
  • 実験群において、運動は±5°変化がダイナミックな変化のためになされることができた1-足立ちながらのweight-を含んだバランス運動から成りました、その一方で、5°の腰屈曲角度とスタンス段階の間の10°のひざ屈曲角度を維持しました。
  • anti-spasticity drugsとは
  • GAITRite Systemとは
  • ベストアンサー


(1)In the experimental group, the exercise consisted of a one-leg standing weight- bearing balance exercise in which ± 5° changes could be made for dynamic changes, while maintaining a hip flexion angle of 5° and a knee flexion angle of 10° during the stance phase. 実験群において、運動は±5°変化がダイナミックな変化のためになされることができた1-足立ちながらのweight-を含んだバランス運動から成りました、その一方で、5°の腰屈曲角度とスタンス段階の間の10°のひざ屈曲角度を維持しました。 うまく訳せません… (2)anti-spasticity drugsとは (3)GAITRite Systemとは (4)When physical therapists treat abnormal gait, hip extension by coordinated movement of the gluteus maximus and the hamstrings and knee extension by coordinated movement of the vasti and the soleus are very important exercises 理学療法士が異常歩行を治療するとき、大臀筋と膝窩筋の調整動きによる腰拡張とvastiとひらめ筋の調整変化によるひざ拡張は非常に重要なエクササイズです。 とありますが、vastiが分かりません。 (1)~(4)分かる方助けて下さい。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

(1) これよく分かりませんが、多分ある実験をするグループとしないグループに分け、その前者だけの話(いわば実験の前半だけの叙述)なのでしょう。     そのグループには、甲をしながら乙をやらせた。     乙は、力学的な変化のため5度までの変化は許される、片足で立って体重のバランスをとる運動     甲は、5°の腰屈曲角度とスタンス段階の間の10°のひざ屈曲角度を維持する     大きくつかめばこういうことなので仕上げはお任せします。 (2)    痙攣抑制剤 (3)    歩行姿勢矯正組織みたいなもので、下記などに詳細があります。 http://www.gaitrite.com/ (4)    vastus 「広筋」の複数です。



ありがとうございました。 とても助かりました。


  • 英語翻訳お願いします

    In gait, kinesiological asymmetry of the left and right lower extremity joints in the sagittal plane increases knee flexion of the paretic side during the stance phase, resulting in excessive hip flexion during the swing phase. 足取りでは、矢状面の左右の下肢関節の運動学的な非対称はスタンス段階の間、麻痺側のひざ屈曲を増やします。そして、揺れ段階の間、過度の腰屈曲に終わります 翻訳機にかけるとこんなかんじです… 医学論文の一部なのですが、お願いします。

  • 英語論文の翻訳、長いですがお願いします。

    Protocols for the exercise and control groups Men randomized to the exercise group entered a progressive resistance lower extremity weight training and aerobic conditioning program at the ZVAMC Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Center . Weight training was conducted on a multipurpose weight machine (Marcy Gymnasinm Equipment Co . ) and aerobic conditioning was completed on stationary Air Dyne or cycle ergometers (Air Dyne & Ergo Metric Exercisor Models by Schwinn). Weight measurements were determined with a 23-kg load cell (Sensotec 31/143) and appropriate instrumentation (Sensotec HH). Exercise sessions were conducted 3 days a week for 12 wk totaling 36 sessions. Each session lasted between 45 and 75 min depending on the number of participants. All missed sessions were made up at a later date unless continuation was not possible because of medical or personal problems. Heart rates were continuously monitored by telemetry (Transkinetics TEM-4100)during the exercise sessions and estimated average heart rates were recorded during aerobic training. Each exercise session included : (1)a warm up of leisurely cycling for 3-5min , (2) aerobic exercise on either the Air Dyne or cycle ergometer, (3) strength training and (4) a warm down of cycling for 3-5 min. The aerobic exercise was performed for a duration of 20 min at a target heart rate of >70% of the exercise stress-tested maximal heart rate. The strength training was performed on the hip flexors, hip extensors, hip abductors, knee extensors and ankle plantar flexors. The hip muscle groups were exercised in succession with a standard weight and pulley system attached by a Velcro strap to the ankle with the subjects in a standing position. Four maneuvers were required for each extremity, totaling eight different hip exercise. To exercise the knee extensors, the subjects were required to lift the training weight from a sitting position with 90°of knee flexion to full knee extension using both knees simultaneously. The ankle plantar flexors were exercise with the subjects standing, holding the training weight with arms and back straight, and rising from the foot flat position to maximum, defined as the most weight a subject could lift through a full range of motion one time, was determined for each of the muscle groups before the first exercise session. At the first session, the weight load was set at 40 to 60% of the one repetition maximum so tha the subjects could complete 10 repetitions. Sequential load adjustments were made in subsequent sessions to maintain a maximal fatigue level after completion of the 10 repetitions. The subjects rotated to three weight stations performing one set of 10 repetitions for each of the hip muscle groups and two sets of 10 repetitions for both the knee extensors and ankle plantar flexors. The order of weight training exercise varied depending on preference and station availability. Subjects assigned to the control group received usual care within the NHCU during the study period. When indicated , this care included maintenance physical therapy. No dietary limitations were imposed on either group. After completion of the study period, a subset of the control subjects in either group. After completion of the study period, a subset of the control subjects crossed over to the exercise group. Subjects in either group requiring hospitalization secondary to a medical illness were dropped from the study. よろしくお願いします

  • 英語訳して下さい

    In the gait cycle, lack of coordination in muscle activities between the hip and the knee during weight loading on the lower extremity in the stance phase results in reduced vertical ground reaction force in hemiplegia patients with lower extremity dysfunction on the affected side. 歩行周期では、低い下肢不全麻痺側片麻痺患者における削減垂直床反力の体重の上下肢立脚相の読み込み中に筋活動股関節と膝の間の調整の欠如の結果します。 うまく訳せません… お願いします

  • 英語翻訳お願いします

    This suggests that in patients with hemiplegia after stroke, muscle activities of the hip and the knee, maintained at appropriate angles, are necessary for weight loading on the lower extremities in order to enhance their gait and balance これは、脳卒中の後の半身不随患者において、腰とひざ(適切な角度に維持される)の筋肉活動が彼らの足取りとバランスを強化するために下肢の上で重さ積載のために必要なことを示唆します 翻訳機にかけるとこんなかんじです… 医学論文の一部なのですが、お願いします。

  • 英語論文翻訳お願いします

    Experience of the Exercise Group Compliance The eight exercise group subjects completed all 36 sessions. However, before completing all exercise sessions, total of 16 sessions were missed accounting for an overall compliance rate of ~95%. The average heart rate of 103 beats /min, achieved during stationary crying, equaled 82%of the exercise stress-tested maximal heart rate and 70% of the age-predicted maximal heart rate. The exercise participants used the Air-Dyne model cycle ergometers 85% of the time and the Ergo-Metric models the remaining 15%. Because of the added upper extremity exercise provided by the reciprocal arm movements, the subjects achieved higher average heart rates and were encouraged to use the Air-Dyne model cycle ergometers. Safety and intercurrent Illness The exercise program was safe with no apparent adverse side effects and no session were missed because of musculoskeletal complications. None of the subjects dropped out because of dissatisfaction with the program. Twp participants, both in the exercise group, were forced to withdraw from the study because of intercurrent illnesses. Results of testing at the end of the exercise program Compasidon of the first to the last exercise sessions showed that each of the men participating in the exercise program increased the amount of weight lifted in the 10 repetition maximum. Baseline weight lifted averaged 7.6 lbs for the hip muscle groups, 28 lbs for the knee extensors and 46 lbs for the ankle plantar flexors. The increase in weight lifted over the course of the study averaged 7.3 lbs (99%) for the hip muscle groups, 21lbs(81%) for the knee extensors and 37 lbs (80%) for the ankle plantar flexors. Although one repetition maximum values were measured before the first exercise session, they were not repeated at the end of the exercise program. The control subjects did not undergo baseline weight measurement determinations. Table 3 provides information regarding each of the before and after variables measured in the exercise group. The mean increase in tinetti mobility scores of+3.37 was significant (P<0.05), with each subject scoring higher after completion of the exercise program. The tinetti scale was divided into three parts, consisting of strength items (12 points), items combining strength and balance (6 points) and items that were primarily related to balance (16 points). Increases in items primarily related to strength were significant (P<0.01), while increases in balance-related item approached significance (P<0.06). Table2&3 Isokinetic strength measurements that increased significantly included overall strength combining the individual muscle group measurements (P<0.01), combined right and left quadriceps strength (P<0.05) and right- and left- handed muscular endurance (P<0.05). left quadriceps strength improvements approached, but did not achieve significance (P<0.07). post-strengthening measurements of gait and balance revealed significant improvements in left-sided stride length (P<0.005), left gait velocity (P<0.01) and average stride length (P<0.005) and velocity (P<0.05). no significant changes occurred for the other measured parameters including V02 max and balance. Experience of the control group The results for the control group can be found in Table 4. All control subjects completed the testing protocol without complications. No outcome variable improved significantly at the end of the 12-wk control period with the exception of the combined hamstring strength (P<0.05). Between group comparisons Table 5 compares the magnitude of change between the before and after test measurements in the exercise U the control group. Differences of significance included the tinetti mobility scores (P<0.005), left stride length (P<0.05), left velocity (P<0.05), average stride length (P<0.05) and average velocity (P<0.05). よろしくお願いします。 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1466871

  • 英語翻訳お願いします

    This study emphasized hemiplegia patients’ lower extremity function on the paretic side during the stance phase in their rehabilitation exercise and conducted a one-leg standing weight-bearing balance exercise 本研究は片麻痺患者の低い上肢機能麻痺側立脚相のリハビリテーション運動中に強調し、片足立ち荷重バランス演習を実施しました。 こんな感じの翻訳であってるでしょうか…

  • 簡単な英訳をお願いします!

    This drawing connected to clockwork studies, with weight movement rather than spring movement, displays a system of pulleys used to control the descent of the weight and to shorten the space necessary to unwind the rope.

  • 英語論文翻訳お願いします。

    Results Results of the recruitment process The study group were drawn from a population that consisted of 200 predominantly male subjects residing at the ZVAMC NHCU from October 1989 to October 1990. The recruitment period extended from October 1989 to June 100 and the exercise program was conducted from January to October of 1990. The inclusion and exclusion criteria shown in Table 1 were applied to the study population. Independent ambulation, requiring no supervision with or without an assistive device, was a prerequisite for study consideration. Because of this criterion, 112 of the NHCU residents were excluded from the study. Another 60 residents were omitted because of significant illness, dementia, leg amputation or dependence on an assistive device for ambulation. Of the remaining 28 subjects, 5were excluded because they scored above the predetermined cut off point on the Tinetti mobility assessment scale; it was felt these individuals were too functional to derive significant benefit from the intervention program. Of the 23 remaining subjects, 15 provided informed consent. Because of resource and supervisory limitation only three to four individuals could reasonably participate in the exercise sessions at any one time. Consequently, only 12 of the potential 15 subjects were actually able to participate in the study. Six subjects joined the exercise group and six the control group. After completion of the control protocol, four of the control subjects then participated in and completed the exercise protocol. Of the original subjects in the exercise group two were forced to total of eight subjects in the exercise group protocol. Selected characteristics of the subjects are described in Table 2. No significant differences were noted between the initial profiles of the exercise and control groups, although weight, length of stay and number of major diagnoses demonstrated more variability than age, height and number of scheduled medications. Baseline Testing of the Exercise and Control Subhects Baseline data for the participants who completed the study indicated that their initial scores for strength, work capacity and gait were substantially lower than age-specific nomal values recorded in the literature30 31 33.the participants demonstrated deficiencies of 21% for tinetti mobility skills, 62% for gait velocity and 56% for stride length. The exercise and the control groups were not significantly different with regard to their profile of baseline deficiencies in these functional capacities. タイプミスあったらすみません。 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1466871

  • 英語翻訳お願いします

    Due to delayed muscle activity of the lower extremity to which application of weight loading failed during terminal stance peak, the anterior transition force weakens and gait patterns of both lower extremities are affected, leading to asymmetric gait. 重さ積載の応用がターミナルのスタンス・ピークの間、失敗した下肢の遅れた筋肉活動のために、力が弱める前方移行と両下肢の足取りパターンは影響を受けます。そして、非対称の足取りに至ります 翻訳にかけるとこんなかんじです。 すみません。

  • 英語論文翻訳お願いします

    Testing procedures All study participants completed manual muscle and Tinetti mobility testing , isokinetic strength testing of the quadriceps and hamstring muscle groups , exercise stress testing and gait and balance testing bath at the beginning and gait and balance testing bath at the beginning and end of the 12-wk study period. These measurements were made by blinded examiners at baseline and 7 to 10 days after completion of either the exercise or control protocols. Positioning of the subjects for manual muscle testing of the various lower extremity muscle groups and the zero to five muscle strength grading system were based on the positions and grades established by Kendall and MCreary.27 Modifications in muscle testing were made as necessary following the procedures recommended by Daniels and Worthingham.28 Leg length discrepancies and significant joint motion limitations were recorded at this time. Clinical gait and balance were measured with a modified version of Tinetti’s instrument.29 This mobility test involves a series of simple tasks including sitting, standing up from and sitting down in a cair, standing and tandem standing both with eyes open and closed , turning in a circle, turning head from side to side , standing on one leg , reaching and bending to pick up an object, withstanding a nudge on the sternum while standing and walking short distances with or without the aid of an assistive device. Observations of gait were made for gait intiation, step length and height, step symmetry, step continuity and gait path. Each task was scored on a zero to one or zero to two scale . Isokinetic muscle strength testing was performed at 60°per second to obtain concentric isokinetic strength measurements for knee flexion and extension, measurements for knee flexion and extension, utilizing the Cybex II isokinetic dynamometer (Lumex, Inc. Bayshore, NY) and single-channel chart recorder. Adjustments for age were determined by estimating a 1% decline in strength per year after age 40.30 Measurements of endurance were recorded by tabulating the number of repetitions completed at 180°per second before strength declined to <50% of peak torque. Testing procedures All study participants completed manual muscle and Tinetti mobility testing , isokinetic strength testing of the quadriceps and hamstring muscle groups , exercise stress testing and gait and balance testing bath at the beginning and gait and balance testing bath at the beginning and end of the 12-wk study period. These measurements were made by blinded examiners at baseline and 7 to 10 days after completion of either the exercise or control protocols. Positioning of the subjects for manual muscle testing of the various lower extremity muscle groups and the zero to five muscle strength grading system were based on the positions and grades established by Kendall and MCreary.27 Modifications in muscle testing were made as necessary following the procedures recommended by Daniels and Worthingham.28 Leg length discrepancies and significant joint motion limitations were recorded at this time. Clinical gait and balance were measured with a modified version of Tinetti’s instrument.29 This mobility test involves a series of simple tasks including sitting, standing up from and sitting down in a cair, standing and tandem standing both with eyes open and closed , turning in a circle, turning head from side to side , standing on one leg , reaching and bending to pick up an object, withstanding a nudge on the sternum while standing and walking short distances with or without the aid of an assistive device. Observations of gait were made for gait intiation, step length and height, step symmetry, step continuity and gait path. Each task was scored on a zero to one or zero to two scale . よろしくお願いします