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The Battle of Sari Bair (Turkish: Sarı Bayır Harekâtı), also known as the August Offensive (Turkish: Ağustos Taarruzları), represented the final attempt made by the British in August 1915 to seize control of the Gallipoli peninsula from the Ottoman Empire during the First World War. At the time of the battle, the Gallipoli Campaign had raged on two fronts – Anzac and Helles – for three months since the Allied land invasion of 25 April 1915. With the Anzac front locked in a tense stalemate, the Allies had attempted to carry the offensive on the Helles battlefield – at enormous cost and for little gain. In August, the British command proposed a new operation to reinvigorate the campaign by capturing the Sari Bair ridge, the high ground that dominated the middle of the Gallipoli peninsula above the Anzac landing. The main operation started on 6 August with a fresh landing 5 miles (8.0 km) north of Anzac at Suvla Bay in conjunction with the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. The Allies mounted an attack north into the rugged country alongside the Sari Bair range with the aim of capturing the high ground and linking with the Suvla landing. At Helles, the British and French were now to remain largely on the defensive.The battle should properly be known as the "Battle of Kocaçimentepe" which was the correct Turkish name for the ridge and its highest peak (meaning "Great Grass Hill"). The peak was known to the British as "Hill 971" and they mistakenly applied the name for a lesser ridge to the main range (Sarı Bayır, meaning "Yellow Slope", which ended at the imposing bluff above Anzac Cove known as "The Sphinx").For this offensive the commander of the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force, General Sir Ian Hamilton, was provided with three British New Army divisions; the 10th (Irish) Division, the 11th (Northern) Division and the 13th (Western) Division — all previously untried in battle. He was later reinforced with two Territorial Army divisions; the 53rd (Welsh) Division and the 54th (East Anglian) Division and one division of dismounted yeomanry; the 2nd Mounted Division. The Suvla landing was to be made by the British IX Corps, under the command of Lieutenant-General Sir Frederick Stopford who had retired in 1909 and had never commanded men in battle. His appointment was made based solely on seniority but his hesitancy during the preparations for the landing should have warned Hamilton that he was not a fit choice for the command. The Ottomans were well aware that a renewal of the offensive was imminent. There had been some doubt about whether the British would abandon the campaign but this was dispelled when Winston Churchill made a careless speech in Dundee, stating that the battle would continue, whatever the sacrifices. The Battle of Sari Bair サリ・ベアの戦い
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- ベストアンサー率79% (10023/12546)
>The Battle of Sari Bair (Turkish: Sarı Bayır Harekâtı), also known as the August Offensive (Turkish: Ağustos Taarruzları), represented the final attempt made by the British in August 1915 to seize control of the Gallipoli peninsula from the Ottoman Empire during the First World War. ⇒「サリ・ベアの戦い」(トルコ語:Sarı Bayır Harekâtı)は、「8月攻勢」(トルコ語:Ağustos Taarruzları)としても知られ、第一次世界大戦中の1915年8月に英国軍がオスマン帝国からガリポリ半島の支配権を奪う最後の試みを表している。 >At the time of the battle, the Gallipoli Campaign had raged on two fronts – Anzac and Helles – for three months since the Allied land invasion of 25 April 1915. With the Anzac front locked in a tense stalemate, the Allies had attempted to carry the offensive on the Helles battlefield – at enormous cost and for little gain. In August, the British command proposed a new operation to reinvigorate the campaign by capturing the Sari Bair ridge, the high ground that dominated the middle of the Gallipoli peninsula above the Anzac landing. ⇒「ガリポリ野戦」は、1915年4月25日の連合国軍の侵攻から3か月間の戦闘時に2つの戦線―アンザックとヘレス―で激化した。アンザック前線が緊張した行き詰まりで閉鎖されたため、連合国軍はヘレスの戦場で攻撃遂行を試みた ―けれども、莫大な費用を払った割には利得はわずかであった。8月、英国軍司令部は、アンザック上陸地点上にあるガリポリ半島の中央を占める高地サリ・ベア山稜を占領することによって、野戦を活性化させる新しい作戦を提案した。 >The main operation started on 6 August with a fresh landing 5 miles (8.0 km) north of Anzac at Suvla Bay in conjunction with the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. The Allies mounted an attack north into the rugged country alongside the Sari Bair range with the aim of capturing the high ground and linking with the Suvla landing. At Helles, the British and French were now to remain largely on the defensive. The battle should properly be known as the "Battle of Kocaçimentepe" which was the correct Turkish name for the ridge and its highest peak (meaning "Great Grass Hill"). ⇒主要作戦が8月6日に始まり、オーストラリアとニュージーランドの方面軍軍団と共同でアンザックの北5マイル(8キロ)のスブラ湾に上陸した。連合国軍は、高地を占領してスブラ上陸と連繋することを目的として、サリ・ベア山脈に沿った険しい辺地を北に向って攻撃を仕かけた。ヘレスでは、主に英国軍とフランス軍が守備に残っていた。この戦いは、正しくは「コカチメンテペの戦い」として認識すべきもので、尾根とその最高峰の表すトルコ語の名前(「大草原の丘」を意味する)に由来する。 >The peak was known to the British as "Hill 971" and they mistakenly applied the name for a lesser ridge to the main range (Sarı Bayır, meaning "Yellow Slope", which ended at the imposing bluff above Anzac Cove known as "The Sphinx"). For this offensive the commander of the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force, General Sir Ian Hamilton, was provided with three British New Army divisions; the 10th (Irish) Division, the 11th (Northern) Division and the 13th (Western) Division — all previously untried in battle. He was later reinforced with two Territorial Army divisions; the 53rd (Welsh) Division and the 54th (East Anglian) Division and one division of dismounted yeomanry; the 2nd Mounted Division. ⇒その頂上は、英国軍には「971番ヒル」として知られ、誤って中心の山稜に低い尾根の名前が付けられた(それはSarı Bayır、すなわち、「黄色の斜面」を意味し、「ザ・スフィンクス」として知られるアンザック小湾の印象的な断崖までで終わっている。この攻撃のために、地中海遠征軍の指揮官である将軍イアン・ハミルトン卿は、英国新方面軍の3個師団を擁していた。すなわち、第10(アイルランド)師団、第11(北部)師団、および第13(西部)師団で ― そのすべてが、それまで戦闘未経験であった。彼は後に国防義勇軍の2個師団、第53(ウェールズ)師団と第54(イーストアングリアン)師団、および下馬したヨーマンリーの1個師団、第2騎兵師団の補強を受けた。 >The Suvla landing was to be made by the British IX Corps, under the command of Lieutenant-General Sir Frederick Stopford who had retired in 1909 and had never commanded men in battle. His appointment was made based solely on seniority but his hesitancy during the preparations for the landing should have warned Hamilton that he was not a fit choice for the command. The Ottomans were well aware that a renewal of the offensive was imminent. There had been some doubt about whether the British would abandon the campaign but this was dispelled when Winston Churchill made a careless speech in Dundee, stating that the battle would continue, whatever the sacrifices. ⇒スブラ上陸は、中将フレデリック・ストップフォード卿の指揮下で、英国第IX軍団によって行われることになっていたが、彼は1909年に引退していて、かつて戦闘で部隊を指揮したことはなかった。それは単に年功序列に基づいて行われたが、上陸の準備中の彼の躊躇ぶりは、彼を指揮官に任命するのは適切な選択でないことへの警告であることがハミルトンに分かったはずである。オスマン軍は攻勢の更新が差し迫っていることをよく知っていた。英国軍が野戦を放棄するかどうかについては若干の疑問があったが、ウィンストン・チャーチルがダンディーで不注意な演説を行い、犠牲が何であれ戦いは続くと述べたため、この疑問は払拭された。