
  • 新たな室内農業のアプローチを採用することが求められています。
  • 都心部に位置し、食品を消費者に届けるために必要な輸送量を大幅に減らすことができます。
  • 質問の➀の部分はemploying、➁の部分はsituatedが分詞構文で使用されていることを表しています。これらの部分をどのように訳すべきかを教えてください。
  • ベストアンサー


解説お願いします。 ➀Many believe an entirely approach to indoor farming is required, employing cutting-edge technologies. ➁situated in the heart of urban centres, they would drastically reduce the gmount of transportation required to bring food to consumers. ➀のemploying、➁のsituatedは分詞構文になっているということでしょうか。この部分はどう訳したら良いのか教えて欲しいです。よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

1。ご質問に答える前に、ちょっと二箇所ばかり修繕します。  修繕(い)entirely と approach の間に何か抜けています。多分 new か何かでしょう。  修繕(ろ)gmount は amount の打ち間違いでしょう。 2。➀のemploying、➁のsituatedは分詞構文になっているということでしょうか。  (1)は、分詞構文で、付帯状況を示す、下記の(1)(f)に相当する場合です。   http://www.eibunpou.net/08/chapter20/20_3.html  (2)も、分詞構文で、理由を表し、下記(1)(b)に当たります。     http://www.eibunpou.net/08/chapter20/20_3.html   3。この部分はどう訳したら良いのか教えて欲しいです。  (1) 多くの人は、最先端の技術を使って(室内で農業を行う全く(?)の方法が必要だと信じている。)  (2) 都心の中央部に位置しているので、(彼ら(=屋内農業)は食料を消費者に届ける交通費を大幅に減らすことになるだろう。)


  • 英文解説お願いします。

    英文解説お願いします。 His scheme would employ up to 16 trillion minute spacecraft, each weighing about one gram, to form a transparent, sunlight-refracting sunshade in an orbit 1.5 million km above the Earth. ➀ここでのemployはmake use ofと同じ意味ですか? ➁transparentは名詞ですか? (3)和訳お願いします。

  • 英訳上の疑問点へのアドバイス依頼

    以下の英文で、in the face of rising worldwide demand for personal transportationはoverdependence on oil だけにかかるのですか、それともurban and regional air pollutionとoverdependence on oil の両方にかかっているのですか?教えてください。 Indeed, the problem of how to reduce the dangers from urban and regional air pollution and from overdependence on oil in the face of rising worldwide demand for personal transportation is one of the two greatest challenges at the energy-economy-environment intersection.

  • 和訳の質問です。

    下記の和訳が分かりません。 どなたかご教示いただけないでしょうか? Active Transportation and Real Estate: The Next Frontier identifies the latest phase in the evolution of urban development from car-centric to people-oriented design: “trail-oriented development” leverages investments in cycling and pedestrian infrastructure to offer car-free lifestyle and transportation choices to people seeking more physically active and environmentally sustainable modes of getting around.

  • 和訳お願いします

    Dickson Despommier became the guru of vertical farming because his students were bummed out. A professor of environmental health at Columbia University in New York City, Despommier teaches about parasitism, environmental disruption and other assorted happy topics. Eventually his students complained; they wanted to work on something optimistic. So the class began studying the idea of rooftop gardening for cities. They quickly discarded that approach--too small-scale--in favor of something more ambitious: a 30-story urban farm with a greenhouse on every floor. "I think vertical farming is an idea that can work in a big way," says Despommier. Why would we want to build skyscrapers filled with lettuce when we've been farming on the ground for 10,000 years? Because as the world's population grows--from 6.8 billion now to as much as 9 billion by 2050--we could run out of productive soil and water. Most of the population growth will occur in cities that can't easily feed themselves. Add the fact that modern agriculture and everything associated with it--deforestation, chemical-laden fertilizers and carbon-emitting transportation--is a significant contributor to climate change, and suddenly vertical farming doesn't seem so magic beanstalk in the sky. 引用 “Vertical farming”

  • 下記の英文を訳してくれる方はいませんか?

    The physiological changes in men gradually lengthen the time needed to get an erection, and reduce the strength of ejaculation and intensity of the orgasm. In women, the physiological changes increase the time required for arousal and lubrication, but do not affect the intensity of the orgasm (Weg,1975). お願いします。

  • 和訳例を教えて下さい。

    (1)If climate change and population growth progress at their current pace, in roughly 50 years farming as we know it will no longer exist. This means that the majority of people could soon be without enough food or water. But there is a solution that is surprisingly within reach, and that is to move most farming into cities, and grow crops in tall, specially constructed buildings. It’s called vertical farming. (2)The floods and lack of rainfall that have come with climate change are destroying traditional farmland. Three recent floods, for example, have cost the US billions of dollars in lost crops, with even more serious losses in topsoil. In India changes in rain patterns and temperature could reduce India’s agricultural output by 30% or more by the end of the century. (3)What’s more, population increases will soon reduce the amount of land available to American farmers. The amount of land for farming per person has decreased from about an acre in 1970 to roughly half an acre in 2000, and it is expected to decline to about a third of an acre by 2050. With billions more people on the way, before we know it the traditional soil-based farming model developed over the last 12,000 years will no longer be possible anywhere. In short, it has become alarmingly clear that the world must find new methods of food production and distribution. (4)Now imagine a vertical farm built within the limits of a major city. Food production would take advantage of hydroponic methods that use far less water than conventional cultivation techniques, in some cases as much as 90 percent less. When we apply the vertical farm concept to countries that are water-challenged, such as those in the Middle East, the benefits of vertical farming look even more attractive. For this reason the world’s very first vertical farm may be established there, although the idea has now attracted considerable interest from architects, scientists and governments all over the world. (5)The list of benefits of the vertical farm is indeed long. To start with, crop production would no longer be limited by seasons or be impacted by poor whether. The farm itself would behave like a functional ecosystem in which waste is recycled to be used over and over again. By supplying a continuous quantity of fresh vegetables and fruits to city residents, such farms would help prevent health problems, some of which arise from the lack of quality food in our diet. They wouldn't only improve urban life, but also help to restore the land that was damaged by traditional farming. For every indoor acre farmed, some 10 to 20 outdoor acres of farmland could be allowed to return to their original state. The vertical farm would also create new employment opportunities for the expanding populations of urban centers, certain in which abandoned properties could become productive once again. (6)Moreover, vertical farms would produce crops that contain no added chemicals. The farms would greatly reduce air pollution, since they would eliminate the need for heavy farm machines and trucks that deliver food from farm to fork. Think how great it would be if everything on your plate came from around the corner, rather than from hundreds or thousands of miles away. The structures themselves would be things of beauty and grace. In order to allow plants to capture sunlight, walls and ceilings would be completely transparent. So from a distance, it would look as if there were gardens suspended in space. (7)While experimental vertical farming projects in the US and the UK have shown very positive results thus far, it is important to bear in mind that the science of vertical farming still has a long way to go. To be successful in the long term, vertical farming will still need to prove that it is economically efficient, especially with respect to energy and urban land costs. 本文の原文→http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/24/opinion/24Despommier.html?_r=1&

  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    以下は遺伝子組み換えの問題性に関する文章の一部です。この部分だけがわからなかったので日本語訳 お願いします。 (1) Various scares, the best known being mad cow disease, have consumers in Europe cautious of food genetically altered to kill pests or resist herbicides また、文章でgrassroots campaignっていうのがありましたのですが、これはどういう意味ですか? ・・・・・・ 以下はまた別の英文です。 (2) According to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, mandatory labeling applies to all foods that have been changed nutritionally or compositionally or to alert consumers of possible allergens.That does not mean,though,that all GM foods will be labeled.If it can be show through tests that the nutrition or composition of such foods remains unchanged, no special label is required. Even though labels are not required ,they are allowed ,but only when `truthful and not misleading`. おそらく上記の英文は成分表示をラベルにして張ることの是非が述べられてるというのは想像がつくの ですが、きちんとした具体的な訳までがわかりません。 長い文章ですが、訳していただけないでしょうか?

  • ゴミは分別して処理しますか?

    お尋ねしたいことがあるのですがよろしいでしょうか? 100語程度で以下の3つの質問に答えるというものです。 1Do you separate your garbage for disposal? 2 Are people there trying to decrease the amount of garbage? 3do you think people in Japan are aware of the importance of recycling? As for garbage for disposal, most people tend to separete burnable and nonburnble in deffernt ways. I believe that to reduce garbage and protect environment they can do lots of things. In fact, government also plans to adopt the charge of prastic bags to consumers. Many people are becoming aware of the importance of recycling. It is because to gather many prastic bags will be changed into the vaccine which can survive many people in the third world. 厳しくお願いいたします。

  • 汎用監査ソフトウェア

    監査人が汎用監査ソフトウェアが長所として 監査人が汎用監査ソフトウェアが長所として a.Access information stored on computer files while having a limited understanding of the client's hardware and software features. b.Cosider increasing the use of substantive tests of transactions in place of analytical procedures. c.Substantiate the accuracy of data through selfchecking digits and hash totals. d.Reduce the level of required tests of controls to a relatively small amount. どういうことをいっているのでしょうか

  • 和訳お願いします。

    While Edison was activety engaged on the different kinds of carbon filaments and fillings his first commercial order for the installation of his system on the S.S.Columbia,he was still able to find time to go into the problem of electrical transportation.The idea of an electric railway wasn't a new one;for experimenters had worked on it ever since the wet cell and the simple electromagnet became known. In fact from the start men had dreamed of employing electricity to supply power, but the time wasn't yet ripe-the practical generator and motor didn't yet exist. As we know today,an electric motor is usually operated by current received from a generator-yet in electrical history the motor came first.