• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:漸化式の考え方?)



  • ベストアンサー
  • Tacosan
  • ベストアンサー率23% (3656/15482)

「Xn+1>=pQ+Xn/P, X0>=1」 という漸化式を満たす Xn に対して 「Vn+1=pQ+Vn/P, V0=1」 という漸化式で Vn を定義すると Xn ≧ Vn だ, って言っているんだよね? どのように置き換えたかというと, 2箇所の ≧ を = に置き換えたんだけど.... 「前者*から*後者を定義する」という文章ではないのでここが質問の箇所かなぁと思ったんだけど, そういうことではない?


  • カードトリック問題の意味について

    こんにちは。前に質問させてもらい、 内容として 「21 枚のカードがあり、絵が見えるように上にして、三枚ずつ七行に並べていく。七行・三列の配列で考える。 そして、観客に一枚を選ばせ、三列のうちのどの列なのか言わせる。カードは手渡さないで、指示された列が真ん 中になるよう各列のカードを集めたあと、また繰り返す。このイカサマを 3ラウンド繰り返せば、イカサマ師は観 客の選んだ札を言い当てられる。」 ということで、理解できました。そして、そのあとの英文のないようで、数式が出てきているのですが、 どのような意味なのかが、読みとれません>< その内容は、 The convergence of the process We consider a pack with PQ cards which will be arranged in an array of P columns, each of Q cards or, equivalently, Q rows, each of P cards. The case described above is with P=3 and Q=7. We shall only analyse the case when P and Q are odd and greater than 1 (leaving the other cases to the interested reader), and we write P=2p+1 and Q=2q+1, where p>=1 and q>=1. We are interested in the central card in the pack; this has exactly 1/2(P×Q-1) cards above and below it and, labelling the cards 1,2,3,... from the top of the pack, the central card is labelled C, where C=1/2(P×Q+1)=p×Q+q+1=q×P+p+1. Suppose now that the chosen card lies in the Xn th position in the pack after n rounds have been played. During the play in the next round the first Xn cards will be spread out over the first few rows, and the chosen card will occur in the r th row, where r is the smallest integer greater than or equal to Xn/P. We write <Y> for the smallest integer m satisfying m>=Y. It follows that, after reforming the pack by ensuring that the column containing the chosen card is the central column, the position Xn+1 of the chosen card will satisfy the recurrence relation Xn+1=pQ+<Xn/P>. This is a recurrence relation, but it is non-linear, and we do not know the initial value X0 of the chosen card in the pack; all we know is that 1=<X0=<PQ. Nevertheless, this information is sufficient to give us a complete solution of our problem, and we shall see that the dynamics of the trick is reminiscent of the convergence of iterates of a function towards an attracting fixed point of the function. We begin by noting that there is a symmetry in the process, so that we may confine our attention to those cases where the chosen card lies in the top half of the pack; thus we may assume that 1=<X0=<C. An induction argument now shows that, for all n, Xn=<C. For suppose that Xn=<C; then Xn+1=pQ+<Xn/P>=<pQ+<C/P> =pQ+<(qP+p+1)/P> =pQ+q+1=C This argument also shows that if Xn=C, then Xn+1=C. Observe next that X1>pQ. We shall now show that there is some integer N with pO<X1<X2<....<Xn-1<Xn=C=Xn+1=Xn+2=.... ・・・(1) いつも質問させてもらい、本当に助かってます。時間がある方、アドバイスお願いします><

  • カードトリック問題について

    こんにちは。カードについて書いてあることはわかるのですが、内容がよくわかりません。アドバイスお願いします>< The card trick Consider the following card trick. The trickster has 21 cards in a pack; the audience chooses one card (leaving it in the pack) and the pack is shuffled. The trickster deals out the cards face up in a row of three, then in a second row of three, and so on, the cards finally making an array of seven rows of three cards each(or three columns of seven cards each). The audience states which column the chosen card is in, the trickster collects up the columns to reform the pack ensuring that the chosen column is placed between the other two. This process (which we call a round) is repeated twice more. The trickster can now tell the audience which card was chosen, for it will be the card in the centre of the pack with ten cards before it and ten cards after it. Of course, the trickster can add the usual embellishments to deflect the audience's attention from the crucial issues. Why does this trick work? What will happen if we take a different size pack? We shall analyse the trick for a pack of any size, explain why it works, and show how many rounds are needed. Unexpectedly perhaps(but only at first), we shall see that if the trick were to be carried out with an array of, for example, 999×999 cards, the chosen card would find its way to the centre of the pack in just two rounds. The convergence of the process We consider a pack with PQ cards which will be arranged in an array of P columns, each of Q cards or, equivalently, Q rows, each of P cards. The case described above is with P=3 and Q=7. We shall only analyse the case when P and Q are odd and greater than 1 (leaving the other cases to the interested reader), and we write P=2p+1 and Q=2q+1, where p>=1 and q>=1. We are interested in the central card in the pack; this has exactly 1/2(P×Q-1) cards above and below it and, labelling the cards 1,2,3,... from the top of the pack, the central card is labelled C, where C=1/2(P×Q+1)=p×Q+q+1=q×P+p+1. Suppose now that the chosen card lies in the Xn th position in the pack after n rounds have been played. During the play in the next round the first Xn cards will be spread out over the first few rows, and the chosen card will occur in the r th row, where r is the smallest integer greater than or equal to Xn/P. We write <Y> for the smallest integer m satisfying m>=Y. It follows that, after reforming the pack by ensuring that the column containing the chosen card is the central column, the position Xn+1 of the chosen card will satisfy the recurrence relation Xn+1=pQ+<Xn/P>. This is a recurrence relation, but it is non-linear, and we do not know the initial value X0 of the chosen card in the pack; all we know is that 1=<X0=<PQ. Nevertheless, this information is sufficient to give us a complete solution of our problem, and we shall see that the dynamics of the trick is reminiscent of the convergence of iterates of a function towards an attracting fixed point of the function. We begin by noting that there is a symmetry in the process, so that we may confine our attention to those cases where the chosen card lies in the top half of the pack; thus we may assume that 1=<X0=<C. An induction argument now shows that, for all n, Xn=<C. For suppose that Xn=<C; then Xn+1=pQ+<Xn/P>=<pQ+<C/P> =pQ+<(qP+p+1)/P> =pQ+q+1=C This argument also shows that if Xn=C, then Xn+1=C. Observe next that X1>pQ. We shall now show that there is some integer N with pO<X1<X2<....<Xn-1<Xn=C=Xn+1=Xn+2=.... ・・・(1)

  • カードトリック問題についての文章について

    こんにちは。何回も質問してすみません>< カードトリックについて、次のような内容であることが今までの質問でわかりました。 「21 枚のカードを、絵が見えるように上にして、三枚ずつ七行に並べていく。七行・三列の行列にする。そして、観客に一枚を選ばせ、三列のうちのどの列なのか言わせる。カードは手渡さない。指示された列 が真ん中になるよう各列のカードを集めたあと、また繰り返す。これを3ラウンド繰り返せば、観客の選んだ札を言い当てられる。さらに、一般化して、P*Q 枚の札を P 列(columns)、Q 行(rows)に配列した場合(上の例では、P=3 and Q=7)を考える。P, Q が奇数の場合、P=2p+1 および Q=2q+1 (p>=1 and q>=1)とする。(上の例では、p=1 and q=3)重ねたカードの上から順番に 1, 2, 3, ... と番号付けすると、真ん中のカードの上下には (P*Q-1)/2 枚ずつあり(上の例では10枚ずつ)真ん中のカードの番号(C)は C = (P*Q+1)/2 = p*Q+q+1 = q*P+p+1 である。(上の例では C=11)このトリックを第 n ラウンドした後、選ばれたカードが重ねたカードの上から X(n) 番目だったとする。次の(n+1)ラウンドでそれが第 r 行に現れるとすれば、その r は X(n)/P 以上の整数で最小の値のものである。m>=Y の最小整数を <Y> と書けば、選ばれたカードが真ん中の列になるようカードを重ねなおしたあと、選ばれた札の番号 X(n+1) は次のような関係を満たす。  X(n+1) = p*Q+<X(n)/P> 問題の対称性から、選ばれたカードが重ねたカードの上半分にあるだけに注目すればよい。そこで 1=<X(0)=<C と仮定する。上記の帰納法により、すべての n について X(n)=<C である。そうすると、  X(n+1) = p*Q+<X(n)/P> = <p*Q+<C/P> = p*Q+<(q*P+p+1)/P> = p*Q+q+1=C 同様にして、Xn=C のとき X(n+1) = C である。また X(1)>p*Q の場合は、  pO<X(1)<X(2)<....<X(N-1)<X(N)=C=X(N+1)=X(N+2)=....(不動点 !) となる整数 N があることを示せる。(上の例では、第3ラウンドでカードを行列に配列したとき、選ばれたカードは必ず第4行にあり、観客にどの列にあるかを指示させたら、どのカードかがわかる。もう一度カードを重ねて行列に配りなおせば、選ばれたカードはど真ん中にくる。さらに繰り返すと、いつもど真ん中にくる。)」という内容でした。この続きに、下のような文章があったのですが、どのようにつながっているのかが、わかりません(泣) わからない文章は、 [The number of rounds] In the case of the trick as first described, P=3,Q=7 and C=11. In this case, X1>=8, X2>=7+<8/3>=10, 11>=X3=7+<10/3>=11. Thus (as stated in the first section) the chosen card is in the central position after three rounds.We turn now to discuss the number of rounds needed for the pack of general size. First, as X1>pQ we deduce that C>=X2>=pQ+<(pQ+1)/P>. Now P>=Q implies that pQ>=qP which, in turn, implies that C>=X2>=pQ+<(qP+1)/P>=pQ+q+1=C. Thus if P>=Q (and, in particular, if P=Q) then the chosen card is already in the central position after the second round regardless of the size of P and Q. A little thought should now show that, in retrospect, this is rather obviously so. The situation when Q>P is more complicated, and we shall show that the chosen card is always in the cantral position by the n th round provided that n>=1+logQ/logP.・・・(2) We shall also given an example to show that in some cases this lower bound is indeed the smallest n for which the chosen card is centrally placed, so the inequality (2) cannot be improved upon. If P>=Q, then (2) simply says that Xn=C as soon as n=2, a fact we have already observed above. Note also that (2) shows that, for a fixed P, the number of rounds needed tends to +∞ as Q does. We begin with the example to show that (2) cannot be improved upon. Example Consider the trick with P=3, and Q=3^N, so that C=2/1(3^(N+1)+1), and let the selected card be the first in the psck. Then X1=pQ+<1/3>=3^N+1 X2=3^N+<3/1(3^N+1)>=3^N+3^(N-1)+1,                    ・                    ・ です。 質問1:いきなりlogがでできているところで、何でか? 質問2:∞の文章の意味 特にこの2つが疑問です>< アドバイスお願いします><

  • 二項分布の分散の証明で出てくる「分散の定義」とは?

    https://mathtrain.jp/bin で、 「(分散の証明1) 期待値の場合と同様に, V[X]=V[X1]+V[X2]+⋯+V[Xn]=nV[X1] となるので V[X1] を計算すればよい。 これは分散の定義から, p(1−p)^2+(1−p)p^2=p(1−p)=pq となる。」 とありますが、ここで言う「分散の定義」とはどの定義ですか? サイト内外を検索しまくりましたが、まったく分かりません。

  • ラグランジェとエルミート補間についての質問です。

    こんにちは。質問の内容は、以下の文章についてです。 「Lagrange Form In principle, formulas akin to the Lagrange interpolation formula can be developed for Hermite interpolation. We shall present one such formula that pertains to an important special case. As before, let the nodes be X1,X2,...,Xn, and let us assume that at each node a function value and the first derivative have been prescribed. The polynomial p that we seek must satisfy these equation: p(Xi)=Ci0 p'(Xi)=Ci1 (0=<i<=n) ・・・・(1) In analogy with the Lagrange formula, we write p(X)=Σ(i=0→n)Ci0×Ai(X)+Σ(i=0→n)Ci1×Bi(X)・・・・(2)」 という文章なのですが、Σ(i=0→n)Ci1×Bi(X)がよく理解できません>< エルミート補間が理解できていないからでしょうか??アドバイスお願いします。

  • 訳を教えてください。

    It may be that we can best help own pupils by showing them that reading has many porpuses and can take many forms, that reading fiction is just one form and possibly the escapism that often accompanies it is merely one purpose. カンマとその後にあるandは、カンマ以前の文章とカンマ後からand前、and後から最後までを繋げていると考えても良いですか? そうすると、このthatは文法的に言うと何ていうthatでしょうか? 上記のandの接続が合っていたとしたら、最後のand以降の文章だけ訳せないので説明をお願い致します。 少し長い文章だと思いますので、そこだけ訳して説明をしてくだされば助かります。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳して頂けませんか?汗

    Happiness is not something that happens. It is the result of good fortune or random chance. It is not something that money can buy or power command. It does not depend on outside events, but, rather, on how we interpret them. People who learn to control inner experience will be able to determine the quality of their lives, which is as close as any of us can come to being happy. Yet we cannot reach happiness by consciously searching for it. It is by being fully involved with every detail of our lives, whether good or bad, thatv we find happiness, not by trying to look for it directly. ========================== Thanks to reason, our status could - philosophers proposed - be settled according to an intellectual conscience, rather than being abandoned to the whims and emotions of the market square. And if rational examination revealed that we had been unfairly treated by the community, philosophers recommended that we be no more bothered by the judgment than we would be if we had been approached by a confused person bent on proving taht two and two amounted to five. この2つの文章を和訳して下さい。 よろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m汗

  • It is rare that vs it is rare for O

    It is rare that vs it is rare for O to V 以下のニュアンスの違いがわかる方はいらっしゃるでしょうか。 It is very rare that a nation has been/is heavily influenced by its historical and cultural characteristics like the US It is very rare for a nation to have been influenced by its historical and cultural characteristics to the extent [that] the US has. 語尾のlike US と to the extent ... 部分は無視してください。 主眼は、that と for to の違いにあります。 どうぞよろしくお願いします。

  • 逆数補間についての内容です。

    こんにちは。 私は、大学生で、補間についての勉強をしているものです。今回、始めて、洋書を読むことになり苦戦しております。以下の内容はどういったものなのでしょうか?アドバイスをいただきたいと思い、書かせてもらいました。 _______________________________________________________________ [Inverse Interpolation] A process called inverse interpolation is often used to approximate an inverse function. Suppose that values {Yi}=f({Xi}) have been computed at X0,X1,...,Xn. Using table Y ; Y0 Y1 Y2 ......Yn X ; X0 X1 X2 ......Xn we form the interpolation polynomial p(y)=Σ(i=1→n)CiΠ(j=0→i-1){Y-Yj} The orijinal relationship, y=f(x), has an inverse, under certain conditions. This inverse is being approximated by x=p(y). Procedures Coef and Eval can be used to carry out the inverse interpolation by reversing the arguments x and y in the calling sequence for Coef. Inverse interpolation can be used to find where a given functuin f has a root or zero. This means inverting the equation f(x)=0. We propose to do this by creating a table of values (f(Xi),Xi) and interpolating with a polynomial,p. Thus, p(Yi)=Xi. The points Xi should be chosen near the unknown root,r. The approximate root is then given by r ~p(0). For a concrete case, let the table of known values be Y;-0.5789200,-0.3626370,-0.1849160,-0.0340642,0.0969858 X; 1.0 , 2.0 , 3.0 , 4.0 , 5.0 The nodes in this problem are the points in the row of the table headed y, and the function values being interpolated are in the x row. The resulting polynomial is p(Y)=0.25Y^4+1.2Y^3+3.69Y^2+7.39Y+4.247470086 and p(0)=4.247470086. Only the last coefficient is shown with all the digits carried in the calculation, for it is the only one needed for the problem at hand. ________________________________________________________________ 自分で計算しても、p(Y)=0.25Y^4+1.2Y^3+3.69Y^2+7.39Y+4.247470086 となりません(泣) 

  • 和訳して欲しい文がありますm(_ _)m

    海外からのメールで、何となくは分かるのですが、上手く訳せず返信に困っています どなたか、訳していただけないでしょうか?よろしくお願いします。 We will inquire for the letter and hope that it still turns up. Don't worry-in case it is lost,we will ask for a refund and return your payment. Please allow 2 weeks for the inquiry or that the letter still arrives. 以上になります。