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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:アーウィンショーの小説で解らない所)



  • koncha108
  • ベストアンサー率49% (1312/2665)

質問1. sirloin steakが話題になっていますが、この肉は上等の肉とされているのでしょうか?disguise a sirloin steakですが、訳では「サーロインステーキに見せかける」となっていますが、disuguiseの用法から考えると「サーロインステーキを別の上等のモノに見せかける」が正しいのではないでしょうか? サーロインステーキとdisuguiseの知識が乏しいので迷っています。 サーロインは牛肉の中でも上等な部位の肉。ステーキでは定番の一つ。訳としては「サーロインステーキを別の上等のモノに見せかける」の方が正しいです。ただ英文では何に見せかけるの書いていないので、単に「サーロインステーキをごまかす」位がニュアンスでしょう。 “What can be done to disguise a sirloin steak?” McMahon asked reasonably. “Nothing. You broil it. Simply that. If it was good when it was cut off the steer, it’s good on your plate. If it was bad .. .” 「サーロインステーキをごまかすのになにができる?」マクマホンは意味ありげにたずねた。「何もできない。焼くだけだ。たったそれだけ。牛肉(去勢雄牛肉)を切り落としたときに良い肉だったらお皿の上でも美味しい。もし切り落としたときに悪い肉だったら。。。」 質問2. “I pay good prices!” Mr Grimmet yelled. “I’ll have no allusions .. .” 「私は(肉に)高い金を払ってる!」グリメットさんは叫んだ。「それ以上言う事はない。」 この訳でもわかりづらいかと思いますが、要はグリメットさんはマクマホンに痛いとことをつかれて、これ以上言うボロが出るので会話をはじめとする打ち切るといっているのです。 質問3. “I would not bring a dog into this restaurant to eat sirloin steak,” McMahon said. “Not a young dog with the teeth of a lion. なぜここで、犬が出て来るのでしょう?ライオンの歯を持った犬とは、何を言いたいのでしょうか?サーロインステーキと犬の関係が分かりません。 お時間を取って申し訳ありませんが、よろしくお願いいたします wouldに注目。仮定法です。レストランに犬をつれてきてステーキを食べさせるなんてできないけど、仮にできたとしても、 「このレストランに犬を連れてきてサーロインステーキを食べさせたりしないね。」マクマホンは言った。「若くてライオンの歯を持った犬だって連れて来ない。」





  • どんな内容か教えてください。

    We were gliding now quickly towards the arbh;in fact,I was already under it. 'I think I should duck,'I said. 'Just bend down for this one.' 'What makes the trees lean over the water like this?'asked Mr Timberlake. 'Weeping willows──I'll give you a thought there. How Error likes to make us dwell on sorrow. Why not call them laughing willows?' discoursed Mr Timberlake as the branch passed over my head. 'Duck,'I said. 'Where?'I don't see them,'said Mr Timberlake,turning round. 'No,your head,'I said. 'The branch,'I called. 'Oh,the branch.This one?'said Mr Timberlake ,finding a branch just against his chest,and he put out a hand to lift it. It is not easy to lift a willow branch and Mr Timberlake was surprised.

  • 英語の違いを教えてください

    There is a good restaurant in this city. A good restaurant is in this city. それぞれどんな状況で使われるのでしょうか。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 発音…??

    次の文において話者が(  )内で示した語を強調して発音した場合、話者が伝えようとした意図として最も適当なものを選べ。  The dinner (we) had at the restaurant was delicious.   a. The lunch we had at the restaurant was, in fact, not so good.   b. He said that what he ate at the restaurant did not taste good.   c. The dinner we’ll have at the restaurant will be very good.   d. The dinner was good, but it was too expensive. 考えてみたのですが、答えがわかりませんでした(・_・;) 回答と訳をよろしくお願いします。

  • 連鎖関係代名詞

    She opened a door to learning that I had not even known existed 2文にわけると She opened a door to learning that existed. I had not even known it. 又は I had not even known a door to learning that existed. She opened it. でいいでしょうか? This is the book which you said he is reading これはあなたが言った彼が読んでいる本である。 上記の文はyou said this is the book which he is reading だと同義になるのでしょうか?

  • Help

    help I speak english this is not good. what should I do?? This is not a small problem.

  • よろしくお願いします

    My daughter is a stay-at-home mother with an 8-month-old child. She is a great mother and I am very proud of her. She and her husband allow their very large dog to "clean up" the high chair or walker after the baby has eaten, by licking it "clean." They think it's cute. I think it is disgusting. They do not otherwise clean the items for the next use. I am by no means a clean freak, but this is gross. I will not allow this in my house (they have not yet brought the dog with them). I voiced my surprise and dismay the first time I witnessed this, and just sprayed the items with cleaner after the dog was done. I have not said anything else about it. I understand it is their home and their rules. Should I just continue to clean up the area after the dog is done, or should I say something else? the dog is doneというのは「犬が物を舐め終わった」ということでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • よろしくお願いします

    I went to a party that a co-worker was throwing. I got really drunk and made out with her ex (not knowing that he was her ex). Before making out with him, I asked a girlfriend, who was there, if this guy was good people and she said yes. https://www.arcamax.com/healthandspirit/lifeadvice/askamy/s-2144161-p2 good peopleはなぜ複数形で受けているのでしょうか?a good personが自然かと思ったのですが・・よろしくお願いします

  • この英文、どこかおかしいですか?

    1.Was this diary kept by whom? 2.Please give me something hot to eat? 3.Were not it for his help ,I could not run this restaurant. 2番はおかしくないと思うんですが…1番と3番は自信ありません。

  • 格言?

    格言だと思うのですが、 If I throw a dog a bone, I don't want to know if it tastes good or not. とは、どういう意味ですか?

  • よろしくお願いします

    (恋の話)So a few months ago we ended up cuddling and holding hands, and I started to develop a more serious crush. Fast forward to a few weeks later and he asked if he could kiss me, but then he stopped and said, "But you're not gonna blow this out of proportion, are you?" I said I wouldn't, you're not gonna blow this out of proportionはどのように訳したら良いでしょうか?あと、I said I wouldn'tはなぜI won'tではなくwouldn'tなのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします