
  • 健康に良い食事は、脂肪やカロリーの制限だけではなく、健康な食事パターンが重要です。
  • 長年にわたり、脂肪やカロリーの制限だけが健康な食事とされてきましたが、そのアプローチは私たちをますます太らせ、病気にさせてきました。
  • 新たな米国の食事ガイドラインは、単に制限するだけでなく、健康な食事パターンの重要性を強調しています。
  • ベストアンサー

W.Post の記事

https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/to-your-health/wp/2016/01/07/new-u-s-dietary-guidelines-everything-you-need-to-know-about-what-to-eatwhat-not-to-eat/?wpmm=1&wpisrc=nl_tyh 上記サイトの2番目の段落内の下記についての和訳をお教えください。 But the real difference, nutritionists say, is that eating well no longer just means cutting back on fat or calories -- a simple idea that has been promoted for decades but has left us fatter and sicker than ever. It's now about having a healthy pattern of eating. 以下は私の拙訳ですが、こんな感じで良いでしょうか。 ----- 栄養の専門家は今回の改訂についての以下のように述べている。 「健康に良い食事とは、脂肪 カロリーを制限した食事を推奨してきたが、結果的には改善されていない。今回の改訂は単に制限するというのではなく、健康な食生活のパターンを推奨している。」 ----

  • binm
  • お礼率92% (174/188)
  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

> But the real difference, nutritionists say, is that eating well no longer just means cutting back on fat or calories -- a simple idea that has been promoted for decades but has left us fatter and sicker than ever. It's now about having a healthy pattern of eating.  お示しの訳文でよいと思います。内容がきちんと示されていて、分かりやすい訳文だと思えます。  私だったら、下記のように訳すかもしれません (ただし、お示しの英文だけを見ての訳なので、おかしなところがあるかもしれません)。  しかし栄養学者によると、好ましい食事とは単に脂肪やカロリーの摂取を抑えることであると、何十年も言い続けられてきたにもかかわらず、その成果たるや、我々はかつてよりもより肥満し、より不健康な状態に陥っている。そこで今度は、好ましい食事のパターンというものが取り上げられた。



流し読みで何となく意味は理解できたのですが、 いざ日本語で書いて表現しよとすると、語彙力?が不足の為か 読み易い文章にできませんでした。 回答者様の翻訳の方が読み易い文章だと思います。 私の翻訳も間違ってはいない事がわかり、安心しました。 御回答有難う御座いました。


  • VOAの記事より

    英語やり直し組です "But that does not mean that we are talking to terrorists, that does not mean that we are talking to human rights violators; what that does mean is that we are trying to bring as many people under the big tent of the government of Afghanistan to support the ongoing peace process in this country," (1)bring as many peopleのasは必要なのでしょうか? big tentはうまい訳がわからないので直訳ですが「それはテロリストや人権違反者との会談を意味しているのではなく、この国で進行中の平和協定をサポートするアフガニスタン政府の大きなテントの下にたくさんの人々を置くことを試みている事を意味している」 のような意味だと考えました。 ただこれだとas many peopleのasが要らなく思えます。。。 bring as many people underだとどういう意味になるのでしょうか? Their task was to determine whether the country's Electoral Commission was able to hold fair and credible elections after a political race that has been too close to call for months (2)最後のcall for monthsがわからないです。。。 「近すぎていたから数ヶ月を求められない?」 「数ヶ月を求めるには近すぎる?」 選挙戦は数ヶ月もかからない、という意味でしょうか? もしそうなら回りくどい言い方のように見えます。。。 that could be finished in monthsのような言い方では駄目なのでしょうか? お願いします。。

  • 記事の翻訳お願いします。

    イスラムの過激派についての文章かと思うのですが、上手く訳すことができません。 日本語訳をお願いします。 How does any civilized nation cope with fanatical barbarism? What kind of people will plot to murder thousands--so crazed with hate they will kill their own families for the cause? Even after 9/11 we have been slow to recognize the nature of the beast we face. It is hard for us to comprehend the mentality of, say, the group of 21 homegrown suicidal jihadists apprehended last year in Britain. We now know not only that they were prepared to blow up 10 civilian airliners flying from London to the United States--which might have killed as many as 3,500 innocent people--but also that they planned to avoid airport scrutiny by traveling with their wives and children and were thus prepared to execute their nearest and dearest. As a free society, we are remarkably vulnerable. Our open borders permit second-generation terrorists from Europe to infiltrate under the legal visa waiver program. We admit many imams from Egypt and Pakistan trained in Saudi Arabia under the extremist perversion of Islam known as Wahhabism. The consequences of our tolerance are spelled out in a recent report by the New York City Police Counterterrorism Department. It focuses on how difficult it is to follow the "trajectory of radicalization"--the behavior and whereabouts of homegrown radical Islamists. That New York report has to be read with the most recent National Intelligence Estimate that the external threat from al Qaeda has not waned despite expanded worldwide counterterrorism efforts. This is the context in which to consider the protests about tightening electronic surveillance, led by the liberal New York Times and the ultraliberal New Yorker and espoused by Democrats who watered down the recent reform legislation--including an insistence that it be reviewed in six months. How far should security concerns impinge on privacy? The administration says the balance has to be recalibrated. The trouble is that the administration has lost much of its moral authority. As USA Today put it, the White House "has all the credibility of a teenager who has squandered his allowance and is demanding more money." True--but on this issue, it has a real case.

  • VOAの記事より

    英語やり直し組です "I think that the debate has really moved on," he said. "It's really not about principles, it seems to me, any more. It's about pacing. And that's where I think deference should be paid to the views of those conducting the operations." (1)全体の流れが見えません。 「私は討論は本当に進んでいると思う」 「それは思想のことではない何か他の事だと私は思う」 「それはペーシング?です」 「そしてthose conducting the operationsの視点に払われるべき敬意だと私は考える」 意味がわからないです。。。 pacingがwhereと関係あるように思えるのですが何の事なのかがさっぱりです。 それとbutとかthoughとかを使っていないのですが問題ないのでしょうか? お願いします。

  • シリア問題に関して英字新聞のタイムの記事を読んでお

    英字新聞のタイムの記事を読んでおり、知りたいことがあります。 ”Annan's proposal”の内容を簡潔に教えて下さい。 Reuters has reported that Russia supports Annan's proposal to form a national unity government in Syria,but Annan's plan doesn't explicitly exclude Assad, which means Russia could still insist he stay in power.Last week, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov warned that Russia would not permit "a replication of the Libyan scenatio in Syria,"dismissing as "unrealistic" the Western demand that Assad stand down.Still,US officials insist that the Geneva meeting set clear guidelines for Assad stepping down as part of a political transition. "If Kofi Annan can get the proposed participants to agree on such a plan for political transition then there will be a meeting," a State Department official told reporters on Tuesday."But that's what we need to find out before we go to any meeting.There is no point in going just for the sake of it."

  • 記事の翻訳お願いします。

    http://okwave.jp/qa/q8183123.htmlの続きの英文です。 福祉制度の改革の話だと思うのですが、上手く英訳することができず、困っています。 長文ですが翻訳お願いします。 The culture has also changed. Once, about 40 percent thought that a wife should help her husband's career rather than have one of her own. Now, 81 percent think she should have her own career, and 70 percent think that both husband and wife should earn money. Parental time with children has dropped from about 30 hours a week to around 17—yet 70 percent believe that children are not affected negatively by having a working mother unless they are under school age. Moreover, the vast majority of working mothers now say that even if the family did not need the income, they would continue working. So a big question for everyone is how to reform Social Security and welfare so as to nourish marriage and raise the proportion of children who grow up in two-parent families. We should worry about a welfare system that pays unmarried mothers enough to have their own apartments and has led some to prefer babies to husbands. Research indicates that a 10 percent growth in welfare benefits increases by 12 percent the chances that a poor young woman will have a baby out of wedlock before the age of 22. This has been true for both whites and blacks. This is one reason that, even after a significant reform of the welfare system, the single welfare mother has become the public symbol of much of what is wrong with America's social service programs. We must find ways to educate people to understand that it is a good idea to be married before having children. Federal aid should give incentives for couples to form and sustain healthy marriages, not encouragement for single parenthood and nonmarital birth. Social service benefits that phase out fairly quickly after marriage, for example, can actually create a marriage penalty. Nor should the tax code penalize couples who marry. This dramatic shift from traditional to contemporary family structures and values is unlikely to change. But the bulk of the nation's most intractable social problems would benefit from tempering that trend by nurturing the American family. Public policy should not contribute to an a la carte menu of sex, love, and childbearing. It should emphasize the benefits for all from the package deal of marriage.

  • 添削してください

    Nutrition Log/Labは4日間の食事を記録したが、結果を見ると食べているものが偏っていた。 4日間食事したものを記録したおかげで、自分にどれが足りないのかがわかった。 毎日何カロリー必要なのか、何カロリー消費したのかを知ることで自分の健康に繋がる。 またこのLabをしたおかげで、お菓子やご飯を食べる前にNutrietion logを確認するようになった。 自分が日々どれくらいのカロリーを消費しているのかを以前よりも考えるようになった。 英文⇨ In nutrition log/ab recorded 4 days meal. What I was eating was biased when I looked at the results. Thanks to the recording of what I had for 4 days, I found out which one was missing to myself. Knowing how many calories you need everyday, how many calories you consume will lead to your health. Also thanks to this Lab, I began to check “Nutrition Log” before eating, especially snacks. I began to think more about how much calories I consume day by day. こちらの英文を添削して欲しいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 日本語訳を教えてください。

    うまく自然な日本語に訳せなくて困ってます。 There are many good sources for starches, including rice, bread, potatoes, and beans. Dietitians in Japan recommend that 50 to 70 percent of our energy comes from carbohydrates. Most of those calories, though, should come from starches, because eating sugars causes our blood sugar to rise rapidly.

  • The Economist記事中の訳

    こんばんは。 11月27日付エコノミスト詩の記事を読んでいるのですが、下記部分がなかなか理解できません。 But that is for the distant future. For now, Citi’s challenge is to regain its balance. Then it will have to prove that it has become less accident-prone. The bank has been heavily involved in most of the past quarter-century’s nastiest blow-ups, from the sovereign-debt defaults of the 1980s to the dotcom bust. It was even temporarily banned from launching new takeovers in 2005, after a string of regulatory lapses. Built in a hurry by Mr Weill, the group that Mr Pandit inherited lacked a solid culture. Its risk management was not up to scratch. Its investment bank was a patchwork of acquired shops and poached teams. “It was the greatest roll-up in history, but it is yet to sing,” admits a Citi executive. 記事→http://www.economist.com/finance/displaystory.cfm?story_id=12689930&fsrc=rss どなたか助けて頂けると嬉しいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の日本語訳を教えてください。

    日本語訳を教えてください。お願いします。 Dietitians in Japan recommend that 50 to 70 percent of our energy comes from carbohydrates. Most of those calories, though, should come from starches, because eating sugars causes our blood sugar to rise rapidly. Unlike other carbohydrates, fiber cannot be digested easily. For this reason, fiber gives us very little energy, but it is necessary to keep our body healthy : it is important because it helps move human waste through our digestive system.

  • 和訳してください。

    ~,but some promising research has been done recently that is begging to be implemented. (1)和訳してください (2)that is ~ はresearch にかかる関係代名詞節でしょうか?