• ベストアンサー


文がほとんど同じ意味になるようにかっこに適語をいれてほしいです。 People think that you speak French well. It is said that you speak French well. You ( ) ( ) ( ) speak French well. you are said thatとか?よくわかりません。回答よろしくお願いします!

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数0


  • ベストアンサー

People SAY that you speak French well. じゃないですか? You (are) (said) (to) speak French well. it is said の後は that you speak ~ you を主語にすると be said to 原形と不定詞を用います。

その他の回答 (1)

  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

You are said to speak French well. http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=said+to


  • 英語を教えてください。

    日本文にあうように、かっこを並びかえてください。 その本は図書館のものだそうです。 (belongs/ I/ the book/ told/ to/ am) the library. 日本文になるようにかっこに適語を一語入れてください。 (1)空港まで見送りに来てくださるとは、ご親切にありがとうございます。 ( ) is very kind ( ) you to see me ( ) at the airport. (2)彼女はふさぎこんでいるようなのはどうしてだろう。 ( ) is ( ) that she looks depressed? 下の英文を、I could ... のIを強調させてください。 I could not buy the CD because I didn't have enough money 各組の英文が同じ意味になるようにかっこに適語を一語入れてください。 (1)I hear that she was on vacation at that time. →I ( ) ( ) that she ( ) on vacation at that time. (2)It goes without saying that practice is important in anything. →It is ( ) that practice ( ) be important in anything. (3)It was said that the young actor had killed himself. →I ( ) that the young actor ( ) ( ) himself. 日本文にあうように英文を作ってください。 彼らがその仕事を一日でやってしまったことは驚くべきことだ。 It is surprising ( ) the work in a day. 日本文を英文にしてください。 (1)彼が辞めたのは病気だからである。(Itから始めて、9単語使います。) (2)彼が不満を言うのも無理はない。(7単語使ってください。) (3)私たちはその計画を秘密にしておく必要がある。(It is ~thatの形で、10単語使ってください。) これを解いてみると、 (1)I am told the book belongs to the kibrary. (1)It/ of/ that (2)why/it (1)It was because I didn't have enough money that I couldn't buy the CD. (1)am told (2)hear/ had killed (3)said/ should (1)It is surprising (that they should try ) the work in a day. (1)It was because he been sick that he resigned. (2)It is unreasonable that he should complain. (3)It is necessaty that we should have known such a thing. になりました。 間違っているところがあったら教えていただけませんか。 できれば、間違っているところを訂正していただけると助かります。

  • 関係代名詞の問題の疑問

    Are you doing what you think is right. と Are you doing what it is you think right. 前者の文はもちろん文法的に正しいですが、後者の文は間違いでしょうか? what it isを名詞節と見て、その後に関係代名詞が省略された形と考えることは不可でしょうか? Are you doing what it is (that) you think right. なぜ後者の文が間違いなのかわかりません。 どなたか解説よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語日記11 なぜ勉強するのか

    英語日記11 なぜ勉強するのか すいませんが最近英語力のライティングをあげようと英作文をまいにち書くようにしてます。 レベルのひくい英作文ではずかしいのですが。できれば文法や細かい間違いを指摘して頂けると幸いです。 Why people study? What do you answer if you are asked why do you study? To get a good job? To earn many money? Maybe many young students answer YES. It is said that there are many smart people in Japan. I also think so. However, do you think that if a number of smart people increase, which give a chance to develop in Japan? The answer is NO. I think that talent is much more important than studying. Of course, studying is important thing, but looking for your own talent is more important.

  • 英語から日本語へ翻訳して頂けないですか?

    awww dont think that you have a clumsy English ... i never think that way about you English ... i know that you are doing well on it ... and you never will annoy me wit it . i be so sad if you stop sending me! e-mails .because you think that is annoy me .. went i see, a email from you it make me feel special and happy . it doesnt matter if you wrote it wrong...... please dont never feel that way .... i will do my best to write back to you in japanese so you dont fill bad about you english ... you are doing well .. you are special for me ! この文章です。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の文章で分からないところがあるので教えてください

    1.授業でShe said , " I study English every day." という文章は、She said that she studied English every day.になり、She said, " Do you like to study English?" という文章は、She asked me if I liked to study English.となりMy mother said," You are crazy."という文章は、My mother said that you were crazy.となり、My girlfriend said that " You are handsome."という文章は、My girlfriend said that you were handsome.というふうに習いました。しかし最後の2つの文章を言い換えたらMy mother said that I was crazy.とMy girl friend said that I was handsome.になると思ったんですけどどうでしょうか?もし私が間違っていたらどこが間違えているのか教えてください。 2.宿題でWho do you think's the best actor?とWhich city do you think's the most polluted?という質問に答えないといけないのですが、I think Brad Pitt is the best actor.とI think Toyota is the most pulluted city.という答え方でいいのでしょうか?

  • 英語の穴埋め

    空欄に最も適切な記号を入れてください Some wanted to go camping ; ( ) wanted to go swimming. 1.their 2.others 3.another 4.other Are you accustomed ( ) heat , or does it make you tired? 1.at 2.of 3.with 4.to We found only a ( ) number of customers in the department store. 1.small 2.few 3.little 4.less His eyes are just like ( ) of a pigeon. 1.that 2.ones 3.it 4.those A speech contest will take ( ) tomorrow. 1.a chance 2.a part 3.place 4.site It's time you ( ) to bed. 1.went 2.gone 3.should 4.to go My uncle died ( ) cancer two years ago. 1.of 2.for 3.by 4.out ( ) to come to the office an hour earlier than usual tomorrow? 1.Are you possible 2.Is it able for you 3.Is it capable for you 4.Is it possible for you 空欄に適語を入れてください 1.誤りがあれば訂正してください Correct errors, ( ) ( ). 2.この仕事を終えれば,海外旅行をするつもりです I am going to travel abroad when I ( ) done ( ) this work. 3.フランス語にかけては彼女はクラスの誰にも劣らない In French she is second ( ) ( ) in the class. 4.彼にはよくあることだが,宿題を忘れた ( ) is often the ( ) with him, he forgot his homework. 5.彼は外国人なので,外国人として扱われた He was a foreigner and was treated ( ) ( ). よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の添削をお願いします。

    日本文を英語に直す問題です。添削をお願いします。 ※魚が健康には一番よいと言われている。 It is said that the fish is the best for health と It is said that fish are the most healthy ですと、どちらが文法的に合っていますか? また、fishの前にはtheを付けるのか、単数扱いなのか、複数扱いなのか 教えていただけると助かります。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の問題を教えてください!

    次の英文の( )の中に合う英語を選ぶ問題です。 Coffee is one of the world's most popular drinks, but what is the best way to enjoy it? If you ask 100 different people, you are likely to (A) 100 different responses. From sweet to bitte, from hot to cold, there are endless combinations and possibilities. Most coffee lovers (B) that if you're going to drink it hot. the best way to prepare it is in a French Press. Unlike drip coffee, a French Press allows the coffee to soak for a period of time, thereby releasing much more of the natural flavor (C) in coffee. By the way, do you know that instant coffee was invented by a Japanese man named Satori Kato? (D) (A) 1.be getting 2.be got 3.get 4.got (B) 1.are convinced 2.are convincing 3.convince 4.will convince (C) 1.find 2.found 3.founded 4.founding (D) 1.Maybe that is why Japanese people prefer instant coffee to drip coffee. 2.Because Japanese people drink tea everyday. 3.Actually, regular drip coffee is less expensive than instant coffee. 4.That is the reason why French people prefer tea to coffee. よろしくお願いします。

  • 至急、回答お願いします。英語の穴埋めと日本語訳

    ( )に入る単語がどうしても分かりません。推測できる方、ぜひ教えてください。 また、」日本語訳も教えていただけたら、より嬉しいです。 A: Well, where did everything go ? B; Charles sold it at all at ( ) . I love this room but charles never really saw it. Only the things in at. I think I properly it this way. A: What are you going to do ? B: Try and get my old ( )back at EURESCO, I suppose. A; Doing what ? B; I am a ( )( ), like sylvie. only she is english into french, and i am french into english. thats what i was doing before i married chaeles.

  • 文の仕組みを教えてください。

    (1)We often hear it said that the Japanese are a diligent people. 「日本人は勤勉な国民だと言われるのをよく聞く」 形式目的語というのを勉強しました。この構造は We(主語)hear (動詞)it (形式目的語that以下)→ここからわかりません。saidってなんですか?よくよく見る文ですが、We hear it is said that ~なら英作文しやすいのに、isをすぐ入れたくなります。saidの役目を教えてください。