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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:訳を教えてください!)

【WARNING】A Dangerous Secret Revealed: The Perils of Forbidden Knowledge


  • ベストアンサー
  • T-Simoo
  • ベストアンサー率46% (37/80)

構文が見えるように、直訳的にしています。 But do not think, my friend, that I am going to communicate this secret to you. だが友よ、私がこの秘密を君に知らせるつもりでいるなどとは思うな。 Listen patiently to my story and learn from my example how dangerous is such knowledge, and how much happier is that man who believes his village to be the world than he who aspires to become greater than his nature will allow. 私の話を辛抱強く聞き、そして私の示す事例から、そのような知識がいかに危険であり、自分の天分が許すもの以上のものになろうと欲する者より、おのが村を世界と信じる者の方がはるかに幸福であることを学ぶのだ。 ※ここに用いられているhe who aspires...のheは文語的用法でanyoneの意味を持ちます。





  • 訳を手伝ってくれませんか??

    If there is a god, I am not inclined to believe I am special and he listens to all of my prayers (like christians believe). And I am not inclined to believe that I will have another life after this one. I don't want to make that assumption - because if there is another life, how do I know if it's going to be good or bad? That would just make me worry more! こんにちは。アメリカの方からのメールなんですけど 神様はいるのか、そして転生輪廻はあるのかという話しなんですけど、質問させて下さい。 (1)I am not inclined to believe I am special and he listens to all of my prayers は、神がいるなら私は自分が特別だとも、彼が私の願いの全てを聞いてくれるとも信じたいと思わない?? (2)if there is another life, how do I know if it's going to be good or bad? That would just make me worry more! もし違う人生があるならどうやって私は良くなるか悪くなるか知ればいいの?? といいう風に意味がわかりません。 どなたかアドバイスお願いします<(_ _)>

  • 英語の質問です。和訳お願いします。

    I have alot of stress because of school. And because of my ex. And because of my family who thinks I am the one who needs to be solving all their problems. And then I stress because of you because you say how communicating is so important but I don't want to/don't have time to be here writing to you about how shit my life is.

  • 英語の質問です。和訳お願いします。

    I have alot of stress because of school. And because of my ex. And because of my family who thinks I am the one who needs to be solving all their problems. And then I stress because of you because you say how communicating is so important but I don't want to/don't have time to be here writing to you about how shit my life is.

  • すごーく長いので、出来たら訳をお願いしたいです

    He is an interesting man, but there has been obscurity and misery in his life. He has faced some long and hard past ordeal, or unfavorable circumstances or darkness of spirit has shadowed him and dogged his footsteps. He is stalwart and hardened by the struggle, and a little fatalistic and guided often on his course by his instincts as to what will bring him luck and what wont. He knows what direction he wants to follow in life and struggles against adversities in a dignified way. But he is an unsettled man with a changing unreliable life and a restless determination to rise about him. One who is never at rest or at peace but always on the move. He has a receptive mind, a wild energy and life of much turmoil and contradiction. An ambitious man, but with many impractical dreams, who fools himself into thinking he is capable of achieving more than he can, and so no matter how hard he tries, how successful he is. his goals remain always distant, out of reach or just beyond his capability. He is one of life's takers, not one of life's givers. He takes what's given for granted and exploits it in any way he can, to get further gains. To heap up favours or wealth, a grasping nature, that when given something, extracts more, but gives little or nothing back. He ceases opportunities where he can. Lives by his wits exploits his own reserves, but fails to learn from his bad luck and failures. すみません。やはり長すぎますね・・

  • 訳をよろしくお願いします

    Contrary to what many women apparently believe, there are guys out there who don’t actually crave sex all the time. I’m one of them. I know more guy friends and relatives than not who are similar. I know more guy friends and relatives than not who are similar.の訳をよろしくお願いします

  • 訳を手伝ってくれませんか??(2)

    In my opinion, why argue at all? I can't say that you're right in your beliefs and I can't say that I am either. It's just not possible in my mind. But then, yes, I have experienced some of the feelings you mentioned in your letter. What's the point? Coming from someone who likes to think there is something out there, but realize that I am not sure - We're here to live together and to choose how to live in this society. I don't know what else there is, and I have accepted not knowing. こんにちは、アメリカ人からのメールですが、 (1)一行目のwhy argue at all?が全くわかりません(>_<) (2)What's the point? ポイントは何だっけ?というかんじでしょうか? (3) Coming from someone who l ikes to think there is something out there, but realize that I am not sureは全くわかりません<(_ _)>すみませんがどなたかアドバイスお願いします。

  • 日本語訳をお願いします

    [ ]の日本語訳をお願いします。 And to criticize men's lives without mentioning any names — I ask you, does this look like sarcasm, or rather warning and advice? Again, on how many charges am I not my own self-critic? Furthermore, if every type of man is included, it is clear that all the vices are censured, not any individual. [And so anyone who protests that he is injured betrays his own guilty conscience, or at any rate his apprehensions.]

  • 和訳希望です

    I solicited your assistance in the most polite language. I am a dying woman who had decided to donate what I have to Charities I am 60 years old by age, and was diagnosed for cancer about two years ago immediately after the death of my husband, Life for me in this world so we can have a place in Heaven. I have been touched by God to donate from what I have inherited from my late husband for the good work of God, rather than allow his relatives to use my husband's hard earned funds ungodly. しっくりと理解できる和訳に奮闘しています。長文ですが、よろしくお願いします。

  • メールの英文の訳をお願いします

    アドレスが間違えているのか、迷惑メールなのか分かりませんが気になりましたので訳をお願いいたします。 ちなみにこの英文のあとにURL的なものがついていました。 hello hi and love .i am fine.quite jest like you the trvavel was not so good.bikose you was not with me .and no girlfriend?i was jest my salf .and my life is now so sad .now hear in varanasi is to hot ....an ran. i have no time for to go .........ganga. i am to busy at my huose.its good nwes for you. you have your room at my home .wan you come to india ....you no nide hoteel ,,after 2 dey i am free to go ganga and work. and its ....take 2 manth to make room ...........how is your life go.........do you have your internet..write me soon. if you can. i mas go to home. i love you. i miss you. you are one nice girlfriend?of me missing you hear a lot.i hope i wish same form you your lone

  • 訳して下さい!m(_ _)m

    友達からメールをもらったのですが、なんて書いてあるんですか??? バカな私には分かりません・・・。教えてください。 There are so many things to do each day There is so much going on in the world of great concern that often we do not stop and think about what is really important to us One of the nicest things in my life is my friendship with you and even if we don´t have a lot of time to spend with each other I want you to always know how much I appreciate you and our friendship