• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:長い文の和訳を見て下さい)



  • ベストアンサー
  • ベストアンサー率49% (335/674)

>This course is intended to give you an overview of the public relations industry and help you to develop and strengthen your public relations abilities through in-depth study of the public relations function in organizations, the persuasion process, the four-step approach, and ethical decision making so that you can plan, implement, and evaluate an effective public relations program. >コースの目的 >効果的なパブリックリレーションズのプログラムを計画、実行、評価ができるようになるために、このコースはパブリックリレーションズ業界をおおまかに知らしめ、生徒の成長をうながし、組織、説得プロセス、4段階アプローチや倫理意思決定においてパブリックリレーションズ機能の徹底的な研究を通して生徒のパブリックリレーションズ能力を強化することを目的とします。 回答 (1)パブリックリレーションズとは、「~をピーアールする」というときのピーアールのことで、通常はPRと書きます。 (2)このdevelopは、strengthenの目的語である、your public relations abilitiesを同じ目的語とする他動詞です。つまり、「受講生が自己のPR能力を開発および強化するのを手助けする」という意味になります。 (3)the public relations function in organizations,は、「組織内におけるPRの職務」という意味で、the public relations function in organizations, the persuasion process, the four-step approach, and ethical decision makingの4つを徹底的に研究することを通じて手助けするという意味になっています。 (4)ethical decision makingは、「倫理的な事柄についての意思決定」という意味です。つまり、法律には触れなくても道徳的には良くないことは行わないことを意思決定するという意味です。 参考訳 (理解しやすくするためにある程度直訳調にしてあります) 本コースは、受講者が効果的なPRプログラムを立案、実行および評価できるようにすることを目的として、PR業界の概要について説明すること、および、組織内におけるPRの職務、説得プロセス、4段階から成るアプローチ法、および倫理上の意思決定について徹底的に研究することを通じて受講生が自己のPR能力を開発および強化するのを手助けすることを意図するものである



回答をありがとうございました。実はこの和訳は、他の人に見せるためにやっています。私もよくわからないまま、機械の翻訳に頼るよりはずっと良いと思って、大変苦労して和訳しているので、回答がいただけて本当に嬉しいです。 (1)パブリックリレーションズはPRとも書かれるのですが、これによって知らない人に誤解を招く恐れもあると思って敢えて書きませんでした。すみません。PRと聞いたらパブリックリレーションズの事だと理解してもらえるようになるといいと思っています。 (2)>このdevelopは、strengthenの目的語である このあたりを間違えていたようです。 (3)>「組織内におけるPRの職務」 こういうくくりだったのですね。 (4)>法律には触れなくても道徳的には良くないことは行わないことを意思決定するという意味です。 なるほど。よくわかりました。 しばらくじっくりと自分の訳と付き合わせてから閉め切らせて下さい。


  • 区切り方と和訳を見て下さい

    Course Descriptionの内容ですが、区切り方と和訳を見て下さい。 An introduction to the process and practice of public relations in contemporary business and not-for-profit institutions. この文を下のように区切りました。 An introduction / to the process and practice / of public relations / in contemporary business and not-for-profit institutions. 訳:現代ビジネスと非営利団体における/パブリックリレーションズの/プロセスと実践/入門 また、パブリックリレーションズとは何かを質問し、少しずつわかってきました。関連URLは下記です。 http://okwave.jp/qa3817095.html

  • 和訳お願いします

    You have already heard how from time to time he himself stupid each operation in the making of his lamp,and how thoroughly he worked out the process of carbonization.First he formed his filament from the raw material and then he carbonized them.Those that worked on the problem before Edison,took carbon already made from which to shape their light-giving elements.Some had their carbons made by Carre of Paris,an electric arc light carbon manufacturer;and these were in the shape of rods. Thus we see distinctive methods of operation,with Edison following a different course from all the others in procuring and making his carbon filament. When at last he had concluded his investigations into carbon-making and began to make lamps in quantities,he assigned Lawson,Van Cleve and others to the job, instructing them in all the details.From that time forth it was more of a routine process than an experimental one.Likewise the newcomers whom the new-found light and dynamo lured to Menlo Park,Clarke,Howell,Hammer,Acheson,Holzer and others,were assigned places in this new activity.And each of the so-colled 'departments'was given its own routine.

  • この文を和訳していただけませんか?

    A musical world tour in the eighth century would have found traditions of chant throughout the Christian world, refined solo instrumental playing in China, variegated court ensembles there and in Japan, and a great richness of instrumental and theatre music in India (now known only from treatises and representations of music-making) - not to mention the largely unrecorded musical cultures of Java, Burma, Central America and many parts of Africa, and the totally forgotten music of other regions. 文の沿って?、分かりやすく訳していただけたら嬉しいです。

  • この文をどう訳すべきかわかりません。

    この文をどう訳すべきかわかりません。どなたかよろしくお願いします。 why you love your decision to become an exchange student in the US?

  • 次の英文を和訳してください。

    In this study, the researchers used "a powerful mathematical algorithm" to find the SNPs that would be most useful for them. It is increasingly common for biologists and other scientists to use algorithms, or step-by-step procedures, in analyzing date. An algorithm is often shown as a flowchart with decision points. At each decision point, the process will go in one direction or another. For example, after you read an email message you may make a simple decision: "Should I reply to this message?" If the answer is "Yes, reply" then the next decision point is "Should I reply immediately?" On the other hand, if the answer is "No, do not reply" then the next decision point is "Should I archive this message or throw it away?" That is, each alternative leads to its own path. At the end of the process, you will have either 1) read, replied to, and archived the message, 2) read, replied to, and deleted the message, 3) read and archived the message, or 4) read and deleted the message. Obviously, if such a simple decision can be charted out with so many alternatives and consequent final decisions, the complicated environment in which scientists work will require highly sophisticated algorithms. Without the use of computer-driven algorithms, there would not be enough time to explore all of the potential decision paths. Thus, new disciplines such as computational biology have arisen in order to support researchers in their quest for knowledge.

  • 意味を教えてください

    カレッジ留学で幼児教育の勉強をしています。 Ethical Responsibilities to Children: -involve those with relevant knowledge in the decision-making process concering a child ハイフン以下の意味がいまいちわかりません。 和訳でもよいし、意味だけでもいいので、教えてください! 明日テストなので困っています!!

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    医療系ニュースの記事の一部です。 よろしくお願いします꒰๑•௰•๑꒱ All of the above cases involved nurses and obviously not all of the nurses were good leaders, neither in the practice of nursing nor in their adherence to the mandates of their legal and ethical responsibilities as nurse leaders. Abraham Lincoln once said “Whatever you are, be a good one.” Good nursing leadership is demanding. You must constantly meet those demands with the qualities, characteristics and attributes to which your staff and your patients are entitled.

  • 以下の文を和訳して頂けませんか?

    「Unfortunately the pricing structure of our t-shirts is such that we cannot offer you discount larger than 15%. I am sorry for any inconvenience. If you would still like to place the order, we can accept the payment in the form of an International Money Order as long as it is an International Money Order in U.S. funds or an International Cashier’s Check in U.S. funds. If you pay with an International Money Order or International Cashier’s Check in U.S funds there must be a bank from the United States written on it somewhere AND there must be a bank routing number and account number printed on the bottom edge of the Money Order. The shipping cost would be determined when the order is placed; to find the shipping cost you would need to place the order on our website. Please let me know if you need any assistance placing the order and I can help you. Aside from the shipping costs, there should not be any additional fees or handling charges from Interpunk. However please keep in mind that once the package(s) is shipped, your country may charge you an import tax. Each country has different laws for the amount of tax (if any) that you must pay before customs will release your package to you. These taxes are out of our control and there is no way InterPunk can pre-pay these taxes. This is a tax that your country charges you to discourage you from buying things from out of your own country. You should contact your local custom's people to ask if your country has an import tax and on what type of products it applies to. I hope this helps. 」 すいませんがよろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします。

    The laws of gravity, the weight of history and of precedent, have caught up with the Obama presidency. We are beyond stirring speeches. The novelty of the Obama approach, and the Obama persona, has worn off. There is a whole American diplomatic tradition to draw upon—engagements made, wisdom acquired in the course of decades, and, yes, accounts to be settled with rogues and tyrannies. They might yet help this administration find its way out of a labyrinth of its own making. 第4文の意味がわかりません。訳して頂けませんか。

  • ちょっと長いですが、和訳お願いします。3文ともに続いています。

    ちょっと長いですが、和訳お願いします。3文ともに続いています。 The state's interest inschools reached its ultimate expression in T'ai-tsu's proclamation for the establishment of village schools everywhere. The purpose of this, no doubt went beyond the simple recruiting of officials and implied a wish to extend the civilizing force of education to the whole rural population, an aim which revealed an impulse in T'ai-tsu, the man of the people, to affect all of the people more profoundly than government had tried to do before. In this he overreached himself, as the idea of the schools languished in the absence of state money to support them. they persisted in name in many place, but there is no evidence of a revolution in popular education.