• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • mabomk
  • ベストアンサー率40% (1414/3521)

grant for medical research 医学研究助成金 (1) for 「何々の為の」でよろしいでしょう、上記は実際の使用例。日本語にする時は「仮設住宅、家屋修繕の助成金制度を設定する」みたいな事でナンの違和感もありませんが。 (2)to でも for でも、どっちでも良いのではないでしょうか、そんなに神経質になるこたー無い、と断言出来ます。



回答ありがとうございます。 「為の」でいいのですね。 「物の為ではなく被害者の為では?」と思いforのニュアンスに疑問があったのですが、「被害者の為の物の為」といった感じなのですね。 >to でも for でも、どっちでも良いのではないでしょうか、そんなに神経質になるこたー無い、と断言出来ます。 そうですね。。。私もこの質問はどっちでもいいように思っていたのですが確認する方法がなく自信が持てませんでした。。。 ありがとうございます。


  • which authorized

    英語やり直し組です。 Mr. Bush has declared seven California counties a major disaster area, which authorized federal funds for temporary housing, home repairs and low-cost loans for losses not covered by insurance. (1)authorizedがわかりません。 「カリフォルニアカウンティは~のための連邦基金を与えられた」のように見えます。be動詞の省略?かと思いましたがthere is a man who struck herこの文だとbe動詞の省略すると意味が反対に変わってしまいます。。。つまり省略は不可能のように思えます。 これはどう考えるべきなのでしょうか? お願いします。。。。

  • アメリカの新聞記事の和訳

    Sandy後に関するニュースの冒頭の部分です。とくにTo make that happenのところがよくわかりません。和訳をよろしくおねがいいたします。 First, life has to be rewound to Friday, Oct. 26 — the last weekday before Hurricane Sandy crippled and disoriented the New York area. To make that happen, repairs to damaged power grids, transportation networks and housing will grind on for weeks, if not months, at a staggering cost.

  • grantとscholarship

    I will always be grateful for the scholarships, grants, and opportunities that Harvard gave me.... grantとscholarshipは何か違うのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 前置詞forについて

    以下の問題文の中で使われている前置詞<for>と最も近い用法のforを選択肢の中から選ぶ問題なのですが、1問のみどうしてもよくわかりません。 【問題文】 A primitive man, on meeting other men, will first have experienced fright. His fear will make him see these men as larger and stronger than himself; he will give them the name giants. After many experiences, he will discover that the supposed giants are neither larger nor stronger than himself, and that their stature did not correspond to the idea he had originally linked to the word giant. He will then invent another name that he has in common with them, such as, for example, the word man, and will retain the word giant < for > the false object that impressed him while he was being deluded. 【選択肢】 (1) He left for New York. (2) I’m looking for my dictionary. (3) He paid three thousand yen for the book. (4) He waited for what felt quite a long time. < for >の前後関係を読んでみると、「誤った対象(はじめ巨人だと思っていたが実際にはそうではなかった人々)に対するgiantという言葉」なので「~に対する」(対象)のforだと思いました。 そこで、選択肢を見ると、(1)は方向や目的地、(2)は「~を求めて」、(3)は「交換」、(4)は「期間」かなと思ったのですが、どれも問題文の< for >と合いそうにありません(あえて言えば1が近いのかな、という程度です)。 問題文が長く、大変お手数かけますが、ご教授いただければ幸いです。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。

  • 訳をお願い致します ペコ

    Kevin Mara, Housing NZ's general manager of assets, said last year that his organisation did not accept any liability for the structural or weathertightness problems. "We don't own the building, we don't own the land, we didn't design or build the building. Our involvement has been to lease 32 units in the complex from private owners." But John Gray, president of the Home Owners and Buyers Association, complained to Housing Minister Phil Heatley, saying Housing NZ under Labour had "significant involvement".

  • 英訳の意味をご教授お願いします。

    銀行から融資を受けようと待ってるマイク Hm, I'm waiting for the bank to make the competitive loans I'm looking for... 競争力のある融資をする銀行を探して待ってる ...and then I'll swoop in.このswoop inは急降下、突然入ってくる、という意味がありますが その時は一気に商談をまとめるではおかしいでしょうか。 宜しくお願いします。

  • 英語が得意な方 和訳を助けてください。

    英語が得意な方 和訳を助けてください。うまく訳せなくて困っています。よろしくお願いします。 This dealt with loans for the promotion of settlement and integration damages for household goods, compensation for damage to property, for pensions, aid for accommodation and support, as well as exchange equalization for the savings deposits of refugees and people driven out of the former German territories in the East.

  • tux catの意味がわかりません(政治)

    Bush contends that his $550 billion tux cat proposal will stimulate the economy by allowing Americans to keep more of their own money to spend, save, and invest, thus creating new jobs. どう理解したらよろしいでしょう?

  • to不定詞の修飾箇所

    次の文章の和訳をお願いします。特にto cater to以降の部分の解釈がわかりません。 Kenya's goals should be the following: to create a central research body to systematically collect, preserve and disseminate information on local music and dance. To make music and dance education available at all educational levels and in line with national goals. To make accessible concerts and festivals to all people with minimum cost and effort to conform to cultural values and national aspirations the content and quality of music at festivals, concerts, and on radio and TV to cater to and safeguard needs of musicians, and to pay for their services.

  • 下記文の訳で困っています。会計の知識が必要なので、余計難しく、、

    下記文の訳で困っています。会計の知識が必要なので、余計難しく、、 要約で構いません!お願い出来ませんでしょうか? The big question for commercial and industrial property owners is: What is the split between the core building structure and fit-out, and what will the Government's position be on depreciating fit-out? The IRD plans to review the boundary between buildings and depreciable fit-out for commercial buildings and any changes in this regard will apply from the same date that the zero per cent depreciation rate kicks in. If there are to be few provisional depreciation rates issued for classes of buildings with estimated useful lives of less than 50 years, there is a real expectation that the definition of a depreciable fit-out should be broad. Given it will no longer be possible to apply for special depreciation rates for specific buildings, much work needs to be completed to ensure fair allocation of fit-out components for commercial and industrial buildings. An emerging financial reporting issue, with huge surprises for certain owners of buildings which will no longer be tax-depreciable, involves a significant one-off tax charge against profit. Finally, we would expect that pressure will mount from owners of commercial and industrial buildings for the broadening and increased certainty of what is regarded as tax-deductible repairs and maintenance.