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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:日本の中学の英語の教科書の英文はお行儀がよすぎて不自然では?)



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 確かにおっしゃる通りだと思います。しかしこれは世界共通の問題です。  まず勉強時間から参りましょう。中学1年生から始める英語でも、大学で始める第二外国語でも、一週間に受ける授業時間数は、ランゲージラボを入れても、限られています。  次に、幾ら詰め込み主義といっても、暗記する単語の数も、限りがあります。漢字国から来ていない学生に、一日に○百漢字を覚えないと新聞が読めませんよ、などとむやみやたらに強制は出来ません。  文法だって、「ら抜き]と「ら入り]、「い抜き」と「い入り」を全部一度に教えると、量が何倍にもなります。  だから、全部は同時に教えられないから、「お行儀のよい」日本語が、まず外国人相手の日本語クラスでは、優先的に選ばれます。  もちろん、タイとか、ドイツとかに帰って行って「先生が教えたような日本語を、話す日本人はもういませんよ、なぜ『おめえ、うぜえんだよ』のような今の日本人が話すモダーンな日本語を教えないんですか、ここは」という留学帰りの学生はどこにもいるような気がします。  纏めますと、生徒の吸収力には限度があるので、優先的に1部が選ばれ、次第に幅を広げざるを得ないのだと思います。日本の中学で教えたことも無く、英語の教科書を書いた経験もありませんが、苦労をして英語を教え、教科書を書いた人達の弁護をしておきます。





  • 形容詞の順番

    Daveが友人のMikeを妻のCathyに空港に迎えに行くのを頼む会話です。 Dave: Cathy, Mike's arriving from Texas this afternoon. Can you meet him at the airport? Cathy: But I don't know him. How can I recognise him? Dave: You'll recognise him as soon as he gets off the plane. He's at least six feet tall and weighs twenty stone. He's got long grey hair, blue eyes and a white beard. He always wears a yellow and black shirt, red leather cowboy boots and an enormous green hat. Cathy: Yeah, no problem. そこで質問です。DaveがMikeの特徴を言っているところの“He's got long grey hair”の部分ですが、longとgreyの順番を入れ替えることは可能ですか?また、 hairは単数なのにaは不要なのでしょうか? それから cowboy bootsというのは どんな靴なんでしょうか?

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします

    以下の英文を和訳していただける方に。 お願いできますか? ミスなどありましたら、ご指摘いただけるとありがたいです。 どうぞよろしくお願いします。 At some stage there will be the disappearance of a legacy, a lost or missing will, that he should benefit from but is embezzled by others.. He likes mystery stories and occult, or curious beliefs and even if he doesn’t admit to it, he is superstitious at root. He will think certain things bring him luck, or certain places bode him no good. In his wardrobe. He has an old long grey coloured rain coat that flops around his legs. He may only wear it in wet or dull dank dark weather. It is not as good as it looks, there is something ghostly and mournful about it, reminiscent of an old film, or dream, misty past life memory. He wears it in a lazy lingering way, unfastened. It makes him look thinner and as if from another time, and somehow haunting.

  • 適当な1語をお願いします

    I couldn't catch <><><>.Please say it again. 君の言ったことを聞き取れなかった。もう一度いってください I like <><> he wears his shirt 私は彼のシャツの着かたが好きです He is not such a nice man <><><> 彼は君が思ってるようないい人ではない <>is often the case <> him,he came late this morning 彼にはよくあることだが、今朝遅刻してきた Be kind to <><> in trouble 困っている人にはだれにでも親切にしなさい He is absent <><><> I call on him. 彼はいつ訪問しても留守です

  • 英文の訳をお願いします

    以下の文章を訳していただけますか。お願いします。 He deeply desires, a true friend, someone whom he can express his feelings and thoughts to. People and relationships are important to him despite his independent exterior. He is interested in the lives and affairs of those close to him. He is an excellent arbitrator, negotiator and peace maker and meddler in other peoples problems. But not soft B, he is as forceful as he feels is necessary for achieving his own aims and ambitions, and if he feels others are not appreciative of what he is trying to do, then he will consider them unworthy of his time and efforts and he will take back what ever efforts he has made on their behalf, or whatever he has given then, When he gives to people it is not free, even if it just advice, it comes on loan. And at some point the loan is recalled. The favour owed is collected like a debt by him.

  • 英文の翻訳

    以下の翻訳をお願いします One who travels hopefully in life knows where he wants to be and what he wants to do, but quite never arrives. Yet the pursuit of things may bring him more pleasure than would the victory. He will enjoy a wide experience of life, the highs and the lows, the wealth and the poverty, life riches tapestry of experience but he has not realized that it is the journey for him that counts, not the success or failure at the end of it. He is free with his gains, and can be lavish and prodigal, can throw himself totally into everything he becomes involved He is not extreme so much as whole hearted in things, he has no moderation. He is irascible, yet kind. He gives advice and wisdom and the benefit of his experience to those who are more expert or aught to know better than him. He has a kind of shrewd cleverness, A good judge of things as they are. And an intuitive knowledge of how to manipulate things to his own advantage in life.

  • 英文の翻訳

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたのみで、 お願いできますでしょうか? 2つの段落になっています。 まだ少し身体の説明が出てくるのかもしれませんが、 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 His arms are lean with muscles like snakes, sinewy and flexible. Any scars get old and harden into the flesh. He has long muscular legs that look athletic. His waist is trim, with a small sagging abdomen. He can be entertaining. He is flamboyant and self confident. Gregarious and humorous. and self important, a little unpredictable.. This is the qualities that show in his manner and way of dealing with other people. They may be like a mask he wears. Some people will like him, some wont. He seems to come alive at night, and gain energy. He tends to collect fluid in the body as he gets tired, or as the day winds on, so at night. or if he has not rested he might begin to get a hint of baggy or puffy eyelids, and the ankles and abdomen will be thicker. This excess fluid clears when he is rested.

  • 次の英文について教えてください。

    次の英文でわからないところがあります。 He hated missing out on any gathering, and the consequent round of tea parties, dinners, soirees and balls exhausted him. 'You know how awful it is when all you want to do is go to bed, and suddenly everyone wants you to start improvising,' he complained, somewhat disingenuously, to a friend; he always complied, and, having sat down at the piano, would improvise for hours. *You know how awful it isのitはthe consequent roundですか? *when all you want to do is go to bedのところで、goは名詞ですか? * and suddenly のandは"それなのに"、と訳せばいいのでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。 出典:「Chopin: Prince of the Romantics」

  • これらの英文のアドバイスをお願いします

    英語で人物を紹介する「show and tell」というやつです。 中一程度のものなので簡単な文章でいいです。 間違いの指摘、アドバイス等お願いします。 Do you know this man? He is Steve Jobs. He founded Apple and Pixar Animation Studios. His presentation is very Interesting. He was famous for them. But he died October fifth of last year. I like him. So I'm sad. 稚拙な文ですがお願いします。

  • 英文で間違っているところを教えてください。

    高一です。 プレゼンテーションのための英作文をしたのですが、「どこが間違っているのか」、「どこの表現がおかしいのか」が分からないので教えてください。 大筋「AとBの会話で、学校内の人気なことで有名な少年の噂について話している状況」 *日本語訳をすべて書くと長くなるので、心配なところだけ書きます。 A Hey, B. A I have a question to ask you. B Hello,what is that? A I heard about a popular and famous boy in this school from my friend.   (私は友達から、この学校の人気なことで有名な少年について聞いた) B Who is he? A I also don't know him. B Does he have anything features? A I heard that he is a very smart. B There are many smart students in this school. B That alone does not make it clear. A He likes soccer for a long time. And he is good at playing soccer. B ウーン. What are there anything else? A I hear that he likes math and studies it all the time. You don't find him not studying math. B Really? Is he studying math, except when math is taught? A Yes. A And there is another one. A He has a girlfriend. B I see. B He is so popular. A Oh, I remember. A He fractured when he played soccer. B Oh! I feel that I have seen him. B I have forgot his name. 「ここで(A)がポケットから写真を落とす」 B What is this? A I had forgot that I have a picture. B Please show me. 「ここで(B)が写真を見る」 B I know him. He is there! 以上です。 文法的に間違っているところ、直した方がいい表現があったら教えてください。

  • all because の文法解釈について

    添付ファイル文章: And three weeks ago, Dmitri seized him by the beard in a tavern, dragged him out into the street and beat him publicly, and all because he is an agent in a little business of mine.”に関する質問です。 all becauseが文法的にどうなっているのか理解できないです。 これは、 it is all because he is an agent in... のit isが省略されていると解釈していいのか、それとも all is because he is an agent in... のisが省略されていると解釈していいのか分からないです。 また、それ以外の文法ルールに従っているのか分からないです。 解説お願いします