
  • ホテルへの英語での問い合わせについて質問があります。
  • ホテルからのメールに対する返信ができないため、困っています。
  • 返事に対する情報が不足しており、ホテルの情報は特定できません。
  • ベストアンサー


あるホテルに用があり、英語でメールをし、返事がきたのですが、正直5割ほどしか理解ができずにいます。 どなたか翻訳して頂けると嬉しいです(>_<) さらに、返事の文章も作れないので困っています(´・_・`) それはまた後で考えたいと思います。 こちらです。お願いします。 thanks for the email and for understanding, that we can not forward any personal details to you. Unfortunately, the information, that his first name is Oliver and that he stayed with us over 4th September, is not gonna be enough information for us to find him or his email address, as he may as well have travelled with friends and made a reservation under a different name and also, maybe he didn't just arrive 4th September, but had a different booking with us before, so we can not find anything under that date. I am sorry, that I can not help you with that,

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

    メール、それに当方では個人情報をお知らせ出来ない点をご理解くださいまして、ありがとうございます。     残念なことに、お名前がオリヴァーで、当方に九月四日にご宿泊いただいた、と言うだけでは、その方がどなたか、メールアドレスがどこか、ということは、その方が別の方と同行され、別の名前で予約され、あるいは、九月四日には到着しないで、それ以前に別の予約をされた可能性があり、その日に(宿泊されたと言う記録は)何もありませんので、特定出来ません。     ご期待に添えず申し訳ありません。




その他の回答 (1)

  • ddeana
  • ベストアンサー率74% (2976/4019)

Emailをありがとうございます。またいかなる個人情報もお知らせできないことをご理解いただき、ありがとうございます。 申し訳ありませんが、お尋ねの方の名前がオリバーで、9月4日にお泊まりいただいたということだけでは、どういった方でメルアドが何かを検索するには不十分でございます。その方がお友達と宿泊され、別の名前で予約を入れられたかもしれませんし、9月4日においでにならずそれ以前に別の予約をなさったかもしれませんので、ご指定の日付において何かご希望にそうようなものを見つけることはできません。 残念ですが、この件に関してお力になるのは無理と存じます。





  • 旅行での出来事です。

    ヨーロッパのある国に友達と女2人で旅行に行った際、現地のホステルに泊まったのですが、そこの1階にあるバーで、オリバーという男性とメイサンという男性に出会いました。そして2時間ほど会話し、とても楽しかったのですが、こちら側が少し戻ることを催促してしまったような形になってしまい、Facebookを聞かずに別れてしまいました。私たちも次の日が早かったので、帰ったのですが、やはり忘れられずFacebookでたくさん探したのですがもちろん出ませんでした。そして最終手段だと思い、旅行から9ヶ月経ったのですが、ホステルにこの内容のメールを送りました。 向こうの情報を教えるわけにいかないのはわかっていますので、どうか私のアドレスを送って頂けませんか? というメール送ったところ、別の私の質問のところにあるのですが、オリバーはその指定した日には泊まっていませんでした。偽名かもしれません。などという返信だったのですが、もし見つかったら伝えることをしてくれると思いますか? 友人からは、いくら向こうに害はないと思っても、もしかしたら、私が私ではなく、他人かもしれないし、何か事件が起こったら困るから教えないと思うと言われたのですが、いまいち納得できません。相手側のメールも少し曖昧なもので、やり方によっては伝えることをしてくれるのか。そのあたりのみなさんの意見を聞きたいです。9ヶ月経っても心残りで、このような形でしか手段がないのです。ちなみに、下の文が、私が送った文章になります。 ぜひ、ご意見をお願いします。 Dear Sir or Madam Hello, I am Madoka who had stayed at your hotel on 3th to 5th,September , 2013. I realize I am asking a big favor, but would you find a guy stayed at your hotel on 4th, whose name is “Oliver”, ー years old from ーーー. I met him and went to a bar at the first floor, and had a nice conversation…, I still cannot forget him. I understand you have to keep personnel security, so would you please send my e-mail address to him? My e-mail address is “ーーーーー”. I would really appreciate if you could help me to find him, I do not have any other way… Thank you in advance. Best Regards, Madoka そして、下の文が返信になります。 thanks for the email and for understanding, that we can not forward any personal details to you. Unfortunately, the information, that his first name is Oliver and that he stayed with us over 4th September, is not gonna be enough information for us to find him or his email address, as he may as well have travelled with friends and made a reservation under a different name and also, maybe he didn't just arrive 4th September, but had a different booking with us before, so we can not find anything under that date. I am sorry, that I can not help you with that,

  • この文章、どうやって翻訳したらいいですか?

    Please understand that language has a evry important role in this international society of ours. You should realize that a language is not only a tool that you can communicate your thoughts and disires with, but also the base from which you can learn about a nation's culture. The great variety of words and expressions represent the culture that gave rise to that language. New worlds can be discovered through language; a different culture and an encounter with a different sense of values can lend you to have a sense of solidarity with people in faraway countries. Because of the long recession, Japanese people nowadays tend to be mostly concerned with domestic affairs. However, Japan cannot survive without being based on an international foundation. Many countries of the world place high hopes on Japan, not only for economic reasons, but also because they want Japan to play a stronger leadership role. To carry out what the world expects of us and make Japan a country that is held in respect by others in the world community, I hope students make strong efforts to develop their intellecutual curiosity. を日本語にしたいのです。よろしくお願いいたします。

  • どなたか英語が分かる方よろしくお願いします。

    日本語に訳していただける方どうぞよろしくお願いします。 You had Mars in Aquarius. This does not make it easy to find deep love, and can make for loneliness and sometimes foolish infatuations. Though there is a longing for the glamour romance in the old sense. Mars was the roman god of war and passion, and his position has much to do with the love that you will find. He is a fiery dreamy planet in this sign. Your soul mate is an inventive and original man, once he has met you, will become devoted to you. His ideas can be eccentric and his approach to love is intellectual. He will try to impress you with his intelligence and court you that way. The union will be cool, or cold rather than passionate. For with this sign much remains in the mind. He is very much an individual. Not really one of the crowd, but idealistic and noble.

  • 英語の翻訳

    以下、イギリス人とebyでやり取りの中です、google翻訳で何言ってるかわかりませんでした。 翻訳できる方お願いします。 What world do you live in where a buyer can dictate to a seller how much he can sell his good for ? I think it best if you found someone else to buy these parts from. Peculiar that you now know how to write in English. I find it very difficult to deal with fools who think they can tell me what they think and expect me to go along with it, I prefer not to deal with these people as is the case here.

  • 翻訳をお願いします

    お金に関してのことがかいてあるようです。 宜しくお願いします。 Your future partner is ambitious with a secret need for money power and influence. His weakness is that wants short cuts to wealth and he tends to take financial risks. His earning capacity is good, much drive, but he wants to change his life so much, that he has long term plans for transforming his financial life, but he lacks the staying power to persevere more than a certain length of time. He will not accept financial help or sensible advice from others. He wants to make his own fortune, build his own empires. He has very big ideas both for himself and for the money he will make, but he wants its fast, and he wants it now. He is not good at the practicalities of planning wealth, or at starting at the bottom. He wants the world to fall into his lap. To reward his talents or genius without the harder effort of the ground work being done. He wants to live life in style and comfort. Money will come to him quickly when it does, but can just as easily go. His views and ideas he holds about money do not altogether conform to those held by other people. He will not be hard up, but he will be somewhat erratic and unreliable in money matters, or may have an irregular income, that has large sums of money in fits and starts, punctuated with shortages. He also has a tendency to debts and to spend before he earns. Find saving up hard. And credit too easy. He needs to avoid being too impulsive and enterprising, without putting the nectars follow up effort in.

  • 翻訳希望

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたに。 お願いできますでしょうか? ご指摘大歓迎です。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 He is good with children and animals, he can take charge of them and has a particular understanding of them. He can amuse and entertain children, and becomes more extrovert and dramatic when playing with them or talking to them. He will exaggerate and put on a show. He will be a happy and generous father or uncle to any children he has. Though they may not see him as he is, just the act he puts on for them. In the past your partner would have had romances in his life, that will have seemed to set his soul on fire. But you will be his most important, his greatest and deepest love of all time. He will feel proud to be with you.

  • 英語翻訳

    何度か辞書、翻訳ツールを頼りにこの長文に臨んだのですが、いかんせん実力不足で理解ができません。 解答、訳が付いておらずお手上げ状態です。 貴重なお時間を割くようで、大変恐縮ですが、どなたかこの長文を翻訳していただけないでしょうか? とても助かります。 It is often said that there is no love like amother's love. Once in a while, however , there are cases in which a man comes to love his mother a little too much. They can become fixated on them, or too attached to them. They have difficulty separating themselves from the woman who brought them into the world and raised them. You might be surprised to find that history has no shortge of famous men who had a mother complex. The effect of this complex differs from person to person as well. J.M. Barrie wrote the wonderful story Peter Pan, which has become one of the best-loved children's books of all time. In the book ,there is aplace called Never-Never Land, a place where children never grow up. In real life "Lamie" would dress in his dead brother's clothes and spend long hours in the dark with his mother, consoling her over the death of his brother and her son. Some say this is the reason he did not grow much from his teenage years on. In order words, he stopped growing. Later, in adulthood, this short man wrote memoirs about his mother that shocked people all over England. He was clearly a man who adored his mother. Houdini was one of the greatest magicians ever. His specialy was breaking out of dark places from which there was no escape. Some phychologists think that Houdini was really trying to experience childbirth over and over again. This is the reason that he put himself into dark, dangerous places from which he had to break out into tha world of light. It was similar to a baby's body coming out into the world. After his mother passed away, Houdini went from phychic to psychic because he hoped to find someone who could put him in touch with her. Some saw him spend hours lying on his mother's grave, talking toward the ground. Apparently, he was unsuccessful at communicating with his mother, though he did succeed in creating a greater distance between his wife and himself. Yukio Mishima, the renowned Japanese writer, spent his childhood as the object of a tug-of-war. His groundmother, a tough woman who emphasized discipline and manners, and his mother, an emotional and outgoing woman, battled to influence young Yukio. His grandmather passed away while he was a teenager, but taught him to function smoothly in the world. Consequently, he spent most of his time with his mother, whom he adored. Aftr his death, his mother supposedly said, "At last, my lover has returned to me." Mishima presented himself as a tough, disciplined, "manly" man, while in private, he kept male lovers in a passionate, emotional worlds. Did this have something to do with his complex over his mother? The effect of a mother complex on an individual can differ from person to person. Though the cause was the same for all of these three men, the results were very different. Too much of a good thing can be bad for us. Eating too many sweets, for example, leads to token, amother's love is special, but too much of it can be unhealthy.

  • 翻訳+問題

    Dick's love for children can be seen not only in his picture books but also in his work for socially-conscious organizations.He has designed posters,cards,and other item for hospitals,charities and so on.Sone of his works tell us about the sorrow of children suffering from hunger,disease,and forced labor.They communicate their messages directly to the world because of their simple designs.If his designs were complicated,people would not understand the messages so easily.Now,there are a lot of fans of his works all over the world.These peole support his social goals.He still continues to make new works.He says,"As long as my creativity lasts,I will continue to create designs that are both simple and easy to understand,and that make people happy." 上の分を読み下の質問の翻訳・回答をお願いします。 What can yon see in Dick's picture book? What are “socially-conscious organizations”? Give some examples. What are “other items”? Do all his works tell us about happy children?

  • 翻訳をお願いしたいです

    以下の文章を翻訳していただけますか? All the details given in the Soul Mate Charts are always between ninety and a hundred percent correct of the man that you will meet. If you meet a man and its less than that, then however much you wish it he is not the man, whom fate intends for you, though he may have some other special connection, and his destiny may be linked with yours for a different purpose. The reason that the odd detail may not fit, is that Astrology is still a rather mysterious and mystical art, that reaches into the shadows of the unknown, and much as we know about it, we don’t know everything.

  • 翻訳お願いしたいです。

    Because of his age, the zoo dentists want to be sure that Artie does not have any problem with his teeth.Theydecide to take an X-ray, their animal patient comes agreebly out of his pool and goes to an examining table. When the zoo worker tells him to open his mouth, Artie does so with no problem.However, things after that do not go so simply. It is not easy to get an excited sea lion to stay still while an X-ray is taken of his teeth! Every time they take a shot, the sea lion moves to a different position. After a number of attempts, the dentists finally succeed in getting a clear picture. Sea lions eat their food whole, and can eat as much as 20 pounds of fish in one day.Even though they do not chew their food,their teeth and gums can still get diseased. For Artie, his checkup goes well and the dentists conclude that his teeth are just fine: not bad for a 30-year-old who has never brushed his teeth!