
  • アメリカ(ミシガン州)で運転免許無しで新車を購入することはできるのか疑問です。
  • ミシガン州では運転免許が必要ですが、国際免許を所持していても適用されません。
  • 国際免許を持っていても、英語の翻訳書と一緒に限定的に6ヶ月間だけ運転が許可されます。
  • ベストアンサー


アメリカ(ミシガン州)で、アメリカの運転免許無しで新車が購入できる、って有り得ますか? 国際免許は所持している場合です。 因みに、学校の留学生課がこう書いていました。この状態でも買えるのでしょうか? All drivers are required by Michigan law to possess a valid Michigan driver’s license. Driving without a Michigan license or with a suspended license can result in revocation of all privileges to drive. The State of Michigan will allow you to drive for 6 months (after your arrival) using your national license accompanied by an English translation. Please note that “international” driver’s licenses are not valid in Michigan.


  • ベストアンサー

はい、お金を出せば誰でも車を買うことはできます。ただミシガン州の免許が無ければ運転できないということです。ご提示の英語の文面に寄ればミシガン州では国際免許もダメのようですね。 結局車を買ったところで、登録や保険が無いと運転できません。登録しないとライセンス・プレート(ナンバー・プレート)が貰えません。保険は最低でもliability を入れないと法律違反です。 DMVとかDPSとか、州によって名前は違いますが、運転免許を取るオフィスへ行き、免許を受けるためのブックレットを貰ってくれば、大抵一週間も勉強すれば免許は取れるでしょう。国際免許をお持ちなら運転の試験は問題無いでしょうし。 もし運転免許を取るために車を買うと言うのであれば順番が逆です。残念なたら殆どのケースでは誰かから車を借りなければなりません。レンタカーを試験に使うのはダメという州がありますし、そこのところは上に書いたDMVなりDPSで教えてくれます。





  • arXiv.への投稿 B. License Statementについて

    こんにちは、 下記の方と同様、B. License Statementの箇所が、よくわかりません。 In order to submit your article to arXiv.org, you must select a license or declaration that gives us the rights necessary to distribute your article (see Discussion of Licenses for more information). arXiv.org perpetual, non-exclusive license to distribute this article (Minimal rights required by arXiv.org. Select this unless you understand the implications of other licenses) Creative Commons Attribution license Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike license Creative Commons Public Domain Declaration (Suitable for US government employees, for example) I do not certify that any of the above licenses apply の意味を、概略で結構なので、教えてください。 http://www-cr.scphys.kyoto-u.ac.jp/member/midori/HTML/astroph.html

  • 英語の得意な方!

    パソコンで使う写真素材をダウンロードできるサイトで、 以下のような英文が書いてありました。 商用利用は可能でしょうか? You are free: to Share ― to copy, distribute and transmit the work to Remix ― to adapt the work Under the following conditions: Attribution ― You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work). Share Alike ― If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under the same, similar or a compatible license. 以上抜粋。全文は http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ 英語の得意な方、教えてください、 よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします!!

    1、Getting a driver's license is one of the most exciting things to happen to young people. A driver's license means freedom, maturity, fun, excitement, and most important of all, responsibility. 2、Even if young people in both Japan and United States view getting a driver's license with a great deal of expectation, the way to go get a driver's license in these countries is very different. 3、American teenagers begin dreaming of their driver's license when they are about fifteen years old. When a high school student is over fifteen, he or she is able to sign up for the "driver's education" program sponsored by the school. In this class, the student learns the rules of the road, as well as the dangers of drunk driving and speeding. Three months later, if the student passes the class, he or she receives a certificate. The student can take this certificate to the Department of motor Vehicles, and these take a written test that contains about twenty-five multiple-choice questions. If the student passes this test, he or she receives s "learner's permit." By this permit, the student is allowed to drive a car on the road with a licensed driver over the age of eighteen. The student then registers in the school-sponsored "driver's training" program. This program consists of about ten lessons where the student actually drives on the road. The first drive is probably around a parking lot, and then into quiet streets. When students become pass this course, they can try for their driver's license as soon as they reach their sixteenth birthday. Most people pass the driving test the first time they take it. It is hard for Japanese students to believe that it is so easy to get a driver's license. In Japan, public transportation is so extensive that it really isn't necessary to have a driver's license in many areas. On the other hand, the United States has very limited public transportation, and people must use cars to get from one place to another. 番号は段落です(*・ω・*) よろしくお願いします人´Д`*)

  • 英語ヘルプ求ム!アメリカ運転免許証について、現地DMVオフィスからのメール

    就労ビザでアメリカに在住していた時に取得した米国免許証について。当時のビザは切れ、自身も日本に永久帰国済みの現在も、その免許証は有効であるのか、有効であれば更新はできるのか、の2点について向こうのDMVオフィスにメールで問い合わせました(以下)。 I am Japanese possessing a New York driver's license (Exp: 2009) which was granted when I lived in New York on a temporary working visa (the visa has then expired.) Currently, I am a permanent resident in Japan, and I plan to visit NY next month and drive a vehicle there as well as outside the state of NY. Q1. Is this driver's license still in effect (will I be driving a car legally with this license as it is)? Q2. If yes, will I be able to renew the driver's license? その後、以下の返答がありました。 Documents issued to visitors who are not here on a permanent basis, but have legal INS documentation to be in this country will have the Temporary Visitor legend printed on their documents along with the immigration expiration date. The document will have an A1 restriction code. When the temporary visitor date has passed our system will prevent any transactions from being processed. The document itself will remain valid. The date cannot be changed unless proof is provided from INS that the status has changed and brought into a DMV office to update the document. この中で意味が分からないのが"...our system will prevent any transactions from being processed. The document itself will remain valid."のくだりなのですが、transactionとは当該免許証を運転や身分証明に使用することを指しているのでしょうか。また、その次のdocumentは何を指しているのでしょうか。皆さんにご教示いただければ幸いです。 ビザが切れた時点でこの免許も失効しているということですか?毎年渡米時にこの免許で車を借りて運転してましたが・・・(冷汗)

  • If this information in is not avail

    If this information in is not available, we can accept a copy of your credit card statement showing the cardholders name, billing address and account number. Also we can accept a copy of the front and back of your signed credit card and a piece of photo ID such as a driver’s license or passport. For your security please block or erase the card number so only the last four digits are visible. You can send this either by fax or as a .jpg attachment in reply to this email. 海外ネットショップで買い物したら上の英文メールを受け取りました。 クレジット明細書のコピー、もしくは(クレジットカードと免許証かパスポートの表裏の画像)のどちらかをメール添付かFAXで送ってくれということでいいのでしょうか? それともクレジット明細書とクレジットカードと免許証かパスポートの表裏の画像の3点を送ってくれということでしょうか? 宜しくお願い致します。

  • 訳し方

    The gradual (yet constant) changes in all areas of music are a result of what three forces, as described by your humble teacher? という英文があるのですが、つまりこれは3つ答えがあるということでしょうか? three forcesを答えろということですか? わかる方教えてください。

  • この意味を教えてください

    1) A copy of your Business License and/or Tax ID Number ビジネスライセンスと税金ナンバーってなんでしょうか? 2) A signed letter stating all products purchased from ショップ名 are for resell only. これはどういった手紙を送ってくださいという意味合いでしょうか? Send your materials and contact information to: ここのmaterialsは材料と訳されてしまうのですが一体どういう意味でしょうか

  • 訳をお願いします。

    All government import licenses available by company for immediate commencement of business activities. で import とlicenses のどちらが動詞なのか分かりません。 訳してみるのですが、うまくできません。よろしくお願いします。

  • 画像の権利について翻訳をお願いします(長文)

    What Royalty-Free means is that you pay for the image only once and then you can use it as many times as you like, with just a few restrictions. In other words, there are no license fees except the initial fee and no other royalties to be paid except those included in the initial cost. Note that the maximum number of copies for printed materials is 500,000 copies. The Royalty-Free license is granted ONLY for the non-watermarked image you buy using the Download button; all the other versions (small watermarked and non-watermarked thumbnails which are visible on the public site) are entirely copyrighted. The free files downloaded from the Free Photos section may be used in commercial projects under our limited Royalty Free (RF-LL) license and according to our terms and conditions. This is a one-person license and is given to you as a designer, your employer (client) or any employed persons. Royalty- Free License of use of Non-Watermarked Images and Restrictions The high-resolution images that you download under the regular Royalty Free (RF) license may be used to make fine art prints, on a web site, in a magazine, newspaper, book or booklet, book cover, flyer, application software (apps) or any other advertising and promotional material, in either printed or electronic media, as long as the item in which the image appears does not contradict any of the restrictions below. The list is not exhaustive and if you have any uncertainty regarding the use of the images in a correct way please email support using the help form. Web templates, greeting cards or postcards especially designed for sale, similar print-on-demand services, canvas, t-shirts, mugs, calendars, postcards, mouse pads or any other items incorporating the image in an essential manner, intended to be sold are considered redistribution (if the image is used in an essential manner). The use of A images for these purposes under the regular Royalty Free license is not permitted. It is also forbidden to make the image available on a website for download (as wallpapers for example), although you may use the image in a concept in as many websites as you want, for any number of clients. For Web use, you must not use the image at a width exceeding 800 pixels unless it is included in your site's design. If the image If you use the images for printed materials, the number of copies must not exceed 500,000. You may modify the images in any way required for reproduction, or include them in your own personal creations.is part of a design and manipulated accordingly, the image width can be higher than 800 pixels. Buying the high-resolution image (purchasing the license) does not transfer the copyright. You may not claim that the image is your own and you may not sell, license for use, or in any way distribute the image for reuse. We recommend that you credit the agency and the photographer when you use an image. By this you benefit the community at A, of which you are an integral part, and help increase your success as part of the community, which, by growing contributions, gains quantity and quality. Limited Royalty Free Licenses (RF-LL) for using images downloaded within the Free section of the website A offers a free section, fully searchable and constantly updated. Its use may be available to all registered users or to a specific niche of members, depending on the agency's strategy. The high resolution images downloaded from the free section may be used under the terms mentioned for the regular Royalty Free license, with a single additional restriction: the maximum amount of copies is limited to 10,000 copies. If you exceed this amount and you already purchased credits you may request to download the image under the regular RF license.

  • アメリカから届いたお悔やみのカード?

    母が亡くなり、母のペンパルからカードなどが送られてきました。そのカードは、開くとキリストが胸に左手を当て、右手はちょっと挙げたような格好で、母の名前と相手のサインが有りました。カードに、付箋紙が貼ってあり、 When someone passes on, it is customary of Catholics to have pramers said for deceased. I have sent a 15 year pramer service to your family & a 5 year pramer service to your grand parents. Your mother’s “soul” will be remembered in prayer for a total of 20years, by this catholic religious organization of priests and “brothers”. と、書かれていました。 そこで、一番解らない文章は、 I have sent a 15 year pramer service to your family & a 5 year pramer service to your grand parents. です。pramerという単語は、無いような気がしますが、 どんな単語が当てはまるのか解りません。どんな意味になるのでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。
