• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:The introduction of elevators in h)

Why are 'the lower floors' grammatically incorrect?


  • ベストアンサー

比べるのは「最上階の部屋」と「下の階の部屋」という部屋同志。 The population of Tokyo is larger than that of Osaka. というパターンならわかりやすいでしょうが,今回はややわかりにくいです。 those on the lower floors


  • of glamour

    But it was also a coolness that Norman Mailer captured in Kennedy -- for whom Mr. Schlesinger became a kind of official hero-worshiper -- writing about the 1960 Democratic convention in Los Angeles. Mr. Mailer described how Kennedy’s convertible, then his suntan and his teeth, emerged before a camera-filled crowd in Pershing Square, “the prince and the beggars of glamour staring at one another across a city street.” 何とか構文は分かったのですが、このof glamourが文法的に説明できません。形容詞的に考えると意味が分からなくなりました。お時間を頂けるとありがたいです。 http://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/17/weekinreview/17zernike.html?_r=1&hp=&oref=slogin&pagewanted=print 9段落あたりです。

  • 英語の長文の訳について

    英語の長文を訳していたのですが、どうしても意味の通るような文になりません。 単語単語の意味はわかるのですが…… わかる方、訳を教えていただけると助かります。 You'll love the year-round fun of living in San Diego's largest and most luxurious apartment community. Award winning landscaping with pools, fountains, spas and koiponds. Public transportation, covered parking, cable TV, beauty salon, elevators, meeting and banquest facilities and corporate suites available. Public transportation, covered parking, cable TV, beauty salon, elevators, meeting and banquet facilities and corporate suites available. Unmatched recreational facilities, including tennis and volleyball courts, gyms, billiard rooms and barbecue area. Close to Randolph Golf Course and shopping malls. Choose a lease plan to suit your needs. Affordable rates from $350 (including utilities).

  • 英訳添削願・English translation

    Again a victim of SGI has occurred. American singer Tina Turner became a member of the Japanese religion "SGI (Soka Gakkai International)" with the introduction of a friend in 1971. After becoming a member of SGI, she and her family were released from misery and became happy. However, SGI has changed to heresy Buddhism. Since then, most SGI members have become gradually unhappy. And in July 2018, her son committed suicide. It seems that she and her family did not know that SGI had changed to heresy Buddhism.

  • 和訳お願いします The Tigress and

    Proudfoot, a tiger, became tired of his mate, Sabra, a few weeks after they had set up housekeeping, and he fell to leaving home earlier and earlier in the morning, and returning later and later at night. He no longer called her “Sugar Paw,” or anything else, but merely clapped his paws when he wanted anything, or, if she was upstairs, whistled. The last long speech he ever made to her at breakfast was “What the hell’s the matter with you? I bring you rice and peas and coconut oil, don’t I? Love is something you put away in the attic with your wedding dress. Forget it.” And he finished his coffee, put down the Jungle News, and started for the door. “Where are you going?” Sabra asked. “Out,” he said. And after that, every time she asked him where he was going, he said, “Out,” or “Away,” or “Hush.” When Sabra became aware of the coming of what would have been, had she belonged to the chosen species, a blessed event, and told Proudfoot about it, he snarled, “Growp.” He had now learned to talk to his mate in code, and “growp” meant “I hope the cubs grow up to be xylophone players or major generals.” Then he went away, as all male tigers do at such a moment, for he did not want to be bothered by his young until the males were old enough to box with and the females old enough to insult. While waiting for the unblessed event to take place, he spent his time fighting water buffaloes and riding around with plainclothes tigers in a prowl car. When he finally came home, he said to his mate, “Eeps,” meaning “I’m going to hit the sack, and if the kids keep me awake by yowling, I’ll drown them like so many common house kittens.” Sabra stalked to the front door of their house, opened it, and said to her mate, “Scat.” The fight that took place was terrible but brief. Proudfoot led with the wrong paw, was nailed with the swiftest right cross in the jungle, and never really knew where he was after that. The next morning, when the cubs, male and female, tumbled eagerly down the stairs demanding to know what they could do, their mother said, “You can go in the parlor and play with your father. He’s the tiger rug just in front of the fireplace. I hope you’ll like him.” The children loved him. MORAL: Never be mean to a tiger’s wife, especially if you’re the tiger.

  • 至急です。訳のほうをお願いします。オバマの演説らしいのですが、訳が上手

    至急です。訳のほうをお願いします。オバマの演説らしいのですが、訳が上手くいきません。ご協力お願いします。 John McCain and Hillary Clinton have echoed each other, dismissing this call for change as eloquent but empty, speeches not solutions. And yet they know, or they should know, that it's a call that did not begin with my words. It began with words that were spoken on the floors of factories in Ohio and across the deep plains of Texas, words that came from classrooms in South Carolina and living rooms in the state of Iowa, from first-time voters and lifelong cynics, from Democrats and Independents and Republicans alike.

  • The Seal Who Became FamousのMoralの解説

    The Seal Who Became Famous A SEAL who lay basking on large, smooth rock said to himself: all I ever do is swim. None of the other seals can swim any better than I can, he reflected, but, on the other hand, they can all swim just as well. The more he pondered the monotony and uniformity of his life, the more deoressed he became. That night he swam away and joined a circus. Within two years the seal had become a great balancer. He could balance lamps, billiard cues, medicine balls, hassocks, taborets, dollar cigars, and anything else you gave him. When he read in a book a reference to the Great Seal of the United States, he thought it meant him. In the winter of his third year as a performer he went back to the large, smooth rock to visit his friends and family. He gave them the Big Town stuff right away: the latest slang, liquor in a golden flask, zippers, a gardenis in his lapel. He blanced for them everything there was on the rock to balance, which was not much. When he had run through his repertory, he asked the other seals if they could do what he had done and they all said no. "O.K.," he said. " Let is see you do something I can not do." Since the only thing they could do was swim, they all plunged off the rock into the sea. The circus seal plunged right after them, pair of seventeen-dollar shoes, that he began to founder at once. Since he hadn't been in swimming for three years, he had forgot what to do with his fippers and tail, and he went down for the third time before the other seals could reach him. They gave him a simple but dignified funeral. Moral:Whom God has equpped with fippers should not mon-key arround with zippers. The Seal Who Became FamousのMoralの解説をしないといけないのですが、 良く分らないのです・・・助けて下さい。 宜しくお願いします。

  • The Seal Who Became FamousのMoralの解説

    The Seal Who Became Famous A SEAL who lay basking on large, smooth rock said to himself: all I ever do is swim. None of the other seals can swim any better than I can, he reflected, but, on the other hand, they can all swim just as well. The more he pondered the monotony and uniformity of his life, the more deoressed he became. That night he swam away and joined a circus. Within two years the seal had become a great balancer. He could balance lamps, billiard cues, medicine balls, hassocks, taborets, dollar cigars, and anything else you gave him. When he read in a book a reference to the Great Seal of the United States, he thought it meant him. In the winter of his third year as a performer he went back to the large, smooth rock to visit his friends and family. He gave them the Big Town stuff right away: the latest slang, liquor in a golden flask, zippers, a gardenis in his lapel. He blanced for them everything there was on the rock to balance, which was not much. When he had run through his repertory, he asked the other seals if they could do what he had done and they all said no. "O.K.," he said. " Let is see you do something I can not do." Since the only thing they could do was swim, they all plunged off the rock into the sea. The circus seal plunged right after them, pair of seventeen-dollar shoes, that he began to founder at once. Since he hadn't been in swimming for three years, he had forgot what to do with his fippers and tail, and he went down for the third time before the other seals could reach him. They gave him a simple but dignified funeral. Moral:Whom God has equpped with fippers should not mon-key arround with zippers. The Seal Who Became FamousのMoralの解説をしないといけないのですが、 良く分らないのです・・・文章の意味は大体分ったんですが・・・ 宜しくお願いします。

  • 次の英文で、

    When the tape was played very slowly, the sounds made by the dolphin became lower and they sounded just like those of the scientist when he said, "one, two, three.'' (1)最後の方の when は、「~の時」 という普通の接続詞でしょうか? (2)この全英文の日本語訳がよくわかりません。

  • break down のここでの意味

    以下は、主要な3ゲーム機(wii,playstation 3,xbox360)のなかでどれが勝つかについてのスレッドのなかのひとつです。最後の行の "break down" を辞書で調べましたが、定義がいっぱいあって意味を絞れませんでした。 意味を教えてください。 [i second that... however, when working on the road, and living out of hotels which may or may not provide wifi, consoles are a life saver especially when we can get adjoining rooms and take a couple other tvs from our other rooms for our crew and link up and get busy... definitely more portable than my desktop, however i do bring it with me from time to time... i am going to break down and get a laptop...]

  • よろしくお願いします

    I live in a rural residential area that gets a lot of snow. Is there any tactful way to word an invitation to an open house that asks guests not to wear street shoes in the house? The last time we had a party, only one person was considerate enough to remove dirty shoes. We love to entertain friends, but really don't care for the snow, sand and salt from the road tracked all over our hardwood floors and oriental rugs. the road tracked all over our hardwood floors and oriental rugsはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします