• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

 「いまでは、一つの慣習が、その背後にあった理論が人類に信じられなくなって後も、長い期間にわたって続くということが、人類の歴史によって十分に証明されている事実である。」 でしょうか。





  • 和訳してください

    【Peaple came to question whether liberal democracy was in fact a general goal of all mankind,and whether their earlier confidence that it was did not reflect a narrow ethnocentrism on their part.】 読みにくく、しかも長めの文章ですが、和訳して下さい。

  • 和訳が分かりません><

    The Tasaday are significant because they are food gatherers, as were all human beings before the agricultural revolution ― in other words, for over 80 percent of human history. If, during all those tens of thousands of years, people everywhere were as peaceful as the Tasaday, then we cannot accept the common belief that Homo sapiens are innately aggressive. In fact, they had everything to lose because bloody wars might very well have destroyed the human race at a time when so few were scattered about the globe. 上記の英文の和訳が分かりません…。 何方か教えてください。

  • この英文の訳を…

    英語の課題で教科書の本文をなるべく忠実、かつ違和感のないように訳さなければならないのですが、どうしても分からない文章があったので、訳をしていただけないでしょうか。 ちなみに、一つ目の文の中に出てくるhanded downの意味が調べても分かりませんでした…;; ・Since we have often handed down our history in the form of legends, the belief in Niraikanai and the legend of Urashima Taro may possibly reflect the memory of people who used to live in old Ryukyu. ・Will it cause a big change in our understanding of human history, or will it be nothing but "smoke"?

  • 英文和訳です!かなり困ってます!

    アメリカ人と日本人の違いを述べている文章なのですが、この一文がよくわかりません。 If an American is on a couch, he will often sit sideways and let one arm lie along the back of it, with his hand hanging limply from the wrist. 和訳をお願いします。 これは床に手をついてくつろいでいる体勢を述べているのですか? よろしくお願いします!

  • 和訳お願いします(>_<)

    The best way to prevent is to avoid mosquito bites. Mosquitoes are active at night,and people often get bitten while they are sleeping. They just need to hang a net around their bed,so it is very easy and inexpensive. Recently,a special kind of net was invented by a Japanese company. The fibers of the net contain a special insecticide that lasts for five years. There has been international suttort to deliver these nets to people in Africa.

  • 和訳お願いします…

    和訳お願いします! THE THEORY OF LOVE の抜粋です。よろしくお願いします。 While there are many answers - the record of which is human history - they are nevertheless not innumerable. The answers depend, to some extent, on the degree of individuation which an individual has reached. In the infant I-ness has developed but little yet. Only to the degree that the child develops his sense of separateness and individuality is the physical presence of the mother not sufficient any more, and does the need to overcome separateness in other ways arise. Many rituals of primitive tribes offer a vivid of this type of solution. In a transitory state of exaltation the world outside disappears, and with it the feeling of separateness from it.

  • 和訳をお願いします!

    和訳をお願いします! In Austria, the imperial eagle had been extinct for two centuries.In eastern Europe, a few populations survived.Recently, the eagles have begun to spread out westward. A few pairs now breed along the river. With it some luck, and this depends on human wisdom,the imperial eagle will get another chance to colonize central Europe. ヨーロッパに分布するワシについての説明文です。 人間がタカに何かをするとは特に書かれていないので、後半の意味合いが理解出来ません。。。 宜しくお願いしますm(_ _)m

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    It is refreshing to return to the often-echoed remark, that it could not have been the object of a Divine revelation to instruct mankind in physical science, man having had faculties bestowed upon him to enable him to acquire this knowledge by himself. This is in fact pretty generally admitted; but in the application of the doctrine, writers play at fast and loose with it according to circumstances. Thus an inspired writer may be permitted to allude to the phenomena of nature according to the vulgar view of such things, without impeachment of his better knowledge; but if he speaks of the same phenomena assertively, we are bound to suppose that things are as he represents them, however much our knowledge of nature may be disposed to recalcitrate. But if we find a difficulty in admitting that such misrepresentations can find a place in revelation, the difficulty lies in our having previously assumed what a Divine revelation ought to be. If God made use of imperfectly informed men to lay the foundations of that higher knowledge for which the human race was destined, is it wonderful that they should have committed themselves to assertions not in accordance with facts, although they may have believed them to be true? On what grounds has the popular notion of Divine revelation been built up? Is it not plain that the plan of Providence for the education of man is a progressive one, and as imperfect men have been used as the agents for teaching mankind, is it not to be expected that their teachings should be partial and, to some extent, erroneous? Admitted, as it is, that physical science is not what the Hebrew writers, for the most part, profess to convey, at any rate, that it is not on account of the communication of such knowledge that we attach any value to their writings, why should we hesitate to recognise their fallibility on this head?

  • 和訳お願いします

    If the kids had outperformed the apes across the board, on both types of task, it would have supported the "just generally smarter overall" theory. The fact that the children excelled in specific areas suggest it's the other theory that's right-that our ability to cooperate and share expertise has allowed us to build complex societies, collaborate and learn from each other at a high level, and use symbolic representation (writing , numerals , imagery ) that makes humans special , in short ,may be on the way to being solved.  across the board→全てにおいて  supported →支援者  

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    The Hebrew race, their works, and their books, are great facts in the history of man; the influence of the mind of this people upon the rest of mankind has been immense and peculiar, and there can be no difficulty in recognising therein the hand of a directing Providence. But we may not make ourselves wiser than God, nor attribute to Him methods of procedure which are not His. If, then, it is plain that He has not thought it needful to communicate to the writer of the Cosmogony that knowledge which modern researches have revealed, why do we not acknowledge this, except that it conflicts with a human theory which presumes to point out how God ought to have instructed man? The treatment to which the Mosaic narrative is subjected by the theological geologists is anything but respectful. The writers of this school, as we have seen, agree in representing it as a series of elaborate equivocations -- a story which palters with us in a double sense.' But if we regard it as the speculation of some Hebrew Descartes or Newton, promulgated in all good faith as the best and most probable account that could be then given of God's universe, it resumes the dignity and value of which the writers in question have done their utmost to deprive it. It has been sometimes felt as a difficulty to taking this view of the case, that the writer asserts so solemnly and unhesitatingly that for which he must have known that he had no authority. But this arises only from our modern habits of thought, and from the modesty of assertion which the spirit of true science has taught us. Mankind has learnt caution through repeated slips in the process of tracing out the truth.