• ベストアンサー


うまく訳せません どなたかお力をお貸しください substituting into Henry's law,we see that X for the ith gas in a mixture is (Xi=pi/Hi) in which Xi, Hi, and pi are, respectively, the equilibrium mole faction, absorption coefficient, and pertial pressure of the ith gas.

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
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  • ベストアンサー

このような場合、自力でどこまで訳せたのかを掲載してもらえる方 がいいかと思います。 転記ミスだと思いますが、文脈からすると、おそらく、faction -> fraction, pertial -> partial ですね? substituting の最初の s は大文字でしょうか? ith は「i番目の」ですね。Xi とかの i は添字になります。 あとは technical term 以外は文法どおりだと思います。 三つの変数の訳は自信ありません。 ヘンリーの法則に代入すると、混合ガス中の第iガスのXは、 Xi=pi/Hi であることがわかる。ここで、Xi, Hi, pi は、それぞれ、 第iガスの平衡モル比、吸収係数、分圧である。


  • 英文の翻訳をお願いします

    この英文の翻訳をお願いします (1)An acetate : MPG mixture of 1:3 at a total COD concentration of 0.8 and 1.2g/l was degraded in 12 days by 83 and 70% respectively. (2)These results demonstrate that boaugmentation of airport runoff water can be successfully applied to prevent organic de-icer compounds from entering the receiving surface waters.

  • 電熱の問題について

    以下の英語の電熱の問題についてお時間がある方は和訳と回答と解説をお願いいたします。 (1)a small gas turbine burns liquid octane with 300% excess air. how many moles of nitrogen gas in the combustion products are produced per mole of fuel consumed? (2)a wall is constructed of 25 mm thick white pine boards and insulated with 75 mm thick fiberglass insulation . the thermal conductivities of the two materials are 0.11 W/m・K and 0.048 W/m・K , respectively . on a given day , the internal and external temperatures are 22℃ and -10℃ , respectively . what is the rate of heat loss per unit area of wall ? 問題は上記したふたつです。できれば両方お願いしたいのですが、一問のみでもかまいません。お願いします。

  • 訳せない単語の質問

    Comparison of the p(t) equation so obtained with experimental data gives, in conjunction with measured values for vmax and Km and their definitions, all the information needed to estimate k1, k-1, and k2. 実験的なデータによって得られたp(t)式の比較は与える、 vmaxとKmおよびそれらの定義のための測定値と連携して、 すべての情報は、k1、k-1、およびk2を評価する必要があった 「,」で切って3文を訳しましたが、 どの順で繋げれば良いのでしょう? After rapid mixing of substrate and enzyme solutions in an absorption cell to initiate the reaction, product composition changes on a time scale down to milliseconds are monitored by a spectrophotometer. time scale down to milliseconds とはどういう意味なのでしょうか? 1/1000秒に時間を縮小? Although there are several variations of the method, all are based on the same principles; an external perturbation of some reaction condition such as temperature, pressure, or electric field density is applied to a reaction mixture at equilibrium (or steady state). external perturbation : 外部の動揺? As illustrated schematically in Fig. 3.13, the response following a sudden step change in reaction conditions is a transition to a new, nearly equilibrium or steady state. 後半の訳が上手くできません。 「急停止に従っている応答により、反応条件は変更・・・」 の後くらいから教えてください。 The theory and practice of relaxation methods has also been developed for oscillatory perturbations in reaction conditions. oscillatory perturbations :振動する動揺? 何のことですか?

  • 英文翻訳お願いします!

    Farmers in South Asia have been fighting with serious droughts in some areas and terrifying floods in others for some years now. Ten years ago farmer Bhairu Singh saw water in the well on his dry wasteland in western India. Experts say, however, things are not going to get any better for Singh and millions of farmers. The reason? It is global warming caused by greenhouse gas emissions from the burning of fossil fuels. According to U.N. estimates, about 2.3 billion people in about 50 nations will be troubled by frightening water shortages by 2020 because of global warming. For Singh, chief of a village in the besert state of Rajasthan, finding water is an everyday struggle. He said, “We've been facing a drought for yearas. Our wells have dried up, our crops have withered away and our cattle, too, have died over time.” He added, “Even though it rained a little this year, it wasn't enough to make up for all those years.” The gorwing water crisis will only be made worse by yhe melting of mountain glaciers across the world. Experts say the melting of those glaciers can account for as much as 95 percent of water in river networks. The Himalayan glaciers are the source of fresh water for many South Asian rivers such as the Ganga and Brahmaputra. According to some estimates, these glaciers have already receded in the past ten years. “Himalayan glaciers are shrinking because of climate change,” said a water specialist for the Nepal government. “This may result in heavy water shortage not only in Aepal but in India and Bangladesh during the dry season. And this may cause flooding in the wet season. Another important consequence of global warming concerns glacier lakes. The glacier lakes may burst their banks due to climate change and cause big floods down the rivers.” According to a report by the U.N. environment Program, global warming would cause more than 40 Himalayan glacier lakes to burst in the next few years. The report adds that this would cause floods and would kill thousands of people. what's worse, world temperatures are predicted to increase by between 1.4 and 5.8℃ by 2100 and sea levels to rise between 9 and 88 centimeters. In that case, small islands such as the Maldives and many islands in the Caribbean and South Pacific are in danger of drowning. Sea level rises would make cyclones and storms more dangerous for the people living near the sea. Already the impact of climate change is clearly seen in the rising summer temperatures in South Asia. They go up to 50℃. Monsoons have become harder to predict. It is now one of the world's most carefully watched phenomena. Growing populations and greater demand from agriculture, cities and industry also result in a big fall in water availability. The availability of water for each person in India has fallen to 1,869 cubic meters from 4,000 cubic meters 20 years ago. Some scholars say it could drop below 1,000 in 20 years. Water availability in Canada, Russia, the U.S., Japan and China in 2003 was about 90,000, 30,000, 10,000, 3,300 and 2,300 cubic meters respectively. During the summer, thousands of people in Indian villages walk around for miles in search of water. Even in cities, water is a precious commodity, and it sometimes leads to street fights. Too much tapping of ground water has also invited shortages. “Floods and droughts have been with us for hundreds of years,” said an expert from the Center for Science and Environment in Delhi, “but the impact has become far worse because water is being used more freely and carelessly.” ものすごく長い文ですみません。 スペルにミスがあるかもしれませんが、お願いします

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    A large number of German casualties were caused by the change in the wind direction and the decision to go ahead against protests by local officers, which were increased by British troops, who fired on German soldiers as they fled in the open. The gas used by the German troops at Hulluch was a mixture of chlorine and phosgene, which had first been used against British troops on 19 December 1915 at Wieltje, near Ypres. The German gas was of sufficient concentration to penetrate the British PH gas helmets and the 16th Division was unjustly blamed for poor gas discipline.

  • 英字新聞の翻訳 添削をお願いします

    英字新聞を翻訳しました。どなたか添削をお願いします。意訳もしてみました。(3)、(7)など自信なしです。宜しくお願いします。 (1) Scientists turn chief global warming gas into harmless stone 科学者は主要な地球温暖化ガスを無害な石に変える→ 地球温暖化ガスを無害な石に変える技術を研究チームが提案 (2)WASHINGTON (AP) — Scientists have a found a quick way — but not a cheap one — to turn heat-trapping carbon dioxide gas into harmless rock. ワシントン発(AP) 科学者は吸熱性のCO2ガスを無害な石に変えるための方法(安価ではないが)を見出した。 (3)Experts say the results of a two-year, $10 million experiment called CarbFix , conducted about one-third of a mile (540 meters) deep in the rocks of Iceland, offer new hope for an effective weapon to help fight man-made global warming. 炭素固定化と呼ばれる100万ドルの実験がアイスランドの地下1/3マイル(540m)の岩盤で行われた2年間の成果は、人間が作り出した地球温暖化克服のための武器に関する新たな期待を提供すると専門家はいう。 → 専門家によれば、100万ドルと2年の時間をかけたアイルランドの地下540mの岩盤で行われた実験により、人類が作り出した地球温暖化克服の決め手として期待される技術が提案されたとのことである。 (4)When an international team of scientists pumped a carbon dioxide and water mix into underground basalt rocks, basic chemistry took over. 科学者の国際チームが二酸化炭素と水の混合物を地下の玄武岩質の岩に送り込んだとき、基本的な化学が支配した。 → 国際的な化学チームによると、二酸化炭素を水の混合物を玄武岩層に注入するとそこでは、基本的な化学反応おこるという。 (5)The acidic mixture dissolved the rocks' calcium magnesium and formed limestone, a permanent natural jail for the heat-trapping gas, according to Juerg Matter of the University of Southampton in England. 英国サウサンプトン大学のJuerg Matterによれば、酸混合物に岩石のカルシウム、マグネシウムは溶解し、地球温暖化の原因となり得るCO2ガスの不変の天然の拘置所である石灰岩を形成した。 (6)He is the lead author of a study detailing the experiment published Thursday in the journal Science. 彼は、木曜日に出版されたジャーナル・サイエンスで詳細にしている研究のリードオーサー(主執筆者)である。 (5)と(6) → 木曜日に発表されたジャーナル・サイエンスで報告された論文の主執筆者である英国サウサンプトン大学のJuerg Matterによれば、酸混合物(CO2と水)は岩石のカルシウム、マグネシウを溶解し、地球温暖化の原因となるCO2ガスを地中深く閉じ込める石灰岩を形成したとのことである。 (7)"It's no longer a gas," Matter said. "Basically carbon dioxide is converted into stone." 「もはやガスではない」とMatter言う。「基本的には、二酸化炭素は石と化した」  → Matterは、「二酸化炭素は(温暖化)ガスではなく、石である」という。

  • 逆数補間の計算方法について

    こんにちは。前にも書かせてもらいましたが、どうしても計算ができないので、もう一度質問させてもらいました。 以下のような、洋書を読んで、最後にあるP(y)を出したいのですが、計算方法がわかりません。 ---------------------------------------------------------------- [Inverse Interpolation] A process called inverse interpolation is often used to approximate an inverse function. Suppose that values {Yi}=f({Xi}) have been computed at X0,X1,...,Xn. Using table Y ; Y0 Y1 Y2 ......Yn X ; X0 X1 X2 ......Xn we form the interpolation polynomial p(y)=Σ(i=1→n)CiΠ(j=0→i-1){Y-Yj} The orijinal relationship, y=f(x), has an inverse, under certain conditions. This inverse is being approximated by x=p(y). Procedures Coef and Eval can be used to carry out the inverse interpolation by reversing the arguments x and y in the calling sequence for Coef. Inverse interpolation can be used to find where a given functuin f has a root or zero. This means inverting the equation f(x)=0. We propose to do this by creating a table of values (f(Xi),Xi) and interpolating with a polynomial,p. Thus, p(Yi)=Xi. The points Xi should be chosen near the unknown root,r. The approximate root is then given by r ~p(0). For a concrete case, let the table of known values be Y;-0.5789200,-0.3626370,-0.1849160,-0.0340642,0.0969858 X; 1.0 , 2.0 , 3.0 , 4.0 , 5.0 The nodes in this problem are the points in the row of the table headed y, and the function values being interpolated are in the x row. The resulting polynomial is p(Y)=0.25Y^4+1.2Y^3+3.69Y^2+7.39Y+4.247470086 and p(0)=4.247470086. Only the last coefficient is shown with all the digits carried in the calculation, for it is the only one needed for the problem at hand. ---------------------------------------------------------------- <補足>CoefとEvalについて 「 procedure; Coef(n,{Xi},{Yi},{Ai}) real array; {Xi}0:n, {Yi}0:n, {Ai}0:n integer; i,j,n for i=0 to n do {Ai}←{Yi} end for for j=1 to n do for i=n to j step -1 do Ai←({Ai}-{Ai-1})/({Xi}-{Xi-j}) end for end for end procedure Coef 」 「 real function; Eval(n,{Xi},{Yi},{Ai}) real array; {Xi}0:n, {Ai}0:n integer; i,n real;t,temp temp←An for i=n-1 to 0 step -1 do temp←(temp)(t-{Xi})+{Ai} end for Eval←temp end function Eval」 ------------------------------------------------------------- XとYを扱い方がよくわかっていないので、計算できないのかなあと思います。分かる方、アドバイスお願いします(泣)

  • 逆数補間についての内容です。

    こんにちは。 私は、大学生で、補間についての勉強をしているものです。今回、始めて、洋書を読むことになり苦戦しております。以下の内容はどういったものなのでしょうか?アドバイスをいただきたいと思い、書かせてもらいました。 _______________________________________________________________ [Inverse Interpolation] A process called inverse interpolation is often used to approximate an inverse function. Suppose that values {Yi}=f({Xi}) have been computed at X0,X1,...,Xn. Using table Y ; Y0 Y1 Y2 ......Yn X ; X0 X1 X2 ......Xn we form the interpolation polynomial p(y)=Σ(i=1→n)CiΠ(j=0→i-1){Y-Yj} The orijinal relationship, y=f(x), has an inverse, under certain conditions. This inverse is being approximated by x=p(y). Procedures Coef and Eval can be used to carry out the inverse interpolation by reversing the arguments x and y in the calling sequence for Coef. Inverse interpolation can be used to find where a given functuin f has a root or zero. This means inverting the equation f(x)=0. We propose to do this by creating a table of values (f(Xi),Xi) and interpolating with a polynomial,p. Thus, p(Yi)=Xi. The points Xi should be chosen near the unknown root,r. The approximate root is then given by r ~p(0). For a concrete case, let the table of known values be Y;-0.5789200,-0.3626370,-0.1849160,-0.0340642,0.0969858 X; 1.0 , 2.0 , 3.0 , 4.0 , 5.0 The nodes in this problem are the points in the row of the table headed y, and the function values being interpolated are in the x row. The resulting polynomial is p(Y)=0.25Y^4+1.2Y^3+3.69Y^2+7.39Y+4.247470086 and p(0)=4.247470086. Only the last coefficient is shown with all the digits carried in the calculation, for it is the only one needed for the problem at hand. ________________________________________________________________ 自分で計算しても、p(Y)=0.25Y^4+1.2Y^3+3.69Y^2+7.39Y+4.247470086 となりません(泣) 

  • 逆関数の補間について

    こんにちは。前に質問させてもらい、計算については 理解できました。しかし、以下の文章のある部分の意味がわかりません。まず、文章は、 [Inverse Interpolation] A process called inverse interpolation is often used to approximate an inverse function. Suppose that values {Yi}=f({Xi}) have been computed at X0,X1,...,Xn. Using table Y ; Y0 Y1 Y2 ......Yn X ; X0 X1 X2 ......Xn we form the interpolation polynomial p(y)=Σ(i=1→n)CiΠ(j=0→i-1){Y-Yj} The orijinal relationship, y=f(x), has an inverse, under certain conditions. This inverse is being approximated by x=p(y). Procedures Coef and Eval can be used to carry out the inverse interpolation by reversing the arguments x and y in the calling sequence for Coef. Inverse interpolation can be used to find where a given functuin f has a root or zero. This means inverting the equation f(x)=0. We propose to do this by creating a table of values (f(Xi),Xi) and interpolating with a polynomial,p. Thus, p(Yi)=Xi. The points Xi should be chosen near the unknown root,r. The approximate root is then given by r ~p(0). For a concrete case, let the table of known values be Y;-0.5789200,-0.3626370,-0.1849160,-0.0340642,0.0969858 X; 1.0 , 2.0 , 3.0 , 4.0 , 5.0 The nodes in this problem are the points in the row of the table headed y, and the function values being interpolated are in the x row. The resulting polynomial is p(Y)=0.25Y^4+1.2Y^3+3.69Y^2+7.39Y+4.247470086 and p(0)=4.247470086. Only the last coefficient is shown with all the digits carried in the calculation, for it is the only one needed for the problem at hand. ---------------------------------------------------------------- <補足>CoefとEvalについて 「 procedure; Coef(n,{Xi},{Yi},{Ai}) real array; {Xi}0:n, {Yi}0:n, {Ai}0:n integer; i,j,n for i=0 to n do {Ai}←{Yi} end for for j=1 to n do for i=n to j step -1 do Ai←({Ai}-{Ai-1})/({Xi}-{Xi-j}) end for end for end procedure Coef 」 「 real function; Eval(n,{Xi},{Yi},{Ai}) real array; {Xi}0:n, {Ai}0:n integer; i,n real;t,temp temp←An for i=n-1 to 0 step -1 do temp←(temp)(t-{Xi})+{Ai} end for Eval←temp end function Eval」 ------------------------------------------------------------- です。この文章の 「The orijinal relationship, y=f(x), has an inverse, under certain conditions. This inverse is being approximated by x=p(y). Procedures Coef and Eval can be used to carry out the inverse interpolation by reversing the arguments x and y in the calling sequence for Coef. Inverse interpolation can be used to find where a given functuin f has a root or zero. This means inverting the equation f(x)=0. We propose to do this by creating a table of values (f(Xi),Xi) and interpolating with a polynomial,p. Thus, p(Yi)=Xi. The points Xi should be chosen near the unknown root,r. The approximate root is then given by r ~p(0).」 という部分が理解できません。わかる方アドバイスお願いします(泣)

  • 論文中の活量に関する記述を解説してほしいです。

    読んでいる論文中に次の記述があります。AlNをCO-N2混合ガス中で酸化させてγ-AlONを生成させることをやっているものです。活量に関する記述ができています。活量とはある物質の酸化のされやすさ(活性度?)みたいなものかなと理解しているのですが、よくわかっておりません。以下の質問に関してわかる範囲でご解説いただきたいと思います。多分、専門の人が読めば何をやりたいのかはわかるのだと思いますが、私には意図がわからず内容がつかめないです。 Fig.1とは酸化アルミ、AlN,AlONの相図です。"Fig.1 presents the thermodynamically stable region of γ-AlON in the chemical potential diagram of the Al-O-N-C system under the condition of carbon activity, a_C = 1, and total activity of gas phase, P_CO/P_N2 = 1, where a_i and P_i are the activities of component i with respect to pure graphite and 1 bar, respectively, as standard stetes." 1.炭素の活量が1になるようにすると書いてありますが、これはなんのためにこのような条件を課すのでしょうか。 2.同様にP_CO/P_N2 = 1の条件も何のためのものでしょうか。 3.「純粋な炭素に対して」という記述がありますが、なぜ、純粋な炭素がここで出てくるのでしょうか。