• ベストアンサー


my boyfriend had a cancer scare,とあり、のちの文でThen, last week, he gets a terminal cancer diagnosis. They thought it was just in his mouth. とあります。 cancer scareは「ガンを怖がること」でいいでしょうか?あと、They thought it was just in his mouth.というのは「彼は口だけのことだ、と思った」でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • corta
  • お礼率76% (4112/5346)
  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

> cancer scareは「ガンを怖がること」でいいでしょうか? ⇒ そうですね、「ガンへの怯え」でもよいと思います。 > They thought it was just in his mouth.というのは「彼は口だけのことだ、と思った」でしょうか? ⇒ その理解でよいと思います。「彼の思い込みだ、と思っていた」でもよいと思います。





  • The cancer was missed

    My sister has been diagnosed with terminal cancer—at 44, with children. This came out of the blue. She has not had previous cancer. The cancer was missed, her doctor was supercilious, her boyfriend finally took her in to the emergency room for pain after he became fed up. The cancer was missedとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 時制

    「それは彼のものだと思いました。」を英語で表すと、時制を一致させて、 I thought (that) it was his. と言いますね。 では、時制を一昔にして、「それは彼のものだと思っていました。」をどういいますか。 I had thought it was his. でいいですか。

  • medical scare

    Over the holidays I got engaged. My boyfriend has clinical depression, and the holidays are rough on him. I was going to break up with him, but I held off, thinking it would be easier after the holidays. Then he surprised me—at his parents’ house in front of his whole family—with a ring. I didn’t see how to say no without humiliating him in front of his family, so I accepted. I’ve been trying to break it off ever since, but something always stops me. He had problems at work, and then it was Valentine’s Day, and then he had a medical scare. medical scareはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • incidental

    After a 29-year relationship (we never married), my partner became ill with cancer last May. Although we were told it was highly treatable, he died in October. Throughout the entire ordeal, his two sons and ex-wife were wonderful. They drove a significant distance every weekend throughout his sickness. They spent more time with their father than ever. The oldest hadn’t been to our home in years. After he died, his children put together a “celebration of life” in their hometown, which I attended in early November. Although I was pretty incidental to the celebration, it was a nice acknowledgment of their father. incidental to the celebrationはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • on his own terms

    My grandfather passed away three years ago. It was the first death in the family I’ve experienced. I was absolutely in bits when he died. He was very healthy all of my life until that point. He had an ongoing “flu” for a couple weeks that turned out to be cancer, and he passed within a month of letting all of the immediate family know about the diagnosis. He did not opt for treatment that would have lengthened his life, which I absolutely am grateful for. He passed on his own terms in his home. He passed on his own terms「自分が思うがままに死んだ」?でしょうか?どういうことでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 自由英作の添削をお願いします

    もう前期試験まで一週間もないのですが、心残りなので時間がある時にでもお願いします。 阪大の2008年度の自由英作文の問題です。 Is a lie always bad? Why or why not? Answer in English in around 70 words. I don't think a lie is always bad. Because a man is happy by a lie in some cases. For example, a man was suffer from a cancer. He was getting weaken. When he asked his doctor about his cancer's situation, however, his doctor answered he was getting recovering. Of course, what his doctor said is a lie, but he was happy. A lie made him happy. よろしくお願いします。

  • 文法的解釈がわからない

    すいません、下の文の文法的解釈がわからなくて質問しました。 he began to study more than twenty-two thousand healthy male doctors over forty years of age. Half took an aspirin every other day. The others took what they thought was aspirin. It was only a placebo, an inactive substance. この文のThe others took what they thought was aspirin.の部分のです。 意味は「他の人は彼らがアスピリンであると考えるものを使いました。」だと思うのですが、thought was が動詞、動詞となっていて構造がわかりません。 thought it was のようにitが省略されてるのでしょうか? もしそうなら省略していいものなのでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします。

    For some, the measure of his success was the transformation of a ho-hum computer company into a $380 billion technology titan that became the world's most valuable company (in terms of market value) earlier this year. He was worth $8 billion when he died last week of pancreatic cancer. For many others — and Mr. Jobs himself, who claimed it was never about the money — his legacy will be the way he transformed the relationship between people and technology.

  • There was a moment~の訳

    There was a moment during the standoff between Jan and his father that I actually thought it was going to just end. この文章の訳を教えていただけますか?よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 解説をお願いします

    The girl who I thought was his sister was,in fact, his mother. この文で、何故関係代名詞がwhoになるのか、そしてこの文を訳す時の 訳す手順を出来るだけ詳しく教えていただけないでしょうか? それと It is a cell phone system that (being let) you (accessed) on-line services. there (be) some problems, like people getting (rob)or hurt by someone they met though a mobile dating service. の二つの文章の()内の語を適当な形に直す場合、何故そういう答えに なるのかを出来るだけ詳しく教えていただけないでしょうか? 解説が答えだけしかなく困っています。よろしくお願いします。 それとこういった問題に強くなる為には何をすればいいのかの方策 もいただけるとありがたいです。