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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:eBay の取引について 翻訳お願いいたしま。)




セラーがchikappinosuke さんを、十日間ルールにひっかからずに買い物ができるバイヤーとして登録したといっているので、この部分の制限はなくなったようですね。この返事を受けたあと、カートへアイテムを入れられないようであれば、一度ブラウザーのキャッシュとクッキーをクリアしてください。ブラウザーに記憶されている状態が、十日ルールを制限されたままになっている可能性が高いです。 もしブラウザーのキャッシュやクッキーをクリアしても同じ状態な場合は、セラーからの返事に書かれている方法をやってみてください。カートに入れるのではなく、一つづつBuy it nowで決済する形にし、支払いはせずにセラーからの支払い指示を待つようにといってます。 どちらの方法でも駄目な場合は、ebeyのシステムに何かしらの不具合がある可能性が高いので、そうなるとebeyに対しての問い合わせとなります。まずは上記の方法を試してみてください。それでも駄目な場合はまた書き込んでください。



何度もご親切にありがとうございます。 やはりカートに入れて次に進もうとすると We were unable to load your cart. Please try again. If the problem persists, contact Customer Support or send us feedback. というエラーがでて進めません。 1つづつbay it nowで決済しようとすると、ペイパルのサイトに移動して「確認して支払う」ボタンか 「キャンセルして戻る」ボタンしかないのですが、 「確認して支払う」ボタンをクリックしてしまうと、決済されてしまいますよね? どうしたらいいのでしょうか? よろしくお願いいたします。


  • 翻訳お願いします。

    We offer 1 mouth warranty for all our products, but you have to ship them back first. then we will exchange new items and ship to you. In this case buyer pay for the shipping sending back and we pay for the shipping resending.

  • どなたか翻訳できますか?

    ebayのオークションでで落札した後、下記のようなメールが送られてきましたがgoogle翻訳でしても 理解できないのでどなたが翻訳していただけないでしょうか? Hi, as stated in the auction we can only ship to US verified addresses. Do you have someone in the US that can sign for this item for you and then send it to you internationally? Please let us know or we'll need to cancel this transaction. Thanks so much! 宜しくお願い致します。

  • 困っています。翻訳お願いします。

    Thanks for the credit card. I just spoke with our warehouse and we are out of stock on a few items. I have listed below. Please let me know if you would like to substitute any of the other prints. Also on the OCS do you have an account number with them for us to use to notify OCS that we have a shipment for you? Out of Stock Items -oven mitt-ahoy-out of stock Ahoy-tea towels-out of stock Francesca tea towels-out of stock - we have the "Claire" another floral Aprons in Aviary in coral and blue Please let us know what you would like to substitute for these out of stock items

  • 翻訳お願いします。

    海外通販をしようと思っています。 ショップの方からのメールなのですが、翻訳お願いします。 Thank you for your email. You can complete your order online by adding the items that you want to purchase to your shopping cart. Once you have added the items to your cart, you can proceed to check out and enter your shipping and payment information. We ship via US Postal Service. Global priority mailers are extremely reliable however they cannot be tracked through the US postal service. Shipments are therefore at buyer’s own risk. International shipments incur a $14 shipping charge per $100 of merchandise purchased unless additional shipping charges are specifically noted on an item's description (such as Jelly Rolls and other large and bulky items).

  • 翻訳お願いします。

    翻訳お願いします。 Sorry to disturb you. We are writing to inform you that we have received the item you returned. And we have also asked the professionals to recommend an item for you, to fix the problem, would you please just search on our website and choose any item that you like. Once you decided, please contact us about the SKU number of the item, we will arrange the shipment for you as soon as possible. Thanks for your understanding and cooperation in advance. If there is anything else we can do for you, just feel free to contact us. Have a nice day!

  • どなたか、翻訳して下さい(ToT)!

    先日、ネットで海外に商品を注文しました。 ところが、2日後に受け取りの住所を間違えて入力していた事に気付き、 慌てて訂正のメールを送りました。 その返答として、以下のメールを受け取ったのですが、 複数の翻訳サイトを使っても、もう何が何だか・・・?の和文になって、 どうやっても私には理解が出来ません。 どうやら、無事住所変更はしてもらえたようなのですが、 肝心の商品発送に間に合ったのかどうかが、ちっとも分かりません。 以下の英文がお解りになる方、大変お手数ですが、 何と書かれているのかお教え頂けると助かります! 宜しくお願い致しますm(_ _)m 「Thanks for your email. okay,we have changed the address for you now. warm reminding,if you want to remind us somthing in the future,could you tell us earlier, or ,may be we will have shipped the items to wrong address already. Also could you change the wrong address on our site, you know if you did not change it,we will ship to wrong address next time. Hope can get your understanding.」

  • 海外のお取引先からの英文メールを翻訳してください

    ちょっと長いのですが、よろしくお願いいたします。 Good afternoon, thanks for your business. We can ship 100 pcs to you sometime the end of next week after we received the oversea shipment, this 100pcs most the sensors with 12 inch long wires and still waiting for confirm by tomorrow. And we have just located over 2 thousand pcs of the 16 inch wires sensors, most likely we can get you 200-300 pcs sensors with 16 inch wires a month if you need it. Thanks again and you have a great day! Goodafternoon, the shipment is on the way to us, most the sensors are 12 inch long but the packing list didn't have the exact number for how many pcs are 12 inch long, how many pcs are 7-9 inch, I will keep you update, we should receiving it by sometime this week.

  • 翻訳お願いします

    アメリカの手芸店でネット通販を利用して、私のオーダーに対しての返答です。 ちょっと長いのですが、よろしくお願いします。 We've received your order and it's in the queue to be pulled. If we're out of stock on anything we'll let you know once we've pulled your order. If you need to know right away if an order is not complete please let us know so we can call you vs. sending an e-mail. Our current time to get things in the post for complete or partial orders is 3-5 business days but might be longer if our queue gets bloated (and we've all been there one time or another :-)). If you have specified a deadline we'll do our best to meet it and will let you know if that's a problem. If you have a deadline and have not noted it in the order, please let us know ASAP - even if it's a month from now! Feel free to give us a call on our toll-free number the order is urgent so we get the message more quickly. If we have to reorder or special order something the sooner we know about a deadline the better since it takes 3-4 weeks to reorder most items. If you selected "hold for all items" but would like to change that to "ship partial" please let us know via e-mail or give us a call. If you don't hear anything from us within 10 days do contact us. Sometimes e-mail messages go missing and we're happy to give you an up-to-date status if you've not heard anything. When we ship your order you will receive an e-mail notification so you know about when to expect it. Thanks for your order,

  • 翻訳がうまくいきません。なんていっているのでしょう

    Hi, how much would it cost for delivery to the JAPAN for 3 combined? ThanksI understand that the item can be delivered within Worldwide and United Kingdom ,however,could you send it out to japan Would you reduce the price of the postage in GBP100?I'm sorrySinar Camera £325 Camera Case £40.00  Lens £175   325+40+175+100(Postage and packaging)=GBP640to japan  I'm sorry 上記は自分が慣れない 英語で3つの品を日本に送っていただけますか?送料は全部でGBP100でトータルGBP640でおねがいできますか?と聞いたのですが 以下のように返事がきましたが、なんていつているのかわかりません。よろしくおねがいします。 It will actually cost me £150 to post all three items to Japan.I am willing to do the shipping for all three itmes for £125.Alternatively, I will ship the camera and lens only to you for a combined postage of £95 (ie. just the cost of shipping the camera)If you wish to purchase. Please buy the items and pay for them. I will then send you a PayPal postage refund.regards,Andrew

  • 翻訳してください。

    Everything that we buy from our parent company in Germany has to ship to the US. You would need to speak to them about their delivery or purchase options.