• ベストアンサー



  • nekomac
  • ベストアンサー率43% (162/371)

気がついたところだけ。 you wanted to say (to) Japanese... もし、(日本人に言いたい)という意味ならto です。 Are you a student or (a working member of society?) ご質問者の言い方は間違いではありません。 しかし、学生に対比させるのは社会人だと思いますし、その方が文が締まります。 で、続けますと、 I see you want(ed) to ask to Japanese, "are you a student or a working member of society". We say it in Japanese (like) "anata wa I have a few foreign friends of は要りません。 ( They are two.....) There are は何処かにいる、という意味になります。 graduating from... school 卒業と言ってもいろいろありますので、、、 以上です。



nekomacさま 早々とご回答くださりまして有難うございました。 working member of society、a few foreign friends、They are two..、graduating from... schoolなど、お陰さまで理解しました。 ご丁寧に教えてくださりまして大変感謝いたしております。 今後とも機会がございましたら宜しくお願いいたします。


  • 英語が苦手なので、メールの英文の翻訳をお願いします

    ha ha, yea here we say 'night' for good night and 'morning' for good morning. Though depending on how tired you are it could sort of represnt something else. I was sleeping when you messaged me yes. Ha ha, I had actually thought about that. Me writing Japanese and your responses being in English so we both could understand each other easily. Yes reading English is important when it comes to learning it. Oh! you should try reading books in english maybe that will help. Though I don't know how much when I myself catch a few things here and there that aren't correct... It should help for the most part but I wouldn't recommend shakespear...lol. Thank you and I wish you luck with your studies as well. talk to you again soon. これ(上記)が以下の自分の送信メールに対する返答です。英語が得意な方、どうかこれ(上記)を翻訳してください!! I understood ‘night’ equals “Good night” at last...lol. Good night but maybe you’re already sleeping now. I can’t wait till you’re able to type Japanese,too. How about me writing in English and you writing in Japanese someday? I’m poor at reading English, so It’s helpful to me for you to write in Japanese ha ha. Though, needless to say, I know reading English is important to learn it. Anyway good luck with your studies at law mainly. I’ll wait for your reply.

  • 英語力がたりません。。どれくらい通じているかが知りたいです お願いします

    この英語は不自然ですか?直すべき箇所ありましたら教えてください。教科書的な英語ではなくていいので、日常会話的な範囲で間違えや分かりづらい部分あったら教えてください。 相手から届いたので初めてこちらからメールするという状況です。 Hi, How are you doing? Thank you for your message. Im glad to hear from you. are you interested in Japanese? thats good, thank you! I'll tell you about Japanese culuture, and help your Japanese. お願いします。

  • I'm really happy for you

    英語で説明して、下手な英語でごめんなさいと言ったら -You are good in English than me (私)-Thank you -I'm really happy for you と返って来ました この「I'm really happy for you」の意味を教えてください。 調べると「おめでとう」「よかったね」という意味だそうで、皮肉で言っているのか...(;_;)他の意味はありますか?

  • 英語が苦手なので、メールの英文の翻訳をお願いします

    Thanks for the Japanese tips, though I am still learning to read the characters... I'm sure it does, I just haven't gotten to that part yet, ha ha. Yea, reading in English will help expand your vocabulary. Good, I hope you enjoy them. Some can be good depending on the genre you choose. I'm not recoomending Shakespeare because a lot of people find it difficult to understand becuase it's old English rather than normal english, in all truth Shakespeare might have been a writer but he was a poet. I personally enjoy them but wouldn't reccomend them to someone who isn't too familiar with the English language. But then again Most americans aren't either, ha ha ha. Anyways I'm off to go do some homework (oh joy). Talk to you again later :D これ(上記)が以下の自分の送信メールに対する返答です。英語が得意な方、どうかこれ(上記)を翻訳してください!! ha ha, there you say not only ‘night’ for good night but also ‘morning’ for good morning. I see. well, I’ll teach you some Japanese. “Thank you” equals 「ありがとう。」(casual) or 「ありがとうございます。」 (formal) and “(You’re) welcome” equals 「どういたしまして。」. Maybe the book you acquired also contain these phrases. Thank you for giving me advice about reading books in English. The high school I went to often advised as well. And I was often dealt side readers (Of course written in English) a lot by high school. I read them hard in early times, but I didn’t read them doggedly. I want to try reading them from the first time again. You wouldn’t recommend Shakespeare. Why? It’s hard to understand,isn’t it? Anyway thank you,too. I’ll wait for your reply ^_^

  • ペンパルの方から

    ペンパルの方から There are a few japanese living in ○○○! Therefore I want to be friend with you!! このようなメールがきました。 2番目の文で困ってます。 私は 「それで、君と友達になりたい!!」 と和訳したのですが、 ネット上の翻訳によると、 「君を通して友達になりたい!!」。 君を通してという意味だったら、あちらに住んでいる日本人と君を通して友達になりたいってことになりますよね。 ネット翻訳はあまり信用してないのですが、もしネット翻訳の方が正しいのならこれは容易に返信できないぞ…という状態で困っています。 どうなんでしょうか。

  • 英語が苦手なので、メールの英文の翻訳をお願いします

    下記の受信メールを翻訳してください。どうか宜しくお願い致します! Oka I'm going to do this the easy way and reply to all three e-mails in one. Firstly, yes, your address compared to mine is long. I will send your gift today and hopefully it wont take forever to get there, ha ha. Also I wanted to say thank you for the card you sent me on the UB website it was so cute! ^_^ . Thank you for explaining palate-teasing for me. Though I kinda guessed what you were saying when you said it, I was just unfamiliar with it the way you used it. Again I am sorry that my e-mail was confusing to you, I need to find a way to make it less confusing... ha ha ha. As for the ^_^ males can use it to. It's just a cute smiley face. I like it. It's also probably over used here in the US, ha ha. It is? I found a couple things online that give instructions...I'll have to look and see if they do..although I have not come across natto there.... Ha ha ha, thanks for the compliment. Glad to hear it, I've actually just acquired a few books and am working on learning how to read and write Japanese, and of course speak it... Though I think the writing and reading is going to come first since it's more difficult. Oh! congrats on passing the exam :D. Thank you for the song. I enjoyed it very much. I've always thought that song was cute. I hope this e-mail isn't confusing for you if it is ごめんなさい。 ha ha ha I wrote Japanese! (I hope it reads right... ^^;)

  • 英語が苦手なので、メールの英文の翻訳をお願いします

    It is difficult to memorize so many yes, but I'll get there eventually, lol. I read about all that in the book I got. It's interesting how languages are formed. Ha ha I'll consider that when I do go to Japan. Thank you for the suggestion. That's good to hear, as soon as my skills are better I'm actually going to do that myself, read books in Japanese that is. Well you don't have to avoid it entirely, just read a few others before you read Shakespeare. It'd be better to have a grasp on English, trust me, his work is a bit confusing with how he writes is a bit different. Anyways if you enjoy old world type stuff then go for it, just read some others before you do is all I suggest. Well I'm off to study talk yo you later! これ(上記)が以下の自分の送信メールに対する返答です。英語が得意な方、どうかこれ(上記)を翻訳してください!! ha ha you’re learning the kanji(‘characters’,kanji characters). It’s difficult for you to memorize (many) kanjis a day, isn’t it?(略)Why don’t you name yourself 「玲奈(れいな、reina)」(for example) after Lexi in order to introduce yourself to everyone in Japan when you come to Japan? Yeah, I’m going to enjoy reading books written in English. But okay I’ll avoid reading Shakespeare. I can’t so much as read Japanese classical literature, so I surely can’t read English classical literature,ha ha ha. Then talk to you later ^_^

  • メールの返事ですが 添削してもらえませんか

    Hi XXXX Thank you for sending me kindness email. There are a lot of useful studying sights, but I have a lot of books to read now. So, I’ll do as possibly as I can. Especially, useful English conversation for traveling is really to need to me. I wonder if the to of two (I wrote just above? to need and to me) is ok? But I like English so I study it joyfully.

  • 大大大至急お願いします。この英語のMAILを訳してください。

    大大大至急お願いします。この英語のMAILを訳してください。 Hi! I come from Switzerland, work for an IT company in Shinjuku and now live not far from Kawasaki. I have been in Japan for 2 months only so I am still new here but I can speak Japanese a little ^^ Oh and I wanted to say you look pretty! Do you already have a boyfriend? ;)

  • 英語の添削お願いします。

    語学学校を卒業するにあたりスピーチをしなければいけません。 文章を考えたのですが添削してもらえますか? Thank you everyone,especially.....Thank you my friends. I've spend in here for three months.I could have a lot of friend and experience.I had a great time in here. I want to talk about a lot more if there is an opportunity to meet you again.So,I'm going to continue to study English for improving my English level. I'll miss you.Have a good school life.Thank you. よろしくお願いします。