
  • 1916年4月 - 全てが急ぎ足で進んでいます。
  • 大きな英国の飛行学校は、できるだけ多くのパイロットを迅速に出すように命じられ、一日中平均18機の飛行機が私たちの頭上を飛んでいます。
  • パイロットの寿命は飛行時間で計算され、非常に短いです。彼らは学習中に多くの人が亡くなります。
  • ベストアンサー


[In] April 1916 – Everything is being hurried up. The big English flying school near our camp has been ordered to turn out as many pilots as quickly as possible and there is an average of eighteen planes in the air all day long, just over our heads. The din is indescribable, but the horses never look up, or otherwise take the slightest notice of the planes. The life of a pilot, computed in flying hours, is pitifully short; many of them are killed while learning. My wife is working as voluntary aid at a hospital in Ismailia, and she and her associates are constantly making shrouds for these boys that have perhaps made one little mistake in their first solo flight, and have paid for it with their lives. The army will do anything in reason for these youngsters. We are ordered to let them have riding–horses and we occasionally turn out quite a creditable hunt with Saluki hounds after jackals. — A. B. Paterson, Remounts Officer

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9715/12083)

以下のとおりお答えします。 野営地近くの航空学校やそれに関わる事柄が、手記の形(?)で画かれています。 >[In] April 1916 – Everything is being hurried up. The big English flying school near our camp has been ordered to turn out as many pilots as quickly as possible and there is an average of eighteen planes in the air all day long, just over our heads. The din is indescribable, but the horses never look up, or otherwise take the slightest notice of the planes. The life of a pilot, computed in flying hours, is pitifully short; many of them are killed while learning. ⇒1916年4月[の間]-すべてが急いでいます。我々の野営地の近くの大きな英国航空学校が、できる限り多くのパイロットをできる限り迅速に養成するよう命じられましたので、一日中平均18機の飛行機が我々の頭上の空中を飛んでいます。騒音は名状しがたいほどですが、馬は決して上を見上げないか、そうでないとしても飛行機にほんのわずかな注意しか払いません。パイロットの命は、飛行時間数で計算すると、痛ましいほど短いのです。彼らの中には、学んでいる間にも死亡してしまう者が大勢います。 >My wife is working as voluntary aid at a hospital in Ismailia, and she and her associates are constantly making shrouds for these boys that have perhaps made one little mistake in their first solo flight, and have paid for it with their lives. The army will do anything in reason for these youngsters. We are ordered to let them have riding–horses and we occasionally turn out quite a creditable hunt with Saluki hounds after jackals. ⇒私の妻はイスマイリアの病院で自発的な救援者として働いていますが、彼女やその仲間たちは、おそらく最初の単独飛行の際に小さな誤りを犯し、自分の命でそれを償うことになってしまった少年のために、絶えず死装束を作っています。わが方面軍は、これらの青少年のため、という理由でなら何でもします。我々は、彼らに乗馬用の馬を持たせるように命じられていますので、それで時々我々は(一緒に)サルーキ犬という猟犬ともにジャッカルを追って、実に見事な狩り出しをします。 >— A. B. Paterson, Remounts Officer ⇒― A. B.パターソン、補給担当将校(筆?)




その他の回答 (1)


  1916年4月には - すべてがアップ急いされています。私たちのキャンプの近くに大きな英語飛行学校が早く、できるだけ多くのパイロットを有効に命じされており、一日中空気中の18面の平均はちょうど私たちの頭の上に、そこにあります。 DINが何とも言えないですが、馬は、ルックアップしない、またはそれ以外の面のわずかな注意を払うん。飛行時間で計算パイロットの命は、哀れなほど短いです。学習しながら、それらの多くが殺されます。私の妻はイスマイリアの病院で自主的な補助として働いている、と彼女と彼女の仲間は、常に、おそらく彼らの最初の単独飛行に一つの小さなミスを犯しており、自分たちの生活とそれを支払ってきたこれらの少年のためのシュラウドを作っています。軍はこれらの若者の理由で何でもします。我々は、彼らが乗馬、馬を持って、私たちは時折ジャッカル後サルーキの猟犬でかなり立派な狩りをオンさせるよう命じられています。  


  • 次の英文を大至急訳してください

    Sandra is a slender lady who can eat as much as she likes without having to exercise like a fiend. She is in a shrinking minority of people who follow a Western lifestyle. The norm is to be fat. In most of Western Europe and the United States more than half the adults are overnight. What, then, explains the ability of Sandra and others like her to stay thin in such an environment? The answer is complex and not the same for everyone. Apart from upbringing and environment, scientists are discovering that genes and biology are more important than previously believed.

  • 英文翻訳、お願いします。

    Tartar steak is well-known as one of the highlights of German cuisine. Raw meat is chopped and lightly seasoned, then kneaded into the shape of a steak. Place the yolk of an egg on top, and there you have it: tartar steak. This seems the simplest of dishes to prepare, something anyone can make. Originally, the Tartars prepared this dish from the tough, raw meat of the horses they raised on the Mongolian and Central Asian plains. Tartar steak entered Europe via Russia in the 13th century. Nowadays, the dish is made with beef, especially in Germany, although the dish originally called for horsemeat. The fact that the Tartars gave their name to the dish should leave no doubt that horsemeat was used. Many mammals are used for food. In the list of mammals used for food, cow and pig are followed by horse and camel, and they are used in every imaginable way. In Japan, horses are practically part of the landscape in Nagano, while in France, horsemeat is a popular food. Camels are used for meat in the Middle East and Africa even more than in Central Asia. The camel-owning nomadic tribes distributed throughout these desert regions live on camel meat, camel milk, and dates. The poetic picture of camels plodding silently across the burning desert is, in fact, more likely to be a funeral procession for the camels than a caravan, as they are being led to market to be sold for meat. Horses and camels are primarily used for riding and as beasts of burden, but their precious meat is frequently eaten. With the exception of France, most European nations do not eat horsemeat, probably because horses are valued for riding. The main characteristic of tartar steak is the fact that the maet is raw. Thousands of yaers ago, before they learned to control fire, all human beings, whether they were Mongoloid, Caucasian or Negroid, ate their meat raw. Generally, fresh raw meat is better for health than stewed or grilled meat.

  • 英文和訳です

    Flying cars are even more prevalent in The Jetsons, a 1962 animated TV series about a “typical family” of the twenty-first century. Bubble-topped machines, apparently jet-powered and computer-controlled, have completely replaced the family station wagon (and, apparently, all other forms of ground transportation). The Jetson family’s car is capable of supersonic speeds and rock-steady hovering, and it folds itself into a briefcase when not in use. Typically, for stories about the future, it is ordinary to its users and astonishing to twentieth-century audiences. Blade Runner(1982) is nominally set in in the first decade of the twenty-first century, but its nightmarish vision of a more distant future. Residents are unfazed, therefore, when flying cars swoop overhead and a flying police cruiser descends vertically into their midst. お願いします^^;

  • 英文和訳です

    Flying cars are even more prevalent in The Jetsons, a 1962 animated TV series about a “typical family” of the twenty-first century. Bubble-topped machines, apparently jet-powered and computer-controlled, have completely replaced the family station wagon (and, apparently, all other forms of ground transportation). The Jetson family’s car is capable of supersonic speeds and rock-steady hovering, and it folds itself into a briefcase when not in use. Typically, for stories about the future, it is ordinary to its users and astonishing to twentieth-century audiences. Blade Runner(1982) is nominally set in in the first decade of the twenty-first century, but its nightmarish vision of a more distant future. Residents are unfazed, therefore, when flying cars swoop overhead and a flying police cruiser descends vertically into their midst. よろしくお願いします^^;

  • お手数ですが、次の英文を訳して下さい。

    The Charge at Huj (8 November 1917), (also known by the British as the Affair of Huj), was an engagement between forces of the British Empire' Egyptian Expeditionary Force (EEF) and the Ottoman Turkish Empire's,[nb 1] Yildirim Army Group during the Sinai and Palestine Campaign of the First World War. It took place during the Pursuit phase of the Southern Palestine Offensive which eventually captured Jerusalem a month later. The charge was carried out by units of the 5th Mounted Brigade, against a rearguard position of German, Austrian and Turkish artillery and infantry armed with machine guns. The charge was successful and the British captured the position, seventy prisoners, eleven pieces of artillery and four machine guns. However British casualties were heavy; of the 170 men taking part, twenty-six were killed and forty wounded. They also had 100 horses killed. The charge is claimed to be one of the last British cavalry charges and was immortalised in a watercolour painting by the noted British artist Lady Butler.Huj is a Palestinian Arab village located 9.3 miles (15.0 km) north east of Gaza. During the Third Battle of Gaza, under pressure from the British attack, the majority of the Turkish forces from XXI Corps, had withdrawn from the area on 5 November. At around 14:00 8 November 1917, the following British forces with the 60th (2/2nd London) Division in the lead were stopped by artillery fire from a strong rearguard position on a ridge of high ground to the south of Huj. The Turkish rearguard had been established to protect the withdrawal of the Eighth Army headquarters, and was composed of German, Austrian and Turkish artillery, around 300 infantry and six machine guns. Aware that his infantry division alone would have problems taking the position, the 60th Division commander requested assistance from mounted troops. The only mounted troops in the area were 170 yeomanry - two full squadrons and two half squadrons from the Worcestershire and Warwickshire Yeomanry - part of the British 5th Mounted Brigade in the Australian Mounted Division. The squadrons manoeuvred under cover to a forming up point 1,000 yd (910 m) on the British right.

  • お手数ですが、次の英文を訳して下さい。

    The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was a peace treaty signed on March 3, 1918 between the Russian SFSR and the Central Powers, but prior to that on February 9, 1918, the Central Powers signed an exclusive protectorate treaty (German: Brotfrieden, "peace for bread") with the Ukrainian People's Republic as part of the negotiations that took place in Brest-Litovsk, Grodno Governorate (now Brest, Belarus) recognizing the sovereignty of the Ukrainian republic. Although not formally annexing the territory of the former Russian Empire, Germany and Austria-Hungary secured food-supply support in return for providing military protection. The Quadruple Alliance recognized Ukraine as a neutral state.Because of the civil unrest in the Russian Republic culminating in the October Revolution the Ukrainian People's Republic declared its independence under the government of the General Secretariat of Ukraine. In its declaration the General Secretariat announced elections for the Ukrainian Constituent Assembly to be held on January 9, 1918 and the first convocation on January 22 of the same year. On December 17, 1917 Vladimir Lenin as the head of the Sovnarkom released an ultimatum in which he accused the Central Rada of disorganizing the frontlines, stopping "any troops going into the region of the Don, the Urals, or elsewhere", sheltering political enemies such as the members of the Cadet party and ones who sided with Kaledine, as well as a requirement to "put an end to the attempts to crush the armies of the Soviet and of the Red Guard in Ukraine". Lenin gave 24 hours' notice to the government of what he called "the independent and bourgeois Republic of the Ukraine" to respond. Having Soviet armies already in Ukraine, the government of Ukraine had to act quickly to preserve the sovereignty of the state. The Ukrainian Central Rada expressed a desire for a peace treaty with foreign countries and its recognition worldwide. Since the representatives of the British and French Empires did not wish to recognize its sovereignty considering it as a part of their major ally, the Russian Empire, the treaty would give a chance for some recognition in face of the Central Powers.

  • 【至急】英文の日本語訳を教えてください

    タイトル通りです。よろしくお願いいたします。 (1) What kinds of stories are there in this book? There are stories about a flying island a country of giants and a country of horses. (2) Which Japanese cities did Gulliver visit? He visited Nagasaki and Kannonzaki. (3) Which city is "Nagasac”? Is Nagasaki.

  • お手数ですが、次の英文を訳して下さい。

    The Togoland Campaign (9–26 August 1914) was a French and British invasion of the German colony of Togoland in west Africa (which became Togo and the Volta Region of Ghana after independence), during the First World War. The colony was invaded on 6 August, by French forces from Dahomey to the east and on 9 August by British forces from Gold Coast to the west. German colonial forces withdrew from the capital Lomé and the coastal province and then fought delaying actions on the route north to Kamina, where a new wireless station linked Berlin to Togoland, the Atlantic and south America. The main British and French force from the neighbouring colonies of Gold Coast and Dahomey, advanced from the coast up the road and railway, as smaller forces converged on Kamina from the north. The German defenders were able to delay the invaders for several days at the battles of Bafilo, Agbeluvhoe and Chra but surrendered the colony on 26 August 1914. In 1916, Togoland was partitioned by the victors and in July 1922, British Togoland and French Togoland were created, as League of Nations mandates. The French acquisition consisted of c. 60 percent of the colony, including the coast. The British received the smaller, less populated and less developed portion of Togoland to the west. The surrender of Togoland marked the beginning of the end for the German colonial empire in Africa.

  • 英文和訳ですが全然わかりません

    The realities of creating personal, everyday air transportation―”flying cars,” for short―are in fact nightmarishly complex. A heavier-than-air flying machine must have a light but durable structure and a light but powerful engine in order to work at all. The engine must also be reliable, since its failure in flight is by definition a life-threatening crisis. A flying machine designed for daily use by an operator with limited training and experience would also have to be extremely stable, both in level flight and during maneuvers. Solving these technological problems would set the stage for putting “a flying machine in every garage.” That, in turn, would create new social problems: air traffic control; three-dimensional “rules of the road”; insurance; training, licensing, and inspection; and liability for damage done on the ground by machines that crash. for short 簡単に言って A heavier-than-air flying machine 空気より重たい飛行機械 in order to work at all ともかく動くためには by definition 当然とはいえ level flight 水平飛行 during maneuvers (技術を要する)操作中に set the stage for~ ~の準備を整える licensing 運転免許授与 inspection 車検 liability for~ ~に対する賠償責任 ;←この記号の意味もできれば教えてください お手伝いお願いします^^;

  • 英文の和訳をお願いしたいのですが・・・

    Lattice type and systematic absences In indexing the powder patterns it has been assumed that all the possible reflections are observed, that is, scattering from each of the different lattice planes is sufficiently intense to contribute to the diffraction profile. This is normally so for a primitive lattice, but for body centred and face centred lattices restrictions occur on the values that h, k and I may take if the reflections are to have any intensity. This results in certain reflections not being observed in the powder diffraction pattern and these are known as systematic absences. The origin of these absences can be illustrated with regard to Fig.2.3. という文章です。できれば翻訳サイト丸々ってのは控えてほしいです。