• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:次の各分を感嘆文に直してください おねがいします)



  • ベストアンサー
  • TYWalker
  • ベストアンサー率42% (281/661)

This book is very thick. -> How thick this book is. This is a very thick book. -> What a thick book this is! You run so fast. -> How fast you run! あなたの未来文の質問もそうなんですけど、宿題の(?)問題文をずらずらっと書いてさあ解いてください、というのは「相談」なんでしょうかね。。。? 自分はここまで歯をくいしばって解いたけど、ここがどうしても分からないとか。 自分はこういう風に考えるけど、こうも考えられるけど、どうか? とか。 先生にこういう風に言われたけど、ぼくはこういう風に考えられて、わからないとか。 そういう風になると答えがいもあると思うんですけどね。 今の質問のようでは、答えがいもないし、答えるとかえってあなたのためにならないんじゃないかなーって思えてしまいます。 スイマセン。





  • 感嘆文の「驚き」の程度について

    現在使っている参考書では、He is a very good swimmer.をWhat a good swimmer he is!と書き換えてありますが、この二つの文は同じ使い方ができるものなのでしょうか? それとも前者に関しては、very goodあたりを強く発音して初めて同じ使い方ができるものなのでしょうか? veryを使った文と感嘆文の「驚き」(この表現が正しいかはわかりませんが)の程度に差はあるのでしょうか? ぜひご意見を聞かせてください。

  • 次の英文の意味は?

    1.He is very clever. In fact he is a genius. In fact の意味? 2.Japan tasted its first butter. 3.bread and butter 4.a rod and line 5.She was very clever and looked liked a fool. and の意味? 以上5つ、宜しくお願いします。

  • 次の文を否定文に直しなさい。

    次の文を否定文に直しなさい。 That is an old piano. Thosee flowers are very beautiful. My brother wents a new bicycle. I have an English book in my bag. We can speak Chinese very well. Tom is washing his father's car. My father read an English newspaper.

  • 次の文を否定文に直してください。 お願いします

    1.My daughter is very good at sports. 2.My son went to Frankfurt last week. 3.You must take the dog for a walk. 4.Yukiko was singing a song.5.Be late for the meeting. 6.I have already done my homework. 7.My aunt has a very old coins. 8.I want some old coins. 9.Our teacher shut the door. 10.He has to call on his uncle on his way home.

  • 次の文を日本語訳してください

    この文章を日本語訳してください>< 本当に困ってます、おねがいします! Outaka Yoshiko, as she is known today, has surely enjoyed a long and interesting life. She might best be remembered for her three terms in the Japanese Diet as an active representative. She is remembered by many for her brave service as a political reporter in Palestine and other troubled areas in the world in the 1960s. there was much more, however, to this fascinating woman’s life. She was born in Manchuria, China, in 1920, and grew up using the name Li Xianglan, though both of her parents ware Japanese. Because she was troubled by tuberculosis as a child, she took singing lessons from a Russian man who had escaped the revolution 20 years earlier. She was very talented and became a coloratura soprano. This led to a career as an actress for the attractive young woman. In 1938, she made her debut in a film called Honeymoon Express, and then starred in a famous film called Shanghai Nights. In fact, no one knew that she was Japanese; she was thought to be Chinese. She was seen as a multi-lingual, talented Chinese actress. At the end of World War 2, however, she ran into trouble. She was nearly executed by the Chinese government for treason but she narrowly escaped and returned to Japan. In Japan, she continued her singing and acting career under a new name: Yoshiko Yamaguchi. Several years later, the celebrated actress got married to a famous person: the architect, Isamu Noguchi. The two lived happily in Kamakura, where he worked furiously and she built her acting career. She starred in films abroad as well as at home. For example, she was the leading actress in Japanese War Bride, but using a third name, Shirley Yamaguchi, as she was known in America.Sadly, the couple’s demanding careers caused their marriage to fall apart.

  • 時制の一致について。

    (1)A girl whose name is Jane came here yesterday. (2)The person who came here yesterday was a country girl whose name was Jane. ちょっと (2)は、まどろっこしい文にしましたが、(一番シンプルな文は、A girl named Jane came here. でいいんですよね。) 要は(1) 『~whose name is Jane ~』 と (2) 『~whose name was Jane~』が文の中で 同じ意味・状況を表すかを 確認したかったのです。 時制の一致で 現在形と過去形に別れますが、 厳密に、このあとJaneが改名するしない・・・などの複雑な状況を 考えなければ(これについては、いろいろ論争があるようですが、) おおよそ、同じ状況として考えていいと思っていいてよいのか、宜しくお願いいたします。

  • 冠詞 「a」 の位置について

    今アメリカにで住んでいて、英会話スクールに通っているのですが その時に 以下の様な例文があったんです。  1.This is really an exciting movie.  2.This is a very funny political cartoon. つたない英語で 先生に1と2では「a」の位置が違うね。 This is a really exciting movie. じゃないの?というと まぁそれでもいいよ。少しニュアンスが変わるけどね。 と答えてくれましたが、ニュアンスの違いまで教えてくれませんでした。 「a」の位置でどう意味が変わるのでしょうか? よろしくお願いします

  • 不定詞に注意して、次の英文を日本語に直しなさい。

    (1)To protect nature is our duty. (2)It was very exciting to meet such a famous singer. (3)Our plan for this summer is to rebuild and repaint our old house. (4)The department store expects to draw more than ten thousand visitors during the event. (5)Richard found it hard to get along with his new boss. ポイントなどもお願いします! 補足和訳だけでも全然大丈夫です!

  • 以下の形容詞の意味がよくわかりません。。。

    以下の3つの単語の違い(もしかして使わない表現もあるかも)がよくわかりません。ニュアンスの違いについても調べ方がいまひとつわからなくて困っています。 人に使うときにはed形を使うことまではわかるのですが。。。 よろしく御願いします。 That was a very satisfactory trip. That was a very satisfying trip. That was very satisfactory. That was very satisfying. That is a pleasant taste. That is a pleasing taste.

  • itの内容を指す語句

    答えをだしましたが、本文全体の訳に自信がないため、苦戦しています。「it」はどの部分(語句?)を指しているのでしょうか?あっているかどうかご回答よろしくお願いします(><) 1) Perhaps diligence has been a part of the national character from its very origins, and on the other hand 『it』is possible to see Chinese influence-or perhaps it is only a chinese way of describing what was there all along. The notion of the do or the michi `the way`,goes by both a chinese and a japanese name,and『 it』 may be either or both. ・最初のit は 「 diligence has been a part of the national character from its very origins 」 を指していると思うのですが、長すぎるでしょうか? 二つ目のitは 「The notion of the do or the michi `the way`」 を指していると思います。 ------------ 2) A concern with diligence was also a part of tokugawa Confucianism,which was in many ways as japanese as 『it』 was Chinese. ・「A concern with diligence was also a part of tokugawa Confucianism」を指していると思います。 itは基本的に前の文を指すと思っていたのですが、違う場合もあるようで後の文のせないのは不安です(的外れで、ご迷惑がかからなければいいのですが;;)間違っていた場合はもう1度訳しなおします。 的外れな答えばかりだと思いますが、ご回答お願いいたします。