• ベストアンサー



  • stlyle
  • ベストアンサー率27% (22/79)

【1】 (1) The girl with long hair is my sister. The girl (which) (has) long hair is my sister. (2) This question is not as difficult as that one. this question is (easier)(than) that one. (3) Tom came to japan last year and is still in Tokyo. Tom (has)(been) in Tokyo since last year. (4) A mouse said to a cat, Please don't eat me. A mouse said to a cat, I don't (want) you to eat me. 【2】 2 次の()に適切な語を書きなさい。 (1) 彼女は私と同じくらいの年齢で、同じくらいの背の高さでした。  She was about my age and was (as)(tall)(as) I. (2)  彼女が何を言ったのかを理解することは、今度はそんなに難しくありませんでした。   Now (it) was not so difficult (to) understand what she said. 僕も受験勉強でこんなところやってます。ちなみに中3の♂です。 自信はありますが、間違ってたらすみません。 受験勉強お互いに頑張りましょうね。





  • 英語の質問です!

    次の各直接話法の文を間接話法に直してください。 1 They said, 'We will boycott television sponsors.' 2 My sister said to me, ' I am cleaning my room now.' 3 Pat said to me,'Please help me with my homework.' 4 Tom said to Susie, 'Do you know where I live?' 5 Yesterday Bob said to me, 'Let's play catch tomorrow.' 宜しくお願いします!

  • ほぼ同じ意味の文章になるようにしてください!!

    1. I had lunch before I went out. I went out [ ] I had lunch. 2. This is a bag which was made by my sister. This is a bag [ ] [ ] my sister. 3. Is that the girl ? You were talking about her. Is that the girl [ ] [ ] talking [ ]. 4. I went to a bookstore and bought his book. I went to a bookstore [ ]buy his book. [ ]の中に入る単語は何ですか?全然分かりません!!  誰か教えてください!

  • 英語の訳についてお聞きしたいです。

    考えてみたのですがいまいちよく分からないのでお願いします。 「~している…、~する…」という意味になる (a) There is someone waiting for you at the station. (b) Andy likes the singing birds. (c) The girl singing a song is my friend. (d) The sleeping girl is my sister. 「~された…、~される…」という意味になる (a) John has a lot of books written in English. (b) I need to take my broken watch to the shop. (c) The languag spoken in Australia is English. (d) Look at the closed door. です。 言っている意味がやっぱりよく訳せなくて、、 お願いします。

  • 英語教えてください!

    英語教えてください。意味合いが会って通じればいいんですけど あっていますか? また※のところはわからないので教えていただけたらうれしいです。 これはTomと僕の親しい友人とのチャットだ。 There is a Tom and my best friends chatting 彼女はとても美しく、聡明な女性だ。 She's intelligent and modest and, what is more, very beautiful Tomが彼女にであったのは4年前になる。 Tom met my friend 4years ago 彼は彼女に夢中だよ 今でも同じさ He was crazy for my friend and even now 結局Tomは振られたけどね。彼はいまだに諦めない。 ※ 僕は君とTomがうまくいってほしいと思っている。 ※ 君が彼を愛しているならTomをうまくコントロールしてほしい。 ※ そうじゃないとこの先もずっとTomは僕の友人を口説くだろうから。 ※ 彼女も迷惑しているんだよ。 ※ ただ僕が君の友達だったら、彼とは別れろというだろうけどね。 If we are good friends You got to let him go! I think that you will say this Tomはまじで最低なヤロウだから。 Your boyfriend still a douchebag

  • 中3 関係代名詞 (英語)

    次の2文を一文にまとめなさい。という問題で、 the car is nice/ it was made in america 答え the car is nice made in america The girl is my sister/ She is called Nao 答えThe girl is my sister called Nao the pictures are beautiful/ They ware taken by MIke 答えthe pictures are beautiful taken by MIke これらの答えはあっていますかね? 参考書見たら逆に書いてあったのですが、映像授業ではこのような書き方をしていたので質問しました。

  • 高校英語 訳と並び替えです!

    英語の訳と、並び替えお願いします! 1と2は訳 3~5は並び替えです。 1.He has a daughter, who lives in London. 2.My sister, who studies in Boston, is coming back to Tokyo next month. 3.そのリンゴの木は、両親が五年前に植えたもので、いくつか実をつけた The apple tree, (my parents, which, planted, five years ago), has given us some apples. 4.ベスは、ピーターが結婚したいと願ってる人で、明るい女性だ。 Beth,(marry, to, hopes, Peter, whom), is a cheerful woman. 5.昨日は雨がひどく降っていたので、私たちはずっと家の中にいた。 It was raining hard yesterday,(us, inside our house, kept, which) 以上の五問です! ちなみに並び替えは()内だけです!お願いします!

  • 【英語】作文の添削お願いします 

    テーマ:印象に残っている贈り物 Most impressing present in my life is a watch that my father gave me when I passed the exam to enter the high school. My father used the watch before I was born, and he wouldn't put away it even though he was given a new watch by my mother and sister. I think the watch will have been very important for my father. So, I was very surprised when he gave it to me. At first, I hesitated to receive it, but I received it in the end because my father said with smiling that "I use this new watch". The watch was what my mother and sister gave him. My watch and my father's watch is very different because mine is very old and father's is new. However both of them are filled with love of my family. 文法や構成について指摘してください。

  • この英文の読み方を教えてください

    My elder sister is learning the PC at the university. to which it learns of what? The elder sister is learning the programming of the PC. The problem that the elder sister is doing seems to be difficult. The elder sister likes game. The elder sister is always playing a game when there is time. Therefore, it is a dream in the elder sister to do the programming of the personal computer game. I am supporting such my elder sister. の読み方をどなたかカタカナか平仮名で教えて下さい! お願いします!

  • 英語でわからない問題があります。教えてください><

    次の各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように( )に適語を入れなさい。というものです。4問わからないものがあります。 (1) a. I like the moon better than any other celestial body. b. I like the moon ( ) ( ) all the celestial bodies. (2) a. She is the loveliest girl I have ever met. b. I have never met ( ) ( ) lovely girl as she. c. She is ( ) ( ) any other girl I have ever met. (3) a. He said that he was happy to meet us that day at that memorable party. b. He said, "( ) ( ) happy to meet ( ) ( ) at ( ) memorable party." (4) a. He said to her, "Will you attend the party tomorrow?" b. He asked her ( ) she ( ) attend the party ( ) ( ) ( ). 問題多くてごめんなさい><1つでも分かる人がいらっしゃれば回答よろしくお願いします。  

  • 英語の問題

    以下の文の中に文法的に誤ったものを選ぶ問題です。 1This is the girl Tom is going to marry. 21This is the girl whom Tom is going to marry with. 3I visited the factory where my father works in. 4I visited the factory in which my father works. 5I visited the factory where my father works. 6There are times which everyone needs to be alone. 7There is no reason why you should complain. 8That's how this school got its name. 9That's the way everyone dresses on festival days. 10That's the way how you can create your own homepage. 11,12と13,14,15については少々解説等頂きたいと思います。お願いします。