Struggling to Write My Next Book: Overcoming Writer's Block and Frustration

  • I am a published author struggling to write my next book. Despite having written multiple adult-oriented fictional books, I have been unable to gather any momentum in the writing process for almost five years.
  • During this period, I have experienced writer's block for the first time, compounding my frustration. I have made several attempts to start the next book, but have been unable to organize my thoughts or make progress.
  • The struggle to write my next book has led me to walk away multiple times for extended periods. Overcoming this writer's block and frustration is a significant challenge I am currently facing.
  • ベストアンサー


I am a published author and have been struggling to write my next book. I've written a handful of adult-oriented fictional books. My most recent published book came out almost five years ago. I've tried several times to start the next book, but I haven't been able to get any thoughts together or gather any momentum in the writing process. I never previously experienced any writer's block, so this five-year period is challenging. My frustration has also compounded during this period, and I've walked away several times for extended periods of time. ここでのcompoundedはの【1他動】3の「~の度合いを増す」でしょうか?ここでは自動詞ですが。。よろしくお願いします

  • corta
  • お礼率76% (4111/5344)
  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

 ここでのcompoundedはの【1他動】3の「~の度合いを増す」でしょうか?ここでは自動詞ですが。  おっしゃる通りです。下記のケンブリッジ辞典には to make something worse by increasing or adding to it が T(他動詞)の意味で、定義されています。





  • ( )に入る適切な語句を教えてください

    The winter has just begun to write a new book,which ( )next spring (1)was published (2)will published (3)publishing (4)will be published Up to now,nothing ( )by the search committee. (1)has been reporting (2)has been reported (3)is reporting (4)is being reporting 

  • few times

    I've been to Japan few times. は正しい文ですか?間違っているなら、few だと思いますが、どうして a がないだけで、これは間違っているのですか?

  • .以下のの英語表現について教えてください。連絡

    1「彼に何度か電話したのに、連絡してくれません。 」 2「彼に何度か連絡したのに、彼に連絡が取れないんです。」 「ずっと連絡が取れていない(期間は特定しませんが一週間から1カ月ぐらいの感覚です)」という状況を表すのに完了形(現在形も入れていますが)を使用していますが、以下の用法は不自然な表現でしょうか? 1・I called him several times, but/ yet/though he hasn't been answering my calls. ・I called him several times, but/ yet/though ,he hasn't been answering me at all. ・I called several times ,but/ yet/though he hasn't called me back. 2・ I tried contacting/calling him several times, but/though/yet I haven't heard from him. ・ I tried contacting/calling him several times, but/though/yet I haven't been able to get hold of him. ・I called/contacted him several times but/though/yet I haven't been able to get hold of him. ・I called several times but/though/yet I can't get hold of him.(I can't get n touch with him at all.) また、他に良い訳例があれば教えて頂ければ幸いです。 宜しくお願い致します。

  • I've been to と I've visited の違いについて教えてください

    題名の通り、この二つの現在完了の文の使い分け方が分かりません。 辞書で been を調べると、(すでに)来ている、訪れている 何となく意味は分かったのですが、問題集で問題を解くと been か visited なのかはっきりと分かりません。 その問題がこれです。 (1)私はアメリカに5回行ったことがあります  I (five, America, have, to, times, been) (2)私は以前あなたの町を訪れたことがあります  I've ( ) your town ( ) (1)については、選択肢にbeenがあるので問題はないのですが、 (2)の答えは解答によると visited なのです。 この二つの文に違いがあるのでしょうか? 自分では、アメリカとあなたの町の違いかな、と思ったのですが どうなのでしょうか?解答お願いします。

  • DANIEL POWTER の"Free Loop"の歌詞の和訳お願いします

    DANIEL POWTER の"Free Loop"の歌詞で I've been fabulous through to define my tattered name. I've been fabulous through to fight my town a name. の意味を教えて下さい。I've been fabulous throughはイデオムですか?

  • 和訳をお願いします

    I've been thinking about you this far when not introducing you to my friends, not myself よろしくお願いします。

  • よろしくお願いします

    I am the oldest of four girls. I have never been married and have not dated in five years. I have a great career, own two homes, and have several cats. I am happy. This is of the greatest concern to my family. of the greatest concernのof はなくても良さそうに思えるのですが、なぜ必要なのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • asでつながっている文

    次の文の和訳をお願いします。 The examination I receive consists of being asked to raise my arms above my head and to bend over, as I can do this they just ignore me. まず前提として、この英文を書いた人のご家族が、日本でも原因不明の難病で、この人も同じ病気かもしれない、という疑いがあります。 ちなみにこの英文の前の文は I have been to see the doctor several times but can't get any help. です。 上の文を読んで、「医者に行ってもそんなことは普通にできるとわかっているのに、腕を頭の上に上げるように言われたり、腰をかがめたりするよう、言われたりするだけで、こちらの知りたいことには答えてくれないのかな。」と思いました。これでは時間やお金を使って医者に行く意味がありませんよね。 そして「as」はそれ以降の文をどうつなげているのですか? 宜しくお願いします。

  • 訳を教えてください

    Two weeks ago I attended a holiday party with my boyfriend and his family. We’ve been together for three years, and since we moved to his hometown, I’ve gotten to know his parents and sisters better. I forgot about new medication I was taking, had a few drinks, and became drunker than I have ever been in my life. (Counting this event, I’ve only been drunk three times, so it’s extremely out of character for me.) I now know that I did something so horrible at the party that my boyfriend broke up with me via text and told me he has no interest in speaking to me ever again. I’m devastated. My now ex-boyfriend is the sweetest man I know, so I had to have done something cruel for him to do this. I had to have done something cruel for him to do thisの訳を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 英訳してみました、どうでしょうか?

    次の会話を英語にしてみたのですがあっていますでしょうか? A 『京都にはよく来るのですか?』 B 『遊びでは何回も来たことあるのですが、仕事で来るのはこれが初めてです。』 A Do you often come to kyoto? B I've been here many times for pleasure. This is the first time that I've come here on business.