• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文メール作成をお願いできますか)

Need Help with Email Translation for Cargo Damage Issue

  • We have received a cargo with oil-like dirt on 3 boxes. We processed it as damage, but the customer accepted it. Next time, please instruct the warehouse to wrap it in thicker wrap to avoid this.
  • If there is similar damage in the next cargo, we will request credit or replacement for packing deficiency. Please notify the warehouse.
  • Appreciate your support and help with the email translation for the cargo damage issue.


  • ベストアンサー

外国と物流をやっているときによくあるクレームのよい例ですよね。(私も経験あります) あなたの英文はとてもよくできていますが、もっとシンプルでもいいと思います。すなわち・・・ We’ve received the cargo yesterday and found oil dirt on 3 boxes. (See attached photo No.1) We usually process this kind of issue as damaged goods, but this time fortunately the customer accepted this issue. We believe the cause of this issue is that the other freight was put on top of the product and the wrapping film was torn out. (See attached photo No.2) We want you to make sure to instruct the warehouse to wrap the film more thicker, so you can avoid this kind of damage. In case we find similar issue from the next shipment onwards, we must process this issue as “improper packing” and ask replacement or credit. Please make sure to notify your warehouse to follow our “Damage Standard” document as attached. ちなみに、2番目の"We usually process"(幸い今回は問題にならなかったが)のくだりは、先方には伝えなくてもいいと思います。 あくまでシンプルに、「ちゃんとやれ!基準を守れ!でないと返品するぞ!」と、強く主張するのが、国際物流のコツです^^



