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  • gldfish
  • ベストアンサー率41% (2895/6955)

下の例文の前半についてですが、接続詞も無く名詞が並んでいるのは、なるほどそういう意味なのですね。 forは自分は単にbecauseと同じ用法だと思ったのですが、"for this illness (that) seemed to..."だと判断したということですね。 それによって「貫くように思える病のために」となるか「貫くように思えたので」となるかの違いはあると思います。 「呼吸や視覚を通じて病が伝染していくように思えた為、父は子を、妻は夫を、兄は弟を、見捨てた。」 もっと日本語的に意訳すると、 「呼吸や視覚を通じて病が移ることを懸念した父親は我が子を、妻は夫を、兄は弟を見捨てた。」 ・・・GX9900さんの最後の訳とほぼ同じですが、参考までに。





  • 和訳お願いします。

    “I have the honour to report fresh explorations in the field of geometry. On Friday last we abandoned our former works in parallelopipeds and proceeded to truncated prisms. We are finding the road rough and very uphill.

  • 和訳お願いします。

    Millionaire Evalyn McLean loved jewelry―and stories of bad luck. In 1911, she had the opportunity to buy the Hope Diamond. Afterwards, two of her children died, and her husband became ill.

  • どう訳せばいいのですか?

    次の英文の日本語訳をどう訳せばいいですか?教えてください。お願いします。 According to the American Heart Association, the signs include uncomfortable pressure or pain in the middle of the chest for two minutes or longer; movement of pain to the shoulder, arm, neck, or jaw; sweating may accompany the pain; nausea and vomiting may also occur; and shortness of breath, dizziness, or fainting may be experienced with the other signs.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    Pericles' Funeral Oration 431 BC: "...In the fighting, they thought it more honourable to stand their ground and suffer death than to give in and save their lives. So they fled from the reproaches of men, abiding with life and limb the brunt of battle, and in a small moment of time, the climax of their lives, a culmination of glory, not of fear, were swept away from us." 後半が分かりません。 よろしくお願い致します。

  • At the end of the day, however, the

    At the end of the day, however, the root cause of financial market excesses on both the upside and the downside of the cycle is collective human behavior: unbridled optimism on the upside and fear on the downside, all in a setting in which it is literally impossible to anticipate when optimism gives rise to fear or fear gives rise to optimism.  セミコロン後の「抑えの効かない市場の高揚の楽観主義と市況後退の恐怖」に対応する述部がないように思えるのですが,述部を含めてお訳しください。  宜しくお願い致します。

  • 和訳してください

    Accoding to rules of reason , a given conclusion is to be deemed true if , and only if , it flows from a logical sequence of thoughts founded on sound initial premises. Considering matheamatics to be the model of good thinking , philosophers began to search for an approximation of its objective certainties in ethical life too. Thanks to reason , our status could ー philosophers proposed ーbe settled according to an intellectual conscience , rather than being abandoned to the whims and emotions of the market square.

  • 和訳お願いします

    Brain surgeons are especially excited about the potential uses of acupuncture , as the drugs commonly used to induce analgesia can disturb the patient 's body and cause shock . Additionally some American doctors have begun using acupuncture to provide short - term relief of chronic pain in patients ' backs and stomachs , and have used it to treat headaches as well .

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    He devoted himself especially to financial questions, and in 1882 was reporter of the budget. He became one of the most prominent republican opponents of the Radical party, distinguishing himself by his attacks on the short-lived Gambetta ministry. He refused to vote the credits demanded by the Ferry cabinet for the Tongking expedition, and helped Georges Clemenceau overthrow the ministry in 1885. At the general election of that year he was a victim of the Republican rout in the Pas-de-Calais, and did not re-enter the chamber till 1887. After 1889 he sat for St Omer. His fear of the Boulangist movement converted him to the policy of "Republican Concentration," and he entered office in 1890 as foreign minister in the Freycinet cabinet. He had an intimate acquaintance and sympathy with English' institutions,' and two of his published works – an address, Biographie de Lord Erskine (1866), and Etude sur l'acte du 5 avril 1873 pour l'etablissement d'une cour supreme de justice en Angleterre (1874) – deal with English law; he also gave a fresh and highly important direction to French policy by the understanding with Russia, which was declared to the world by the visit of the French fleet to Kronstadt in 1891, and which subsequently ripened into a formal treaty of alliance.

  • 以下の和訳をお願いします。

    こんにちは。お世話になります。以下の和訳をお願いします。 なるべく原文に即した形でお願い致します。ちょっとしたニュアンスのところが訳せず困っています。 お忙しいところすいませんが、お時間のある方よろしくおねがいいたします。 My employer/co-workers have discriminated against me. Some people act as though I am less competent than usual by others. I feel I have been treated with less respect than usual by others. I feel others are concerned they could “catch” my illness through Contact like a handshake or eating food I prepare. I feel others avoid me because of my illness. Some family members have rejected me because of my illness. I feel some friends have reject me because of my illness. I encounter embarrassing situations as a result of my illness. Due to my illness others seem to feel awkward and tense when they are around me. I have experienced financial hardship that has affected how I feel about myself. My job security has been affected by my illness. I have experienced financial hardship that has affected my relationship with others. I feel others think I am to blame for my illness. I do not feel I can be open with others about my illness. I fear someone telling others about my illness without my permission. I feel I need to keep my illness a secret. I feel I am at least partially to blame for my illness. I feel set apart from others who are well. I have a greater need than usual for reassurance that others care about me. I feel lonely more often than usual. Due to my illness, I have a sense of being unequal in my relationships with others. I feel less competent than I did before my illness. Due to my illness, I sometimes feel useless. Changes in my appearance have affected my social relationships.

  • 和訳お願いします

    She was given many honors by the Peruvian government before she died, including Honorary Citizen of Peru and the title of Great Lady of Nazca. Everyone in the town of Nazca had grown to love and respect this woman who had come from far away to reveal to them the secrets of their ancestors, secrets that had been hidden out in plain sight for two thousand years. honorary;名誉の