• ベストアンサー

ebay 登録した覚えもないのに、パス変更通知


  • kitisan25
  • ベストアンサー率46% (278/599)

メールはHTML形式ではなかったですか? もしかしたらフィッシング詐欺メールかも。 参考URLは経験者の方の日記ですが、どうでしょうか?



ご回答ありがとうございます。 メールはHTML形式でした。 参考のURLも確認させて頂きました。 私がアクセスした上記サイトは、 偽物のebayという可能性もあるんですね・・。 詳しい情報などは何も入力していないので、 これ以上、何も被害はない可能性は高いですよね。 不安でついクリックしてしまいましたが、 怪しい物はむやみに触れないようにしたいと思いました。


  • ebayの通知

    We are writing to alert you that your balance is not paid, because your credit/debit card declined eBay's attempt to charge your monthly invoice amount to your card. Because eBay will not be able to collect funds for payment from this credit/debit card, based on the transaction decline reason, it has been taken off file from your account. Please contact your card issuer for more information regarding the cause of the decline. Your payment is due by your next invoice date. Please follow these steps to make a payment: - Go to the eBay Home page - Select My eBay and logon with your eBay User ID and Password - Select the Accounts Tab - Select an option to Pay Your eBay Seller Fees (you will need to logon again) As a reminder, past due accounts may be restricted from buying or selling until payment is received. Say goodbye to credit card finance charges by signing up for Direct Pay, the easiest way to pay your eBay seller fees. To sign up, first go to www.ebay.com. Go to My eBay by clicking on the button at the top of any eBay page, and choose "Accounts". Then, select "Use a checking account for automatic payments".このメールは何か支払わないといけないのでしょうか?ebayに詳しい方お願いします。

  • eBAYから覚えのない請求書

    eBAYから(というか、売り手の方から)、買った覚えもないものの請求書が来ました。 Your invoice for eBay purchases - item # 110048**** eBay sent this message to (私のメールアドレス). Your registered email address is included to show this message originated from eBay. <http://・・・・・ Here's the invoice for your item! Thank you for your purchase. The total for your item below is US $496.00. Click Pay Now to confirm shipping, get total price, and arrange payment through: PayPal; money order. などと続きます。リンクは怖くてクリックしていません。 私はeBAYメンバーになった覚えはないし、eBAYサイトも見ておりません。誰かが私のアドレスでなりすましているのかと心配になりました。そういえばここ数年ebayからの宣伝メールが来たりするなあとは思っていました。同じメールアドレスを使って長いですし、その間に怪しいところをクリックしたり、あるいは外国サイトに書き込みをしたりしたことはあったかもしれません・・・。ウィルスバスターで防御はしています。クレジットカード番号を外国に伝えたことはないですし、これまでクレジットカードから不正な引き落としはなかったように思います。 こんなあやふやな状況なのですが、どうしたらいいのでしょうか。教えていただけますと幸いです。

  • ebayでパスワードを盗まれ商品を出品され困っています。

    パスワードを盗用され、私のIDで車を出品されてしまいました。 すぐにパスワードとメルアドの変更手続きをし、商品の出品取り消しをしました。 ところが数時間後にはログインできなくなり、EBAYより以下の内容のメールがきました。 It appears your account was accessed by an unauthorized third party and used to place several unauthorized listings on eBay or to alter some of your current listings. Additionally, the email address on your account may have been tampered with, which is why you may not have received an email about these listings we have taken several steps to secure your eBay account We were able to end all unauthorized listings on your account without incident. At the time the listings were ended, all associated fees were credited to your account. We assure you that your credit card information is stored on a secure server and cannot be viewed by anyone. To regain control of your account, please follow the steps outlined below: 1. Change the password on your personal EMAIL account to verify that it is secure and cannot be accessed by anyone other than you. 2. Click the " ?Forgot your password? link on the eBay Sing In page and change your password using the instructions provided. 3. Click on the "Security Center" link found at the bottom of most eBay pages. 以下かなり続くのですが、ここの文字数制限により書き込みできません。これはどういうことなのでしょうか?

  • ebayの謎の請求について

    以下の内容のメールが数ヶ月置きに来ます。毎回支払っているのですが、いったい何の請求でしょうか。2月ぐらいから利用していないのですが毎月請求が来ます。これを止めるにはどうしたらよいのでしょうか。ebayカスタマーサポートでは英語で説明できませんのでどうかお力添えをおかし願います。宜しくお願い致します。 Hello Your eBay invoice for the period from August 1, 2011 through August 31, 2011 is now available to view online. Credit or zero balance: -$14.40 Your account is up to date. No payment is required at this time. To view your invoice: 1. Go to http://www.ebay.com and click "My eBay" at the top of most eBay pages. You will need to sign in. 2. Click the "Seller Account" link under the "Account" Tab at the top of the page. 3. Select the invoice you wish to view from the drop down menu located in the Invoices box on the right side of the page. Remember: eBay will not ask you for sensitive personal information (such as your password, credit card and bank account numbers, Social Security number, etc.) in an email. Thank you for using eBay. Regards, eBay

  • eBayで日本から出品しようとしているのですが

    始めようと思うと以下のようなメッセージが出てきて先に進めません。つまり出品も何もかもできません。 Please read. Your response is required. As a precaution, we have limited the activity on your eBay account until we receive additional verification information from you. We sometimes need to do this to make sure that eBay remains a place where members can buy and sell with confidence. To have this restriction lifted, you need to become PayPal Verified* and then link your verified PayPal account to your eBay account. Once you've completed this process, you'll be able to sell on any eBay site worldwide. If you're already PayPal Verified, you just need to link your verified PayPal account to your eBay account. For instructions, please click the link below for the eBay site you're registered on. PayPalもeBayとリンクしたし、日本の銀行口座も登録しました。解決法ご存知の方いらっしゃいましたら、初心者の私に教えてください。

  • ebayで出品する時

    初めて出品しようと思い、写真も載せて、全ての情報を入力して 「save and continue」をクリックしたら、以下のようなメッセージが出てきました。 You can not submit your listing due to the following problems Attention Seller: In order to maintain a safe trading environment, selling limits are occasionally placed on accounts. When listing this item, the site you are listing on must match your site of registration and the item can only be shipped within the same country. Please go back and make the necessary changes. To participate in global trade on eBay, please follow the steps below to verify your PayPal account. Once you have a verified PayPal account that is linked to your eBay account, you will be able to sell an item on any of eBay's sites worldwide. 1) To verify your PayPal account, click on your country of eBay registration below to understand how to complete that process. 2) If you already have a verified PayPal account, and are still receiving this message, you need to link it to your eBay account. For instructions on how to become PayPal Verified or how to link your PayPal account to your eBay account, please click on the site of your eBay registration below: 「 please follow the steps below to verify your PayPal account. 」というのがよくわかりません・・・。 pay palで何か手続きが不足しているのでしょうか? paypalのアカウントはプレミアにしています。 ebayの手数料支払い用のクレカも登録しています。 よろしくお願いします<m(__)m>

  • ebayからの通知

    Ebayから下記のようなアカウント停止を通知するメールが届きました。当方入札した商品の支払いは全て終えていて未払金はありませんし、Sellerとしての利用はゼロなので手数料も発生していません。Ebayにメールでその旨を述べ停止理由を尋ねていますが24時間経過しても回答メールが届いていません。このような経験をされた方いらっしゃいましたら対処方法を教えていただけるととても助かります。 「We regret to inform you that your eBay account has been suspended due to concerns we have for the safety and integrity of the eBay community. "...we may limit, suspend, or terminate our service and user accounts, prohibit access to our website, remove hosted content, and take technical and legal steps to keep users off the Site if we think that they are creating problems, possible legal liabilities, or acting inconsistently with the letter or spirit of our policies." Due to the suspension of this account, please be advised you are prohibited from using eBay in any way. This includes the registering of a new account.」 現在入札を検討している商品に対する質問をsellerにしている段階での突然の停止通知で非常に困っています。よろしくお願いいたします。

  • ebay出品時のエラーついて

    ebay出品時に次のようなエラーが出て、登録の最後のステップでうまくいきません。どなたか詳しい方教えてください。 ------------------------------- You can not submit your listing due to the following problems Attention! Thank you for participating in global trade on eBay. In order to begin selling your items on eBay sites not associated with your home country, you will need to take a few steps: 1) You will need to have a PayPal account that has been "Verified". Click on your country of eBay registration below to understand how to complete that process. 2) Once you have a PayPal account that is "Verified", please link your verified PayPal account to your eBay account. If you already have a “Verified” PayPal account, and are still receiving this message, you need to link it to your eBay account. Once you have a verified PayPal account that is linked to your eBay account, you will be able to sell an item on any of eBay's sites worldwide. For instructions on how to become PayPal Verified or how to link your PayPal account to your eBay account, please click on the site of your eBay registration below:

  • ebayに出品できません。

    ebayに出品しようとしたのですが、下記のようなメッセージが表示されて、出来ませんでした。 何が原因なのか教えてください。 Thank you for participating in global trade on eBay. In order to begin selling your items on eBay sites not associated with your home country, you will need to take a few steps: 1) You will need to have a PayPal account that has been "Verified". Click on your country of eBay registration below to understand how to complete that process. 2) Once you have a PayPal account that is "Verified", please link your verified PayPal account to your eBay account. If you already have a “Verified” PayPal account, and are still receiving this message, you need to link it to your eBay account. Once you have a verified PayPal account that is linked to your eBay account, you will be able to sell an item on any of eBay's sites worldwide. For instructions on how to become PayPal Verified or how to link your PayPal account to your eBay account, please click on the site of your eBay registration below: Australia| Austria | Belgium | Belgium French | Canada | Canada French | France | Germany | Hong Kong | India | Ireland | Italy | Malaysia | Netherlands | New Zealand | Philippines | Poland | Singapore | Spain | Sweden| Switzerland| Taiwan | Thailand | United Kingdom | United States | Other Note: If you registered on Germany, Austria or Switzerland, you can complete verification through PostIdent or ID Verify instead of PayPal. Please click on the site you registered with for instructions.

  • 突然、ebayのアカウントが停止されました。

    突然、ebayのアカウントが停止されました。 ebayアカウントを2か月ほど前に作り、2回ほどオークションで購入したくらいです。 2回の取引は普通に終了しました。 先日、出品にチャレンジしようと思い、1点出品したのですが その際の登録に問題があったのかも知れません。 サスペンションを解除してもらうため ebayに連絡したいのですが「Coutact us」は電話を掛けるしか連絡方法はないのでしょうか? 英語を話せないのでメールでやり取りしたいのでサイト内を翻訳しながらメールアドレスを 探しましたが見つかりません。 「My eBay」にebayからアカウントsuspendの連絡が来ていましたので そちらに返信してみました。 これでも大丈夫なのでしょうか? それと、他のアカウント停止の質問を見ていてると 書類提出をしないといけない、というのもあるようです。 その場合、解除までに時間はどのくらいかかるのでしょうか? 「My eBay」にきていたメール内容です。 -------------------------------------------- Hello 私のアカウント (私のメールアドレス), We're writing to let you know that you won't be able to use your eBay account until you contact us to verify some information. We realize this may be inconvenient, but we need to take extra precautions when we find unusual or questionable activities on an account. If you have a balance due, it will immediately be charged to the payment method you have on file. For the time being, you won't be able to use your eBay account, including buying or selling items, leaving Feedback, and sending messages. You're also not allowed to use other accounts or register a new one. To restore your account access, please contact us: http://contact.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ContactUsNextGen&Query=1643&Domain=HMR&From=HR188&Format=1 We appreciate your understanding and working with us to get this resolved. Thanks, eBay H483 --------------------------------------------