• ベストアンサー

lives down the block

Finally, he burned me by choosing another woman who happens to be younger, more successful at our mutual endeavor, and more outwardly sexy, and she has lavender hair and lives down the block! burned meとlives down the blockの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • corta
  • お礼率76% (4114/5348)
  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

 burned meとlives down the blockの意味を教えてください。 1。ここのburn は、下記他動詞の4「(人を)利用して見捨てる」の意味です。  http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=burn    ずばり言えば、私は彼に振られた、でしょう。 2。lives down the blockの意味は「(つい)すぐ近くに住む」です。





  • cutting down smoking

    NHK実践ビジネス英語2019年5月Lesson 3(5)のGraceさんの台詞です。 Grace: As you might expect, it’s mainly millennials. That goes along with their emphasis on leading a healthier lifestyle: more exercise, cutting down or eliminating things like smoking and drinking, and paying more attention to what you eat, for example. @ 2019年5月 L3(5) 先月「 “cut down on”の品詞は?」という質問をしましたが、句動詞“cut down/back on”は、この講座でよくつかわれます。ここではGraceさんが、 “cutting down or eliminating things like smoking and drinking”と言っています。 もし、このor eliminatingがなければ、さらに簡単のためthings likeも除くと、“cutting down smoking and drinking”となります。 句動詞の前置詞が省略されるケースは時々見ますが、いつも何故だろうと思っています。 “cut down”を検索すると、 cut down(英辞郎on the WEB) 句動 切り下げる、切り倒す、伐採する、なで切りにする、切り落とす 打ちのめす、精神的にやっつける、こき下ろす ・Anyone would be mad if you cut down her boyfriend. : 誰だって自分の彼氏の悪口を言われたら頭に来ますよ。 値下げさせる、まけさせる、節約する、〔音量を〕下げる 縮める、縮小する、短縮する、削減する、減らす、低減する、切り詰める ・A catalytic converter cuts down emissions of nitrous oxides. : 触媒コンバーターは亜酸化窒素の排出を減らす。 《野球》送球で走者をアウトにする、作り直す と「切り倒す」「やっつける」といった用法が示されています。 しかし、「削減する」という意味では目的語の前に “on”のある用例もでています。 cut down on~を減らす、~を削減する◆【類】reduce ; lessen ; cut back on cut down on alcohol to avoid liver disease肝臓病予防のため飲酒量を減らす cut down on cigarettes for one's health健康のため喫煙量[たばこの本数]を減らす この講座でも、「削減する」という意味で “cut down+目的語(oxidant / waste)”が使われている用例もあります。 Breakstone: You can start by eating more fresh fruit and vegetables. They’re said to be the best source of antioxidants, which neutralize the oxidants that can damage cells and DNA. If you can cut down oxidant, you’ll feel younger over a longer period of time. @2014年5月L3(3) McMillan: Yes, it was fun and kind of zany. But there was a very serious idea behind it: to show how recycling cuts down waste, saves energy and creates jobs. @2014年10月L13(4) しかし、「削減する」の意味では “cut down on+目的語」の用法の方がずっとたくさんあります。一例に、次のものが見つかりました。 Lyons: Stopping smoking is another obvious way to live longer. Cutting down on drinking also helps, although researchers say one glass of wine a day can strengthen your heart. @ 2014年5月L3(4) [質問] 何か使い分けの基準があるのですか? 今回のケースは「削減する」という意味でしょうから、両方の使い方があることになり、 “or eliminating”があるため、目的語smoking and drinkingが直接続かないためですか?

  • よろしくお願いします

    My ex remarried a few years ago to a woman who is 15 years younger than me, has a Ph.D., and is quite wealthy. I basically owe her my life. My boyfriend got arrested, I got pregnant, and our house almost burned down. She provided my children and me an apartment that she owns, paid for a nanny, and helped with getting the house rebuilt. My kids are over at their dad’s most afternoons (including my now 3-year-old, saving me day care fees). I am back on my feet and biting back nasty comments whenever my kids talk about her. biting back nasty commentsはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英文の問題!!

    わからないので教えてください!! 1.Takayoshi want to England two years ago, and he still lives there. ↑和訳&書き換え(8) 2.This question is more difficult than that one. ↑書き換え(7) 3.One of my best friends made me e nice birthday cake. ↑書き換え(12) こまってます;;おねがいします(><;)

  • double down

    Q. Drunk Driving Prevention Ends Friendship: I threw a Halloween party this weekend, and my good friend Alicia came. During the party Alicia drank a lot and became very drunk. Even so, she wanted to drive home at the end of the night. I took her keys and refused to return them to her. I offered to call a cab or a sober friend to drive her home and offered to let her stay in my spare room. Alicia freaked out at me and demanded I return her keys to her. She said she was a grown woman and could make her own decisions. I still refused to give her the keys to her car, so eventually she called another friend to drive her home. The next day Alicia emailed me to demand the return of her car keys—I told her and her friend, when she left, that she could pick up her car as soon as she sobered up—and to tell me our eight-year friendship was over. She accused me of being controlling, disrespectful, crazy, and totally out of line. I am hurt by Alicia’s decision to end our friendship, but I don’t think I did the wrong thing by preventing her from driving drunk. What should I have done? Should I bother reaching out to Alicia and apologizing? A: An apology is owed here: Alicia to you. It would have been nice when she sobered up if she said she appreciated your saving her from killing herself or someone else. Instead she’s doubling down on her right to break the law and endanger the lives of everyone on the road. doubling down on her rightはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします。

  • 海外メール文通しているのですが・・・。

    特に★以降の文章は見合っているでしょうか。 It's very fine day today here, so I planted Borage(Star Flower), True Lavender and Chamomile Roman. You can sleep better and relieved if you drink Lavender and Chamomile for tea also put lavender under your pillow. I feel so comfortable if I just see the herb garden. It's more than fun too. Moreover, I am now interested in aromatherapy. I put some aroma oil in the bathtub and enjoy them. It really works for me to enjoy even with the one drop. There is very big difference between drinking lavender and absorbing one, so I really enjoy these herbs. By the way, I am ashamed of being called as "A-chan" from friends. My best friend calls me my name. You can call me "A-chan" "A-san" or "A子" as you like. Well, my age is 28 years old. How about you? You sounds you are pretty familiar with Japanese. How long have you studied it? What things made you to be confused when you study Japanese? ★お返事は遅くなっても構いません。 長く続けていただけることを希望します。 今後もよろしくお願いします。 It's okay if you can reply me soon, but I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

  • 英文解釈

    次の二つの英文は何とか意味は取れるのですが、文法解釈は正直できてません。お願いします。 (1)But while I know that the intentions of these ladies were nothing but good, when this kind of thing happens it makes me feel uncomfortable. nothing but を only で訳すと意味が通じなくなるような気がしました。 (2)And as women, they felt this even more so.  even more がうまく訳せません。また、this と soは同じことを指すのではないのですか??

  • double down

    Q. Husband telling people I have borderline personality disorder: I recently found out from a friend that my husband has been telling our friends that I have borderline personality disorder. I was completely flabbergasted and shocked, because I have never been diagnosed with this in my life. I confronted my husband, and he refused to talk to me about it, saying he didn’t feel “safe” talking to me. I immediately made an appointment with my therapist and explained the situation to her. She reassured me that I do not, in fact, have BPD. I again talked to my husband, told him to stop lying, and that I wouldn’t stand for it. He agreed but did not apologize. A few weeks later, I checked his texts (I know—cardinal sin of marriage), and saw that he had drunk-texted his colleague at 11:30 at night that I had BPD. (He was so drunk that night that he threw up after he DROVE himself home.) I’m at a loss. We’ve been having marriage problems due to lack of trust. He lies to my face frequently, e.g. will tell me he was at work all day, and later I will find out that he had spent the whole day at the shopping mall. Or he will come home late reeking of alcohol but insist he never had a drop to drink and was at the office the whole time, and later I find the receipts showing he had gone out drinking before coming home. I think this is the last straw, but I don’t know what to do. He has been trying to be a better husband in a lot of ways (has stepped up his contribution to housework, is learning to cook, makes lots of thoughtful gestures, etc.), but he continues to lie and refuses to apologize. He just says I’m in denial about BPD and asks why it bothers me so much that he tells other people. He says he’s just worried about me and “looking for advice from friends.” A: I think this is the last straw too, and I think I know what you should do: I think you should leave him. This is abusive gaslighting of the highest order (“a form of mental abuse which a victim is manipulated into doubting their own memory, perception and sanity”). You have plenty of reasons to end your marriage already, between his chronic lying and drinking, but when you add to that list the fact that he has repeatedly lied about your mental health to your friends and refused to apologize (!!!) when confronted with this fact, what you have is less of a marriage and more of a hostage situation. I don’t believe your husband is worried about you in the least. I think he’s interested in making you doubt yourself, in feeling isolated, in keeping you in the dark, and in controlling you. I don’t care how many dishes he washes. This is a person who will ruin your life, and I hope you can find somewhere else to sleep tonight. Don’t let his half-hearted attempts to pick up more dirty socks convince you that you’re suffering from a mental disorder you don’t have, then doubling down by suggesting you’re “in denial” when you call him out on his vicious lies. ここでのdouble downはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 添削お願いいたします.

    こんにちは. 和訳をしてみました.添削お願い致します. (1)The three months I spent in Shishmaref left a very deep impression on me. →シシュマレフで費やした3ヶ月間は私に深い印象を残した。 (2)Staying with Eskimos, I became more and more interested in diffirent lifestyles. →エスキモーの人と滞在してわたしはさらに良くなって、もっと違った生活様式に興味をもつようになった。 (3)It taught me one important lesson: even in the most remote place, "real" people are living their lives. →それは私に1つの大切な教訓,遠い場所の「本当の」人々の暮らしの生活をも教えてくれた。 「:」の使い方が良く分かりませんでした. 添削と解説お願い致します。 よろしくお願い致します。

  • 英文法チェックお願いします

    1. I feel inferior to younger brother because he does better everything than me. 2. I am always surprised about how well he talks. 3. Taylor swift are becoming more and more popular because of her beautiful voice. 1. it is said that Coach is not expensive store in the USA although it is expensive in Japan. The reason why Coach is Expensive in Japan is a lot of duty on the way to Japan from USA.

  • 急ぎです。英語の得意な方和訳お願いします。

    R KELLY のVictoryという曲です。 すごい好きな曲なのですが どのサイトにも和訳がのってません... 全部分の和訳をお願いしたいです。 よろしくお願いします。 Seems like the more I climb the hill gets deeper And the more I rise see I get deeper It's like the more I give see the more is taken And the more I'm loved the more I'm hated Still the more I fall the more I'll get up And keep on driving when the road gets tough And I won't stop till I get what's mine But un till then See I'm tearing down the walls and I'm moving the mountains I'm stirring up the sea and be leavin in a change Putting out the fire indure it to the end They will come and I will shout victory Tearing down the walls and I'm moving the mountains I'm stirring up the sea and be leavin in a change Putting out the fire in dure to the end They will come and I will shout victory Seems like the more I win the more I loose The more my minds made up the more I'm confused It's like the more that I search the more I get lost And just when I get on seems like I fall off But the more it rains the more I pray Cause I know tomorrow will bring a brighter day So I won't stop till I get what's mine But un till then I'm tearing down theese walls and I'm moving the mountains I'm stirring up the sea and be leavin in a change Putting out the fire in dure it to the end They will come and I will shout victory I'm tearing down the walls and I'm moving the mountains I'm stirring up the sea and be leavin in a change Putting out the fire in dure it end They will come and I will shout victory When the morning comes I will rise There a angel for me in the sky As long as heavens right by my side I'm tearing down these walls and I'm moving the mountains I'm stirring up the sea and be leavin' in a change Putting out the fire in dure it to the end They will come and I will shout victory