mass Media Disclaimer: WWRN does not endorse or adhere to views or opinions expressed in the articles posted. This is purely an information site, to inform interested parties of religious trends.

  • 初めて海外に履歴書を送ろうと思っています。

    質問の意味に自信が持てません・・。 以下の翻訳を。どなたかよろしくお願い致します。 Describe your general state of health: Indicate any physical, medical or mental condition that could in any way impair your ability to undertake the position for which you have applied: (NB - The offer of a permanent position will be subject to the applicant passing a medical examination as requested by the NZSO.) Present and previous employment. State particulars in most recent date order. If you prefer, attach a copy of your curriculum vitae or resume instead. Please indicate if you have already submitted this information. Dates of employment Name of employer Position held from to Reason for leaving ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ State any other general qualifications and experience you consider relevant. (Please continue on a separate sheet of paper if necessary.) ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Please give the names and contact details of two persons from whom references may be obtained (optional) ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Please answer all questions. If any false information is knowingly given or any material fact suppressed, the applicant will be disqualified or if appointed, liable to instant dismissal. I confirm that my replies to the questions above are correct.

  • フリーのメールアドレスを買い物で使ってるのは危険?

    Yahoo!のフリーのメールアドレスに時々、海外からの請求書が届きます。 迷惑メールフォルダ内です。そのうちの1通は次の通りです。 金額の$4758.21という額も約5千ドルと言っているのか、 あるいは約50万ドルのことなのか、私には理解できません。 どちらなんでしょうか? また、他の有料のメールアドレスにはこういう迷惑メールは届いたことがないです。 フリーのメールアドレスは、なるべく使わないほうがよいものなのでしょうか? 個人情報漏れがこわいので、これまでネットでの買い物にはフリーのアドレスで 大体は登録しているのですが。もしかして、そのほうが危険なのかな。 Dear Client, We are writing concerning the amount of $4758.21 which was due to be paid on 01.05.2016 and, despite numerous requests for payment, remains outstanding. Details attached to this email. We demand that payment of the full amount be paid to us on or before 10.05.2016. If this account is not resolved by the specified date we reserve the right to commence legal proceedings to recover the debt without further notice to you, and you may be responsible for any associated legal fees or collection costs. If you wish to prevent this, please contact the undersigned as a matter of urgency and settle your account before the above date. Regards, Julia Francis Executive Director Sales Account Management Training Performance Support

  • サインが必要なのか、どこにするのか教えてください。

    以下抜粋ですが、どなたか教えてください。アパートの定款及び細則の変更についてなんですが順番に約してきましたが、最後にこれは、どこにサインをしたら良いのか、いや、サインは必要ないのか?と解らなくなりました。 ・・・・ ・・・・ THIS CERTIFIES that the undersigned is the Secretary of the above-named Association and that the foregoing is the true, full and correct resolution passed by the Board of Directors thereof at a meeting of said Board legally called and held on May 29, 2014, at which a quorum was present and voting. IN WITNESS THEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this day of ,2014. Secretary ---------------------------- LAND COURT             |            REGULAR SYSTEM ---------------------------|--------------------------------- AFTER RECORDATION, RETURN BY: MAIL() PICK-UP() PORTER McGUIRE KIAKONA & CHOW, LLP (CPP/vjd) 841 Bishop Street, suite 1500 Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 Total pages: ?? ------------------------------------------------------------------- TAX MAP KEY FOR PROPERTY: (1) 2-6-010-007 SIXTH AMENDMENT OF THE FIRST RESTATEMENT OF THE DECLARATION OF CONDOMINIUM PROPERTY REGIME OF THE ILIKAI APARTMENT BUILDING; SEVENTH AMENDMENT OF THE FIRST RESTATEMENT OF THE BY-LAWS OF THE ASSOCIATION OF APARTMENT OWNERS OR ILIKAI APARTMENT BUILDING THIS AMENDMENT (this “Amendment”) is made this___ day of ____ 2014, by the OWNERS OF ILIKAI APARTMENT BULDING, INC., a Hawaii nonprofit corporation formerly known as the “Association of Apartment Owners of Ilikai Apartment Building”,whose mailing address is 1777 Ala Moana Boulevard, Honolulu, Hawaii 96815 (the “Association”). WITNESSETH THAT: WHEREAS, by the certain Declaration of Horizontal Property Regime Under Chapter 170-A, ・・・・ ・・・ AMENDMENTS TO DECLARATION:  1. Section 7 (a) of the Restated Declaration is hereby amended as follows: ・・・ AMENDMENTS TO BY-LAWS: 1. Article III, Section 1 of the By-Laws is hereby amended in its entirety to read as follows; ・・・ Except as set forth herein, the Declaration and the By-Laws remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this instrument as of the day and year first above written. OWNERS OF ILIKAI APARTMENT BUILDING, INC. a Hawaii nonprofit corporation By: _______ Its By: _______ Its STATE OF HAWAII CITY AND COUNTY OF HONOLULU On ____ , 2014, before me personally appeared ____ , to me personally known, who, being by me duly swam or affirmed, did say that such person executed the foregoing instrument as the free act and deed of such person, and if applicable, in the capacities shown, having been duly authorized to execute such instrument in such capacities. Type or print name:_______ Notary Public, State of Hawaii My commission expires: _______ ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー Document Date: # Pages

  • イギリス大学院留学 証明書類原本提出について

    こんばんは。この度9月よりイギリスの大学院へ留学することになった者です。 現在conditional offerをいただいておりますが、unconditional offerをいただくためには証明書類の原本の提出が必要とあります。 成績証明書や卒業証明書は再発行がすぐに可能なので原本を送ることに抵抗はないのですが、 資格証明書(弁護士や医師、看護師免許など)など、すぐに再発行が効かないようなとても重要な書類は皆さんどのように大学院へ提出されたのでしょうか。やはり原本を提出されましたか。 ちなみに、大学院のホームページの提出書類に関するFAQに対しては次のように記載されており、 日本語、英語の原本の提出が必要かと存じますが、イギリスのRegistryは結構ミスが多く重要書類であっても紛失がよく起こると聞いています。 できればコピーを公証人に認証してもらって、photocopyを送りたいのですが…。 Do I need to send original documents? Yes. All documents must be original apart from your signed offer and bank statements. Only your signed offer and bank statements, if required, may be returned by email. I have been asked to provide evidence of qualifications, what is this? Accepted forms of evidence are; • Original final transcript of your previous study – this must confirm the date and title of your final award. • Original certificates (note: original certificates received by Registry will be kept and returned to the student at registration unless otherwise requested). I included original transcripts when submitting my application, do I need to send further evidence of my qualifications? No. If you have supplied a transcript that confirms the title and date of your final award then you will not normally be required to provide further evidence of your qualifications. Qualifications will still be listed in your offer letter as this is an indication of all your offer conditions. My certificate or transcripts are not in English, will you accept these? No. You need to arrange a translation of your documents. You must obtain this from an official translator (contact your Embassy for further details) and then submit the original translation with the original certificates. Will you accept certified copies of certificates? No.

  • 大至急お願い致します!課題の意味が全く分かりません

    1. Context and Divorce Rates Each person belongs to at least three groups - a cohort, a culture, and a socioeconomic group - that tend to guide his or her life path by influencing the context in which development occurs. To highlight the impact of context on development, consider a Census Bureau study that tracked tens of thousands of families over two-year periods between 1983 and 1988. The study found that married couples below the federal poverty line separated or divorced nearly twice as often (one out of seven) as those above the poverty line (one out of thirteen). African American families were hardest hit by low socioeconomic status, as 1 out of 5 African American couples split up during the study, compared to 1 out of 8 white couples and 1 out of 9 Hispanic couples. "It appears that stresses arising from low income and poverty may have contributed substantially to breakups of parents," said the study's senior author, Donald Hernandez. The Census Bureau study also found that when a marriage breaks up, three times out of four a mother and her children who formerly were above the poverty line, fall below it. In 1970, 90% of households consisted of both biological parents and their children; by 1990, that number had dropped to 75%. Another good example of the impact of context on development concerns the consequences of divorce on the children's later marriages. A recent study reports that children of divorced parents are less likely to divorce than their counterparts one generation ago. Before 1975, children from divorced families were 2.5 times more likely to divorce than their counterparts from intact families; by 1996, this rate had dropped to 1.4. A final example of the impact of context on development is the strong association between marital status and nearly any measure of health, including mortality rates. And examination of age-adjusted death rates shows that adults who never married have the highest death rate, followed by those widowed, divorced, and married. Those never married have a 79% higher mortality rate than those widowed or divorced, and 2.2 times the mortality rate of those who are currently married. Adults who are widowed or divorced have age-adjusted death rates that are 86% and 78% higher, respectively, than for those who were married at the time of their death. In your report to me, address each of these issues: 1.All of these examples are correlations. Discuss each of these examples in terms of the risks associated with drawing causal conclusions from correlational data. 2.Explain the context effects that may account for the differences described in each example. That is, what factors from the environment might have contributed to the behavior being described? 3.In each case, the researchers were trying to find a single causation for a multiply-caused effect. Identify the evidence for that. 4.In the first and fourth examples, the researchers controlled for at least one other variable besides the one of interest. Identify the variable(s) in each of those examples. 2. Estimating the Effect of Test Error: The Base-rate Fallacy Begin by reading these two articles, which constitute a series about probabilistic reasoning: http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=why-our-brains-do-not-intuitively-grasp-probabilities http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=how-randomness-rules-our-world Now, apply your knowledge from these articles and from Chapter 10 of the text. Although a 70 percent rate of accuracy for the polygraph may sound pretty good, the text shows that it is not. For example, if 5 percent of 1000 employees are guilty of misconduct, and all are given the test, 285 innocent employees will be wrongly accused. Please avoid the base-rate fallacy while considering the following example: In your report to me: Explain your reasoning and tie your discussion to evidence from the text and the articles about probabilistic reasoning.

  • 日本語訳をお願い致します。

    In Poland, the key provisions were to become fundamental laws that overrode any national legal codes or legislation. The new country pledged to assure "full and complete protection of life and liberty to all individuals...without distinction of birth, nationality, language, race, or religion." Freedom of religion was guaranteed to everyone. Most residents were given citizenship, but there was considerable ambiguity on who was covered. The treaty guaranteed basic civil, political, and cultural rights, and required all citizens to be equal before the law and enjoy identical rights of citizens and workers. Polish was of the national language, but the treaty provided that minority languages could be freely used privately, in commerce, religion, the press, at public meetings, and before all courts. Minorities were to be permitted to establish and control at their own expense private charities, churches and social institutions, as well as schools, without interference from the government. The government was required to set up German-language public schools in those districts that had been German territory before the war. All education above the primary level was to be conducted exclusively in the national language. Article 12 was the enforcement clause; it gave the Council of the League of Nations responsibility for monitoring and enforcing each treaty.The three South Caucasian republics of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia as well as the Mountainous Republic of the Northern Caucasus each sent a delegation to the Paris Peace Conference in 1919. Their attempts to gain protection from threats posed by the ongoing Russian Civil War largely failed as none of the major powers was interested in taking a mandate over the Caucasian territories. After a series of delays, the three South Caucasian countries ultimately gained de facto recognition from the Supreme Council of the Allied powers, but only when all European troops had been withdrawn from the Caucasus except for a British contingent in Batumi. Georgia was recognized de facto on 12 January 1920, followed by Azerbaijan on the same day and Armenia on 19 January 1920. The Allied leaders decided to limit their assistance to the Caucasian republics to arms, munitions, and food supply. The Armenian delegation was represented by Avetis Aharonyan, Hamo Ohanjanyan, Armen Garo and others. Azerbaijan's mission was headed by Alimardan Topchubashev. The delegation from Georgia included Nikolay Chkheidze, Irakli Tsereteli, Zurab Avalishvili, and others.

  • 翻訳権と翻訳業者について

    Aがとある海外書籍の翻訳権を持たずに、その翻訳をBに依頼する BはAが翻訳権を持たない事を知りながら、また自分も翻訳権を持たずにその著作物を翻訳する Aはそれを受取り、個人的使用をし、他人へ譲渡したり売買したりしない この場合でAとBのどちらが著作者の権利を侵害することになるのでしょうか?また翻訳依頼が無料か有料かで変わるのでしょうか? というのも、世の中には翻訳業者がたくさん存在し、翻訳権の問題も当然発生すると思うのですが、そこらへんの詳細が書いてないんですよね。もしこれが合法ならば、海外書籍を勝手に翻訳したものを○○円で売るという行為が、「個人的使用を目的とした翻訳依頼を○○円で承ります」という形をとる事で成り立ってしまうと思うのですが。