• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • xero7lp
  • ベストアンサー率58% (10/17)

You can recieve a salary as much as japanese teachers. これで通じます。最初の一文字以外は小文字で大丈夫ですよ



小文字でよかったんですね!勉強になります。 ありがとうございました。


  • 英語で「ジェーンのこのラケット」と言うとき

    英語で「ジェーンのこのラケット」と言うとき、this racket of Jane's と表現しますけど、これは何で普通に of Jane ではなく、of Jane's としなくてはいけないのですか? 例えば「教師の給料」と言うときは普通に the salary of a teacher と言いますよね? 僕は基本が全く分かってない部分があるかもしれませんけど、そこは初心者なのでご容赦下さい。

  • 身に付けなくても英語の先生になれるが、身に付けなければ外国人ともロクに会話もできない英語のスキル

    こんにちは。学校の英語の先生といってもロクに外国人と話せない人も多いですよね。さて、タイトルの日本語を英訳してみました。どれが一番いいでしょうか? 他にもっといい表現がありましたら、教えてください。 (1) the skill of English that even if you have not got you can become an English teacher but if have not got you can't talk well with foreigners. (2)the skill of English without which you can become an English teacher and you can hardly talk with foreigners. (3)the skill of English such as you can still become an English teacher but you have enough trouble of speaking with foreigners without it. (4)the skill of English, lack of which doesn't prevent you from becoming an English teacher but allows you insufficiently to converse with foreigners.

  • a friend of mine

    英語頻出問題総演習の206ページに誤りを直しなさいというものがあります。 the salary of a teacher is lower than a lawyer. これの間違いはa lawyer→that of a lawyerとなるそうなんですが、the salary of a teacher'sにはしないのは何故ですか?a friend of mine と何が違うんでしょうか?

  • ざっくりと和訳してください。

    Your return of my shipping fees just got hit with a paypal transaction fee of $1. but why wouldn't I receive the full amount, as I didn't purchase shipping from you? You are reimbursing me. Why is this transaction continuing to be negative? please refund the full amount of my transaction. Once i receive the refund in full, i will cancel the original transaction as you requested.

  • 以下の問題を教えてください(正誤問題)。

    30 percent of Japanese aged 20-30 spend some time as a volunteer, while 50 percent of Americans in the same group do. do が間違いということなのですが、どのように直せば良いのでしょうか。

  • なぜ福島大震災は日本ではなかったことになっているの

    なぜ福島大震災は日本ではなかったことになっているのだろうか?これは日本の学生運動がなかったことにされ、当事者が口を噤んだの同じなのでは? 社会カテゴリー皆さんの ご回答のほど、 お待ちしております。 Why is the Fukushima Great Earthquake supposed to be not in Japan? This is said to be that there was no Japanese student movement, the same as the parties caught your mouth? Social Category All of you As you answered, We'll be expecting you.

  • 英語の翻訳をお願いしたいです。

    今海外の音楽配信サイトで登録が完了しました。 そこで、2つの選択を選ぶ英文が出てきました。 1つは Sell Exclusively and Receive 50% - 70% of Every Sale Authors keeping their Envato marketplace portfolio unique start at a commission rate of 50%, moving up according to the number of sales they’ve made to a maximum of 70%. So the more you sell, the more you earn! If you opt for this program you: ○ You CAN sell other items on other sites, including your own. × You CANNOT sell the same items elsewhere. もう1つは Sell the Same Items Elsewhere and Receive 33% of Every Sale Envato Marketplaces make a great distribution channel for items you are already selling elsewhere. As a nonexclusive author you will receive 33% of any sales made via our sites. Your items do not need to be exclusively sold here, and if you wish you can at any time switch over to the Exclusive plan (providing your portfolio is adjusted so that items are uniquely sold here). というものです。 どちらかを選択するのですが、もしよろしければ翻訳お願いします。 自分でも辞書を見ながら調べております。

  • この文を日本語に訳してください!

    Can't you help me! Am amateur footballer holding second division player license am in need of some one that can help me come to Asia or Europe to play professional league and this person will receive 30% of my salary for 8years

  • これは信じていいのでしょうか?

    Dear ○○○(僕), We have just received a Transfer Order for the additional Payment of $850:00USDollars made to you from Mrs Elvira (仮名) as requested by the bank transfer department so as to rectify the problem occurring during the Transfer of the total amount of $2,850:00USDollars to your account. Mrs Elvira (仮名) has made the additional payment accordingly and it has been processed and approved by our bank transfer system and we can easily confirm that the transfer will go through this time. But first before we can proceed with the remittance of the funds to your account, we require you to proceed with the remittance of the total amount of $800:00USDollars and $50:00USDollars for Western Union Charges to your buyer remittance information, which is the son teacher through Western Union as stated below. FIRST NAME : YANG(仮名) LAST NAME : ZHANG(仮名) COUNTRY : CHINA According to your buyer, She has provided the above receiver information as the recipient of the $800:00USDollars, which you will be sending and we are aware of this. So we urge you to proceed with the transfer of the total amount of $800:00USDollars through Western Union money transfer to the above information and once you send it, you will need to send us the copy of the western union transfer receipt and once we got it, we will proceed with the transfer of the total amount of $2,850:00USDollars to your account within 6Hours once we receive the receipt of the western union remittance from you. We will be looking forward to read from you soon. オークションでカメラが落札されて、婦人の方がオーストラリアナショナル銀行を通じてお金を 振り込んでくれる手はずなのですが、 振り込み前にこのようなメールが来たのですが、翻訳サイトでもわけがわかりません。 中国の第三者が出てきたようなのですが、どなたか訳せる方 意味を教えていただけると助かります。

  • msnのメッセンジャーメッセージ・・・?

    msnのメッセンジャーメッセージというのが出たのですが、読めません・・・。どういった意味なんでしょうか??不安です。英文は、 Our generics are the exact same formula as the name brands,only much cheaper. Now you can save money and receive the same treatment you need!! NO prior prescription needed! Order now to get the biggest discounts. Type the following WEB adress in your browser. よろしくお願いします!!!