• ベストアンサー


He says this turn of events would have been unthinkable at the time of his first visit to Japan 25 years ago,when he had intended to return to the United States after few months. この訳ですが、 もし、彼が数ヶ月アメリカに戻らなければならなかったら 25年前日本に始めて来た時に、この予想外の展開は、考えられない。 で合っていますか? これは仮定法過去ですか?when はifの代わりに使えるのでしょうか?

  • ryu616
  • お礼率98% (154/156)
  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー

彼は言う、 このような事の展開は25年前に日本に初めて来た時には考えられなかっただろう、 この、今が25年前なら、という現実でない仮定が at the time of his first visit to Japan 25 years ago に含まれています。 そして、when 以下はこの25年前の説明で その数年後にはアメリカに戻るつもりだった これは25年前の現実のことです。 今が25年前なら、というのが非現実の仮定で、 if ~でなく、at the time ~ 25 years ago という時間に現れています。



Whenはその時の説明のためだったんですね。 スッキリしました。 ありがとうございました。

その他の回答 (1)


この had intended という過去完了には、 初めて日本にきた25年前、数年後にはアメリカにもどるつもりだったが、 実際には今も日本にいる、ということが示唆されています。 これも「つもり」というのは事実であって、仮定法的表現ではありません。 いずれにせよ、「~なら」的な意味は at the time ~の部分です。



ありがとうございました。ご指導いただいた文法を よく理解して行きます。


  • 英語について

    本文 Soybeans are grown in many parts of the world. Long ago, the soybean was called the "Cow of the Orient" because it is about 40% protein. Soybeans were introduced to Europe and the United States by Asia a few hundred years ago. Now more than half of all soybeans in the world come from non-Asian countries. Soy often eaten instead of meat. For example, soy bacon soy sausage, and soy hamburger are made from soy. Soy milk is also drunk by many people who do not like the taste of regular milk. Soy is used to make ice cream, too.   本文の内容とあっているものをしたから教えてください 1. Europe introduced soybeans to the United States a few hundred years ago. 2. Less than 50% of all soybeans come from Asian countries. 3. Soy milk tastes like regular milk. です 私が思うには(2)以外があっていると思うのですがどうですか? わかる方おしえてください

  • a few months prior

    Then I found out from one of his friends that he had a long-term girlfriend of five years who had broken up with him just a few months prior. a few months priorはa few months agoと言うのとどう違うのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 高3【英語】文法問題で質問です

    整序問題で, Q.最近アメリカに行って、あの国の人に対する考え方が変わった。 A. My resent visit to the United States has [changed] my idea about the people there. というものだったのですが、私は   My resent visit to the United States has my idea about the people there [changed]. と誤答してしまいました。 have+O+過去分詞 の文かな、と考えたのですが、答えを見てとりあえずは納得できるものの、どうして違うのか、いまいち分かりません。 良ければ解説をお願い致しますm(_ _)m

  • 英語の問題

    He is not what he was ten years ago. ()is written in this report is full of mistakes. (1)what(2)it(3)that (4)which Lungs are to body () leaves are to the tree.(1)what(2)that(3)when (4)which 訳もお願いしますm(__)m

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    Years ago Weiland and Patrick were friends, bonding on the Family Values Tour over a decade ago. Patrick went on to perform in the short lived supergroup Army of Anyone with the DeLeo brothers from 2005-2007. Weiland has admitted to struggling with alcoholism in the last 5-6 years after a few years of being clean and sober. Patrick had his own struggles with drugs and alcohol in the past, but he has been clean and sober for nearly 11 years. ※ 『Filter』『Army of Anyone』はバンド名で、『Richard Patrick』『Scott Weiland』は人物名です。

  • 下記の英文をどなたか訳してください(>_<)

    下記の英文をどなたか訳してください(>_<) “Well many years ago the bad guy says to him ‘Bring us the riches of your church ’and Lorenzo ,he brings to them the beggars and the sick people and he says ‘These are our riches’.”

  • 英語長文の和訳。

    英語が得意な人が居ましたら、 和訳をお願い致します。 My father has a friend in Osaka. His name is Akira Sato. He and my father became friends When they were student at the same college in Tokyo. Mr.Sato studenthard When he was a college student. But he also worked hard, because he wanted to go to the United States to study English at college. At last he got enough money to go there. In 1974 he finished college in Japan, and he went to the United States in August that year. His parents gave him some money When he left Japan. But two weeks afterhe started to stay in the United States, he because too sick to move. He had on friends to take care of him. He Could not eat or drink anything that day. The nextday, The old woman living next door to him found that he was so sick, and she college an ambulance for him. Hewas carried to a hospital. He was saved! But the doctor told him to go back to Japan, because he was too weak to study in the United States. The old woman did everything for him, so he Could come back to Japan one month later. And he got well. five years later, in 1979, he got married. One day in that year, When he was watching TV, he know about foreign students who were trying to find an inexpensive apartment in Japan. The students were not so rich. He remembered The kind old woman in the United States. Three years later, Mr. and Mrs. Sato made a house for foreign students near their house. The students didn't have to pay a lot of money to Mr. and Mrs. Sato. Mr. and Mrs. Sato have taken care of forty foreign students since 1982. The students call them "our parents in Japan." Some of them invited Mr. and Mrs. Sato to their countries. Mr. and Mrs. Sato didn't have their own children but they are very happy to have many "children" in foreign countries. 以上です。 誤字脱字がありましたらすみません。和訳、宜しくお願いします。

  • 英語の関係副詞についての質問です。お願いします

    関係詞の問題についての質問です。関係副詞です。ご協力よろしくお願いします。 次の各分を関係副詞を用いて1つの文にしなさいと言う問題です。 わたしの解答があっているか間違っているか教えてほしいです。間違いがあるはずなのでそれを正していただきたいです。 1.We will visit the hotel. / we stayed there ten years ago. We will visit the hotel where we stayed ten years ago. 2.I remember the night. / I first saw fireworks on the night. I remember the night when I first saw fireworks. 3.I know the reason. / He wants to go home early for the reason. I know the reason why He wants to go home early. 和訳もそえていただけたらうれしいです。 この3問をよろしくお願いします。

  • out of storage

    When I moved in, he wanted my belongings thrown away, yet he has drawers of junk from 10 years ago. After five months of marriage, I figured my things would be out of storage. Instead, Kevin says we have everything we need and my stuff is "duplicate." my things would be out of storageの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 英語について質問です

    受動態の現在形または過去形を使って、文書を完成させる問題で以下の動詞を使ってください (call/drink/eat/grow/introduce/make) Soybeans (1)( ) in many parts of the world. Long ago, the soybean (2)(    ) the "Cow of the Orient" because it is about 40% protein. Soybeans (3)( ) to Europe and the United States by Asia a few hundred years ago. Now more than half of all soybeans in the world come from non-Asian countries. Soy (4)( often ) instead of meat. For example, soy bacon soy sausage, and soy hamburger (5)( ) from soy. Soy milk (6)(  also    ) by many people who do not like the taste of regular milk. Soy is used to make ice cream, too. (1)から(6)まで入れて完成させるてください (1)はare grownとわかりました ほかはわかりません力をお貸しください