早稲田大学院 文学研究科 2013年度の英語の問題の和訳

  • 早稲田大学院 文学研究科 2013年度の英語の問題の和訳です。
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  • ベストアンサー

早稲田大学院 文学研究科 2013年度の英語の問題

Thus anyone who wished to define the Westernness of Western art might simply say that it comprised all art that felt and desired itself to be Western ― and which did so the more clearly in proportion as it recognized that Eastern art, different as it was from that of the West, was the product of an equally ancient and august civilization. 上記の文の和訳をお願いします。 問題文全文は下のURLにあります。 http://www.waseda.jp/nyusi/uni-cms/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/34_D_2013_ippan_eigo.pdf

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数0


  • ベストアンサー
  • kifimi
  • ベストアンサー率72% (425/586)

たとえあなたが実際に中学生で、興味本位で院試の問題を解こうと思ったのだとしても、模範解答が公表されていない入試問題の和訳を、ゼロから、無償で教えようという人はほとんどいないでしょう。有名大学・大学院の、公式模範解答のない試験問題の解答例は、それだけで商売になりう得るんですから。 せめて、(できないなりにも)あなたが試しに和訳を作ってみて、それを載せましょう。 その上で、具体的にわからない部分や間違っているところはないかを聞けば、何らかの回答があるかもしれません。

その他の回答 (1)

  • itaitatk
  • ベストアンサー率38% (751/1976)

和訳をきいてどうするのですか? 大学院の後期課程を受けるのであればこの程度の英語はできて当然だと思いますが、、、



私は中学生で、興味本位で大学院の英語に手を出しました。 ネットにアップされている大学院の過去問には解答が載っていないので、ここで尋ねました。


  • 英語の問題について

    古い英文学なのですが、この物語の中の父親の人物像について、どのようなものだと書かれていますか? 書かれている部分とその意味を教えてください。 Father made a great point of our getting down to breakfast on time. I meant to be prompt, but it never occurred to me that I had better try to be early. My idea was to slide into the room at the last moment. Consequently, I often was late. My brothers were often late, too, with the exception of George. He was the only thoroughly reliable son Father had. George got down so early, Father pointed out to me, that he even had time to practise a few minutes on the piano. The reason George was so prompt was that he was in a hurry to see the sporting page before Father got hold of the newspaper, and the reason he then played the piano was to signal to the rest of us, as we dressed, which team had won yesterday’s ball game. He had made up a code for this purpose, and we leaned over the banisters, pulling on our stockings and shoes, to hear him announce the results. I don’t remember now what the titles were of the airs he selected, but the general idea was that if he played a gay, lively air it meant that the Giants had won, and when the strains of a dirge or lament floated up to us, it meant that Pop Anson had beaten them. As Father didn’t approve of professional baseball, we said nothing to him about this arrangement. He led his life and we led ours, under his nose. He took the newspaper away from George the moment he entered the room, and George said good morning to him and stepped innocently into the parlour. Then, while Father watched him through the broad doorway and looked over the political headlines, George banged out the baseball news for us on the piano. Father used to admonish him with a chuckle not to thump it so hard, but George felt that he had to. We were at the top of the house, and he wanted to be sure that we’d hear him even if we were brushing our teeth. George always was thorough about things. He not only thumped the piano as hard as he could but he hammered out the tune over and over besides, while Father impatiently muttered to himself, “Trop de zèle.” Upstairs, there was usually some discussion as to what kind of news George was sending. He had not been allowed to learn popular tunes, which it would have been easy for us to recognize, and the few classic selections which were available in his little music-book sounded pretty much alike at a distance. George rendered these with plenty of goodwill and muscle but not a great deal of sympathy. He regarded some of the rules of piano-playing as needlessly complicated. The fact remained that he was the one boy who was always on time, and Father was so pleased by this that he bought a watch for him with “George Parmly Day, Always on Time” engraved on the back. He told me that as I was the eldest he had meant to give me a watch first, and he showed me the one he had bought for me. It was just like George’s except that nothing had been engraved on it yet. Father explained that to his regret he would have to put it away for a while, until I had earned it by getting down early to breakfast. Time went on, without much improvement on my part. Dawdling had got to be a habit with me. Sometimes my lateness was serious. One morning, when breakfast was half over and I had nothing on but a pair of long woollen drawers, Father called up from the front hall, napkin in hand, that he wouldn’t stand it and that I was to come down that instant. When I shouted indignantly that I wasn’t dressed yet, he said he didn’t care. “Come down just as you are, confound it!” he roared. I was tempted to take him at his word, but thought there might be some catch in it and wouldn’t, though I hurried, of course, all I could. Father ate his usual hearty breakfast in a stormy mood, and I ate my usual hearty breakfast in a guilty and nervous one. Come what might, we always ate heartily. I sometimes wished afterward that I hadn’t, but it never seemed to hurt Father.

  • [英語]並び替え問題を教えて下さい><

    1. Had () () () () () () her father was once the president of the company, she would never have been employed. (1) it (2) the fact (3) been (4) for (5) not (6) that 2. It was () () () () () () I discovered how important it is to be able to speak English. (1) I (2) not (3) to work (4) that (5) until (6) began 3. I heard a rumor that the man was very dangerous and that on () () () () () () child alone. (1) account (2) leave (3) you (4) no (5) must (6) your

  • 翻訳してください!!

    学校の課題で日本語に訳さないといけないのですが、この2文が訳せません。 どなたか訳してくれませんか?? Ancient sophistication died, leaving the western world in the grip of 'Dark Age' of material and intellectual poverty, out of which it was only slowly to emerge. Not only the arts of elegance, which minister to luxury, and are supported by it, but many of the useful arts, without life can scarcely be contemplated as comfortable, were neglected or lost. よろしくお願いします!!

  • 英語の問題です。

    沢山すみません。以下の問題が分かりません。 一問だけでもいいのでよろしくお願いします。 問題文 あんなに有名な俳優が、こんなに謙虚だとは驚いてしまう (should /is /surprising/ a famous actor/ modest/ that /it/ such /be /so) 問題文 私は結婚披露宴に50人招待したが、全員が来たわけではなかった (I /not /my wedding reception party/ all of them /invited /came /fifty people/ to/ but) 問題文 かつてここにはあのビルと同じくらいの高さの木があった (be/that building/here/a tree/tall/there/was/which/used to /as/as) 問題文 君のことが知っているという妹がいる男性に会いましたよ   whose を使って和訳

  • 高崎経済大英語入試問題です。

    高崎経済大英語入試問題です。 In trying to define “internationalization," we must first dispose of one serious misconception. Many Japanese think it means the *westernization of Japanese life styles and values. They(質問1) quite rightly see no need for this and feel that Japan has already shown itself to be the most open country in the world to foreign influence. In earlier times, Japanese drank deeply of Chinese culture, and in recent years Western cultural influences have poured into the land. For example, 1)Japanese are now familiar with Western music as with their own, and they probably have as great a mastery of it as do most of the peoples of the West. Foreign cultural influences, such as Chinese painting and Western literature, have greatly enriched Japan and have certainly made it culturally as international as any nation in the world. Japan has also been fully open to foreign technology and as a result has now become a world leader in science and technology. 2)The same is true of its political and social institutions as well as its urban industrialized life style. Although there is much that is distinctively Japanese in the way people live, the general pattern of modern city life in Japan are basically much like those of life in any of the advanced democracies in the world. If Japan were to lose its Japanese 3)identity, this would be a great loss not only for it but for the whole world. Japan's cultural distinctiveness enriches the world, and 4)no one should wish to see it disappear like some endangered species of animal. That(質問2) certainly cannot be the meaning of the internationalization that people are talking about. (質問1)このTheyは何を指しているのでしょうか。 (1)文の流れからすると、Many Japaneseでしょうか。これだと、意味が支離滅裂になってしまします。 多くの日本人はinternationalizationはWesternizationだと考えています。多くの日本人はこの必要性はないと見ています。 (2)life styles and values だとしてもしっくりきません。 (3)一般的な世界の人々なのでしょうか。 (質問2) That はWesternizationをさしているのでしょうか。 よろしくお願いします。

  • <2011年度の京都大学の英語>

    以下の英文は、2011年度に京都大学で出題された英文です。 The documentary raw material of history has the immediacy of presence,the directness that characterises communication from someone who was there and felt and saw the things reported. 主部は、〔The documentary raw material of history〕=〔事実に 基づいた歴史の、(生の資料・情報源)は〕で、述部はhas。 hasの目的格として、下記の英文が存在する訳で、 the immediacy of presence,the directness  that characterises communication from someone who was there and felt and saw the things reported. 〔the immediacy of presence,the directness 〕=〔that characterises communication from someone who was there and felt and saw the things reported.〕は同格ですよね。 ここまでは、理解できました。 しかしながら、 『the immediacy of presence,the directness 〕=〔that characterises communication from someone who was there and felt and saw the things reported.』 の部分の英文和訳が上手く表現できません。 特に、characterises communication の部分が、僕の中でネックになっています。 英和辞書で、characteriseを引くと、他動詞で、特徴付けるとあるのですが・・・。 上手く、英文和訳して頂きたいのです。 何卒、宜しくお願いします。

  • 英語の整序問題

    整序問題で、分からなかった問題6問です。難しく思いました。解答解説等、教えて頂けると助かります。お願い致します。 1 I remember that once in a cottage hospital in England a man died while we were at tea,and though there were only six of us in the ward the nurses managed things so adoritly that the man was dead and his body removed (hearing/it/our/without/till/about) tea was over. 2 A defence of television history necessarily involves a (of/as/imagery/the power/in/belief) a behicle for understanding. 3 (was/Arthur/that/when/was/it/eight) his parents moved to Nottingham, where his Uncle George had a lace warehouse. 4 The past two centuries (in/seen/immense/have/an/increase) the range of garden plants. 5 In the history of skirts, the more voluminous they became, (to/the/it/more/was/difficult/wear) fitted mantles or jackets with them. 6 The best way for a collector to ensure he can find what he wants is to develop an interest in something machine-made. Mass production has democratised (within/collecting/and/it/brought/reach) of ordinary people.

  • 英語の置き換え問題。

    分からなくて困っています。 分かる方教えてください。 次の文がほぼ同じ意味になるよう( )内に適切な一語をいれなさい。 (1)The stream was so narrow that he could jump across it. →The stream was narrow ( ) ( ) him ( ) jump across. (2)It is said that she robbed him of his wallet. →She is said ( ) ( ) ( ) him of his wallet. (3)It is danjerous forchildren to play with lighters. →Lighters are ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) . 意味も付けて頂けると嬉しいです!!

  • 英語問題

    1:He said he was unmarried, () was not true. (1)it (2)that (3)what (4)which 2:() might have been expected, she did a good job of it. (1)As (2)If (3)She (4)What 3:Do you agree with () he said over the telephone? (1)that (2)which (3)what (4)whoever 4:The town is now very different from () it was ten years ago. (1)what (2)which (3)that (4)where 5:They always give the available seats to () comes first. (1)whoever (2)whom (3)which (4)whomever 解答と訳をお願いします

  • 難関大学の英語の和訳

    以下の文の解説と和訳お願いします。 it would be idle to deny that the development of the law of contract in most legal systems, and certainly in English law, has been influenced by considerable number of factors but it is probably exaggeration to say that two of these factors have been of far greater importance than any others. these are the moral and the economic or business factor. Although one of the first lessons which a law student must learn is that law and morality are distinct, it is none the less true that the law reflects to a considerable extent the moral standards of the community in which it operates. ここまで読んでいただきありがとうございました。