• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:※英語が得意な方!下記の文章を英訳願います!※)


  • 私たちはあなたが日本語を話せるようになることを最大のプレゼントとして約束しました。
  • ミスを恐れることで成長はできません。人生はミスの連続であり、そこから学び成長することができます。
  • プライドを持つことは大切ですが、そのプライドが自己満足のためだけに存在するのではなく、ささいな成功や失敗から学び成長するためにも使ってください。


  • ベストアンサー
  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

You made a promise with us that you would learn to speak Japanese. So if you have any present for us in mind, the greatest one is your communicating with us in Japanese. Why? Because that is a useful communication tool, and because it is beneficial for you. Once I asked you why you were not studying Japanese, you replied, "I'm afraid of making mistakes." I'm afraid your pride would not let you make mistakes in front of other people. Yet, I'd say, you cannot achieve anything if you are afraid of making mistakes. Life is, in a way, a series of mistakes, and you can improve yourself only when you learn from your mistakes. Yes, you have a pride. But why do you have one? To keep you boasted? In reality, we have all ups and downs in our lives. Don't be too shocked with small mistakes, but you learn from those mistakes and lead your own life. If you do, you will find yourself different in the long run. なるべく自然な英語を心がけて訳しました。ご参考になればと思います。



お時間頂き、ありがとうございましたm(_ _)m

その他の回答 (2)

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15297/33016)

You promised us that you would study Japanese hard so that you can speak it. Your greatest present to us will be your mastery of the Japanese language. Not only is your language proficiency helpful in our work and communication but also it will be for yourself. When I asked you for the reason why you do not study, you answered, "I am afraid of making mistakes." I think you are too proud to be embarrassed by making mistakes. However, if one is afraid of making mistakes he or she will never grow up. So long as one is alive, life will be full of mistakes, and they are the very agents that make you grow. You are proud, aren't you? Then what is your pride for? Is it so that you can remain arrogant? In real life we have nothing but a chain of small successes and small failures. Without being crushed by small failures, you should find a way of overcoming them and live simply. It might be wise for you to spend some time over them.



お時間頂き、ありがとうございましたm(_ _)m 参考にさせて頂きます(^_^)


  You promis us study hard and learn to speak the Japanese. Our biggest gift is that you will learn to speak the Japanese. Because, it is because of work and communication, and more than anything else because it would be for you. I, you told that "scary it is to make mistakes" when asked you to why not to study. You will're think shame to miss because it is arrogant personality. If you are afraid of a mistake I think you do not nothing can grow. Life as long as you are alive only mistake, that's why it is growing can do. I you might pride? So, do you exist for what is the pride? Looking to keep your arrogance? The reality is, a series of trivial success or failure, I think most of the time. Without receiving the exaggerated shock to trivial failure, there is thought that there is a hint, and I if indifferently alive. Can I if pouring time.



お時間頂き、ありがとうございましたm(_ _)m 参考になりました(^_^)
