• ベストアンサー

イーベイで入札したいのですが 教えてください


  • ベストアンサー
  • mabomk
  • ベストアンサー率40% (1414/3521)

This TOM & JERRY SQUARE PLAYFUL PINK FABRIC is brand new and never washed. The fabric is cotton blend :) You will be getting 1 yard of this fabric, and the approx. size of the whole fabric in inches is 36" x 48". As you can see in the picture, there is a CD (diameter approx. 4.5") placed on the fabric so you will know how big is the characters :) 1-yard幾ら、、、とはその生地の幅如何に関わらず、1-yard(36-inch, or 36”)の長さの単位での売買単位ですから、 この生地(36” x 48”)の長い方(48”)を幅と考えれば、短い方(36”)での長さ方向で丁度1-yardとなります。 You will be getting 1 yard of this fabric. ここにわざわざ「この生地1ヤード分となります」と書いていますので、、、、、、、 36”x48”のfabricで一枚(US$0.99)と理解して結構だと思います。 尚、商業文ではこんなあやふやな書き方をせず、こう書くべきでしょうが、売り手も素人ですから、こんな風に書いたのでしょう!! TOM & JERRY SQUARE PLAYFUL PINK FABRIC Size : 36" x 48” Price : US$0.99/per piece (一枚当たり99セント)


  • イーベイで買い物してこんなメールが来ました

    イーベイで買い物してこんなメールが来ました ヤフーの翻訳などなんとなくはわかるのですが 説明お願いします 最後の方の15$のクレジットとか特に意味がわかりません I am so very sorry to tell you this, but we have run out of this fabric panel in this design. I have searched for more of this fabric and finally I must give up and inform you that I cannot find it. I am very, very sorry to disappoint you. Please forgive me. I will gladly refund your money for the fabric and do an agreed upon dispute resolution to end this transaction, if that is ok with you OR I would be glad to send 2 of another of my other Suzy Zoo fabric panels instead of the one you purchased. I have panels in Purple, Yellow, Pink & Blue, and I have one with Witzy Duck playing in a rain puddle. I would also be glad to give you a $15 credit towards anything in the store if you would like that instead of a refund. Again, I am very, very sorry. Please let me know what you would like me to do.

  • 翻訳お願いします

    The F25 copper heat sink will be $25.00 no I'll make it for you for $20.00 this time as you have bought from me before and I'm guessing you will again so a good deal for is in order for you so $20.00 for the F25 copper heat sink for postage it will be approx $15.00 and the paypal fees are figured on the total so I'm guessing approx $3.00 or less there.

  • 和訳希望

    和訳していただけるかた のみでお願いできますでしょうか? どうぞよろしくお願いいたします The ruling planet of your seventh house is Mars. Mars is a planet of ambition. This man will inspire your ambitions. He will seem to be all you have waited for. Handsome, courageous, bold and brave, full of power and passion. He will seem like a hurricane that sweeps you off your feet and turns your life and feelings upside down. Love for you is quick hasty decisions and feelings that grow rapidly and spread through your life like a fire in the You will feel that you are tired of waiting for money, or for a better way to sustain yourself in your life. This man will seem rich and passionate, a lot of glamour and greed, a view to the top, comes with this love affair and you'll see your ambitions being to take shape with it. This will be mutual, and it while it will seem like an impulsive hastily attachment to others.

  • 英文読解

    When a liquid travels along a tube, it may do so in either of two ways.It may travel by means of laminar flow or turbulent flow. These two forms of flow can be demonstrated by an experiment in which a very fine stream of coloured ink is injected into a tube of water. When the pressure of this jet of ink is at the correct level, the ink will form a uniform stream which passes through the water without mixing with it. It remains a separate layer,or lamina of liquid --hence the term laminar flow--and the force of the liquid is used to push it forward through the water. None of the force is used to push the liquid sideways into the water. However,if the pressure of the flow of ink is increased beyond a certain value,the ink will mix with the water as soon as it enters the tube. Much of the force of the liquid is in this case used in side-to-side movement in mixing with the water and striking the side of the tube. The ink becomes thoroughly mixed with the water, and in this case the flow is known as turbulent flow. Various factors will determine whether the flow of liquid through a tube will be turbulent or laminar. As will be seen if the pressure of the ink is increased as it enters the waterm the greater the force of the liquid, the more likely turbulence is to occur. If the experiment is carried out that the diameter of the tube has an effect on whether laminar or turbulent flow takes place. It will be found that turbulent flow is more likely to occur as the tube becomes narrower. Thirdly, if the diameter of the tube is irregular, or if the tube is bent, turbulent flow is more likely to occur than in a uniform diameter tube. 上記の文を読んで、以下の問に英語で答えてください。お願いします。 1A.What is likely to happen if the diameter of the tube is reduced? 1B.What is likely to happen if the diameter of the tube is increased? 2.How many different factors can influence whether the flow of liquid in a tube is laminar or turbulent? 3.What does the force of the liquid do when the flow is laminar?

  • イーベイ=ノンペイングビッダー

    いつもお世話になっています。 イーベイでノンペイングビッダーの報告をしようとすると・・・ Choose a reason for closing this case 1.The buyer and I have completed this transaction successfully. You will not receive a Final Value Fee credit. 2.I feel I have no other option but to end communication with the buyer. (Available on the 8th day after case is filed or once the buyer responds) You'll get a Final Value Fee credit and the buyer will get an Unpaid Item strike. 3.We've agreed not to complete the transaction or the buyer is returning the item. (Available after the buyer responds at least once) If the buyer informs eBay that they agreed, you will receive a Final Value Fee credit and the buyer will not receive an Unpaid Item strike. If the buyer informs eBay that they did not agree, you will not receive a Final Value Fee credit and the buyer will not receive an Unpaid Item strike. You need to wait up to 7 additional days to be eligible for a Final Value Fee credit. 1.以外が選択出来ない状況になっています。 どうしたらいいでしょうか? 何方か宜しくお願い申し上げます m(_ _)m

  • 倒置の文章について

    倒置の文章について Only when the signed document is received in this office will a contract exist between you and us. この倒置文を倒置のない文章に戻すと When the singed document is received in this office, a contract will only exist between you and us. となると考えていいでしょうか。

  • whatever と anything that

    I will give you whatever is in this box. 主語の部分(I will give you whatever)がとても長いですが、 こういった使い方は普通に使われていますか? また、whatever はanything that に置き換えられるようですが、 I will give you anything that is in this box. の that を省略して、 I will give you anything is in this box. とするのはどうしてダメなのでしょうか? どうぞよろしくお願いします。

  • 日本語に訳してください!

    翻訳をしていただける方、お願いできますでしょうか? 宜しくお願いします。 His Venus conjuncts your Uranus in the synastry this is also a powerful aspect. In romantic relationships this aspect often brings love at first sight. The passionate magical feelings experience in the beginning of the relationship can smolder indefinably, regardless of whether the relationship itself continues or not. Some times the relationship burns out quickly too because despite the powerful mutual attraction, you may find that he doesn't want to settle down just yet, or confine himself to one person. Sometimes its a relationship that come too soon, That is to say you could be the right person, the ideal person for this man, but you may have arrived too soon in his life before he was ready to settle down into marriage or permanency with you. He may need independence. His moon was in Leo in your eleventh house. This is a vibrant dramatic aspect. It means you will have a colourful social life. You will meet creative, dramatic new friends through him, and you will enjoy theatre, dance, displays and drama, outings, you and he will one day live in a very modern designed house, and it will be in a hilly, high up position. In an attractive prestigious area, in a place that is popular. You wont want to feel tied down there. You will not live there for long, but during the time you do, you will make new friends and will feel happy, sociable and you will see some of your life’s wishes and hopes and success come to fruition. Though this will be a fickle place too Dazzling, but shallow and changing, all bright lights and surface show, changing, never bored, your mind will become creative. You will be more extroverted in person, and will like to be noticed, you will gain confidence there, but it will be a place you only live for a time. Impressive and yet not homely.

  • 和訳希望

    和訳をしていただけるかた のみで、お願いできますでしょうか? 定型文となりますので 抽象的だと思いますが どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 In modern times the planets positions are plotted and drawn by the computer. This means a high degree of accuracy is employed in the construction of the chart, it can also be done quickly. Thus it leaves more time for the more important work of interpretation, which I still do individually, word for word, it is entirely hand crafted in the same traditional way. This is what makes your reading so special, precise, unique and accurate. I trust dear friend that my work will enchant you, astonish you, and enlighten you a little more about what the true art of astrology is capable of and that it will guide you to a love that will transform your life

  • 和訳希望

    和訳をしていただけるかたのみで お願いできますでしょうか? 3つの段落になっています。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 Neptune is the planet of mystery and illusions. He represents not so much love but the dream of love. The things we glamorize or romanticize in our life. It is time now to end the reading and to close the curtains across the nights mysterious sky, draw the blind once again on the future. I can if you wish tell you more about your future soul mate. Soul mate three is available and highly recommended. Soul Mate Three and Soul Mate Four are the remaining chapters in the series of Soul Mate readings. Soul mate three is a long volume like this reading. It will add the finishing detail to the picture portrait. And tell you of his hobbies and interests. It will tell you, what you can expect of his of his health prospect. It will tell you of your courtship together, and touches on details not covered in this reading.