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Tartar Steak: A Highlight of German Cuisine

  • Tartar steak is a well-known highlight of German cuisine. Made with raw meat shaped into a steak and topped with a yolk, this dish has a rich history.
  • Tartar steak originated from the tough, raw meat of horses raised by the Tartars in Mongolia and Central Asia. It entered Europe via Russia in the 13th century and is now made with beef in Germany.
  • Horsemeat is used for various dishes, including tartar steak. While horsemeat is popular in France, most European nations do not consume it as horses are valued for riding.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9898/12354)

以下のとおりお答えします。 >Tartar steak is well-known as one of the highlights of German cuisine. Raw meat is chopped and lightly seasoned, then kneaded into the shape of a steak. Place the yolk of an egg on top, and there you have it: tartar steak. This seems the simplest of dishes to prepare, something anyone can make. Originally, the Tartars prepared this dish from the tough, raw meat of the horses they raised on the Mongolian and Central Asian plains. Tartar steak entered Europe via Russia in the 13th century. Nowadays, the dish is made with beef, especially in Germany, although the dish originally called for horsemeat. The fact that the Tartars gave their name to the dish should leave no doubt that horsemeat was used. ⇒タルタルステーキは、ドイツ料理の目玉の1つとしてよく知られている。生の肉を切り刻み、軽く乾燥させ、そしてステーキの形に練られる。卵の卵黄を上に載せる。はい、それで出来あがり。これがタルタルステーキ。これは、準備が最も簡単な料理、誰でも作ることができるものと思われる。元来は、タタール人がモンゴルや中央アジアの平原で飼育した馬の、硬めの生肉からこの料理を準備した。タルタルステーキは13世紀にロシアを経てヨーロッパに入った。この料理はもともと馬肉と称したけれども、今日、特にドイツでは牛肉で作られる。馬肉が使われたということは、タタール人がその名前をこの料理に与えたという事実から、疑いもなく、残ってきたはずなのである。 >Many mammals are used for food. In the list of mammals used for food, cow and pig are followed by horse and camel, and they are used in every imaginable way. In Japan, horses are practically part of the landscape in Nagano, while in France, horsemeat is a popular food. Camels are used for meat in the Middle East and Africa even more than in Central Asia. The camel-owning nomadic tribes distributed throughout these desert regions live on camel meat, camel milk, and dates. The poetic picture of camels plodding silently across the burning desert is, in fact, more likely to be a funeral procession for the camels than a caravan, as they are being led to market to be sold for meat. Horses and camels are primarily used for riding and as beasts of burden, but their precious meat is frequently eaten. With the exception of France, most European nations do not eat horsemeat, probably because horses are valued for riding. ⇒多くの哺乳動物が食物のために利用される。食物のために使われる哺乳動物の一覧表で、雌牛と豚に馬とラクダが続くが、それらは想像できるあらゆる方法で利用される。日本の長野では、馬は風景の一部であり、一方フランスでは、馬肉は人気のある食物である。ラクダは、中東やアフリカでは中央アジアより多く肉として使われる。これらの砂漠地域にわたって分布するラクダ所有の遊牧民の種族は、ラクダ肉、ラクダミルク、およびナツメヤシで暮らしている。焼けつく砂漠を横切って静かにゆっくり進むラクダの詩的な写真は、実のところ、それらを肉として売るために市場へ連れて行かれるところなので、キャラバン(隊商)というよりラクダのための葬列のようなものである。馬とラクダは、おもに乗馬用や荷物用の動物として利用されるけれども、それらの貴重な肉はしばしば食用にされる。馬は乗馬のために有用なので、フランスを除けば多分ほとんどのヨーロッパの国民は馬肉を食べない。 >The main characteristic of tartar steak is the fact that the maet (→meat) is raw. Thousands of yaers ago, before they learned to control fire, all human beings, whether they were Mongoloid, Caucasian or Negroid, ate their meat raw. Generally, fresh raw meat is better for health than stewed or grilled meat. ⇒タルタルステーキのおもな特徴は、肉が生であるという事実である。数千年前、蒙古人種であったかコーカサス人種または黒色人種であったかどうかにかかわらず、すべての人間は火をコントロールするのを学ぶ前から生の肉を食べていた。一般に、新鮮な生肉は、シチュー料理や焼き肉よりも、健康には良い。



  • 英文翻訳おねがいします!

    Let's take a brief tour of a raw meat-eating region. Welcome to the polar region of Canada's Melville Peninsula. The native peoples used to be called Eskimos. This was a derogatory term given them by native peoples from the south, meaning raw meat eaters. They are the meat of caribou, seals, and walruses raw. "Meat" includes the innards, which are considered the most exquisite parts of the animals. You might remember seeing documentary films of lions going straight for the innards of their victims. Of course, in that frozen part of the world, fruits, vegetables, and grains are unobtainable. The native peoples do not suffer from scurvy, and in fact have glossy faces, thanks to their diet of raw meat. A japanese cultural anthropologist who lived among these northern people learned that because of the bland flavor of raw meat, it is possible to eat a lot of it at each meal as a staple food, in the same way Japanese eat rice. Some parts of the innards are bitter while other parts are sour, so if you chew on them as you eat the raw meat, the meat tastes "seasoned" and you never get tired of it. Horsemeat is called cherry meat or sakura-niku in Japan. It may mean that the color of the meat is as beautiful as that of cherry blossom. But it may also mean that horsemeat is a sort of fake meat, sold by con men to unsuspecting passers-by under an exotic-sounding name. Take your choise as to which is the truth. There are those who love horsemeat for its deliciously light flavor. There are few restaurants that serve authentic tartar steak made from horsemeat. Most people do not realize that horsemeat is "the real thing", and that there is no reason to discriminate against it. Where food is concerned, when all is said and done, likes and dislikes are just a matter of taste.

  • 英文翻訳おねがいします!

    The ancient city of Peshawar is located in Pakistan, close to the site of the earliest Buddhist sculptures. Sheep are abundant in that area. Medieval wooden homes line the dark streets, and here and there smoke rises from small restaurants nestled among the homes. All the restaurants serve sheep meat, or mutton. The meat is served grilled on skewers or as small steaks. The most delicious fragrance of all comes from kabobs. Kabob, also called kebab, means "grilled meat" in Arabic. The most common meat comes from sheep. The cheapest and best kabobs are found in small restaurants where the meat is grilled over charcoal. Chunks of meat are placed on skewers and grilled over a charcoal fire. That's it. If the cook is skillful, the meat is moist, and melts in your mouth. Large restaurants will season the meat and cook it with onions, however, the authentic kabob is not even seasoned with salt. The quality of the meat determines the flavor, so small authentic restaurants are the best place for kabob. The word shish kabob comes from the Turkish language, and is understood just about everywhere. Sheep meat is considered a great delicacy just about everywhere in the Middle East and Central Asia. The entire animal is eaten, including its innards. In towns, stalls selling sheep innards stand alongside stalls selling mutton. There are corners where dozens of sheep's heads will be displayed for sale. The brains are considered the tastiest part of the animal, and are eaten boiled with a squirt of fresh lemon. In various regions throughout the Middle East and Central Asia, there is an annual rite in which sheep are sacrificed, and the meat is distributed to relatives and neighbors. It is said that in Pakistan, the finest hospitality is shown to company by killing a sheep in the morning, and serving its brains in the evening.

  • 英文翻訳お願いします。

    It was in the late 1970s, after the end of the Vietnam War that the Boat People made news. These were Vietnamese refugees who fled by boat to Thailand, the Philippines, Japan, and Indonesia, and from there tried to get to America, Australia, and Canada. One day, there was a shocking news story out of Melbourne: two Vietnamese Baot People had been arrested and tried in court on charges of killing and eating local dogs. Most East Asian cultures eat dogs, but this custom has been especially common in China. In ancient times, both emperors and commoners ate dog meat, and sacrificed dogs in religious services. Later on, dogs became associated with loyalty, and people stopped eating them. Even so, dog meat is still widely eaten in South China. Eating dog meat is common in both Koreas. In recent times, the culture of eating dog meat was restored under the contemporary slogan. "Return to Traditional Chinese Ways." Methods of preparing dog meat in both Koreas are given in detail in classical cookbooks, and include simmering, steaming, and grilling. Nowadays, dog meat is bought in stores and cooked at home. You can buy it in drugstores and in markets in Seoul. It's a little more pricey than beef, but the quality of the dog meat is very good. If you simmer it like sukiyaki, bubbles rise out of the meat, and the smell is divine. What about Vietnam, the home of the Boat People? There are a lot of specialty shops selling dog meat, and they fill up with customers around dinner time. There are spit-roasted dogs minus their heads and paws hanging in shop windows, and they look delicious. It's just like the South China restaurants, where mouth-watering ducks and chickens are hung in shop windows to attract customers. The Korean shops sell only cooked meat. The meat is eaten together with raw vegetables, and washed down with a local liquor like shochu. This is considered a healthy meal. The meat from these shops is cheaper than beef, and is eaten by the average family

  • 英文の翻訳お願いします。

    It was in the late 1970s, after the end of the Vietnam War that the Boat People made news. These were Vietnamese refugees who fled by boat to Thailand, the Philippines, Japan, and Indonesia, and from there tried to get to America, Australia, and Canada. One day, there was a shocking news story out of Melbourne: two Vietnamese Baot People had been arrested and tried in court on charges of killing and eating local dogs. Most East Asian cultures eat dogs, but this custom has been especially common in China. In ancient times, both emperors and commoners ate dog meat, and sacrificed dogs in religious services. Later on, dogs became associated with loyalty, and people stopped eating them. Even so, dog meat is still widely eaten in South China. Eating dog meat is common in both Koreas. In recent times, the culture of eating dog meat was restored under the contemporary slogan. "Return to Traditional Chinese Ways." Methods of preparing dog meat in both Koreas are given in detail in classical cookbooks, and include simmering, steaming, and grilling. Nowadays, dog meat is bought in stores and cooked at home. You can buy it in drugstores and in markets in Seoul. It's a little more pricey than beef, but the quality of the dog meat is very good. If you simmer it like sukiyaki, bubbles rise out of the meat, and the smell is divine. What about Vietnam, the home of the Boat People? There are a lot of specialty shops selling dog meat, and they fill up with customers around dinner time. There are spit-roasted dogs minus their heads and paws hanging in shop windows, and they look delicious. It's just like the South China restaurants, where mouth-watering ducks and chickens are hung in shop windows to attract customers. The Korean shops sell only cooked meat. The meat is eaten together with raw vegetables, and washed down with a local liquor like shochu. This is considered a healthy meal. The meat from these shops is cheaper than beef, and is eaten by the average family. There are also cat-eating cultures. I heard that there were several cat restaurants in Hanoi, Vietnam, so I went to investigate. They do exist, but barely; the government has banned them. The government said it issued this ban on eating cats because the decrease in the cat population has led to an increase in the rat population. This situation is a threat to community health. It was literally a case of, "When the cat's away, the mice will play." Anyway, that's how popular cat meat is. The government's policy is to enforce the ban until the cat population returns to its original size and can control the rat population. The reason for eating cats in China is explained with typical Chinese logic. Dragons and tigers are venerated as symbols of strength. Thus, if you can eat one, no power on Earth will be capable of resisting you. The trouble is, drgons are imaginary animals, and cannot be eaten. Tigers were once abundant, but can hardly be found now. So in place of dragons, the Chinese eat snakes, and in place of tigers, they eat cats. This is especially true of the culinary culture in South China. To return to the news from Melbourne: Australia, a Western society, was flabbergasted by the news that the men had eaten dogs. After all, this is a nation descended from the passionate dog and cat lovers of Britain! At the same time, other Boat People were also astonished. In Vietnam, dogs kept as pets are considered tasteless, and no one would eat them. The dogs the arrested men ate must have been strays. Looked at in that way, you can understand that they felt themselves innocent of any crime. No one knows what became of the two arrested men afterward. Anyway, it's important to understand that the problem lies in differences of cultures and values. It's the difference between two cultures: one that eats dogs and one that doesn't. But no one can say one side is definitely right and the other is wrong. The problem is not so easy.

  • 英文翻訳お願いいします!

    There is probably no meat as universally popular as mutton. It cuts across religions and cultures. For example, a Japanese research institute found that the traditionally picky Parisians consumed more sheep and duck than any other types of meat. A guest at a Parisian family dinner is likely to find a mouth-watering plate of roast leg of lamb on the bone in the center of the table. There are Japanese who claim to be put off by the smell of roast lamb, but that is probably because they have never smelled really fresh roast lamb. There are sometimes surprises in sheep cuisine. There are many restaurants in Sofia, Bulgaria, specializing in sheep cuisine, but if you cannot read the Bulgarian menu and simply order "the specialty of the house," you are likely to end up with roast sheep's head. This is considered a Bulgarian delicacy, and the tastiest part of the sheep. The British English expression, "mutton dressed as lamb," goes back a long way. Mutton is meat from a mature sheep, while lamb is meat from a young sheep. The phrase indicates an older woman who tries to make herself look young. The old English phrase "eat one's muttons with..." means "to dine with..." Sheep are not just for meat. In the Middle East, Europe, and elsewhere, sheep are free-range domestic animals who are loved for their cute cuddliness.

  • 英文翻訳お願いします。

    Among fish, the swordfish is the king of kings. The swordfish, leaping out of the water with its upper jaw like a spear, represents the ultimate in sport fishing. Technically, the swordfish is unrelated to the tuna, but its body resembles that of a tuna, and in Japan it is called a "swordfish tuna." Americans enjoy the light flavor of swordfish meat. In Japan, "true tuna" is more highly prized than swordfish. Toro, the oily meat taken from the belly of the tuna, is considered unbelievably expensive by Europeans and Americans. In Japan until the 1930s, the more lightly flavored red meat from the spine of the tuna was more expensive than toro. This "reversal of fortune" simply shows how tastes change, because no logical explanation for the fact is possible. In Japan, there are three ways to eat fish at its best: raw,grilled, and simmered. The freshest fish is eaten raw, fish that is slightly past its prime is grilled, and less fresh fish is simmered. Really fresh fish is best eaten raw, and the island nation of Japan can boast the freshest of fish. The Japanese language gave the world "sashimi" to the international community years ago. A survey was conducted to determine the popularity of tuna in New York, Paris, and Tokyo. The popularity was the same for Tokyoites and New Yorkers, but Parisians did not much care for tuna. It just did not have the same high quality associations as the white meat of sole. Wild red sea bream is considered a high-quality fish in Japan, but is not popular in Southeast Asia and southern China because its hard bones make it difficult to eat. If you want to know where to get your favorite fish cheap, you should know something about national characteristics. In terms of price, tuna is best in France, and red sea bream is best in Southeast Asia. A certain gourmet made himself sashimi in Kuwait. It was a fine fish, but the sashimi lacked flavor for him. He noticed that the meat had no fat in it, so he added some oil to the sashimi. As a result, it became tastier. Now, because the meat was too oily, he had to make a sauce using vinegar as the base in order to make the sashimi flavorful. In this way, with a little ingenuity, sashimi becomes tasty even if it's made in a foreign country. Nowadays, you can get sashimi practically anywhere in the world. However, not all of it is good. It was reported in local magazines that if you want really good sasimi in Johannesburg, South Africa, some restaurants will use their own special fishing boats in Cape Town to catch the fish of your choice. It was also reported that there is a small fishing village in the north of England that prepares sashimi just the way the Japanese like it. Can it be true?

  • 英文を訳してほしいです。

    辞書を使ってもうまく訳せません。 訳を教えてほしいです。 「The word for "something" is 何か, and the word for "anything" in negative sentences is 何も. These two words are used in places where the particles は, が,and を are expected. In these contexts,they are used own,without the help of particles. We will learn in Lesson 10 what to do in cases where other than are expected.」 日本語の「何か食べる」「何も食べない」というときの「何か、何も」の説明文です。 particlesが助詞と言う意味だということは調べて何とか分かりましたが上手く文章にできません。 宜しくお願いします!

  • 英文翻訳お願いします!

    The French are not the only people to eat snails. Italians and Spaniards also enjoy them. In fact, at one time the French considered snails to be a typically Italian dish. It is possible that the custom of eating snails entered France from Italy. Even so, France is now considered the home of snail cuisine. The large snails found in the vineyards of the Burgundy region are considered the tastiest. The snails are usually seasoned with garlic butter and parsley, and sold in their shells. You may purchase one or two dozen, take them home, pop them in the oven, and eat them when the butter melts. They are starters for an evening meal. The French do not eat snails all year round. They are eaten at home mainly at festive times such as Christmas, New Year's Eve, and other special occasions. They are also eaten with a sumptuous meal in a restaurant. Snails are, of course, available throughout the year. What is funny is that you have to buy them from fishmongers. Frogs' legs are also a favorite dish of the French. They say "eat frogs' legs", not "eat frogs". This is probably because they eat only the hind legs and the white flesh on the back. Just like snails, frogs are seasoned with garlic and parsley, and so they are easily cooked. However, you now have much less opportunity to eat frogs. The reason is clear: they have become very expensive. Oddly enough, frogs have also been sold at fish shops since long ago.

  • 英文翻訳お願いします!

    Frog meat is white with a light flavor. If you feel like trying some, don't eat it in France. It's way too expensive. Instead, if you happen to be going to Southeast Asia or South China, pop into any local restaurant. Frogs for food are now being raised in paddies, and you can eat a plateful of frog legs very cheaply. One more favorite French food that Japanese and Americans avoid is rabbit. Rabbit meat is extremely low in fat. Rabbit meat as a health food first spread from small restaurants and households, until today it is featured on the menus of upscale restaurants. Rabbits are raised for food on a large scale. Go to just about any Parisian market and you will see rows of whole rabbits including the heads. You roast them just like that. The rabbit's liver is usually sold separately, because many people prefer it to chicken liver. The Japanese find nothing appealing about eating snails, frogs, or rabbit's, and there are probably those who would rather die than try to eat any one of them. They probably think that this "backward" and low-class food is suited to people in developing countries. However, they would change their minds and sample the foods if they knew that it is the gastronomically respected French who enjoy them. Funny, isn't it?

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    The Dorset Yeomanry waited for the fugitives to move a distance from the trenches and wire around the sand hill position and moved about 910 metres (1,000 yd) west of the Senussi line of retreat. The Senussi were seen at 2:00 p.m. strung out over 1.6 kilometres (1 mi) of desert, with camels and baggage in front. The column was protected by Bedouin and Muhafizia armed with machine guns formed flank- and rear-guards. The Yeomanry dismounted to rest the horses and study the ground, which had a slight rise towards the Senussi column.

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