
  • ウェブサイト上の予約情報と実際に支払った金額に違いがあるため、説明を求めています。
  • ウェブサイト上の予約情報は部屋ごとの料金であり、ゲスト1人あたりの料金ではありません。
  • 支払った金額は正月の特別料金であり、これは日本の習慣です。
  • ベストアンサー


宿泊に関するお客様からのメッセージですが、まず最初に和訳をお願いします。 On the last December 30 of 2013 I checked in at your hotel where I had a very pleasant stay. I used the website A to place this same rerervation. On the reservation confirmation paper sent by A the statement clearly specified that the amount to be paid was of ¥10.000 per room. In checking out, as you can see by the receipt bellow, a fee of ¥20.000 was charged by that same room. Only having noticed this now, I please ask you to elucidate me on the difference in pricing to what was previously estabelished. In addition I recall that the reservation also states that the price agreed upon was per room. Not per guest. Seeing that it was a final value, that's what we should have paid. Thank you very much for your understanding. 今になって気がついたのですが、ウェブサイト上のA からの情報の金額と支払った金額が違うので説明してくださいというおおまかな内容ではないかと思うのですが、細かいニュアンスがわかりません。和訳をお願いします。(領収の添付ファイルが付いてました) それと、上記文章に対する答えの文章なのですが、下記の内容で英訳もお願いしたいのです。 その金額は正月の特別料金になっております。日本では正月にレートが上がるのは常識的な事なので、その旨は載せておりませんでした。大変申し訳なく思っております。今後はウェブサイト上にも載せるようにいたします。その旨ご理解の上宜しくお願いします。 お忙しいところすみませんが、宜しくお願いします。


  • ベストアンサー
  • Chibi-kko
  • ベストアンサー率39% (93/237)

英文は 2013年12月30日にとても素敵な滞在をした部屋代が、Aというウェブでは一部屋当たり1万円になっており、Aからの予約確認でも明確に部屋毎に1万円となっていた。 なのに下の領収書でも分かるように、同じ部屋に対して2万円請求されていた。そのことに今気付いたので、差額を返金してもらいたい。 代金は人数ではなく部屋数に対して請求されるものだと言う確認も行った。 ご理解感謝します。 という内容ですね。 説明は求めて見えませんので、英訳をお求めの文章では問題がこじれるばかりかと思います。 お務めのホテルの上司の方に対策を考えてもらった方が良いかと思います。



ありがとうございました。 助かりました。 そのように致します。


  • 和訳お願いします。

    In operating the electric pen,I got my current from a Bunsen battery consisting of two glass jars, capped at the top and controlled by a plunger with which I lowered the plates into the acid solution or drew them up when the pen was not in use.Thus the life of the battery was prolonged. The pen had a needlelike point which darted in and out of the writing end so rapidly that the eye could hardly detect it. This was operated by a miniature clectric motor small enough to be attached to the upper end of the pen.The shaft containing the needle was given its motion by cams on the rotating engine shaft so that when the current was turned on,and I wrote with the pen,holding it in a vertical position, it made innumerable tiny punctures on the sheet of paper,tracing the words that comprised the letter. After the master copy of the stencil had thus been made, I took it to the 'press',where it had to be spanned in a frame before the copies could be made.A plain sheet of paper was placed on the press,the stencil was laid on top and an ink roller passed over it. The impression of the handwriting was marked on the under sheet by the ink through the holes made by the needle.It was said that 5,000 copies could be made from a single stencil.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    On February 16, 1915, despite concurrent negotiations with Austria, a courier was dispatched in great secrecy to London with the suggestion that Italy was open to a good offer from the Entente. [ ...] The final choice was aided by the arrival of news in March of Russian victories in the Carpathians. Salandra began to think that victory for the Entente was in sight, and was so anxious not to arrive too late for a share in the profits that he instructed his envoy in London to drop some demands and reach agreement quickly. [...] The Treaty of London was concluded on April 26 binding Italy to fight within one month. [...] Not until May 4 did Salandra denounce the Triple Alliance in a private note to its signatories.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The Battle of the Crna Bend was a major military engagement fought between the forces of the Central Powers and the Entente in May 1917. It was part of the Allied Spring Offensive of the same year that was designed to break the stalemate on the Macedonian Front. Despite the considerable numerical and matériel advantage of the attackers over the defenders, the Bulgarian and German defense of the positions in the loop of the river Crna remained a very formidable obstacle, which the Allies were unable to defeat not only in 1917 but until the end of the war itself.With the onset of the winter of 1916 all military operations on the Macedonian Front came to an abrupt end. The three-month-long Monastir Offensive provided the Allies with only limited tactical successes but it failed to knockout Bulgaria out of the war by a combined attack of General Sarrail's forces and the Romanian Army. On strategic level the overall result of the offensive was that it managed to keep over half of the Bulgarian Army and few German units on the Macedonian Front. On tactical level the front line was moved in favor of the Allies by only about 50 kilometers in the Sector of General Winkler's 11th German-Bulgarian Army. By the end of November however the Bulgarians and Germans were able to firmly establish themselves on the Chervena Stena - height 1248 - Hill 1050 - Dabica - Gradešnica defensive line and subsequently repel all Allied attempts to dislodge them of their positions.

  • 以下の英訳をお願いします。

    ネットの投稿サイトの文章なのですが、辞書を引いても意味がわからない文章がいくつかあったので、 教えてください。 1.She promised she wouldn't leave without telling me and my sisters bye first. She layed there in pain till we arrived and said bye, seconds later that was it.  ※特に「seconds later that was it.」のthatとitが不明 2.The little girl down the road went through the same things. She was only 7 and going to testify against her own dad. ※特に「down the road」が不明 3.The other day he practically saved his brother's life by stepping in the middle of his father beating his brother. ※特に「stepping in the middle of」が不明 4.I had a relaxing night watching movies with my room-mates. Everyone but I had a girl over to lie with during the movie. The closest I got all night was the multiple times my room-mate's dog tried to mount me. ※全体的に意味がわかりません。 ちょっと下品な内容もあるかと思いますが、よろしくお願いいたします。 4つもあるので、わかるものだけでも結構です。

  • 和訳お願いします

    Our narrative is still in the midest of the brilliant that were exciting interest during the early part of 1880,when Edison,harnessed to his work,was making rapid progress in commercialy perfecting his lamp. At that time Brush,Thomson,Houston and Weston were busy with their arc light system and none had faith in the little lamp that Edison had given to the world. That their disbelief was in error how well we now know! For the little lamp of high resistance that began to cast its glow in that day has kept on glowing everywhere, as does also the spirit of Edison its inventor. Our busy activities during that development period were now and then interrupted by some merry interlude.Occasionally the 'boys'played jokes on each other.Sometimes one of them who had become tried would seek a nap on a near-by table.While no one objected to a peaceful slumber,if the delinquent began to snore or attempted to imitate the chords of rhapsodies such as we now and then hear on the radio, things happened.Somebody would crash a heavy weight on the table;that stopped the snoring.As an alternative the snorer was sometimes treated to a whiff of concentrared spirits of ammonia which,too,was effective.

  • 英文の和訳をお願いしますm(__)m

    Said one commentator about the Hangzhou rescue: “Yesterday [US President] Obama had a beer with out-of-work construction workers. Today, I see a story about an American tourist jumping into the water to save someone. I finally realized why America is such a strong country and will continue to be one.” By Tuesday afternoon, more than 9.3 million people had posted comments on the toddler’s accident on Sina’s Weibo, the leading microblog, or Tencent Holdings’ QQ service. Far fewer commented on the Hangzhou rescue — in the scores of thousands — but those who did raised the same ethical questions. In an unscientific online survey conducted by the Web site ifeng.com, the 170,000 respondents, who voted on their own initiative, judged by a wide margin that the toddler’s case was proof that the Chinese people’s morals and mutual trust were eroding under the pressures of modern society. Yet the question of compassion in Chinese society is not a new one. In 1894, an American missionary, Arthur H. Smith, wrote an influential book, Chinese Characteristics, in which an entire chapter, Absence of Sympathy, raised some of the same questions.

  • 英文の和訳で困っています

    英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えてください よろしくお願いします!! The FDJ was founded on 7 March 1946 and systematically built up under the leadership of the later SED general secretary, Erich Honecker, as a youth organization allegedly ‘above party affiliation’. Arrested by the Gestapo in 1937. Honecker, a roofer born at Wiebelskirchen in the Saarland, had survived to be liberated by the Red Army on 27 April 1945. In May he joined the ‘Ulbricht Group’ and as youth secretary of the CC of the KPD built up the ‘Antifa’ youth committees, which led to the founding of the FDJ in 1946. According to official statistics, approximately 70 per cent of young people between 14 and 25 in the GDR were members of the FDJ. The proportion of school pupils and students was particularly high. The officials of the FDJ were often at the same time members of the SED.

  • 英語 長文の和訳を教えてください。

    the second shock was an economic shock and the direct result of a combination of american economic problem: a growing trade imbalance with japan and a dollar that had become too highly valued in the rest of the world. a package of economic policies was announced by president nixon in august that led to an immediate 10% reduction in the value of the dollar (which meant that japanese goods would be more expensive in the u.s) and a temporary 10% tax on imports. the shift in the japanese-american relationship was not only caused by the increased power of japan; america's dominant position in the world was also undergoing serious changes. the watergate scandals and the loss of the war in vietnam combined to cause the american people to lose faith in themselves and to question america's role as the leader of the western bloc. the oil crisis of 1973 added to this malaise by decreasing america's economic ability to support its overseas defense commitments. many congressmen questioned why the u.s was spending money to defend japan when it was increasingly obvious that increased japanese economic strength was one cause for the economic recession in the u.s. 長いですがよろしくお願いします!

  • 長文和訳お願いします!

    長文和訳お願いします! 読みにくかったらすみません My dear 〇〇 I'm slowly getting over my jet lag and getting used to my normal life again. Life in Japan was so easy for my ... everyday eating out in a restaurant, hotel room got cleaned every day ... In Belgium I need to do all that myself ... it is a bit of work ... but part of me is happy to be back in my own house ... and not havening to live out of my suitcase. But at the same time I'm very sad that I have left Japan and that I'm now so far away from you.

  • 高校の文法の質問 (色々)

    1、It was too difficult problem for me.はIt was too difficult a problem for me.が問題集では正解になってますがなぜaが入らないといけないのか? 2、Half the students have made the same mistake.とHalf of the students....とではどちらがいい文章なのでしょうか? 3、How much dose it cost to hire a car by the hour.はなぜby theを「per」の意味のanにしてはいけないのか? 4、I'm in the wrong on that point.は直訳すると「私はその点に関して間違った人々の中に属する」ということですか?(the+形容詞で~の人々という形でとらえていいのか?)
