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When dealing with the regular monitoring of effluents containing complex mixtures of chemicals, the composition of which may change radically with time, it is desirable to analyze large numbers of samples.

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
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  • ddeana
  • ベストアンサー率74% (2976/4019)

様々な化学物質が含まれている排水の定期的モニタリングを行う場合は、時間と共にその性状が急激に変化するので、多数のサンプルを分析することが望ましい。 ・effluents:ご質問が何に関するものかが不明ではありますが、河川の水質調査などで用いられる場合の生活および産業排水のことかと思いましたので、そのように訳しました。



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  • 英文の和訳をお願いします。

    Appropriate means shall be provided at the facility for the monitoring of activity in fluid systems that have the potential for significant contamination, and for the collection of process and waste samples. The timescale of sample analysis and assessment shall be commensurate with any processing lag in the system. 意味はなんとなくわかるのですが、日本語にするのは難しいです。 宜しくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The German High Command believed they would be able to defeat the British and French on the Western Front and strangle Britain with unrestricted submarine warfare before American forces could be trained and shipped to Europe in sufficient numbers to aid the Allies. The Germans were encouraged by their successes on the Eastern Front into believing that they would be able to divert large numbers of troops to the Western Front in support of their goals. Mexican President Venustiano Carranza assigned a military commission to assess the feasibility of the Mexican takeover of their former territories contemplated by Germany. The general concluded that it would be neither possible nor even desirable to attempt such an enterprise for the following reasons: The United States was far stronger militarily than Mexico was. No serious scenarios existed under which Mexico could win a war against the United States.

  • 英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えてください

    英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えていただきたいです よろしくお願いします!! Churchill’s proposal was not regarded as unrealistic in the rest of the West but as unwelcome. After 17 June the proposal from Churchill of 11 May 1953 to work at the highest level with the Kremlin towards an arrangement on a neutral all-German solution was robbed of any basis. The victors of the Second World War remained Allies, true to their principles, against Germany even through the period of 17 June 1953, particularly since they were dealing primary with the security and consolidation of their areas of interest in relation to the German partial states

  • 英文の和訳を至急お願いします。

    次の英文の和訳を至急お願いします>< In japan,businesses like to foster team spirit,so workers are encouraged to go out together to eat and drink.Students or groups of friend like to do things with large numbers of their friends not only because they find it more fun.It may seem curious to Americans,but we feel that there is a lot of freedom in groups.We can blow off steam,drink a little too much,and someone is there to take care of us.Plus,within groups,women and man are freer of social restrictions that would hinder them if they were alone. Japan is a small country with a large population.Our whole social mechanism is set up to swiftly and efficiently handle large groups.It works for us. 明日テストがあるので。。。 良い回答お待ちしております。

  • 和訳お願いします

    HOW HAS TECHNOLOGY CHANGED THE WAY WE LEARN? Most importantly the web now gives us the opportunity to publish our own work. Instead of simply watching TV,we can create and edit our own videos. Instead of just reading a magazine, we can write our own articles and documents and publish them. There are now 1.4 billion people connected online, so we can use the work we create to reach out and connect with large numbers of people.

  • 和訳お願いします

    HOW HAS TECHNOLOGY CHANGED THE WAY WE LEARN? Most importantly the web now gives us the opportunity to publish our own work. Instead of simply watching TV,we can create and edit our own videos. Instead of just reading a magazine, we can write our own articles and documents and publish them. There are now 1.4 billion people connected online, so we can use the work we create to reach out and connect with large numbers of people.

  • 英文と和訳があります。和訳は適切でしょうか?

    For example, the Japanese officials dealing with shipwrecked foreigners probably had no idea that the severely limited space, and the lack of explanation, seemed so torturous to the tall strangers they called the "hairy out-siders." They may have felt that the foreigners were better treated than common criminals. 日本語訳 例えば、難破した外国人の日本の公式な取り扱いは、厳しく制限された空間(収容された寺などのことだと思います)や、説明の不足が、日本人が毛唐(毛深い外国人)とよぶ、外国人にとって、とても難儀なことであろう ということに、考えが及んでいなかったのだ。 彼らは外国人たちは通常の罪人よりもよい扱いを受けていると感じただろう

  • 和訳お願い致します.

    Mental Evolution in Animals(1883). In the family of the sciences Comparative Psychology may claim nearest kinship with Comparative Anatomy; for just as the latter aims at a scientific comparison of the bodily structures of organisms, so the former aims at a similar com parison of their mental structures. Moreover, in the one science as in the other, the first object is to analyze all the complex structures with which each has respectively to deal. When this analysis, or dissection, has been completed for as great a number of cases as circumstances permit, the next object is to compare with one another all the structures which have been thus analyzed; and, lastly, the results of such comparison supply, in each case alike, the basis for the final object of these sciences, which is that of classifying, with reference to these results, all the structures which have been thus examined.

  • 和訳お願いします

    On Thursday the Syrian government said it will consider reforms including an end to years of emergency law. http://www.voanews.com/learningenglish/home/world/What-Next-With-the-Military-Campaign-in-Libya-118681589.html 前後の文(ここは和訳いりません)上記の和訳をお願いします Protesters demanding freedom held demonstrations Friday in several locations across Syria, including the capital. In Damascus, after Friday prayers, at least two hundred people demonstrated in support of the people of Daraa. Reuters news agency reported large numbers of arrests. The United States has condemned what it called "brutal repression of demonstrations" in Syria. On Thursday the Syrian government said it will consider reforms including an end to years of emergency law.

  • 和訳していただけませんか?

    下の文を和訳していただけませんか? Now a new study, published online today in Science, suggests that large ancient populations never cleared and tamed the western Amazon. By analyzing soil samples from 55 locations in central and western Amazonia, a team of American and Brazilian researchers led by paleoecologist Crystal McMichael, who is now at the of the University of New Hampshire in Durham,have found that pre-Columbian bands ranged in small numbers over the region and gathered food without slashing, burning, or cultivating large tracts of the Amazon. "Most of the forest we sampled has never been intensively disturbed," McMichael says.McMichael and her colleagues journeyed by riverboat, small aircraft, and four-wheel-drive trucks across an area measuring 3 million square kilometers, taking soil cores from river bluffs close to known archaeological sites and from inland sites such as randomized localities along a transect from Porto Velho, Brazil, to Manaus, Brazil. Back in the lab, McMichael analyzed each of the 247 cores to determine the abundance of charcoal, an indicator that humans set the forest ablaze to clear trees and enrich soils for crops, since natural fires are rare in Amazonia. In addition, archaeobotanist Dolores Piperno of the Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C., extracted and identified phytoliths -- characteristic microscopic silica fossils that are produced by many plant species and that trap minute amounts of carbon. Then the investigators sent samples of the charcoal and phytoliths out for radiocarbon dating.