
  • アリババの出品者に対して、商品の価格と日本への送料を尋ねたところ、返信がありました。
  • 返信内容は、具体的な数量を教えてもらえるか尋ねており、それに基づいて正確な価格を提示することができます。
  • 相手の早急な回答を待っているようです。
  • ベストアンサー

翻訳 何が言いたいのでしょうか?

アリババの出品者に 「10個の値段を教えて下さい。 日本までの送料が知りたいです。」 と問い合わせた所、返信が 「 Tks for ur requirement,do u mind telling me how many qty do u need? then we can quote for u exactly? Waiting for ur early response! BR CARY」 との事。 ヤフー翻訳で訳してみたら 「多くの数量はどうかについて、私に教えてい るあなたのrequirement,do u心のためのTk uの必要性をします?そして、我々は正確にuの ために引用することができます? あなたの初期の反応を待つこと! Br ケアリー」 となりました。 何が言いたいんでしょうか・

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • 92128bwsd
  • ベストアンサー率58% (2275/3919)

これは、話が噛み合っていないですね。相手の英語力にも疑問があります。 文は、英語でSNSやオンラインゲームなどでよく使われる省略があります。 tks = thanks ur = your u = you qty = quantity (これは通常の省略) BR = Best regards (これも通常の省略) requirement は、inquiry か何かの間違いでしょう。その前提で訳すと、 「お問い合わせありがとうございます。どれけの数量が必要かお教えいただけますか?そうしたら、あなたに正確な見積もりをお出しできます。お早めにお返事いただけると幸いです。 BR ケアリー」





  • 「painesly」って?

    英語がネイティブではない人からの英語のメールに、 I still in waiting for u and ur sweet words very painesly. とありました。 このpaineslyを辞書で探しても見つからず、ケータイメールなので、うち間違いかもしれません。 近いのはpainfullyかなとも思うのですが、そうなるとどーも意味がわかりません。 これじゃないの?というのがあったら教えてください。

  • わからんから通訳して

    I hope you dont mind randomly chatting for a minute.. I found ur name on the skype search (angel) lol... what kind of ladies do u like?

  • これなんて言ってますか?

    私が好きな海外アーティストのLive映像に、このコメントがありました。 hey im a dj her in nyc..and i just finished watching ur brandy -'' everything i do ''' video...and im very impress by ur voice.... i was wondering if u can do a drop or a jingle for me...? hit me back 丸投げですいませんが、分かる方、ぜひ訳してください。お願いします。

  • アンパンマンマーチをオリジナルで英訳しました。

    アンパンマンマーチが好きすぎて自分なりに 英訳してみました。 しかし英語に自信がないので是非チェックしていただきたいです。 お願いいたします!!! Anpanman no march <English version> ※☆I know! I am happy! what a joy i am living Even if the wound in my heart harts ... why were u born for ? what do u live for ? We can't answer it ? Not on your life ! (Wouldn't want like that!) Ur heart begins burning by what u live for(in) the moment So u are going with a smile ※☆ ※★Ah Anpanman tender you are Go to protect everybody's dream What is ur true happiness ? what do u do when u are pleased? End up with knowing that ? Won't want like that! Don't leave ur dream Don't spill tears So u are fling to the end of the world That's right ! Don't be afraid for everybody Love and courage are ur true friends ※★ This monument pasts in an instant? A star glittering is going to disappear So you are going with a smile that's right ! You are happy! What a joy you are living Whatever enemy you are having even if? ※★ 宜しくお願いいたします!!!

  • ネイティブとのメールのやりとりでつまづきました。

    全英文の正確なニュアンスが分かる方よろしくお願いします。m(__)m お恥ずかしながら翻訳ソフトも駆使してみましたがわからない部分がたくさんありまして・・・スペルも略されていたり、時々違っていたりで・・・ 私の娘のホストファミリー(オーストラリア)のお父さんからのメールです。去年ホームステイしました。 ホストファミリー家の娘さんが、もうすぐ日本へ来ます。そして”浴衣を買って帰りたい”という事だったのですが、今は中々安いものは店頭では売ってないので、私が通販で買って、娘さんの泊まるホテルに届けましょうか?ということになりました。これについての文です。 Tks for the offer if u can meet my daugther she will be very thirlled to see u. 青い浴衣がいいとのことでした 通販サイトの、どの浴衣がいいのかイメージも一緒に送ってくれとお願いしました。 Her Yukata is the Blue i think i doanloaded the correct one for u(この文は、”浴衣の画像を、正確にダウンロードした”というようなことでしょうか?)  下の文章は、ホストダディは私達に”お金を払う”といってますよね↓(うちが支払いしようと思っていますが)? その後の文章は、ホストダディが「私も日本へ行く!」と言っているのでしょうか???? まさか、浴衣一着のために日本に来ないですよね(A^-^;)・・・ She will give u the costs also.....ok i better go and so my work now and check later ur rpley it is really nice to know u and ○○○(←私の娘の名). 一番あせっているのは、一番下の文章です。なんと返事したらいいのかさっぱりで。よろしくお願いしますm(__)m 分かりにくくなってしまって申し訳有りません。

  • we gotta start speaking.  知り合った人とのメールでわからないことがあります

    相手の言いたいこととニュアンスがいまいちわかりません。教えてください。 but for us to do this u gotta give ur number so we can speak... and don't worry I can speak enough nihongo.. but if we are gonna get together we gotta start speaking... see what I mean? 自分なりに訳してみました。 でも、私たちがこうするには君が番号おしえて私たちが話す、気にしなくていい 私は十分な日本語を話す。でも。もし私たちがつきあったら______???? 訳とニュアンスをおしえてください。

  • メールの翻訳をお願い致します。

    メールの翻訳をお願い致します。 代金返金請求が受理されたので、商品を返送してくれという内容だとは思うのですが、上手く翻訳できず詳しい内容がよく分かりません。 We are writing to follow-up with your Amazon.com A-to-z Guarantee claim filed for order 商品番号. The seller of this listing has agreed to reimburse you upon receiving the return of the item. We would ask that you ship the return via a traceable method to the following address: 相手の住所 We would ask that you use a shipper that offers signature requirement as well as insuring the item to ensure its safe delivery. If the seller's return address is a PO Box, you will need to ship USPS. Please be sure to request signature confirmation and insurance for USPS shipments. Please understand that using a traceable return shipping method is the only way for us to verify that your merchandise has been received by the seller. Amazon.com strives to maintain a marketplace that is fair to both buyers and sellers. If you don't use a traceable method to return your item and you file an A-to-z Guarantee claim, that may be grounds for your claim to be denied. Note that Delivery Confirmation through the U.S. Postal Service does not offer a signature service. If the seller's return address is a P.O. Box, you will need to ship USPS, but be sure to request signature confirmation and insurance for USPS shipments. Please reply to this email with tracking information within three business days. Please note, if we do not receive a reply within this time we will close your claim until we hear from you. We appreciate your understanding. Thank you for your cooperation and thank you for your interest in Amazon.com.

  • 長文ですが、和訳をお願いします。

    翻訳機を使用せずに訳して頂けたらと思います。 どうか宜しくお願いいたします。 Actually i m angry about ur late reply so i did t answer your call , not because of i m back at my parents home ! Yes i m now back to stay with my parents because my mum beg me to be back , i m a chinese which is very different from what u think ! We have to live with our parents and take care of them unlike japanese . If u think that i m back with my wife , my answer is No ! Believe or not is up to u ! I hope that u will be happy from tomorrow onwards and all the best ! 1) i m with my parents two days ago. 2)after u found out that i m married and i got nothing to hide from u , which i m not gonna lie anymore .3)both of us are under a very difficult conditions and situation now and we are far apart there is nothing better than trust to rely on to carry on our relationship , if u choose not to trust .4) both of us have to adapt to each others feeling and thinkings because we are from different countrys and background .5)i know that u are trying ur best to understand me , which i don t always use lots of big words in english because i want you to feel and understand more about me .6) i m learning japanese too and i have two jobs now almost everyday without any offday + i have a course to start soon , the reason why am i taking this course ? Very simple answer is only one and thats to get higher salary in japan . And u talk about worry ! Did u actually think at my position ! U took 3 hours to reply me , and u tell me that u are on the phone with ur friend for 3 hours ! What do u want me to do when i don t get ur reply !!!??? Are u asleep ? Maybe u r busy with ur work !? Maybe u r taking ur shower , will get back to me when u r free !? Or maybe u r still not home ! So should i worry or go back to sleep !? I don t know u tell me what should i do !!!! I did t answer the call for the pass 2 nights and now u understand how i feel right !? I m not good in relationship with my wife , but i can t let go of my parents , they did nothing wrong !!! I have to take care of them . I keep asking myself , how far can we go !? Because we have different back ground , but i did t expect this to happen so fast ! I think is very difficult now . In order not to hurt u too deep and i have already got a broken heart before which i think both of us can t afford anymore pain so i think our relationship should end here I m really happy to know u , even till now ! U are the women i love the most , but unfortunately it won t last . I will always remember you !

  • Yahoo アメリカ版メッセンジャーについて

    あるメッセンジャー友達から下記のメッセージが届きました。現在無料でアメリカ版メッセンジャーを使用しているのですが、有料化の動きがあるのでしょうか? なんとなくチェーンメールのような感じもしますが… >>HEY SORRY TO BREAK THE NEWS BUT U HAVE 8 DAYS TO SEND DIS OR U CAN SAY GOODBYE TO UR ACCOUNT. YAHOO IS GOING TO CHARGE $10.00 A MONTH FOR INSTANT MESSAGER TO WHOEVER DOESN'T SEND THIS MESSAGE. UR ACCOUNT WILL BE DEACTIVATED AND IT WILL COST $10.00 A MONTH TO USE IT! TO SEND TO EVERYONE ON YOUR LIST, RIGHT CLICK ON YOUR GROUP, THEN CLICK SEND MESSAGE TOsorry about this...DO NOT DELETE ...we want to find out which users r actually using their YAHOO accounts..so if u r using yours plz pass this e-mail to every yahoo user that u can...IF U DONT PASS..this letter to anyone we will delete yours..from MR.(人名)admin dept.....our yahoo is getting cut off. not so sure about all this

  • 翻訳お願いします

    Even though it's February , I still have an excess of edible Christmas and New Year's treats to finish. As I worked my way through yet another box of assorted chocolates , I couldn't help but be reminded of a line from the movie Forrest Gump:“Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.” And it made me wonder if this is still true for modern life. These days , you'd be hard-pressed to find a box of shareable goodies without some kind of guide. My box of chocolates came with a bilingual description of each finely sculpted chocolate , detailing in evocative language what filling lay within each glossy shape. Don't like caramel? Even if it's “a masterful creation”? Then avoid these ones. Like praline? Then choose those ones. With chocolates these days , you actually do know what you're gonna get. Sometimes l wish that life really was like a box of 21st-century,chocolates. It'd be nice to have all of life's choices land out neatly in front of me , with a guide telling me what to expect from each one. With consumerism and the Internet making more choice available to more people ,it's becoming ingrained in us to find out as much as we can about something before making a decision. In a way , our desire to know exactly what we're getting has resulted in a sort of stalkerish behavior when it comes to many things in life. Who hasn't tried to find out all they can about a new friend or potential date once they've connected with them on Facebook? Or feverishly looked up the menu of a restaurant they're going to in order to decide what they'll have before they even step foot in the establishment? It's understandable that we do these things in order to avoid being disappointed or inconvenienced. But I'm curious to know if having all this information at our fingertips is degrading our ability to trust our instincts. Having too much information or choice can also lead to decision fatigue , resulting in poor decision making. Or analysis paralysis--where you overthink everything , stress yourself out and in the end , make no decision at all. Life certainly isn't quite like Forrest Gump's box Of chocolates anymore. We might know what we're going to get, but we might not like it anyway. I prefer to think of life as a tarte Tatin -- a delicious tart that was conceived supposedly by accident in the 1880s by chef Stephanie Tatin. She almost burned the filling of an apple tart and then decided to make it upside down. Life is a bit like that : You might think you know what you're gonna get but end up making a mess of it. But sometimes , like Stephanie Tatin , all you need to do is flip your situation over, serve it anyway and realize that it's actually pretty damn good. excess 余り物 edible 食べられる treats 楽しみ worked my way through ~ ~を処理した ouldn't help but be reminded of ~ ~を思い出さずにはいられなかった line せりふ Forrest Gump 「フォーレスト・ガンプ」 be hard-pressed to ~ ~するのに苦労する goodies おいしいもの description 説明 sculpted 立体的に作られた evocative 心をそそる filling 中身 lay within ~ ~の中にある glossy つやつやした masterful 見事な praline プラリーヌ land out 並べられた neatly 美しく consumerism 消費主義 making ~ available to ~ ~に~を入手しやすくする ingrained in ~ ~に深く根付いている stalkerish ストーカーっぽい when it comes to ~ ~のことになると potential date デートするかもしれない相手 feverishly 無我夢中で step foot in ~ ~に足を踏み入れる establishment レストランのこと disappointed がっかりする inconvenienced 不便を感じる having ~ at our fingertips ~がすぐ手に入る is degrading ~を低下させている instincts 直感 fatigue 疲れ paralysis 停滞 無気力 stress yourself out 神経をすり減らす tarte Tatin タルトタタン was conceived 考え出された supposedly おそらく by accident 偶然に upside down さかさまに end up ~ 結局~する making a mess of it へまをする flip ~ over ~をひっくり返す pretty damn good すごくいい