• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:訳がわかりません;;)

Looking for a Japanese Pen Pal!


  • ベストアンサー
  • cowstep
  • ベストアンサー率36% (756/2081)

機械翻訳では、役に立たないものが多いことは確かです。文通をするからには、自分なりに辞書をひいて、本当に分からない個所だけ質問すべきでしょう。英文和訳をまる投げしているようでは、和文英訳はおぼつきません。返事もまる投げするようでは、もっと英語を勉強してから、文通を始めるべきでしょう。 俗語が多いので、辞書に載っていあにものがあり、初心者には難しいでしょう。 u=you saldy=salty(しょっぱい)の訛りらしい Zaragoza=スペインの都市(地図で調べること) 主な質問事項は、次の2つです。 (1)あなたが好きな楽団は? (2)“I love you”を日本語では何と言いますか?


  • 英語の歌詞の訳をお願いします。

    英語の歌詞の訳をお願いします。 できれば大切な人に語りかけるような口調の訳だと 嬉しいです。 I know you think that I shouldnt still love you or tell you that But if I didnt say it, well, Id still have felt it Wheres the sense in that? I promise Im not trying to make your life harder or return to where we were But I will go down with this ship I wont put my hands up and surrender There will be no white flag above my door Im in love and always will be I know I left too much mess and destruction to come back again And I caused nothing but trouble I understand if you cant talk to me again And if you live by the rules of "Its Over" then Im sure that that makes sense And when we meet, which Im sure we will, all that was there will be there still Ill let it pass and hold my tongue And you will think that Ive moved on よろしくお願いします。

  • 日本訳を教えてください(1)

    Everyday you make a little sweet sound that I really love to stay and hear for long as you walk and talk and sing a song I feel this way wherever you are going I will go if it's so hard to do, so many things I have to lose, I've decided that I live my life for you I'll be there with you, my love I'll always be a part of you your joys and your pains or your tears are mine you are all I realize as true, no more I'll be there with you, my love I'll always be a part of you And I want you to know that by rule and line you are all, all that I live my life for I think of you think of every word we talked and every thing that we did together every moment we spent with each other Quite a few people in my life so far I met have gone away from me now you're the only one I see and the world is spinning just for you and me 長すぎるので分けますm(_ _)m (2)へ…

  • 訳をお願いします

    Affair is a serious relationship And now I love to have a one of that In case I just wanted to be with you yumi

  • 訳お願いします

    "Let It Die" Heart of gold but it lost its pride Beautiful veins and bloodshot eyes I've seen your face in another light Why'd you have to go and let it die? Why'd you have to go and let it die? Why'd you have to go and let it die? In too deep and out of time. Why'd you have to go and let it die? A simple man and his blushing bride Intravenous, intertwined Hearts gone cold your hands were tied Why'd you have to go and let it die? Why'd you have to go and let it die? Why'd you have to go and let it die? In too deep and out of time. Why'd you have to go and let it die? Do you ever think of me? You're so considerate. Do you ever think of me? Oh, so considerate. In too deep and lost in time Why'd you have to go and let it die? Beautiful veins and bloodshot eyes Why'd you have to go and let it die? Hearts gone cold and hands were tied. Why'd you have to go and let it die? Why'd you have to go and let it die? Do you ever think of me? You're so considerate. Did you ever think of me? Oh, so considerate. In too deep and lost in time Why'd you have to go and let it die? Beautiful veins and bloodshot eyes Why'd you have to go and let it die? Hearts gone cold and hands were tied. Why'd you have to go and let it die? Why'd you have to go and let this die? Why'd you have to go and let this die? Why'd you have to go and let this die? Why'd you have to go and let this die? Why'd you have to go and let it die? 宜しくお願いします><

  • 日本語に訳してください

    please i sent you an email did you see it please go trough it and get back to me ok i am waiting to hear from you, and you know this is something concerning relationship we have to be streghtford to each other please i don,t need dissapointment or somthing that will break my heart, you know i love you from my inner heart and i am gooing to live with you forever as a wife and my spirit is telling me strongly that you are going to be my house wife and i believe that, please hoping to hear from you ok my love,

  • 翻訳お願いします。

    外国の方から届いたメールが読めません。 少量の文章であれば何とか訳せなくもないのですが 文章の量が多くて自分1人の力ではとてつもない時間がかかってしまうので どなたか翻訳をお願いします。 ohayou! genki? how´re things up there? I would love to be your pen pal!:D I think that would be a lot of fun because I havent got any friend from japan so it would be greatXD and in fact, I dream about travelling to japan for as long as I can remember! l My name is Leyre Im a 18 years old ( Im from 93 generation:Dor pokemon´s generation?XD I tourned them on 2nd July^^) girl and I live in spain, Europe, World,Universe in the 5 largest city in the country, Zaragoza. I wasnt born here, but we move very often because my mother´s job so I know most of spanish cities. you know...all is full shops and historical cities but...you know its all cement!:D and saldy we havent got beach:(! Im native and I can speak enough good english and french and...わたしはテレビとラジオを使って独学で勉強しています! anyway I live here with my family and my 2 cats Freddy((He might have died and you wouldn't know the difference: all he does is eat or sleep) and Elvis.Nowadays i study first year of journalism and have a part time job in a candy shop.) My hobbies are:Listening to music, movies, learning new languages, hanging out with my friends,writting,history, reading(Im a Harry Potter disciple) manga,movies,fashion, nature and sports. I especially love running, playing hockey, swimming and volleyball! Sorry for my poor english! I´ve been learnig it for (lol you can freak out) maybe 10 years? and I dont have a good command of it yet!XD hope to hear from you soon! xxxLeyre どうぞよろしくお願いします。

  • 訳をよろしくお願いします

    I am about to marry the love of my life. We badly want for things to last. But we also live in a contemporary climate where love’s chance to last, monogamously and constructively, is pretty compromised. we also live in a contemporary climate where love’s chance to last, monogamously and constructively, is pretty compromised.の訳をよろしくお願いします

  • 以下の文の和訳をお願いします

    I will tell you all about it after I go! Hopefully my husband comes with me because he Did not come with me to Ireland and Scotland, I live in Ketcikan during the summers still and I live in Kentucky the rest of the year.

  • 英語の訳、お願いします。

    至急お願いします。 誰か訳して下さい。 why did you wait so long to tell me I asked you before what you wanted to do and it lead up all the way here because both of us can't communicate so well being with you this summer my feelings for you grew day by day but this relationship is just a pause to me .. yea my love was real too .. i am going to miss my 2013 summer with you .. i dont know why the whole time we talked about the things we did.. but it was an encounter and an experience, because it was with you. thanks babe

  • 英文の添削お願いします!!

    文法的におかしなところや、スペース、ここは大文字(小文字)だってところなど、チェックをお願いします!!(ひとかたまりが1文です)間違いなさそうだったら、OKだと入れてくださるのも非常に助かります!! (1)If I could reach the stars,I would take one for you, and it would shine in your heart forever like my love. (2)Do you remember? The way you hold me. You looked into my eyes and said ‘I love you'. You caressed and said nothing. But it meant more than the chance to hold me and kiss my sweet lips. (3)I'll stand by you forever. (4)Love may be sometimes hard to show. But I love you more than you could ever know. (5)My love for you is as endless as the universe. (6)Our friendship,love,and life together begins today. (7)Our new story begins now with all blessings. We roll up one page. (8)Summer,the fresh air,the fregrant breeze and the flowers under our feet. The blanket of stars is above us. We dream in it … (9)We have love to blind us. We have laughter to unwind us. Because we have fate to find each other. (10)We exchange an eternal promise and bigin to walk. (11)I pledge my self to love,respect and sincerity. (12)I love you from the bottom of my heart. I may not always show it but I do love you.
