• ベストアンサー

I'll walk on your back の意

背中に怪我をして大変な仲間へ対して、 I'll walk on your back anytime. とは、どのような解釈をすれば良いでしょうか? ふざけて、 to say something to someone in order to have fun by embarrassing or annoying them slightly in either a friendly or an unkind way のようなパターンなのか、 I got your back のように、励ましの言葉なのかわからず困っています。 どなたかネイティヴや帰国子女などの方に教えていただきたいのですが、もし宜しければお願い致します。

  • lreb
  • お礼率57% (11/19)
  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

  僕はネイティブでも、帰国女子でもないので、適当に聞いてください。  アメリカなどでは、日本の腰痛を治すマッサージには、患者を腹ばいに寝かして、背中を歩く、と言う治療法がある、と信じている人がいます。  僕の日本の祖母も曲がった腰の痛みを治すには、誰かに背中を歩かせるのが、いいと信じていて、僕が小学生の時はよく歩かせられました。  そうすると「いつでもあなたの背中を歩いてあげるよ」と言う治してあげたい配慮の表現ではないかと思います。



日本にもそのようなマッサージの文化があるんですね! やり取りの流れから、思い遣るようなニュアンスを感じたので、マッサージのことかなと一瞬よぎったのですが、人の体に乗るマッサージはタイだったはず~とすぐ選択肢から外してしまいました。 実際の怪我の部位は腰なので、SPS700さんがおっしゃる通り、優しい配慮の言葉だったのだと思います。 皮肉的な冗談を好む優しい友人なのですが、危うくちょっと嫌いになるところでした。 ご親切に貴重なご経験を教えて下さり、助かりました、どうもありがとうございました。


  • on your senses

    Dear Annie: I have a problem that I have never seen in your column. My 64-year-old father-in-law sends my middle-aged husband pornographic pictures. My husband and I share the same email address, and the last picture was extremely explicit. My husband does not check his email regularly. When he does, he ignores most of his father's stuff, thank heavens. I haven't deleted these emails, but I now think my father-in-law is a total creep. Is there anything I should do? I hope he sees himself in this letter. -- Offended Wife Dear Offended: Is your husband aware that his father is sending him these photos? If not, tell him. Then ask whether he wants to receive these pictures. He may not care, or he may prefer not to confront his father. Since they're meant for him, he should have the final word, although you can encourage him to tell Dad to stop. We also recommend that you open your own email account so you are not subjected to this assault on your senses. on your sensesはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • i don't ever walk to work

    この場合everはどんな意味ですか? do you ever take the bus to work? yes, i do. i often take the bus. i don't ever walkt to work. incorrect : i ever walk to work ever is used in questions about frequency. it menas "at any time" ever is also used with not ever is not used in statements 読んでも意味を把握するのが難しいです

  • I'll come back and help you with the work.

    NHKラジオ英会話講座より I'm just going out to the bank. I'll come back and help you with the work.(・・戻ってきて、あなたの仕事を手伝うわよ。) (質問)help you with the work.を単純に、help your work.と表現できないでしょうか?フィーリングの違いを教えて下さい。 以上

  • 英語の表現で不明な点がお願いします。

    3つあるのですが、分かる方よろしくお願いいたします。 (1)Overseasとforeignの使い方ニュアンスの違いはあるのか。 (2)I will transfer your call to the section in charge. 上の文章のin chargeの訳し方。 (3)All right, I'll call back in an hour or so. or so の訳し方。

  • Update your Profile on Microsoft Connect Soon

    本日以下のようなメールが来ましたが、具体的に何をすればいいのかもわかりません。昨日MSNメッセンジャーのログインパスワードを変えたのでそれ関係かとは思うのですが…。 わかる方、ご教授願います。 よろしくおねがいいたします Update your Profile on Microsoft Connect Soon Dear Microsoft Connect user, We sent you an e-mail in mid-May with details about an update to your Microsoft Connect profile. Now that the update is complete, we would like to ask you to verify your Profile on Microsoft Connect. You still have time to update your profile before the update becomes required and our system will prompt you to update it. Please either click on the profile reminder link on the left navigation menu or select Manage My Connect Profile at the bottom of any web page. If you have not updated your Microsoft Connect profile prior to July 23, 2007, you should expect the following when you visit and sign in to http://connect.microsoft.com on or after July 23, 2007: 1. We will present you with a Web page on which you will be asked to verify and update your profile information. After submitting this information, Microsoft Connect will use it as your profile information moving forward. 2. If you don't return to Microsoft Connect before July 23, 2008, Microsoft Connect will inactivate your account and we will be unable to contact you regarding your program participation. At any time after July 23, 2008, you can return to Microsoft Connect and re-activate your account by signing in with your Windows LiveID, and updating your profile. Thank you for your help and patience during this process, and we look forward to continuing to serve you. The Microsoft Connect Team As a Microsoft Connect user, you are receiving this announcement about an update to your Microsoft Connect profile. Microsoft is committed to protecting your privacy. To learn more, please refer to the Microsoft Online Privacy Statement at http://privacy.microsoft.com/.

  • i'm back now for good

    いつ日本へ帰ってくるの?と聞いたら i'm back now for good と帰って聞きました。これはどういう意味ですか?イディオムというものなんでしょうか・・・ 訳なんですが、 ある人に風邪の話をしていたら、メールで i dont get sick. i want to give you onbu lol,and run. i will be your horse hahaha と入ってきました。そして you can ride me, will take you to sasebo on my back lol or maybe just a few minutes haha. sasebo is far from tokyo haha この訳が分からないのですが、私は風邪はひかない。あなたをおんぶしたい笑。そして走る 私はあなたの馬になるよ笑。 あなたは私に乗れるよ。・・・すみませんわかりませんでした。教えてください

  • 翻訳をお願いします。オークションの質問で来たのですが、なんとなく言わん

    翻訳をお願いします。オークションの質問で来たのですが、なんとなく言わんとしているところはわかるのですが、正確な訳が知りたいです。 I'm Takashi Presently in Canada.i saw your item paste on YAHOO AUCTION Am interested in buying your item for my Friend, i will offering you $2,000.00USDollar for each of the item plus shipment to my Friend in Nigeria via EMS SPEED POST .Let me know how many pieces you have for sale.i will be remitting your payment via Bank to Bank transfer Or PayPal into your account.Get back to me via your personal e-mail and please reply back in English.Reply back to (takashi***@gmail.com)Hoping to read from you fast,Thanks.

  • push back on the request

    My fiancé and I are getting married next year and plan on inviting only close friends and family. My fiancé’s parents and my father are very generously splitting the costs of the wedding, and I asked them if they wanted to add a few people to our guest list as a token of my gratitude (they’re very reasonable people). I’m fine with everyone they added (about 10 people) except for my fiancé’s aunt. I’ve only met her twice, but according to my future in-laws, she’s a compulsive thief. His family hides their purses and valuables when she is invited to events. She was recently fired for stealing from her co-worker. Based on her past behavior, I think it’s likely she’ll steal from guests during the reception or even from the gift table. Is there a way I can gently push back on the request to include this person? push back on the requestは「リクエストを先送りする」でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • お手数ですが日本語訳をお願いします。

    I’ve never been in a romantic relationship and I’m on the verge of being 21 and honestly I don’t think it’s ever gonna happen, I’m not mad or bitter or looking for validation. Sometimes people who want to love just can’t find the right people to love them back and that’s ok. Just want people to know that when you can’t find someone to pour your love into it just means you have all that much more to focus on yourself and your own individual happiness.

  • この英語で大丈夫でしょうか?

    日本であなたと一緒に散歩できたら本当に楽しいだろうな。私はあなたをおぶるのも楽しみだけど、あなたにおんぶされるのも楽しみだよ。テキサスの自然の中をあなたと一緒に歩くのもいいなぁ。 あなたは馬に乗ったことあるの? 私はないよ、乗ってみたいなぁ。 I might be really happy if I could take a walk with you. I look forward to carryig you on my back but also to being carried on your back. How it might be good for us to take a walk together in the quiet nature of Texas. Have you ever taken a ride on a horse back? I haven't. I wish I could do so. I might be~ と How it might be~ が気になっています。mightでは消極的すぎるでしょうか? 回答お待ちしております、どうかお願いいたします!