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この英文を上手く訳せません。 よかったら教えて下さい。 よろしくお願いします。 The true concept of mathematics could be opened to a much larger number of students, were it not stressed that mathematics' main merit rests in its practical application.

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
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  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

> The true concept of mathematics could be opened to a much larger number of students, were it not stressed that mathematics' main merit rests in its practical application.  数学がいかなるものであるかということは、もっと多くの学生たちに分かってもらえるはずだ。ただ、数学は実際的な方面に応用されてこそ役に立つものだということを、重視しなければであるけれども。 ひょっとしたら were it not stressed that というあたりに引っかかるものを感じられたのでしょうか。そこは if it were not stressed that ... と読み直せばいいはずです。要するに仮定法が用いられているわけですが、語順が倒置されている形になっています (倒置されているからこそ if が省かれているともいえるわけですが ・・・)。



すごく丁寧な回答ありがとうございます。 助かりました。 とてもわかりやすかったです。


  • 英文和訳 大学入試

    it is this concept that gave the Civil Right movement its moral strength - that the means of persuasion as well as the goal of an argument were equal important. 構文がわからず訳すことができません。 詳しく解説お願いいたします。

  • 和訳お願いします

    to give examples of how Southern Cross students study mathematics to describe the various subjects that students study at Southern Cross to explain how much water South African animals drink to show why it's important to learn about mathematics

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    By the end of the day, Montenegrin forces were able to push back multiple attacks made by Austro-Hungarian forces, taking back control of Mojkovac and its surroundings. Lot of fighting was done hand-to-hand with fixed bayonets and knives, in knee-deep snow. On 7 January, the Austro-Hungarians launched a second attack on Montenegrin positions. The attack again failed, with heavy losses on both sides. Despite having a much stronger, larger, and better-equipped army, Austro-Hungarian forces abandoned their positions in Mojkovac on the 7th and retreated.

  • 和訳お願いします

    In one lesson, students apply the principles of mathematics to the study of local wildlife. Younger students count how many kinds of animals drank at the nearby water troughs during the night. Older students measure the amount of water the animals drank, and calculate how much water the animals will need over weeks or months.

  • 英文の分かりやすい訳し方

    訳を尋ねたいです。 None of the developed countries that were represented still uses its traditional technology. 表された先進国のどこもまだ伝統的な技術を使ってない。 と訳したのですが、もっとうまい訳はないでしょうか? Noneとwere representedはどう訳せばいいんでしょ うか? The participants from developed countries adopted what might be called a `moral` attitude to the problem of development. what以降が難しいです。 what might be calledはどう考えればいいんでしょうか? 先進国からの関係者は発展の問題に「道徳的な」態度と呼ばれるかもしれないことを採用した。 分かりやすい訳を教えて欲しいです。 The speakers stressed how poor developing countries are , and how it is `wrong` of them to spend badly needed money on expensive project. これも役を教えて欲しいです。 話者は発展途上国がいかに貧しいか、また、発展途上国が高値の企画に必要とされる金を 悪く使っているかをいかに「悪」であるかを力説した。 wrongやof them、badly needed moneyの訳が難しいです。 おねがいします。

  • 英文 解説お願いします

    Not surprisingly, ice cream purchases are at their highest in summer, particularly the month of August. 上記の文のatの役割がわかりません。 A detour road across Lexington Street was opened so that motorists could still access the main shopping area downtown. 上記の文のstillの役割がわかりません。 教えてください。

  • この英文を訳してください!!

    The greatest scientific contribution of the Greeks was their approach. From about 800 B.C.,the Greeks searched for general principles that would describe how nature works. In contrast to earlier thinkers,the Greeks applied human reason to the understanding of the processes of nature. The Greeks developed theories based on What they could prove. Unlike the great cultures that had come before them,the Greeks separated science from religion and mythology. As a result,their studies of astronomy produced results that went far beyond the knowledge of earlier times.In the fifth century B.C.,the Greek philosopher Philolaus suggested thatthe Earth moved and was not atthe center ofthe Universe.In the fourth century B. C.,the Greek astronomer Heracleides claimed that atleast some planets moved around the Sun. The Greeks were also the firstto think of mathematics as something more than a practical means of calculation and measurement. Over a period of eight hundred years, the Greeks developed methods of reasoning in geometry and algebra that form the basis for modern mathematics. Practical applications, of course, were also of interest to the Greeks. Among the many discoveries of Archimedes (287 ?-212 B.C.) was an explanation of the principle of buoyancy. Perhaps the greatest Greek scientist was Aristotle (384-322 B.C.), Who made many practical contributions. He not only laid out a system of rational thought we calllogic, but he is also recognized as the father of the life sciences. Aristotle examined and classified more than five hundred species of animals, and his student Theophrastus did the same for a similar number of plant species. The practical approach ofthe Greeks also led to advances in medical science. The fifth-century B. C. Greek physician Hippocrates is called the father of medicine because he rejected the idea thatillness Wれs the result of supernatural causes. Greek physicians were the firstto dissectthe human body, beginning about 500 B. C.,in order to learn how the body really functioned. By 100 B.C., Greece had declined, and Rome was supreme in the Mediterranean world. The Romans found many uses for Greek knowledge, especially in engineering and construction. As the Roman Empire spread, so did the extent of Greek learning. When the empire collapsed toward the end ofthe fifth century A D., scientific inquiry came to an end in Europe for nearly a thousand years. The Dark Ages had begun.

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    By 5 August the brigades of the 2nd Australian Division were exhausted and were to be relieved by the 4th Australian Division. While the relief was underway on the night of 5–6 August the Australians were subjected to an extreme bombardment, because the salient they occupied could be shelled by the Germans from all directions, including from Thiepval which lay to the rear. On the morning of 6 August, a German counter-attack tried to approach the O.G. Lines but was met by machine gun fire and forced to dig in. The bombardment continued through the day, by the end of which most of the 2nd Division had been relieved. From its twelve days in the line, the division had suffered 6,848 casualties.

  • 次の英文を和訳してください!

    What would you do if you had two hours to invest five dollars? In an experiment, teams received an envelope with five dollars and were told they could spend as much time as they wanted planning. However, once they opened the envelope,the y had two hours to generate as much money as possible. She gave them from Wednesday afternoon until Sunday evening to complete the assignment. Then, on Monday afternoon each team had three minutes to present their plans to the class. They were encouraged to be entrepreneurial by identifying opportunities, challenging assumptions, leaveraging the limited resources they had, and by being creative. What would do if you were faced with this challenge? Would you go to Las Vegas or would you buy a lottery ticket? There may be significant risk with a small chance of winning. Another idea is to set up a car wash or lemonade stand, using the five dollars to purchase the start-up materials. But most of her students eventually found a way to go far beyond the standard responses. They seriously challenged traditional assumptions–exposing a wealth of possibilities–in order to create as much value as possible.

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    The Battle of the River Cherna opened with the Serbians trying to gain a foothold on its northern bank. Initially their progress was slow and further west the French and Russian initial attacks were repulsed. During the next weeks the battle developed in a series of attacks and counter-attacks in which the Allies were gradually gaining ground, owing to their artillery superiority. The Bulgarian and German commands also tried to stabilize the situation by reinforcing the Eleventh Army with troops transferred from the First and even from the Second Army.